70 - The Demon Territory and the Empire Fights Together (2)

──Sophia’s point of view──


“──Great light magic!”

Princess Sophia began casting light magic.

However, she knew that she would be unable to complete it in time.

The mages on either side of her were panicking.

They, too, had not noticed the giant centipede burrowing through the ground.

‘I didn’t know such a monster existed…’

Sophia’s eyes widened at the sight of the monster approaching her.

Countless legs extending from a massive, obsidian body and fangs the size of a person’s arm, any one of which would be able to crush Sophia with a single blow.

“Through my hands, I will shoot countless pebbles at my enemies, all in the palm of the hand of the great being…”

Still chanting, Sophia stepped in front of the mages.

‘I’ve made up my mind. I will protect my people with my life.’

‘Therefore, I can’t let this kind of monster roam freely.’

‘── I leave the rest in you hands, Thor Canaan.’

The dirt uprooted by the demonic monster struck Sophia’s body.

Even so, Sophia did not waver.

She continued chanting the most powerful magic available to her while staring back at the huge fangs and crimson eyes that were drawing ever closer.

At that moment…

“Here we go! Icicle Bind!”

Suddenly, a blade of ice flew from behind Sophia and struck one of the giant centipede’s legs, freezing it.

Sophia reflexively turned around.

She could see Thor Canaan approaching her, a silver-haired girl following behind him.

‘Don’t come any closer, Thor Canaan-sama!’


The monster howled in displeasure.

“Please don’t hurt our friend! [Vivid Light Strike]!”

“Our benefactor cares greatly for that one. [Void Arrow]!”

Furthermore, the black and white owls above Thor’s head fired magic of their own.

White bullets of light and black arrows shot forward, the two spells piercing the giant centipede.

‘No! You will only endanger yourselves! No…’

‘An attack of that level won’t restrict the monster’s movements.’

It would consume Sophia and thereafter attack Thor and the others.

‘If that is the case, we must use our magic before its fangs crush us… or at least launch a mutual attack…!’

She would not allow the monster to approach Thor Canaan.

Sophia was determined.

Sophia looked at Thor and the others, thinking as such….

At that moment–

“Mabel! Is the item ready?”

“Yes, it’s ready!”

Thor and the elf girl raised their hands.

Both of them were grasping something between their fingers.

It looked familiar.

‘Was that the item he intended on giving me. What is that?’

“[Security Buzzer], activate!”

With a snap, Thor and the elf girl pressed their fingers together.




─ ─ Suddenly, a booming voice resounded around the monster.

As if shocked by the voice, the giant centipede froze.

The giant centipede looked around, fear showing in its actions.

It seemed as if it had sensed that there was an enemy nearby, one it couldn’t hope to defeat.

Sophia, too, felt a terrifyingly immense presence.

She felt as though she were being watched by something, able to even hear its breathing.

However, when she examined her surroundings, nothing was there.

The monster must have noticed this, as it attempted to move forward once again…


『Bi-bo bi-bo! Omawarisan! This way!』

Bik-bik-bik! Bikkuh!

The voice echoed again, the giant centipede halting along with it.

Meanwhile, Thor Canaan and the elf girl arrived beside Sophia.

The two of them were holding a disk that looked like a silver coin, but was one size larger.

The voice seems to originate from it.

‘I have never come across such an item before.’

‘It caused that huge monster to flinch without exuding any light or heat. What kind of device would make that possible?’

“Your Highness Princess Sophia! The light magic!”

“─ And great magic of light! Annihilate my enemies!”

‘We cannot let this opportunity pass us by.’

Sophia completed her chant and launched her light magic.

“You will pay for this! [Vivid Light Destruction]!”

Countless spheres of light floated around the giant centipede.


『Omawarisan, Help! Omawarisan! Omawarisan!』

More echoing voices struck the body of the monster.

The monster was unable to move, only repeatedly convulsing and spasming.

Capitalising on that opening, Sophia’s magic collided with the monster.



A hole appeared in the giant centipede’s body.

Sophia used a high-level light-attribute attack spell.

Each light projectile possessed power equal to [Vivid Light Strike].

Just as darkness magic manifests nothingness, light magic manifests existence.

And a sphere charged with light magic carried an extremely strong power of existence.

Those touched by it would have their existence superseded by the light magic.


“I am sorry, Mr. Centipede. Please disappear for the sake of our safety.”


In response to Sophia’s will, a sphere of light collided with the centipede’s body.

The giant centipede’s torso was shaved off.

“Guga! Geeaaaaaah!”

The giant centipede had nowhere to escape to.

Its body, grazed by the ball of light, was being shredded bit by bit. Its legs disappeared, its torso disappeared, and its body lay dismembered. Then, it died.

After witnessing this, Sophia fell to her knees.

“It has been a long time since I cast magic, but here I am. I guess I’m still useless.”

‘I’ve used magic only once, but I’ve expended all my energy.’

‘However, it’s slightly relieving…’

‘Thor, who is standing beside me, will support my body.’

“Please don’t overexert yourself, Your Highness.”

“I wanted to show you how impressive…… I am.”

“It was truly impressive.”

“I’m……….. relieved.”

Sophia breathed a sigh of relief in Thor’s arms.

She managed to catch her breath before standing up.

The battle had almost come to a close.

Of the three monsters, one was annihilated by the Demon Lord, and another by Sophia.

The one the Imperial soldiers were fighting was still alive, but it was at death’s door.

””You should never have messed with the Empire!””


The last giant centipede’s movements ceased as well, just as a soldier’s spear thrust into its torso.


Shortly thereafter, Isaac arrived before Sophia.

He must have fallen from his horse. His helmet had fallen off, and he had dropped his spear.

Isaac looked at Thor and the elf girl.

“Thank you for rescuing Princess Sophia!”

He bowed deeply towards the two of them.

“It was this small officer’s shortcoming that allowed this. I did not notice the monster advancing through the ground. Without you, the life of Her Highness…… would have been in grave danger.”

“No, I’m just glad I arrived in time.”

“However, what was that item that stopped the monster?”

“I cannot provide any details, but it’s an item developed by the Demon Territory.”

Thor Canaan responded.

Isaac Mueller nodded his head.

“I see. But, what is ‘Omawarisan’?”

“I’ve recall coming across it in books.”

Sophia interrupted.

“A young hero was bullied by others. He said to them, “Don’t do such a thing or I’ll call Omawarisan!””

“What a strange coincidence, I recall reading a similar book in the library at my workplace.”

“Thor Canaan as well?”

“”I’ll tell Omawarisan everything,” I remember reading a book stating that. It was the story of a young warrior from amongst the heroes.”

Sophia nodded in agreement with Thor Canaan’s words.

For some reason, she was extremely pleased by the fact that they had read the same book.

However, Isaac Mueller looked unconvinced.

“You two seem to understand, but…… I do not. What exactly is…… the ‘Omawarisan’?”

“Perhaps it is a being that protected them in the world of the heroes.”

“I agree. Otherwise, there would be no reason to refer to it by that name in this world.”


Thor and Sophia looked at each other and nodded.

Sophia recalled the earlier situation.

The giant centipede certainly looked frightened at the sound of ‘Omawarisan’.

It was probably due to a fundamental and primordial sense of caution.

In fact, Sophia and the Imperial soldiers were not affected at all.

It only restricted the evil being…

“The ‘Omawarisan’ must be similar to a guardian spirit in the heroes’ world.”

“I believe it is similar to a golem that moves with the keyword “Omawarisan” and protects the town.”

“That’s a reasonable assumption.”

“No, I didn’t consider the idea of a guardian spirit. I believe your theory is great as well.”

“Thank you, Thor Canaan.”

Sophia and Thor looked at each other and laughed.

‘I want to continue talking about the heroes’ world.’

‘With Thor, I feel like we could continue speaking all night long.’

“W-what! A guardian spirit! A golem? Is it a magic that can summon those!?”

Isaac Mueller shouted from behind them.

“B-but, no such thing appeared. Why did the monster become frightened!”

“That magic seems to create a presence resembling the ‘Omawarisan’.”

Thor Canaan responded.

“It is only capable of emulating a ‘presence’ similar to the ‘Omawarisan’ and frightening monsters. In other words, it is a magic that borrows the authority of the ‘Omawarisan’ of another world.”

“Now that you mention it, Demon Lord Rukie Evergard said that the Demon Territory ‘learns from humans’.”

Sophia continued.

“They must have developed a new magic by learning from the heroes.”

“That sounds accurate, Your Highness.”

“Let us not become conceited, but instead continue to learn.”

“Of course, Your Highness!”

Isaac Mueller tapped his armor-clad chest.

“This Isaac Mueller feels as if his eyes have been opened. To remember this feeling, this small officer will change his name. From this moment on, please address this little one as Isaac Omawarisan Mueller!”

“I think it’s a splendid name. Isaac Omawarisan Mueller.”

“I agree. It’s cool.”

“Thank you, Your Highness. Your Highness, and…… Thor Canaan.”

Isaac bowed to Sophia and Thor Canaan.

“I will now go and attempt to uncover the identity of the monster. I will also determine whether there are any similar monsters in the area. I will be taking some of the men with me. Your Highness, please return to the town of Nosa.”

“I understand. Thank you very much, Isaac Omawarisan Mueller.”


Isaac began to gather his troops.

He clenched his fists with a contented look on his face.

“This little officer isn’t a hero, but I am something closer to a guardian spirit protecting the hero……”

Isaac Omawarisan Mueller murmured these words as he was being seen off by Sophia.

Thor’s point of view…

“So that’s the high-level light magic, [Vivid Light Destruction].”

Particles of light enveloped the giant centipede and replaced its very existence.

Amazing. Princess Sophia was amazing.

When she recovers, she will be capable of casting magic like that.

“No, I think the [Security Buzzer] created by Thor-sama is more amazing.”

Mabel placed the item on her palm and murmured.

It was a thick disk, approximately twice as large as a silver coin.

This was the [Security Buzzer].

It was an item that was activated by pressing it with one’s finger and imbuing it with magic power.

“I was…… amazed that it could restrain that giant centipede.”

“It consumes a lot of magic power, so replacing the magic stone after every use becomes necessary.”

However, it was worth it.

The [Security Buzzer] in the [Mail Order Catalogue] sure was amazing.

The explanation went something like this:


Introducing our company’s recommended [Security Buzzer]!

Aren’t you worried about your children walking alone at night or on their way home from cram school?

Even if you can shout ‘Help!!!’ in an emergency, there are times when you may not be able to speak or even move your body.

But, with this [Security Buzzer], you can rest assured!

All you have to do is grip it and exert yourself, and it will make a loud sound and call the policeman!

It also sounds a siren.

The startled offender will not be able to move even a single muscle.

Very effective against a hostile opponent!

For your own safety, please purchase one of these buzzers for each member of your family!


It was a great item.

I created this one based on the one in the [Mail Order Catalogue].


Security Buzzer

(Attributes: Light, Light, Light, Wind, Wind, Wind) (Rarity: ★★★★★★)

The magic power of the mighty wind produces a booming sound, while powerful light magic emulates an immense presence, as though a huge creature is present.

This item is used to intimidate enemies and prevent them from moving.


It is activated by pressing on it with one’s finger and imbuing it with magic power.

It also affects only those whom the owner considers to be “enemies”.

Activated by magic power, it generates a booming sound and an immense presence.

The sound intimidates the enemy, and the presence is capable of causing them to flinch and halting their movement.

The sound rings out as a voice calling out to the ‘Omawarisan’.

The ‘Omawarisan’ is the one who assists the troubled in the heroes’ world.

(Sophia’s assumption: A guardian spirit that is ubiquitous in the world of the heroes.)

(Thor’s assumption: A magic item that protects people in the world of the heroes.)

The targets of this item feel the presence of a terrifyingly huge being in close proximity, and even sense its gaze.

The more sensitive one is, the more intimidated they will be and the stronger the immobilising effect will become.

A light magic stone and a wind magic stone are required.

Because of the intense magic power consumption, it can only be used for a few dozen seconds.

Please replace the magic stone after use.

Resistance to physical destruction: ★★★ (Can only be destroyed by weapons enhanced with magic)

Lifetime: 6 months (Due to its intense effect, it deteriorates quickly).

No user support.


“This item uses light magic, which represents ‘existence,’ to emulate an incredible presence behind the enemy. Therefore, the more acute your senses are, the more you feel, ‘There’s someone behind me!’, causing you to freeze.”

“That’s why the giant centipede was so startled that it stopped moving.”

“But, when it looked behind itself, it didn’t see anything.”

“However, it could still sense its presence.”

“Yes. It felt the ‘Omawarisan’s’ gaze piercing it, and it even felt its breath.”

“It’s a terrific item…….”

“Well, it still falls short compared to the ones in the heroes’ world. Their buzzer summons ‘Omawarisan’ while this one only emulates a ‘presence’.”

It might be dangerous to summon ‘Omawarisan’ in this world.

It’s an existence that the otherworldly heroes would seek for help.

What in the world is it? What kind of being is the “Omawarisan” in the heroes’ world?

“Also, Soleil and the others did their best, didn’t they?”

“They used the [Chain Lock] to seal off the monster’s movements.”

“They combined [Chain Locks], wrapped the combined chain around the monster, and then activated [Land Lock Mode]. However, the third monster that was underground uprooted some of the chains.”

“Well, as a result of that, the main body of the [Chain Lock] constricted the monster.”

I didn’t think it could be used for combat as well.

I’ll have to thank Soleil and the other pixies later.

“I’d like to thank Thor Caanan and Elf-san as well.”

Sophia, who had seen Isaac Omawarisan Mueller off, looked at us.

She then lifted the hem of her dress and bowed to us.

“Thank you immensely for saving me in the midst of such a dangerous situation…….”

“No, no, I’m simply glad I arrived in time.”

“I’m glad that you made it as well. May I know her name?”

Princess Sophia smiled at Mabel.

“She saved my life and I am unaware of even her name.”

“This girl is Mabel Refrain. She’s a subordinate of Her Majesty the Demon Lord, the person who tends to me and my…… precious fiancée.


Mabel’s face flushed crimson as she looked at Princess Sophia and me.

However, I had to properly introduce her.

Besides, Rukie had already declared that I had a fiancée during the meeting.

“So, you are Thor Canaan’s fiancée.”

Sophia stared at Mabel and nodded.

Then she curtsied again, this time in the manner of a princess.

“My name is Sophia Dolgaria. I would like to ask you, as my fiancée sempai, for your guidance, Mabel Refrain-sama.”


Mabel let out a strange voice.

She must have been surprised to suddenly receive a bow from an Imperial princess.

However, Mabel was also a close associate of the Demon Lord.

She immediately calmed herself and returned the bow.

“I am very grateful for your courteous greeting, Your Imperial Highness. I am Thor Canaan’s maid…… and fiancée, Mabel Refrain. Please accept my best regards.”

“It is a pleasure to meet you as well.”


“Excuse me for being blunt but…”


“I would like to know what Thor-sama’s favorite food is and what his hobbies are. And, if you don’t mind…… what type of woman he likes?”

“I don’t really know what type of woman he likes…”

“That’s unfortunate.”

“However, he loves practising alchemy. He’s always absorbed in researching alchemy and is constantly designing amazing items. He’s not fussy regarding food. He always eats his meals while researching. He’s so focused, that he never notices that I say ‘ahhnn’.”

Wait a minute. I wasn’t aware of that.

“Anyway, Thor-sama is a wonderful person. He always prioritizes us! He is very dear to both Her Majesty and myself.”

“I understand. Thor Canaan is a very respectable person.”

Princess Sophia looked at me and smiled.

I was about to continue when I heard a voice in the distance. A soldier came to call her.

“I’m sorry, but I’m afraid I have to return.”

“It’s regrettable…….”

I nodded.

I had hoped to speak with Princess Sophia about the legend of the heroes and other topics.

“However, Your Highness is in the town of Nosa. We are neighbors, so we can meet anytime, correct?”

“Yes, you are most welcome.”

“I understand. We will see you soon.”

“Mabel-sama, please tell me more about Thor-sama later.”


“I will try my best to be like you, Mabel-sama.”

Sophia, for some reason, looked at Mabel’s hand.

“I will also devote myself to receiving the ring that is proof of being a fiancée. Please guide me kindly.”


“Then, I will take my leave.”

With a final bow, Princess Sophia returned to the Imperial Guard.

Mabel and I watched her back fade with blank stares.

What Princess Sophia glanced at was the [Special Luck Ring], right?

She mistakenly thought it was an engagement ring.

I wanted to correct her, but Mabel and I were too stunned to do so.

Princess Sophia had already returned to the soldiers. She was issuing commands to the soldiers with a crisp expression on her face. I couldn’t interrupt them and speak about engagement rings.



“I am extremely delighted to have received the [Special Luck Ring]. It is the best present I have ever received since I was born.”

Mabel brushed the [Special Luck Ring] with her finger lovingly.

“So, I would be overjoyed if it was an engagement ring…”

“I’ve already given that ring to Rukie-sama as well…”

What should I do?

If the [Special Luck Ring] is officially recognized by the Empire as an engagement ring, it would mean that I am engaged not only to Mabel, but also to the Demon Lord, Rukie.

That [Special Luck Ring] is still incomplete.

I responded,

“When the final product has been prepared, I’ll present it to Rukie-sama and take the unfinished ring back. If the design of Mabel and Rukie-sama’s rings are different, then there will be no problem, right?”

“No, I don’t think Her Majesty will ever return that ring to you.”

“……Is that so?”

“You should speak to her since she has just arrived.”

Mabel laughed, a mischievous look marking her face.

She pointed towards the approaching Rukie and Chancellor Kelve.

“Her Majesty the Demon Lord and her army will be proceeding to the monsters’ nest.”

“The monsters’ nest?”

“The place where the dormant Great Dark Bear used to reside. According to the testimony of the Imperial soldiers, the giant centipedes seem to have emerged from there. We will follow the monster’s path and determine whether there are any remaining.”

“I understand. I will accompany you.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m interested. Besides, there may be some materials left in the nest.”

“If that’s the case, I’d like to accompany Thor-sama as well.”

Thus, Mabel and I were going to the location where the monsters emerged from.

Rukie was also with us.

I should speak to her about the ring when I find the opportunity.

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