The Craziest Supreme in History

Chapter 3374 The Old Witch Underwater

"Okay, show me the way." Lu Chen's words startled the two of them.

Lu Bingshuang also asked strangely, "Are you really going?"

Lu Guang also became suspicious, "This is not good."

Lu Chen looked at them and smiled, "I can handle that elder just now, are you afraid that I can't handle other people?"

As soon as these words came out, they looked at each other in blank dismay, so after thinking about it, they brought Chase Lu nearby.

Here, there is a pond.

But Lu Bingshuang and Lu Guang did not dare to approach.

Not only that, Lu Guang was still lying there, and then said to Lu Chen, "There is a guy inside, very scary, once you get close, the water will rush up and roll you up, and several of our Lu family members died in the Here."

Lu Bingshuang also said indignantly, "We call the guy inside the old hag."

"Old witch?" Lu Chen was curious.

"Yes, old hag, a very hateful fellow." Lu Bingshuang nodded heavily.

Lu Guang smiled, "All right, I'll just see what this old witch looks like."

I saw Lu Chen passing by with a distracted soul.

When Lu Bingshuang saw Lu Chen let the clone pass by, he was full of doubts, "Is your clone good?"

Lu Guang was also curious.

Lu Chen affirmed, "Don't worry, it's absolutely fine."

After hearing this, Lu Guang and Lu Bingshuang quickly stared at the pool, wanting to see what was going on inside.

However, when Chase Lu's avatar reached the edge of the pool, countless blisters suddenly appeared in it.

These blisters directly covered Chase Lu's body.

Seeing Lu Chen's avatar being swept up, Lu Guang was taken aback, and Lu Bingshuang hurriedly said to Lu Chen's deity, "Did you see it? The old witch."

Lu Chen hummed, "There was an old woman in the bubble just now, I will take her down now."

"You really want to go there?" Lu Bingshuang was worried, but Lu Chen smiled and jumped over.

When Chase Lu reached the shore, countless bubbles appeared.

I saw these bubbles covering Lu Chen's body one by one, planning to take Lu Chen down.

Unexpectedly, a terrible scene was discovered.

Lu Chen directly absorbed all these bubbles.

So the bubbles lasted for a while, and then dissipated one by one, and under the pool, a woman's strange voice suddenly came.

"Who, who is making trouble?"

The next moment, an old woman exuding water-blue light appeared.

This old woman's hair is still curled up like a broom.

Not only that, there are many aquatic plants entangled behind him, and these aquatic plants gradually grow larger in the water, like vines stuck in the water.

Lu Bingshuang gasped, "This old hag is so ugly."

The other party heard these words, and the old woman looked at Lu Bingshuang and said angrily, "Dare you say I'm ugly? I really don't know the heights of heaven and earth."

As soon as the words fell, the aquatic plants appeared from the water, and then rushed towards Lu Bingshuang, intending to entangle Lu Bingshuang.

Lu Chen smiled strangely, and then directly hit him with sword energy.

Those sword qi hit the aquatic plants one by one, and the aquatic plants were immediately sucked dry, and then dried up.

Seeing this, the old woman was shocked, and stared at Lu Chen strangely, "You can hurt my grass with such a little cultivation?"

"It's just a few grasses, no big deal."

After the other party heard this, he looked at Lu Chen, "Boy, I think you are not bad, you might as well hang out with me, Pei Lao Yao."

"Old Demon Pei?"

"That's right, I am Elder Pei of the Haotian League, known as Pei Lao San, and many people in the Haotian League want to worship me as their teacher." The other party boasted.

However, Lu Chen looked at her and smiled, "I'd better call you old witch, it's more comfortable."

The other party didn't care and said, "It doesn't matter, anyway, as long as you know, I am very powerful, and you, submit to me, and I will spare your life, otherwise you can only stay in the water."

Lu Chen asked with a disdainful smile, "Then you are better, or Xu Tiangang is better?"

"Xu Tiangang? He is fire and I am water. There is no comparison, but I think I am better than him."

The other party said frantically, and Lu Chen said, "Then try it, and I'll see which of you is better."

"What? Are you from Xu Tiangang?"

"No, I just defeated him just now, and I want to see again, who is better between you and him." Lu Chen's words made the other party feel ridiculous.

"Boy, are you naive? You defeated him?" The old hag didn't believe it.

Lu Chen looked at her, "Is it true, you will know if you try it."

"Then let me see if your strength is as crazy as your tone." The old hag snorted.

Then the old witch released countless aquatic plants, and these aquatic plants entangled Lu Chen one by one.

Not only that, but a lot of bubbles are sprayed out.

These bubbles enveloped Chase Lu one by one, as if they wanted to stick Chen Lu to death.

It's just that Lu Chen smiled strangely, and those water plants and air bubbles dissipated one by one.

Seeing this, the old hag had a strange expression on her face.

"How is it, exciting?" Lu Chen looked at her with a smile.

The old witch was very angry, and she looked at Lu Chen stubbornly, "Boy, do you want to die?"

"Dead? Are you sure?" Lu Chen smiled strangely.

"Looking for death!" The other party couldn't bear it anymore, and landed on Lu Chen with his palm, intending to knock Lu Chen away.

Unexpectedly, Lu Chen turned into a ghost, and the opponent's move missed, but the old witch was shocked, "Your body?"

Lu Bingshuang and Lu Guang were also shocked, especially when they saw Lu Chen being attacked just now, they thought Lu Chen would die.

As a result, Lu Chen easily avoided it, leaving the two dumbfounded.

Lu Chen looked at the old witch with a smile, "What? The majestic Earth Ancestor, has no strength?"

"Looking for death!" the old hag shouted loudly.

A huge force directly rolled up Chen Lu and dragged him into the water, and the old witch disappeared.

This frightened Lu Bingshuang, "What should we do now?"

Lu Guang said solemnly, "Let's just wait here."

"But, just in case." Lu Bingshuang wanted to go there anxiously, but was stopped by Lu Guang, "He is so confident, then, he will definitely be able to."

"But, we don't know what's underwater." Lu Bingshuang frowned.

Lu Guang didn't know either, but he could only say, "We'll just wait here."

Lu Bingshuang was still worried, and thought about it until Lu Chen's split soul suddenly appeared, and then said to the two of them, "You guys, wait here, don't get close, wait until I solve her."

Seeing Lu Chen's split soul, they thought it was the deity.

But Lu Chen's split soul said again, "This is a clone."

The two groaned, and then waited there silently.

But at this moment, under the water, it was a different scene.

Here, Chase Lu was staring at the surroundings.

I saw a bunch of people below.

However, these people were all sleeping and wrapped in weird bubbles, while the old hag was swimming around underwater, laughing strangely, "Boy, do you know what they are?"

"What is it?"

"They are all from the Lu family, and I will seal them here, and then capture their memories one by one, to see if I can learn something from the Lu family from their memories." The old hag said proudly of her masterpiece . (end of this chapter)

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