Several representatives of the Maison.

Thoroughly convinced.

They knew that if they didn’t sign this secret blood oath today, they wouldn’t want to leave this conference room safely.

Everyone silently picked up the pen on the table and signed their names on the signature column of the secret blood oath.

In front of the table where they sit, there are their name tags.

At the same time, the staff standing behind them are also watching to see if everyone is actually signing their own name.

Small actions and cheating are not possible.

For a while, the entire conference room was filled with the rustle of pen tips rubbing against paper.

A few minutes later.

Everyone signed the secret blood oath, and the staff standing behind them checked the content of these blood oath signatures again, confirming that the names corresponded and indeed engraved their own blood.

Only then put it away carefully.

See that the first procedure was successfully completed.

Chief Wu Fang, the provincial leader sitting on the main throne, showed a smile: “Very good, then we will start the main process of the meeting.” ”

He clicked the electronic remote control in his hand.

The next moment, a video was played on the big screen in the conference room.

This is a comparison video.

The one on the left shows a military drone flying over a swamp and dropping a black object below.

On the right, everyone has seen before, the picture when the Jiangning beast tide occurred.

The picture on the right is too far away, so someone deliberately drew a circle on a black dot in the video.

Let everyone know that it is also a military drone.

And then.

In both pictures, a terrifying glare appears!

The violent explosion that followed, and the mushroom cloud that followed, and the terrible damage and cleansing of the earth’s surface.

Run in the same groove!

A whispered discussion erupted in the room.

The picture on the right they saw in the live broadcast.

What does the picture on the left mean?


A second video plays on the big screen.

This video is even simpler.

It is also a bird’s eye view of Jiangning.

It’s just that this perspective did not appear in that live broadcast.

In the picture, on the tallest building in Jiangning, it seems that you can vaguely see a person, holding something, and walking to the top floor.

The man tinkered with what he was holding in his arms.

The next moment, a golden beam of light rushed into the sky.

Then it spreads.

A huge golden shield that shrouded the entire Jiangning City was formed!

This time, the repercussions in the conference room were more than whispered discussions.

They all know what this picture means!

Jiangning is not a place of divine shelter!

That shield was obviously created by this person using some prop!

A few days passed, and no one present had forgotten the shock that the golden shield brought to them when Jiangning beast tide!

That’s the real wall of sighs!

Not only defended against the beast tide, but also defended against four terrifying nuclear explosions!

The two videos are played.

Next, there are two PPT slides.

On these two slides, there are detailed properties of the two props.

【TB-1 Engineering Grenade】!

【DS-1 Particle Shield Generator】!

The moment the detailed properties of these two props were exposed.

The whole meeting room can be heard!

Then came the sound of everyone gasping.

The resentment in the hearts of those family representatives just now dissipated in an instant!

Everyone was stunned and unbelievable!

“God… Mythical ?!! ”

“Isn’t the highest level only epic?”

“What kind of anti-heavenly shield value is this!”

“Billion !!!”

“And the auto-recovery attribute!”

“Which master is this! Jiang Ning’s beast tide incident, he should be the first credit! ”

“Could it be Master Luo, he is an academician of the Dragon Science Academy, a five-turn grandmaster of engineering, and many super projects in the Dragon Kingdom are handled by him behind the scenes!”

“I also heard that Luo Lao was in retreat before, and he didn’t think that as soon as he got out, he would bring us such a shocking superweapon!”

“Don’t look down on life and career, especially engineering!”

“A top-level life professional can also influence the direction of war!”

“That’s the pinnacle of life professionals!”

He Changan, director of the Education Department of the Dongjiang Provincial Department, said with a smile: “Delegates, please be quiet. ”

“These two engineering creations are not the works of Master Luo Tian.”

“It’s someone else.”

“The specific name is not convenient to reveal, and the following is codenamed ‘Luban’.”

Hu Hua was leaving.

In fact, he asked Lin Tian a word.

That is to discuss the follow-up meeting, and it is impossible to expose his real name and true appearance to everyone.

Moreover, if Lin Tian becomes famous in the world in the future, it will definitely not be possible to show his real name and true appearance.

Because the mage profession has a branch of the profession called Cursed Warlock, there are many cursed spells that require exact names and looks.

Most of the masters of the Dragon Kingdom.

When he debuted, he also gave himself a proxy name.

Hu Hua asked how Lin Tian would call himself.

After thinking for a while, Lin Tian gave himself the word “Luban”.

This is not the Luban in the king pesticide!

Instead, it represents Lu Ban, the god of craftsmen in Chinese mythology!

“Luban is also a life professional.”

“His talent is all creation, it must be mythical!”

He Changan said a few words.

Silence the audience again!

Everyone was shocked.

What is the concept that creation is all mythical?

It is a concept that can carry the rise and fall of a country!!

“However, it is debatable whether every creation he must be a mythical level, and whether the creation he created by the formula he transferred to a subsequent job is still stable at the mythical level.”

“But the current mythical grenade and particle shield generator have been verified, and he can replicate it!”

“Just give him the materials!”

“So, with these two, it is enough to make him a national treasure-level talent!”

“I propose to continue to report to the state and apply this Luban to the national-level highest-level talent training policy that we have never applied for in Dongjiang Province!”

“Raise your hand in agreement!”




He Changan’s voice fell.

I saw everyone attending the meeting, without thinking or without the slightest hesitation——

Raise their hands.


Zhang Peng looked at the neat, uniform, hands that everyone raised.

Get one’s dander up!

This scene is extremely shocking!

Generally, more than half of the delegates agree to such voting issues.

will pass.

And now, Zhang Peng sees it clearly.

Full ticket!

That’s right!

It is rare to pass unanimously!

No one disagrees!


New book by old author!

New books need to be cared for!

Please also throw a lot of flowers and vote!

It would be even better to have a monthly pass and tips!


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