──Thor’s point of view──

“As you have heard, Thor, two giant centipede-shaped monsters are approaching us.”

Rukie said to me as I left the tent.

Chancellor Kelve and General Reisenga were also there.

It seems that the two were holding a meeting here.

“However, the monster in that area should have been the dormant Great Dark Bear. I’ve never heard of a giant centipede-type monster……”

Chancellor Kelve nodded at Rukie’s words.

”Perhaps it is a new species, Your Majesty.”

“Let us immediately prepare an intercepting attack. Leave it to this Reisenga!”

“Yes, I will make the arrangements immediately. Let us proceed with the arrangements at once.”

Chancellor Kelve, Rukie, and General Reisenga walked toward the soldiers.

Rukie’s dark magic and the laser pointer should be sufficient for dealing with most monsters, but the other party is a new species. I’m worried.

“That’s ridiculous! Are you saying that it was Mariella’s men who roused the monster?”

A short distance away, Isaac Mueller was shouting.

“How foolish of them, going to investigate a dormant monster and provoking it. So, what happened to Mariella herself!”

“She fell into the river while escaping and was swept away.”

“So, we can’t even question her…”

“We don’t know the whereabouts of Mariella and some of her men. What should we do?”

“We can’t afford to dispatch a search party. Prepare to intercept the monster.”

Isaac Mueller gripped the hilt of his sword and looked at the soldiers.

The soldiers, receiving his gaze, straightened their postures and grabbed their swords.

As expected, the soldiers of the Empire were well-trained.

“We can’t let these monsters approach the city!”

Isaac Mueller shouted.

“The heavy cavalry will form the vanguard! The infantry will form a wall in the rear to protect the mages. The monsters will be eliminated here! We cannot allow them to draw close to the town, nor can we allow them to enter the Demon Territory. The pride of the Empire will be tarnished if the monsters provoked by Mariella cause damage. This is a state of emergency!”

“Yes, sir!”

“…… Mariella will be held accountable later. Zagran-sama, you too – ah, no more honorifics! I will have Zagran, the Minister of Military Affairs, take responsibility for the actions of his men!”

Isaac Mueller turned to me.

“This is a state of emergency. The talk with Thor Canaan can be concluded later.”

“Very well.”

Sophia nodded solemnly.

“Since I have rested, my condition has improved. Please allow me to use my power to protect my people.”

“I will provide further details regarding the matter later. Let us go, Your Highness.”

“Yes, Isaac.”

Then, Princess Sophia looked towards me and said,

“Thank you for everything, Thor Canaan. We will meet again.”

“Yes, Your Highness Sofia. Also, could you take this with you?”

I withdrew a small coin-like object from my pocket.

I was about to offer it to Princess Sophia… but…

“I thought I told you we were finished! Your Highness, please hurry.”


Isaac Mueller rushed us, after which Sophia walked away from me.

I guess it was too late to offer the…… item.

I should have given it to her while she was in the [Simple Warehouse].

“Thor, have you finished your talk?”

“May I speak with you, Thor-sama.”

Rukie and Mabel arrived in front of me.

“Rukie-sama, are you prepared to fight the monster?”

“Kelve and Reisenga are making preparations. I want to speak with you before the battle.”

“I am glad to hear that. Then, I offer you this item.”

I held out a disc-shaped item to Rukie.

Mabel looked at it, her expression indicating that she had noticed something.

“Is that the self-defense item you gave me?”

“A self-defense item?”

Rukie gazed at the disk in the palm of my hand with interest.

“It is activated by imbuing it with magic power. It produces a blaring sound though.”

“Umu…… I apologize, but we shouldn’t use it this time.”

Saying that, Rukie shook her head.

“I’ll be leading the soldiers to fight the monsters, and the loud noise may confuse the army. Besides, if it’s something to protect yourself, I want you to keep it, Thor.”

“I understand, Your Majesty.”

It’s unfortunate, but it can’t be helped.

A large-scale battle was about to occur, so I can’t disturb everyone by using an item that I haven’t explained the use of.

“I will lead the troops to the east. I will try to negotiate with the Imperial Guard to determine whether we can cooperate in the battle.”

“I believe Princess Sophia will fight with us.”

“I hope so as well.”

Then, Rukie grasped my hand.

“Thor, stand in the rear lines. Mabel, you will guard Thor. When Princess Sophia uses her light attack magic, don’t let go of his hand. Don’t let him rush forward with the [UV-Cut Parasol].”

“I understand, Your Majesty!”

“I wouldn’t experiment with the [UV-Cut Parasol] in the middle of battle, would I?”

“Hoh, I see. Then look me in the eye and give me your word.”


“No, I said, look me in the eye and give me your word!”


“Mabel, never let go of Thor’s hand.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Laughing, Mabel grabbed my sleeves.

No, I’m not going to jump in front of the light magic. Probably.

“Aside from that, Rukie-sama, I have thought of a strategy to defeat the monster.”

It seems that the enemy is a fast-moving giant centipede.

So, I thought of a strategy to restrict its movement.

It uses familiar items, so I don’t believe anyone will be surprised.

“I see. If it goes as planned, we should be able to eliminate the monster with ease.”

“The issue is that my items will be exposed to the Empire.”

“I’ll resolve that. Don’t worry.”

“I’ll need the help of the pixies. I’ll hold a meeting with Soleil and the others.”

“Yes. Also, on a different note…”

Rukie nodded behind her mask.

“I believe the presence of Princess Sophia will reshape the relationship between the Demon Territory and the Empire.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“If we begin communicating with the town of Nosa, our world will expand. I’m not going to allow a monster, or something similar, to become an obstacle for us here. Besides, I have a [Special Luck Ring] with me.”

Rukie removed her gloves and flashed the ring.

Mabel was doing the same next to me.

“As long as we wear these rings, we won’t be unhappy, right Thor-sama?”

“Because if we are unhappy, Thor will become a liar.”

“So, the monster will soon be defeated.”

“Mm. Mabel, take care of Thor!”

Saying that, Rukie went to where Chancellor and General Reisenga were waiting, while Mabel and I followed the other soldiers instead.

If the two of us became isolated, we might be attacked by other monsters.

“We’ll accompany you, Thor-sama.”

“Soleil and the others will be back soon.”

I looked overhead and was greeted by several owls flying toward us.

The owls all removed their hoods at the same time, and with a plop, returned to their pixie form.

“We’ve been scouting ahead.”

“I overheard you saying that you have a favor to ask of us.”

“Yes, I do. I need your help with something.”

I explained the plan to them.

Its purpose was to allow Rukie and Princess Sophia to battle the monster more easily.

“Well, it would be best if we could eliminate them without this strategy.”

“I agree. The [Buzzer] that Thor-sama designed is brilliant in concept, but it would be best if it remains unused.”

Mabel observed the disc-shaped item in the palm of her hand.

Right now, Mabel and I were the only ones in possession of this item.

I don’t think it’ll be of much use because of its short range…….

“Anyway, we’ll be ready to help. Mabel, just in case, be prepared to cast your magic at a moment’s notice.”

“Yes, Thor-sama.”

And so we began to walk after the soldiers.

In the front line of the Imperial army…

“”The monsters are coming!””

An imperial soldier shouted.

A jet-black shadow approached from the east.

It was fast.

The first thing that appeared before them was a massive face.

Its jaws, seeming like they could crush rocks, repeatedly opened and shut.

Its head was adorned with four eyes, its body covered with an obsidian shell, and countless legs extended from its abdomen and gouged the ground at a rapid pace. The dust that rose from the ground was proof that it was advancing at a blistering speed.

“Looking at it now, this confirms that it’s a new species.”

Isaac Mueller muttered from atop his horse.

“I’m glad Mariella isn’t here. If I had muttered even a word about fighting alongside the Demon Territory, she would have adamantly opposed it…”

Isaac turned his attention to the left wing of the camp.

The minotaur troops led by the Demon Lord were there, having formed a line.

Currently, the Demon Lord’s army was lined up on the Demon Territory’s side of the border and Isaac’s troops were lined up on the Empire’s side.

The troops were positioned a slight distance from each other and were positioned to each handle a monster.

Fighting alongside the minotaurs was a novelty, but the Imperial soldiers were unfazed.

This was because Princess Sophia paid her respects to the Demon Lord.


The soldiers felt that they couldn’t exhibit any fear.

On top of that, the princess was also present in the magic unit, further raising their morale.

“Soldiers of the proud Empire! Let the Demon Territory bear witness to our strength!”

Isaac Mueller shouted.

“Soon, the monsters will be within range! The mages will fire on my signal! Then, the heavy cavalry will charge forth! Infantry, protect Her Highness!”

Staring at the approaching giant centipedes, he measured the distance.

He slowly counted down the distance where their magic could reach.

“Eat away! [Void Magic Flame]!”


‘Why is it already within range of the Demon Territory’s magic?’

A red light shot forth from the Demon Territory’s army, landing on the monster.

The light itself seems to hold no offensive power.

However, the black flames emitted by the Demon Lord flew along that light, traversing an impossible distance and injuring the monster.

‘…… The Demon Territory is extremely terrifying. However, it is also a reassuring ally at this moment!’

‘Anyway, we should be able to deal with one of the enemies.’

Thinking this, Isaac raised his hand to signal his troops.

“Now, mages, fire at the enemy! After that, this little officer will charge forth!”

“Fire! [Fireball]!”


A large number of fireballs shot out from the palms of the mages.

Immediately thereafter, the cavalry began their charge.

Isaac, at the forefront, cast a strengthening spell on his spear. One unable to do this was unable to become a high-ranking military officer. Isaac confirmed that his spear had been dyed red.

A fireball crashed omto the body of the giant centipede and burst open.


The giant centipede slammed the ground, as if it was displeased by it.

Its long body shot up and down like a whip.

It avoided a large number of fireballs and charged directly at the group of cavalrymen.


“I-it’s moving too fast!

The cavalrymen were knocked onto the ground.

The centipede boasted a frame longer than ten meters.

The nearby ground quaked as it passed, causing the horses to panic.

Even so, the soldiers still struck the centipede with their spears and halberds.

‘”Aim for the legs! Deprive it of its mobility and this thing will just be a sluggish, long worm!”

“”Yes sir!””

“Infantry, advance but leave Her Highness’ escort behind! Line up your large shields and become a wall. Impede the movements of the monster. ”


The cries of the infantrymen echoed from behind.

Even though it was already surrounded, the giant centipede’s movements did not falter.

At this rate, the soldiers would be unable to maintain their strength.

Isaac thought so, but then-

「「「「We’re here to help! 」」」」


Black chains descended from the sky.

The long, long chain, seeming like an amalgamation of several smaller chains linked together, entangled the body of the monster.

Isaac turned his gaze upwards and saw multiple owls flying around.

「「「[Land Lock]!!!」」」」


As though summoned by the owls’ shouts, a large number of thinner chains flew out of the black chain.

They thrust into the ground, restraining the giant centipede.

The giant centipede struggled, but the chains held firm.

The chains appeared thin and fragile, but they did not break, nor did they loosen, completely binding the monster in place.

“Don’t tell me that’s the same chain that was binding the holy sword?”

Did the Demon Territory discover the same sword?

Or did they already possess the chain, this being the main body?

“It doesn’t matter. Now’s the chance to eliminate the monster!


With a yell, the soldiers charged toward the monster.

If it stopped moving, it was an easy target.

Isaac took a breath and looked to the side, where he saw that the same chain had entangled the other monster that was fighting the soldiers of the Demon Territory.

The Demon Lord and the Chancellor’s magic landed, injuring the monster.

The monster on the other side was already on the verge of death.

The Demon Territory’s army would soon defeat the enemy.

‘Then, we too must hurry.’


Surrounded by the imperial soldiers, the monster cried out.


Perhaps unable to bear it any longer, a few of the thin chains shattered.

However, that did not improve the monster’s situation. On the contrary, the main body of the chain tightened its grip on the monster with all its strength. It was just like the time with the sword on the rocky mountain.

The chain would not allow the wicked or unqualified to escape.

“This little officer is not a hero, but I will not tolerate this evil being!”

Isaac gripped his spear in his hand and urged his horse.

He would be the one to deal the finishing blow. As he thought this, he suddenly noticed something strange under his feet.

The ground surrounding the area where the chain shattered was rising bizarrely.

It seemed as though something massive had passed underneath.

At that moment, Isaac remembered the report he had heard.

Mariella’s men stated that there were multiple giant centipedes.

They did not mention the number 2 in any way.

And some of the centipedes possessed the ability to burrow underneath the ground.

When Isaac Mueller noticed that…

“There is another one moving under the ground, sir!”

A shout came from the air.

“Infantry, fall back! Return to Her Imperial Highness!

Isaac reflexively returned to his horse.

The third centipede was advancing beneath the ground, attempting to surface behind Isaac and the others.

Behind them remained only Princess Sophia, the mages, and a few infantrymen.

“People of the Demon Territory! Another centipede monster slipped past us. Princess Sophia is in danger. Please… help!!”

In front of Isaac, the ground burst open, revealing a third centipede.

Clods of dirt scattered, knocking Isaac’s horse down.

Isaac jumped off his horse and rolled on the ground, looking at the third centipede that appeared.

It was enormous.

It was likely twice as large as the other two, perhaps the leader of the pack.

The giant centipede slowly turned its head toward Princess Sophia.

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