The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 2622 This place is actually in the space of consciousness

Lu Chen said disapprovingly, "I want to see what will eat everyone's flesh."

Everyone who saw Lu Chen not taking it seriously started laughing instead.

"Little brother, we didn't scare you. That thing is dark and very fast, so you can't even hide it." You Yao threatened.

"Oh? Really?" Lu Chen smiled strangely.

"Really, little brother, don't be careless!"

"Little brother, take a bite of that thing, and your body will be gone!"

These guys spoke more outrageously than one, and the wolf demon king was so frightened that he stood beside Chase Lu and said in horror, "My lord, you look so scary."

Lu Chen smiled calmly, and then divided countless souls at once, and each of them looked the same.

Everyone was confused, and some people became weird, "Boy, you, what are you capable of? Why are there so many clones?"

Lu Chen didn't explain, but looked around, "Here comes what you said."

Then everyone saw a group of black shadows rushing over, and then Lu Chen's souls disappeared one by one, and in the process of disappearing, Lu Chen already knew what this thing looked like through the souls.

In fact, it was transformed by the Yaopeng King, but it has no body, and what there is is only a mass of soul shadow, and this soul shadow can quickly devour the body.

But everyone didn't know what it looked like, so they all thought it was scary, but Chase Lu smiled and released the caterpillar directly.

"Come on, trap this group of souls for me."

The caterpillar glanced at the mass of souls, and immediately became interested, and then spewed out a mass of green light, which turned into a barrier, trapping the mass of souls.

In the next moment, this ghost loomed and turned into the Yaopeng King.

When everyone saw this, they were startled one by one, and some even shouted, "Yes, it's the Yaopeng King!"

"Is it really the Demon King?"

"What's going on?"

The demons at the scene were all startled one by one, and even found it unbelievable, but King Yaopeng stared at Lu Chen, "Boy, what the hell are you!"

Lu Chen leaned his hands on his back and looked at King Yaopeng with a smile, "Aren't you very good?"

"If it wasn't for this monster, would you have caught me?" King Yaopeng said dissatisfied, and Lu Chen said with a smile, "Then now, should you submit to me, or wait to be eaten by it."

King Yaopeng was stunned and said, "You think it will eat me?"

"I'm sorry, if you want to talk about eating monsters, it's no weaker than you, and it can also devour demon souls." Lu Chen said with a smile.

King Yaopeng didn't believe it, and tried to attack the caterpillar with the demon soul technique, but the caterpillar opened its mouth and swallowed the opponent's attack.

Seeing this scene, the monsters present gasped one by one, and murmured, "What kind of monster is this that can swallow the demon soul technique?"

"It's scary."

King Yaopeng was anxious, "Boy, if you let me go, I will let you go."

Unexpectedly, Lu Chen shook his head and looked at King Yaopeng with a smile, "It's impossible for me to let you go, so just give up."

King Yaopeng was furious, "This is my territory, if you don't let me go, I won't let you go either."

"As long as I get rid of you, can't I go out?" Lu Chen said indifferently, but King Yaopeng stared and said, "What do you know?"

The corner of Lu Chen's mouth curled up, "I'll let you know what I know."

After Lu Chen finished speaking, let the caterpillar go in.

The caterpillar entered the barrier, and as soon as it got close to King Yaopeng's soul, King Yaopeng felt very uncomfortable, and trembled in fright, "What the hell!"

"Tell me, surrender or die."

King Yaopeng was about to say something, but a golden light flew from a distance and hit the soul of Yaopeng King, and then the soul of Yaopeng King dissipated.

Everyone was shocked, "Dead?"

"King Yaopeng, is it just gone?"

There are also monsters who don't believe it, "No way."

"There's nothing wrong with it, it looks like it's dead."

All of a sudden, countless demons became timid, because the surrounding space has not yet dissipated, which means that they may be trapped for a lifetime.

Lu Chen looked at the place where Jin Guang came just now, and said to everyone, "If you don't want to die, come with me."

I saw Chase Lu walking in one direction.

After everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, they hurriedly followed, and the caterpillar also followed behind Chase Lu.

After a while, Lu Chen and the others came under a wall, and the other monsters sighed one by one after seeing this scene again.

"Here it is again."

"The wall of this space cannot get out at all."

"No, it's too difficult to go out."

For a while, everyone thought it was impossible, but Lu Chen said calmly, "If you don't try, how will you know?"

Lu Chen looked at the caterpillar, "Is there a solution?"

"Yes." The caterpillar sniffed it, and suddenly opened its mouth and gnawed a large piece, and a large piece was missing in the corner of the wall.

Everyone was stunned, wondering what the caterpillar did and why it was so powerful, but the caterpillar said to Lu Chen, "These things are really a kind of demon soul method."

"So, this space barrier is the demon soul method?" Lu Chen stared at the caterpillar curiously.

"It's probably the consciousness space of King Yaopeng, and these are its space barriers." The caterpillar said after thinking about it.

Everyone was shocked when they heard it, and some stammered, "What? We are in the consciousness space of King Yaopeng?"

"how can that be?"

The caterpillar murmured, "Believe it or not, it's up to you."

After finishing speaking, the caterpillar continued to gnaw, until after a while, it gnawed the space of consciousness, and then a crack appeared.

Everyone flew out immediately one by one.

When they came outside, everyone happened to see King Yaopeng's body lying there, and since he had no soul, it looked dead.

And this also made everyone conclude that everyone was indeed in the consciousness space of King Yaopeng just now.

But now that everyone came out, they stepped forward to thank Lu Chen, but Lu Chen looked at them and said, "I don't want your thanks, but I just want you to answer my question."

Everyone looked at Chase Lu one after another, wondering what Chen Chase Lu needed to know.

"Do you know what happened to that golden light just now?" Lu Chen looked at these monsters, wanting to know from them what that golden light was just now.

But everyone was confused, obviously not knowing, and the wolf demon king was also curious, "My lord, the golden light just now was too fast, and there was no time to react."

Some demons also said, "It's indeed quite fast, but in the secret realm of demons, anyone with this ability, apart from the dean of the demon mausoleum, should be the ancient soul of the demon."

"Old demon soul?" The wolf demon king widened his eyes.

Lu Chen was suspicious, "What is the ancient demon soul?"

The wolf demon king hurriedly explained, "My lord, the ancient demon soul is an ancient demon soul in the Yaomi territory. It is said that it has no body and will only be placed in other people's bodies, but no one has seen its true colors." (End of this chapter )

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