“………… Eh.”

“Erté-dono. We have defeated these Mountain Lizards, do you think there are any more?”

“Eh? E-eh? Uh, no…….”

Erté hurriedly looked at the data in her hands.

“Mountain Lizards are rare monsters. I don’t think there are any others, as they usually don’t form large packs. Yes.”

“Then let’s continue our investigation. Agnis.”

“Yes, General.”

“Replace the contents of the [Magic Power Detector] with Gargarossa’s leg and,…….”

Reisenga looked at Agnis with a scowl.

“Do not replace the contents of the [Magic Power Detector] without permission. The item is meant for locating the magic circle. Do not do anything without permission.”

“… I’m sorry General.”

“Even if you felt it was best, you should have consulted Erté first. The one who is most familiar with the area is Erté!”


Agnis bowed deeply to her father.

“I apologise for my carelessness, Erté-sama.”

“Yes, ah…… yes.”

“I will immediately replace the contents of the [Magic Power Detector] with Gargarossa’s leg.”

Agnis opened the door of the [Magic Power Detector] on her back.

A female soldier was waiting behind her. She removed the Mountain Lizard’s skin and replaced it with Gargarossa’s leg.

Agnis then infused magic power into the [Magic Power Detector]…

*Twitch *twitch

The wings of the [Magic Power Detector] shifted once more.

All four wings pointed diagonally upwards.

Ahead of her stood a steep cliff, near the top of which was a dark cave.

A small curved path was carved into the side of the cliff.

“The [Magic Power Detector] is pointing towards that cave. There may be a magic circle in there…”

“It’s possible.”

Erté spoke while holding the documents in her hands.

“There was an article regarding this region that I read before. It is difficult to climb from the Demon Territory’s side, but it’s a gentle and easy climb from the Empire’s side. If someone from the Empire summoned the monster, it would not be surprising if there is a magic circle in that cave.”

“”I see……””

General Reisenga and the soldiers nodded.

Seeing this, a look of satisfaction spread across Erté’s face.

“It’s lengthy, but there seems to be a path leading to the cave. Let us see if it’s traversable.”

“Umu. Then, soldiers, follow Erté’s instructions and examine the path to the cave.”

“Understood. What about you, General?”

“I, along with some of my men, will climb the rock face by ladder.”

“I see. A ladder…… eh?

“Agnis, make preparations.”

“Yes, General.”

Agnis took out an [Improved Chain Lock: Ladder Type] from the [Ultra-Small Simple Warehouse].

Holding one end of the chain, she threw the other end up the cliff.

When the chain reached a suitable height…

“Activate [Earth Lock].”


─ As Agnis infused it with her magic power, the auxiliary chains were deployed.

The chains dug into the cliff and held the ladder in place.

Agnis lightly tugged the chain to ensure it was stable.

Yeah, it’s stable.

The [Chain Lock] that Thor invented boasted an anti-theft system.

When magic power is poured in, the auxiliary chains bore into the earth and root the chain in place.

If the chain itself is made into a ladder and the auxiliary chains are deployed, it would become a chain ladder usable anywhere.

“It worked, General. With this ladder, we can safely scale the cliff.”

“How many chain ladders do we have remaining?”

“Thor-sama prepared 10 for us.”

“It’s approximately…… 15 meters to the cave. That’s enough. We will climb up. Agnis, throw the chains from below.”

“Yes, General!”

“Erté, you may climb the mountain path. This chain was created by Thor. Agnis and I have faith in him, so we trust this chain ladder, but you must be anxious.”


“…… Erté?”

“…… Y-yes?”

“Please proceed with caution. If anything happened to you, the Chancellor would be greatly upset.”

“Thank you for your concern.”

“Well then, we’re setting off.”

Reisenga and the others began to climb the chain ladder.

Agnis remained on the ground, a chain ladder ready in her hands.

When Reisenga and the others reached the top of the ladder, Agnis threw the chain ladder, her strength boosted by the [Health Enhancement Pendant]. When it reached a reasonable height, Reisenga gently touched it and infused it with his magic power. The auxiliary chains were deployed and the ladder extended to greater heights.

“….. Esteemed uncle. Since when did the Demon Territory feel so unfamiliar to me?”

“Erté-sama! You’ll hurt yourself if you keep striking your forehead against the cliff!”

“I’m alright… I just lost myself for a moment…”

Agnis and Erté were approached by a group of soldiers.

They had come to report on the path to the cave.

“The path is narrow, but it seems to lead all the way to the cave. It is also only wide enough for one person to cross. The footholds are stable and there seems to be no danger of it collapsing.”

“I understand. I will go myself.”

Erté declared without hesitation.

“My job is to search for the magic circle and discover clues that could potentially lead us to the perpetrator. I have to confirm the scene with my own eyes and report to Her Majesty the Demon Lord and Uncle Kelve-sama.”

“All soldiers, please protect Erté-sama. Minimize your baggage. Agnis and my men will handle the rest here.” (Agnis)

Agnis also issued her orders quickly.

“Narrow paths are not suitable for spears. Take a longsword or a dagger with you. As a precaution, take the regular [Chain Lock] with you. If you use it on the wall, it will serve as a handrail, and then…”

The detailed instructions continued for a while.

Agnis handed the soldiers the items from her [Ultra-Small Simple Warehouse].

The path seemed dangerous, but if someone drew a magic circle in the cave, it was possible that they had walked down the path.

“There may be some clues left behind.” Erté said and departed with the soldiers.

Agnis and a few soldiers were left behind on the rocky ground below.

Their job was to support Reisenga, Erté, and the others.

“If Thor Canaan-sama were here, he might have immediately invented an item to jump to the cave…”

The thought suddenly crossed Agnis’ mind.

I wonder what Thor-sama is doing nowadays.

Perhaps he is researching items for the bath.

He said that he wanted to create something similar to a [Footbath] that everyone could soak in together.

Agnis would love to take part in the experiment.

It would be fun to take a bath with Mabel and the pixies… preferably also Thor-sama.

If we could use that technology to create a public bathhouse, people would recognize Thor’s greatness.

Perhaps fewer people would be wary of him like Erté.

“Thor Canaan-sama also set up a sign saying “Alchemy Available Here” so that everyone would be aware. I’m sure that someday, everyone will like Thor Canaan-sama…”

But… I would be troubled if too many people fall in love with Thor.

But it’s always better to have more people who understand Thor.

While thinking about such things, Agnis threw another chain lock upwards.

So far, 3 ladders had been connected. One more and they would reach the cave at the top of the cliff.

It was easy for Agnis, who had the [Health Enhancement Pendant], to throw straight upwards.

The difficult aspect was controlling its horizontal position. The angle had to be shifted slightly so that it wouldn’t hit Reisenga and the others. That was the only thing that she had to be careful of. Agnis was determined.

It’s a difficult task, but it’s fun.

For Agnis, this was her first mission.

Being useful to everyone. Using Thor’s magic items.

That was what made it so enjoyable.

I think I understand why Thor is so fascinated with alchemy.

“General! I will throw the next ladder!”

“Oh, please!”

At Reisenga’s signal, Agnis threw the fourth ladder.

This should reach the top.

I wonder how Erté is doing……

When Agnis thought of that…


A monster’s cry echoed.

Agnis instinctively glanced upwards.

Beyond the cliff, she noticed a black bird flying over the narrow mountain path, it’s body spanning several meters.

It was aiming for Erté and the others on the mountain path.

“A D-Dark Condor in a place like this? There are certainly records of sightings, but this is supposed to be a monster that lives in the hills!”

A panicked shout escaped Erté’s lips.

This isn’t good.

There were soldiers escorting her, but the foothold wasn’t stable.

The soldiers also left their belongings behind as they made their way along the narrow mountain path.

All they carried on hand were small items.

I don’t have a spear or a [Laser Pointer], and father has just reached the rocky area above.

It will take time for him to get to Erté. He won’t make it in time.

So, Agnis shouted.

“Use the button I gave you!”

“A-Agnis-sama! W-what button?

“Never mind, Erté-sama! Soldiers, please! Just put your finger on it and pour in your magic power!”

Agnis issued instructions to Erté and the soldiers.

At the same time, she took off the [Health-Enhancement Pendant] hanging on her chest.

“Those of you whose hands are free, use your [Laser Pointer] to aim at the monster! Also, I want you to stay away from Agnis!”

Agnis’ body burst into flames.

She grit her teeth as she felt the familiar heat.

Agnis was wearing clothes made of [Earth Magic Cloth], and her underwear was also sewn from the same material.

The [Earth Magic Cloth] was fireproof. Even if it was enveloped in flames for a while, it would not burn.

Now, if only the [Dark Condor] would stop moving…



The Dark Condor came to a halt as the sound of the buzzer rang out.

Agnis had given it to a soldier earlier, as a precaution.

The buzzer was small, light, and easy to carry. When a monster was encountered, it was easy to activate, simply requiring the touch of a finger. It was the best self-defense item for the cliff path.

“Everyone, grab your [Laser Pointer] and aim at the monster! Hurry!”

Agnis instructed the soldiers around her.

Immediately, the soldiers directed their [Laser Pointers] at the beast.

And then…

“Release, Gigantic Flame Bind!”

A line of flames burst out of Agnis’s fingertips.

It travelled along the light of the [Laser Pointer] and flew straight towards the Dark Condor.

The flames coiled around the bird beast, binding its body and dropping it to the ground.

“Kisha! Kishaaaaaaah!”

The outstanding characteristic of Agnis’ magic power was its immense might.

It was at a level that, without the [Health Enhancement Pendant], the flames would seep out.

When it was released as offensive magic, it contained tremendous power.

And now, the [Laser Pointer]’s accuracy has been added to the equation.

The Dark Condor burnt up unbelievably quickly.

“Thor Canaan-sama’s item makes people happy, so I can’t let people get hurt when his items are being used.”

Agnis exclaimed, her chest heaving.

“Agnis will cover your back. I want Erté-sama and the others to join up with father!”

Agnis’s pulled them back to reality, and Erté and the others continued climbing.

After confirming this, Agnis wore the [Health Enhancement Pendant] once again.

Shee also checked to make sure that the [Earth Magic Cloth] clothes weren’t burning.

“….. I’m glad there’s no problem…….”

After a while, Erté and the others reached Reisenga.

No one was injured or abandoned.

Reisenga directed Agnis, who was watching from the ground, to climb up.

Agnis quickly scaled the ladder.

In front of the cave, her father and the soldiers under his command were gathered.

“──Thanks to Thor Canaan’s chain, we made it up here with ease!”

“──I’m getting used to using the [Laser Pointer] to defeat the enemy from a distance.”

“──As long as Omawarisan is on our side, monsters will be a piece of cake to defeat…”

The soldiers laughed and muttered among themselves.

Reisenga glared at them and scolded them.

“Be on your guard! Anything could happen!”

His shout echoed through the rocky landscape.

“Thor-dono’s magic items are indeed powerful, but he himself said that he wouldn’t be able to compare to a hero! That means that there may be stronger enemies!”

Reisenga continued, looking at the soldiers.

“So we must be on our guard. There may be enemies capable of avoiding the [Laser Pointer]’s light. Some may ignore Omawarisan’s warnings! Unexpected things can happen at any time……. So, with that in mind, stay on your toes. Got that?”

“Y-yes, General!”

“Good. The reason why Erté did not want to use Thor-dono’s items was to keep all of you alert. As expected of Chancellor Kelve’s niece.”


Erté, who just arrived at the entrance of the cave, had a surprised look.

She sat down on the ground, breathing heavily.

Erté didn’t understand why the soldiers were looking at her in reverence.

“I’m glad that you’re safe. Erté-sama.”

“…… Agnis-sama.”

Seeing Agnis, Erté hurriedly kneeled on the ground.

Then, bowing deeply, she said

“─Thank you very much for saving me!”

“It was Thor Canaan-sama’s item that saved you. You can thank him instead.”

“I understand……. I will thank him when this mission is over.”

“Yeah. So please stop rubbing your forehead on the rock.”

“………… Yes.”

After a moment, Erté looked up.

“Thank you. But I’m still confused. The feathers point to the location of the monster, the light extends the range of the magic and the voice of…… ‘Omawarisan’ halts the movement of monsters. When did the Demon Territory become such a surprising place……?”

“That’s how the technology of the heroes’ world works.”

“…… Heroes…”

“The demons and demi-humans have to learn from the humans. The most powerful human being is the hero. And the person who creates items based on the heroes’ items is Thor Canaan-sama. That’s why I believe that we have to learn from him.”

“…… I still don’t understand.”

“It’s fine, take your time.”

Agnis smiled and grasped Erté’s hand.

“Thor Canaan-sama is very important to Agnis, so she wants more and more people to understand him. So, please take your time to understand him…”

“…… I wonder if it’s even possible to understand him?”

Erté’ s fingers grazed her reddened forehead.

“Aah…… Uncle Kelve-sama. I wonder if you too have had a headache like this……”

Muttering these words, Agnis and Erté started walking toward the cave.

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