Agnis and Reisenga’s group then entered the cave.

They found traces suggesting someone had been here.

Wood chips were scattered on the ground, along with stale bread.

Perhaps someone ate a meal here.

“Be careful.”

General Reisenga warned everyone.

The mages cast light magic to illuminate their path.

With the general in the lead, Agnis and Reisenga’s men proceeded to the depths of the cave…

──A few days later, Thor’s perspective──

“──After that, Agnis finished the investigation without incident.”

“Wait. What about the magic circle?”

I said, causing Agnis to show an uncomfortable look.

This was my workshop in Reisenga’s territory.

We were currently holding a tea party with Agnis, who had just returned from her mission.

Mabel and Soleil were listening with great interest, and it was the same for me.

I was curious, wanting to learn what occurred during the investigation and whether they discovered the magic circle using the [Magic Power Detector].

“We found the magic circle. Thor Canaan-sama’s [Magic Power Detector] was perfect.”

Agnis said as she regained her composure.

She then lowered her head to me.

“But I’m sorry. Agnis couldn’t see the magic circle…….”

“Is that so?”

“That was the decision of the civil official who was…… accompanying us. In fact, Agnis would have liked to see the magic circle properly and describe it to Thor Canaan-sama…….”

Now that she mentioned it, the general also stated that a civil official from the Demon Castle would accompany them for the investigation.

I guess that meant that the official didn’t grant us permission.

“Why is that?”

“If the magic circle used for summoning magic was left in its complete form, it would be very dangerous. That is why it needs to be strictly controlled and investigated under the command of Her Majesty the Demon Lord…”

“I see. That makes sense.”

“So, I think that Thor Canaan-sama will eventually be able to see it.”

“I see. So that’s how it is.”

“Also, the civil official who accompanied me said that we should be wary, as Thor Canaan-sama might create unexpected summoning items incorporating the knowledge of the magic circle. Both father and Agnis protested, but…….”

“I see… Wait a minute.”

I understood that magic items relating to summoning are dangerous, so they are to be strictly controlled.

However, why are they so wary of me creating magic items?

“I don’t intend on making an outlandish item.”

“Um, Thor-sama.”

“What is it, Mabel?”

“For reference, what would you do if you knew the exact shape of the magic circle and the formula of the summoning spell?”

“Of course, it would be natural to build a summoning gate allowing someone to come and go, so that Rukie-sama can visit easily, right?”

I intended on developing the Demon Territory into a place more comfortable than the heroes’ world.

The actual [Smartphone] of the heroes’ world – the item used in magic rituals – also possessed the ability to “speak to people far away”. In that case, what was necessary was to apply the summoning magic of this world to create an item that provided the same ability. By having them arrive before you in person.

If we designed a gate capable of summoning and returning the person, Rukie could visit anytime.

When her duties as the Demon Lord tired her out, she would be able to rest in this workshop.

That was why I invented items intended for relaxation.

I explained this to Mabel, Agnis, and Soleil.

“It’s a wonderful idea, Benefactor-sama!”

“Thank you, Soleil.”

“Ahh, why didn’t you let us pixies go on the investigation? If we were there, we would have secretly copied the magic circle and given it to Benefactor-sama.”

“No, you can’t move secretly. It would cause trouble for Rukie and General Reisenga.”

“Alchemist-sama is always so serious.”

“I am an alchemist who is a direct subordinate of Rukie-sama. I have to be reasonable.”

Then I turned towards Mabel and Agnis.

“I’m going to write a letter to Rukie-sama later, asking her to show me the magic circle when she’s done with her investigation. I’ll describe the [Summoning Gate]. I’m confident Rukie-sama will understand…. Mabel, Agnis, what’s wrong with you two?”

“….. I was just surprised.”

Mabel sported a shocked expression, her platinum hair swaying.

“I hadn’t even imagined that you would think of using a magic circle to create a gate that summons others to your location. As Thor-sama’s maid, I realised…… just how much I’m lacking.”

“I can’t even imagine a world where people can travel instantly on a daily basis… I really can’t…”

Agnis, too, stared at him blankly.

“But! If Thor Canaan-sama wishes, Agnis will ask her father. Tomorrow, I will bring you more information about the magic circle!”

“I appreciate it, but please don’t. I don’t want the general to be forced into an unfavourable position.”

Besides, it would be meaningless with only the magic circle.

Without knowledge of the spells used in the summoning ritual, the magic circle wouldn’t activate.

“Agnis. In addition to the magic circle, you found something resembling a sorcerer’s robe in the cave, right?”


“Agnis-sama. Isn’t that a secret?”

“Don’t worry, Mabel. We plan on releasing the information about the robe to the public. We also intend to consult Imperial Princess Sophia-sama.”

Agnis nodded.

It seemed that a robe was found in the cave.

It was a luxurious item decorated with gold thread, and it was not woven in the Demon Territory. It seemed to belong to the Empire or some other nation.

Furthermore, there were traces of blood on the robe, but no sign of its owner.

“I wonder if someone from the human lands secretly practised summoning magic in that place.”

“My father seems to think so too.”

“The one in possession of technology allowing summoning magic is the Empire. Princess Sophia might recall something if we show her the robe.”

“Yes, but that’ll likely be after we begin operations at the trading post.”

“The person who summoned the monsters might not be from the Empire. We also have to consider that information regarding the magic may have been leaked.”

I’m truly curious about the thought process of that person.

That person snuck into the Demon Territory and summoned strange monsters.

“I wonder where the person who used the magic disappeared to?”

“Maybe he was defeated by Gargorossa.”

“By the summoned monster?”

“Gargarossa and that giant centipede were both completely new species, with nothing resembling them in this world. It’s possible that he summoned them in an attempt to use them, but was unable to control them and became a victim.”

So that ‘someone’ may have performed the following ritual at the dormant monster’s dwelling.

While the monster was sleeping, they summoned another monster and turned it’s attention towards the dormant monster.

They tried to see whether they could command the monster. If not, they could quickly escape.

Perhaps that’s what happened with the [Giant Centipede] and the [Dark Bear].

“…… Well, we don’t have many clues right now. We can’t simply keep speculating.”

I shook my head.

I’ll discuss the magic circle and the robe after I meet with Princess Sophia.

Now that Agnis had returned, I preferred to speak about something more pleasant.

“Agnis, I just finished the item that we were discussing.”

“Yes, I helped with it too.”

Mabel raised her hand next to mine.

What I made was an item for relaxation that could also be used by the pixies.

It was surprisingly difficult to create.

I had to ensure that the effect would disperse over the entire area while not interfering with the user.

To achieve this, I requested Mabel’s help for the sizing and positioning of the items. Of course, I had to keep my clothes on.

“So I’m going to test the item. Soleil, Agnis, and Mabel, would you help me?”

“Yes, of course!”

“I want you to trust me!”

“Everyone will be delighted!”

“Thank you. Then, let’s go──”

Just when I was about to move…

“Please wait a moment, Alchemist-sama!”

A voice sounded from the other side of the door.

“I am from the Demon Castle. If you are planning on experimenting with magic items, would you allow me to be present?”

It was a woman’s voice.

I couldn’t see her. Of course, that was the case since she was behind the door.

“But first, let me apologize for eavesdropping.”

She was polite.

She knocked a couple of times, waiting for my response.

“It’s unlocked, please enter.”

“Excuse me.”

I had a feeling that she bowed behind the door.

Then, slowly, a tall girl emerged.

She wore a black robe, a collared shirt and a black tie exposed from within it.

Her long, ashen hair was tucked behind her neck, and she held a bundle of parchment in her hand.

Her appearance was impeccable, as was befitting of her polite tone of voice.

“It is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Erté, a civil official dispatched from Demon Castle.”

The girl bowed to me.

“I have recently been dispatched to work in General Reisenga’s territory by order of Her Majesty the Demon Lord and Chancellor Kelve-sama. I look forward to cooperating with you from now on.”

“Ah, yes. I look forward to working with you as well.”

I hurriedly stood up and bowed to Erté-san.

“The search for the magic circle concluded smoothly thanks to the [Magic Power Detector] you designed. It was also thanks to you that we were saved from the monsters. Thank you very much.”

Once again, Erté-san bowed deeply.

She really seemed like a polite person.

…… Hmm? Wait a minute. She just said that the search for the magic circle concluded smoothly……

“Could it be that the civil official who took part in the search for the magic circle was you?”

“Yes, that was me. It was also this Erté who did permit you to see the magic circle.”

Erté-san looked at me and nodded.

“I understand that you may be dissatisfied but Chancellor Kelve-sama has instructed me to do so.”

“If it is the Chancellor’s order, it can’t be helped, can it?”

“Yes, I understand your dissatisfaction… What did you just say?”

“I said that if it is the Chancellor’s order, then it can’t be helped.”


“I am grateful to the Chancellor. He always provides me with hints on how to develop items.”

Chancellor Kelve and I had completely distinct ways of thinking.

That is why his opinion is so beneficial.

His opinion, stemming from a different point of view, offered me hints for item development and motivated me.

If the Chancellor said, “We shouldn’t show you the magic circle,” he must have a suitable reason.

Perhaps he’s giving me a gentle reminder, saying “It’s pathetic that an alchemist directly subordinate to the Demon Lord relies on the summoning magic of the human world.”

That if I’m an alchemist of the Demon Territory, I should complete the teleportation magic with my own hands. Or something along those lines.

…… That’s a possibility.

“I agree regarding the magic circle. I will follow the Chancellor’s decision……. Huh? What’s wrong?”

“… You’re different from what I imagined.”

Erté was mumbling, her words a whisper.

“I thought the notorious alchemist would be more rebellious and aggressive since he annoys my uncle… But he seems to be a nice person……. Huh? Huhh?”

“Um. I’m not sure what’s going on. Why are you walking towards the pillar and… and why is Agnis grabbing your shoulder and holding you back? Hey!”

“…… Ha!”

Erté looked at me, her expression as though she just returned to this world.

“I-I’m sorry. Um…”

Holding her large chest, Erté-san took a deep breath.

She nodded several times, organizing her thoughts.

“I will be working in the Reisenga territory from now on as a civil official. That is why I have come to greet you, alchemist-sama. My work has some relation to you as well.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. I am also the treasurer of the border region’s trading post.”

“I see. The trading post related to Princess Sophia. ”

“Yes, that’s correct. I’ve also been told by Her Majesty the Demon Lord and the Chancellor to examine the magic items made by alchemist-sama.

The civil official Erté-san said.

She placed her hands on her hips and turned her chest, a confident expression marking her face.

“I will send applications to Demon Castle for items that seemingly may have a great impact. As for items that are not of much importance, I will decide on the spot whether or not people should be allowed to use them.”

I see. That made sense.

Sending a letter to the Demon King’s castle for every single item would be a very tedious and exhausting task.

Did Rukie and Chancellor Kelve send Erté for that purpose? They truly are amazing.

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