The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 3373 Cremation, bury yourself!

Seeing that Chase Lu was trapped by the barrier, Lu Guang yelled, "Oops, the power is restrained."

Lu Bingshuang was also a little worried, "Then what should I do?"

"His sword energy is probably also locked by the barrier, so." Lu Guang's expression changed.

Lu Bingshuang still had a glimmer of hope, "I think he should be fine."

"All right? Are you sure?" Lu Guang didn't quite believe it.

At this time, Lu Chen was calm and composed, and hit all the sword energy on the surrounding black enchantment.

At the beginning, the enchantment was very strong, as if it was invincible.

But after a while, the enchantment couldn't hold on.

Xu Tiangang looked ugly, "Strange, how could this happen?"

Then Xu Tiangang increased his strength.

I thought it would be easy to trap Lu Chen in this way.

What Xu Tiangang didn't expect was that Lu Chen's sword energy seemed to swallow the enchantment.

So no matter how hard Xu Tiangang tried, the enchantment couldn't be strong, and it would be broken in one fell swoop.

Seeing the shattered barrier, Xu Tiangang was stunned, "How could this be?"

Lu Bingshuang was overjoyed, but Lu Guang was stunned, "It's incredible."

Lu Chen looked at Xu Tiangang and smiled, "The enchantment on my body is resolved, now, it's on you."


Xu Tiangang frowned, feeling ominous.

Sure enough, the next moment, something unexpected happened.

I saw Lu Chen attacking Xu Tiangang's mask with all his sword energy.

"Boom boom boom!"

Xu Tiangang's protective cover was shattered, and other sword energy fell on him crazily.

In a moment, countless bloodstains appeared on Xu Tiangang's body, but they didn't hurt him at all. He flinched in fright, disappeared where he was, and hid in the clouds and mist in the sky.

Lu Chen immediately laughed, "Why did you run away?"

For Xu Tiangang's escape, Lu Guang was also unexpected, and still laughed, "I didn't expect that he would escape."

Lu Bingshuang was even more delighted, "That's great."

Xu Tiangang was in the sky at the moment, and shouted with anger and unwillingness, "Boy, you wait for me, I will not let you go."

"Oh? Really? Then you should come down." Lu Chen shouted to Xu Tiangang in the sky.

Xu Tiangang was very angry, and said something, "Boy, you wait, I will kill you."

After speaking, Xu Tiangang began to practice in the sky.

I saw the clouds and fog in the sky began to change color, which looked very strange.

"Look, the sky has turned fiery red." Lu Guang was startled there.

Lu Bingshuang also looked serious, "What's going on?"

Lu Chen said calmly, "It's nothing."


Xu Tiangang who was in the sky had already sneered, "Boy, you don't really think that it's nothing, do you?"

"It's really nothing." Lu Chen said calmly.

"Okay, very good, I'll show you the cremation technique of our Haotian League!"

Hearing the cremation technique, Lu Guang's expression changed, and Lu Bingshuang on the side became even more startled, "Cremation technique, isn't this the first Vulcan technique of the Fire Department of the Haotian League?"

Xu Tiangang said proudly, "That's right, how about the first Vulcan technique, are you afraid?"


Lu Chen had never been afraid, and he was very calm, and even looked at the sky with a smile, "Come on."

"Okay! Watch it!" After the other party finished speaking, the flames in the sky turned into a huge vortex.

The vortex opened, and there was darkness inside.

At the same time, there is a certain kind of power in the darkness, which seems to suck Lu Chen into it.

Lu Chen wanted to avoid it, but found that he couldn't move his whole body.

"Little thing, stop struggling, it's useless, you can't leave at all." The other party was laughing at Chase Lu.

"I can leave if I want to, so what can you do?" Chase Lu asked back.

The other party sneered, "Okay, very good, then go to hell."

I saw the darkness falling with the flames.

The darkness directly covered Chase Lu, and the flames were all around.

What Lu Guang and Lu Bingshuang saw was a pile of flames, but nothing else.

This made Lu Bingshuang anxious, "Just kidding, he's going to have an accident."

Lu Guang looked strange, "This old man has been seriously injured, how can he still have such great strength?"

Lu Bingshuang also wanted to know about this question, so she frowned.

And Xu Tiangang laughed loudly, "Boy, this is what happens when you fight against me."

"Do you think this is useful?" Lu Chen asked back there.

Hearing this, Xu Tiangang's expression changed greatly, "You still have a voice?"

"Why do I have no voice?" Chase Lu asked back there, and then began to absorb the surrounding flames.

I saw these flames being "sucked" by Lu Chen one by one.

But after the flame disappeared, Chase Lu was still enveloped by a weird black cloud.

The black cloud prevented him from moving.

Xu Tiangang thought Lu Chen was bound, so he snorted, "Boy, even if you extinguish the surrounding fire, it's useless."

"Oh? Really useless?"

"Yes, it's useless, because the black cloud on your body is the most terrifying." Xu Tiangang threatened Lu Chen.

Lu Chen smiled strangely, "It seems that you really underestimated me."

"I underestimated you?" Xu Tiangang didn't believe it.

But at this time, Chase Lu had already started.

I saw Lu Chen "sucking" the surrounding black clouds one by one.

At last the black cloud dissipated quickly.

Then Lu Chen's whole body could also move.

Xu Tiangang was stunned. He didn't expect that Lu Chen could move.

After seeing Lu Chen move, Xu Tiangang was also dumbfounded, "How did you do this?"

Lu Bingshuang was even more excited, "You actually cracked the cremation technique?"

This result, Lu Guang didn't expect it, and said with a face of disbelief, "It's really terrible."

Lu Chen was there, glanced at Xu Tiangang in the sky, and then smiled strangely, "This move must have used a lot of your strength."

Before Xu Tiangang could react, Lu Chen suddenly arrived behind him, and then countless sword qi hit him.


Xu Tiangang's physical body was destroyed, but his soul took the opportunity to slip away.

Seeing Xu Tiangang running away with fascination, Lu Chen smiled wryly, "It's pretty fast."

Then Lu Chen fell.

Lu Bingshuang stepped forward and said with surprise, "You are really amazing."

Not only Lu Bingshuang, but Lu Guang was also full of admiration, staring at Lu Chen and said, "I take back what I said before."

"before you?"

"Yes, I've offended you so much before, I'm really sorry." Lu Guang said softly.

Lu Chen smiled, "It's a trivial matter, nothing to remember."

Seeing Lu Chen's broad-mindedness, Lu Guang said excitedly, "You are so kind."

Lu Chen smiled at him, "Let's go, there are still many people from Haotian Palace around here, but these people are weaker than that guy just now."


Lu Guang didn't think so, and even said, "There are many masters hidden here, and they occupy our Lu family's air all the year round."

After hearing this, Lu Chen said, "Oh? Then do you know where they are?"

Lu Bingshuang and Lu Guang said in unison, "Well, we know!" (End of this chapter)

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