The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 2623 I can't subdue you if I don't believe it!

After hearing the words of the wolf demon soul, the other demons also expressed that it was very likely to be the ancient demon soul, but Lu Chen asked curiously, "Then do you know where the ancient demon soul is?"

Everyone shook their heads, expressing that they didn't even know the true face of the ancient ghost, let alone where it was hidden.

Lu Chen had no choice but to clean up his mood, "It seems that we can only leave first."

After Lu Chen asked everyone to leave, he took the Wolf Demon King with him to leave the Monster Secret Realm and go to the Insect Secret Realm.

It's just that when he was about to leave the demon secret realm, the exit was gone.

"What's going on?" Lu Chen looked at the Demon Wolf King, who looked serious, "The exit disappeared."


"Yes, the exit of the secret realm disappeared, but not completely." The wolf demon king said very strangely.

Lu Chen looked at it, "Tell me, what's going on."

The wolf demon king explained, "When the exit disappears, it will usually appear in another place, and this place is more dangerous."


"Come with me." The wolf demon king took Lu Chen with him and left from the original position together.


After a while, when they reappeared, they were in a place full of mist, and the wolf demon king explained, "This place is called Yaowu Mountain."

"Monster Mist Mountain?"

"Yes, the exits that usually disappear will appear in this mountain, but it will be more troublesome to find, and some monsters like to stay here and hunt, so." The wolf demon king explained the horror of this place. .

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Understood."

I saw Lu Chen turned on the "All Souls Technique", quickly found the exit, and then walked out of the fog with the Wolf Demon King.

But after walking out of the mist for a while, he saw an extra layer of enchantment beside the exit, and outside the enchantment, there was a black tiger lying on his stomach.

"It's coming." Heihu stretched and got up, but the wolf demon king was startled, "It's it, let me kill you."

After seeing it, Lu Chen sized it up and said, "Are you from Xueyou Palace?"

"That's right." Heihu said simply.

Lu Chen smiled, "I advise you, stay away from me, or you will be at your own risk."

"You don't think that if you get the magic pot, you will be invincible in the world, and no monsters will be afraid of you, right?" Heihu teased Lu Chen with a mocking tone.

Lu Chen looked it up and down and smiled, "Oh? What's your opinion?"

The corner of Heihu's mouth curled up, "To tell you the truth, I have a way to restrain the influence of the magic pot on me, so even if you take out the magic pot, it won't affect me."

"Oh? Really?" Lu Chen said with a smile.

Heihu had a thought, and many black tiger shadows appeared around, as if there were many clones.

The wolf demon king was startled when he saw it, "A lot!"

Not only that, these black tigers surrounded Lu Chen and the wolf demon king one by one, and Lu Chen took out the magic pot.

The divine pot immediately released a dark light, covering the black tigers, but the black tigers suddenly flashed black light, confronting the light of the divine pot.

Heihu laughed loudly, "It's useless, my move is designed to restrain the magic pot."

After finishing speaking, the golden word "King" appeared on Heihu's forehead.

It looks wicked.

But Lu Chen didn't care at all. Instead, he took out the Battle Soul Sword, gathered the sword energy, and hit the Black Tiger King one by one.

But the golden light on the Black Tiger King's forehead immediately released, and protected it, and then proudly said, "How about it, can't do it."

Lu Chen stared carefully at the word "King" and then smiled, "I said, how dare you come out to trouble me now, it turns out that the ancient demon soul is hidden in your body."

The Black Tiger King was startled, "How do you know?"

"I was curious just now. You could only show up secretly before, but now you can blatantly confront me, so I think there is a problem." Lu Chen teased the Black Tiger King.

Seeing that he was seen through, the Black Tiger King did not hide it, "Yes, it is indeed in my body, so today, if you don't die, you have to die."

Lu Chen smiled wryly, "With it, do you feel that you are very powerful?"

"Nonsense, the ancient demon soul can give me a lot of power, and with it, your magic pot is useless to me." The Black Tiger King said confidently.

Lu Chen smiled, "I'll let you know, it can't save you."

I saw that Lu Chen's sword energy was getting more and more, but the golden light of the Black Tiger King was also very strong, and could even resist the sword energy of the War Soul Sword.

"It's interesting." After Lu Chen smiled, he switched to Long Yunyou, but Long Yunyou's sword energy was still blocked.

The Black Tiger King was naturally overjoyed, and laughed at Lu Chen, "Okay, don't waste your efforts, you can't do anything to me at all!"

"I'll let you see my new power." After finishing speaking, Chase Lu cast his demonic wrath.

Under the wrath of the demonic power, Lu Chen's demonic aura became stronger and stronger, and finally countless demonic auras soared.

Lu Chen's aura suddenly increased tens of millions of times, and the Black Tiger King was so scared that before he could react, these sword auras flew over one by one.

I saw these sword qi hit the Black Tiger King one by one.

The golden light on the Black Tiger King's body could not be resisted at all, and then his whole body was blown away, and then the Black Tiger King was seriously injured and fell down.

The golden light in the Black Tiger King's body broke away at once, and wanted to escape, but Lu Chen swept all his sword energy towards the golden light again.

Blessed by tens of millions of times of power, the golden light was hit as soon as it escaped, and then rolled in the air.

Chase Lu released the caterpillar again.

The caterpillar passed by and spit out a bubble, trapping the golden light, and within the golden light, there was a ghostly shadow shining, looming.

"Look how I ate you." The caterpillar said deliciously.

It's just that Jin Guang obviously didn't intend to compromise, but snorted, and then became stronger.

The caterpillar suddenly felt uncomfortable, and looked at Chase Lu, "This thing seems hard to chew."

"Stand back, I'll do it." Chase Lu told the caterpillar to step aside, and Chase Lu cleaned up the black tiger first, and let it enter into a contract with him before walking towards the ancient ghost.

Yaoguhun said in a hoarse voice, "You can't kill me."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes!" Yaoguhun said with certainty, and Lu Chen took out the ghost-slaying sword and shot out ghostly spirits.

Yaoguhun still stubbornly said, "It's useless, this kind of ghostly aura can't do anything to me at all."

Lu Chen looked it up and down, "So, you are really difficult to deal with."

"Nonsense, I am invincible, so it is absolutely impossible for you to hurt me." Yaoguhun said confidently.

Lu Chen laughed, "I can't deal with you if I don't believe it."

After finishing speaking, Lu Chen asked the caterpillar to drag "it" to Huangmen, and then sent it to "Jiujing Mountain".

Arriving at the "Nine Realms Mountain", the ancient ghost suddenly felt as if all its power was bound by something, and it was so frightened that it panicked, "What the hell is this place, why can't I use my strength anymore."

Lu Chen teased it, "Aren't you very good? Then you continue to show off to me!" (End of this chapter)

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