Hu Hua knew that he could not continue to waste time here.

He immediately said to the other nine investigators around him: “I will immediately return to Lin’an to report this matter to the senior level of the military department!” ”

“Student Lin Tian, you deserve more resources and more protection and cultivation!”

“Don’t worry, I, Dongjiang, have special treatment for a super genius like you!”

The composition of the 10-member investigation team is varied.

It’s not just military people like Hu Hua.

In fact, there are also people from the Education Department and the Professional Union.

These people’s ideas coincide with Hu Hua’s.


Must be reported!

Just when the ten people were impatient to return to Lin’an to restore their lives, they told the leader about what they had seen and heard about this trip and Lin Tian’s affairs.

Xu Tianlong suddenly spoke up: “There is a biggest problem now, which needs the help of you provincial and department-level experts. ”

“Lin Tian’s one-turn mission has reached the last stage.”

“The mission requirement is to enter the dark forest quest and kill a boss called the Corrupt Wolf King inside.”

Hu Hua: “Is the copy very difficult?” ”

Xu Tianlong: “King-level difficulty, 10 people scale.” ”

“Normally, such a copy difficulty, in fact, we Jiangning sent nine elites to escort Lin Tian into the raiders, it is also possible.”

“But this copy is more special, it is the root of this third-level beast tide.”

“It is the alien dimensional crack that has just appeared after releasing the beast tide, entering a stable state, forming a copy entrance.”

“We don’t have any information about this copy, we don’t have any strategy, we don’t know the mechanic of the copy, and we don’t know the boss’s strategy.”

“So to be on the safe side, I think it’s better for you to pick the best of the best of the best to ensure that everything is foolproof.”

“It doesn’t matter if the copy clears the customs or not, what matters is Lin Tian’s safety!”

The four dimensions of the attributes of the life class and the main battle class are not an order of magnitude at all.

Therefore, after entering the copy, the first priority of the other nine people was to protect Lin Tian.

While protecting Lin Tian, he also has to face the murderous monsters and bosses in the quest.

In Jiangning, a third-level base city, there are only a dozen extraordinary people who have reached level 60 of three turns.

And none of them are considered strong parties.

Compared with the masters of the provincial department, they are not farts.

When Hu Hua heard this, he nodded solemnly: “Your idea is right, the stakes are high, and we can’t afford the worst consequences!” ”

“Don’t worry, I will also go back to report this matter.”

Hu Hua looked at Lin Tian and showed a smile: “Classmate Lin Tian, we will send someone to help you complete the task tomorrow at the earliest, you can rest assured!” ”

After giving Lin Tian a promise.

Hu Hua led the other nine and left.


Late afternoon.

The investigation team finally returned to Lin’an, the base city of Dongjiang.

In one day, the journey of thousands of kilometers back and forth makes everyone a little tired.

It’s mental exhaustion.

But these exhaustions are nothing compared to their excitement!

Almost half an hour after the investigation team returned to Lin’an.

Instantly the entire Dongjiang is at the highest level of all organizations.

The decision to convene an emergency meeting was issued!

An hour later.

The Supreme Conference Room of Lin’an was filled with high-ranking bigwigs from the Education Department, the military and the Professional Union.

The news these people received was only to go to Jiangning’s investigation team to find out the truth of this beast tide and the rumors of the Divine Shelter Land.

But it doesn’t have to be that all the important people have to be there!

Zhang Peng, a small shrimp as a member of the investigation team, was also honored to join this meeting.

Dialects reach.

It’s all big bosses.

Compared with these big people who move their hands, stomp their feet, and the entire Dongjiang trembles three times, they really don’t even count as a fart!

Even Zhang Peng saw many people from non-three major organizations attending the meeting.

They are the heads of Dongjiang’s professional family.

These family owners are inextricably linked to the Professional Alliance, the Education Department and the military, and even most of the professionals and even the top of the alliance are sent by these families.

Even in addition to these four forces.

There are also forces that Zhang Peng does not know.

That’s the Civil Guild!

Don’t underestimate the guilds spontaneously organized by folk professionals!

That is, the Dragon Kingdom began to integrate various forces and organizations at the beginning of the catastrophe era, and only then did it form the current four-legged situation.

For other countries.

Guilds organized by professionals themselves.

It is the embodiment of a country’s high-end strength!

Of course, there are such guilds in Dongjiang people.

These guilds are either numerous and hierarchical, or they take the elitist route.

The rank of guild president is even higher than that of some military professionals.

There were more than 200 people in the whole venue, which looked spectacular.

Then, the real three top bosses of the Dongjiang Provincial Hall appeared together.

The commander of the three armies of the Dongjiang Great Wall Army, the Iron Wall Army, and the Sword Army, Xuanyuan Cheng sat on the main seat of one of them wearing a formal suit.

Sit beside him on the other two main seats.

He Chang’an, director of the Dongjiang Education Administration, and the head of the Dongjiang Professionals Alliance and head of Dongjiang Province.

As soon as the three big guys appeared.

The chatter that had been in the conference room disappeared in an instant.

The provincial leader Wu Fangchang beckoned.

The next moment, dozens of staff dressed in black entered, distributing a wad of secret blood oaths in their hands to everyone present.

These staff members were numb and numb, a few minutes later.

In front of everyone who attended, there was an extra blood oath of confidentiality.

Then the Director of Education, He Changan, spoke: “Comrades, you may all be curious about why we urgently convened such a meeting. ”

“Because this meeting involves the confidentiality regulations of special talents, it is related to the future development of our Dongjiang River and even the entire Dragon Kingdom, we have to be cautious!”

“Before starting today’s meeting, please sign the confidentiality blood oath, and after the signature is completed, our staff will collect it uniformly.”

Everyone present was stunned.

What a thing!

Also sign the Blood Oath of Secrecy!

So exciting!

Immediately, some representatives of the family were a little dissatisfied: “It’s not necessary, we promise not to leak secrets, can’t we?” ”

The gaze of Marshal Xuanyuan Cheng, the first military marshal of Dongjiang who had been sitting silently at the meeting, instantly looked over.

His eyes were like sharp swords, and he said coldly: “If you don’t sign, get out.” ”

At the same time, the plainclothes military professionals who were guarding around the venue also exuded an incomparably terrifying murderous aura.

The people of the Education Department and several high-ranking members of the Professional Union also looked at them with bad eyes, frowning at these misfit people.

Several representatives of the family opened their mouths.

They are used to freedom, and certainly do not like this state of being bound by indentures.

I just expressed my opinion.

Unexpectedly, it became the target of everyone in an instant!


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