The gray sky gradually became colder. Pieces of crystal snowflakes fell from the sky.

The tall wall surrounding Linzhou City was covered with a layer of white snow. The soldiers guarding the checkpoint looked at the sky boredly, admiring the first snow since the beginning of winter this year.

Common people living near the city's main roads are also looking at the white world through their windows. Some less wealthy families are counting the Renaissance coins locked in the bedside table and calculating how to spend the whole winter.

The streets of slums and industrial and mining areas are filled with dying poor people. These two areas used to be the demolition areas of dilapidated houses planned by Linzhou City.

Because the houses are all old and dilapidated, the area had been demolished to pieces before the virus outbreak, and only a few streets still had houses standing.

Local people can obtain the old housing, while migrant workers and renters are allocated to two large demolition areas because they cannot afford housing in the city.

Those who are unable to grab dilapidated houses can only rely on the ruins to build various houses.

Some directly plug newspapers on both sides of cement pipes to serve as houses, while others use wires to string plastic bottles together to serve as walls.

Others simply dig a hole in the ground and put a few pieces of wood and rags on top of the hole to create a crude 'basement'

There are all kinds of houses, nothing you can't imagine but nothing you can't see.

These people are not in the mood to appreciate snowflakes, because snowflakes can only be a kind of death charm for them.

Winter is coming, and no one will heat them or give them cotton-padded clothes. The clothes on some women and children had long been worn out, and they had no choice but to cut up sacks to cover them.

Beside the dilapidated shack, a woman sat there with her child in her arms, looking at the ground blankly. The woman's exact age is unclear, but judging from her dirty hair, she should be relatively young.

Hunger tortured her, making her seem to be dozens of years older. Her body was like a dead tree, surrounded by a trace of dissociated death.

Her cheeks were sunken, her eyes were sunken, and the outline of her skull could be seen on her thin forehead.

If this woman hadn't had her eyes open, no one would have thought she was a living person. Her appearance was more like those zombies outside that had entered the stage of degeneration.

The child in his arms was also in bad condition. The child had a huge head, and his head was bald and only decorated with some yellow hair. The ribs on his chest were high and there was no trace of flesh on them.

The two dirty little hands hung limply on the side, motionless.

There was no color in the eyes of the mother and son. They were waiting, waiting for their only life to slowly pass away.

This world is hopeless for them. Even when they distributed relief food before, they didn't even give her a grain of rice.

There are more men who are stronger than them. They don't dare to compete with others and will only target these weak women.

Chen Chong, who climbed over the checkpoint and sneaked into the city quietly, stared blankly at the mother and son, feeling extremely uncomfortable in his heart. He knew he should go away.

He has seen countless poor people along the way. He can save the one in front of him, but he cannot save thousands or tens of thousands.

Although he has more than 70 tons of grain, there are more than 700,000 poor people here.

Chen Chong walked slowly past the mother and son. The woman heard the footsteps and ignored them. She just raised her head and continued to stare at the sky blankly.

His originally light steps became extremely heavy as he crossed this dilapidated shack, so heavy that his whole body trembled slightly.

He hates the Ambreys who released the virus, and also hates the inaction of those high-ranking figures.

More than 700,000 people out of millions are struggling to survive. If they were willing to use the weapons in their hands to capture a few more towns, would these people still live such a difficult life?

Haha, what qualifications do I have to hate them? How can I think about the life and death of these people?

In the past, the price of food had been rising day by day. Why didn't I just sit back and wait for the new currency to collapse, thinking about taking advantage of it?

At that time, I also didn't care about these poor people who didn't have enough to eat.

Chen Chong stopped, what nonsense biochemical weapons, assassination, poisoning corpse transformation. If you don't even save a son and a mother, how can you talk about saving the city?

Eat slowly and don't choke. I didn't bring any water here.

Chen Chong touched his pocket and handed the small package of chocolate pastries that Mo Qingning gave him on the plane.

The woman ignored the thanks and broke half of the pastry into her pocket, then cut the other half into two and handed it to the child in her arms.

A piece of cake as big as a palm was divided into four parts.

The mother and son swallowed desperately. The woman choked and rolled her eyes, but she still persisted in swallowing.

After finally swallowing it, she hurriedly kowtowed to Chen Chong in front of her.

With his thin body, even bending down seemed a bit difficult.

Chen Chong supported the other person and reminded him in a low voice: Don't hide the food, eat the rest.

As he spoke, Chen Chong looked around. He saw a group of hungry people staring at the woman like zombies. They did not dare to provoke the rosy-faced and better-dressed Chen Chong, but they focused on the woman.

Listening to Chen Chong's reminder, the woman turned her head with difficulty. Seeing those greedy eyes, she immediately gave half of the food hidden in her pocket to the child.

The woman insisted on kowtowing to Chen Chong, but Chen Chong refused:

You don't have to kowtow to me, and the food will not be given to me for free. From now on, you and your son will be part of the Fuxing Society, and you will work there to support your children. Do you understand?

The woman nodded desperately and looked at Chen Chong with excitement. She knew that she and her child did not have to die. As long as she had a job that could take care of the food and a bite to eat, she would be satisfied.

Seeing the mother and son being taken away by Chen Chong, the poor people living nearby swarmed in and demolished the dilapidated shack, not even a scrap of cloth was spared.

The construction site of the New District Renaissance Association is still in full swing. After having a meaty stew for lunch, the workers were all full of energy.

If you can move ten bricks, you will never move nine, for fear that your performance will not be good enough or outstanding enough.

Gu Qingfang, who was standing on the construction site and giving instructions, saw Chen Chong returning with a mother and son.

He jogged a few steps and faced the door.

Why are you back so soon? Didn't you leave the city?

I had seen Chen Chong get on the helicopter and leave, but I didn't expect that he would come back directly without even being quarantined.

Chen Chong blinked at Gu Qingfang, who immediately stopped talking.

Sister Fang, let your workers stop for a moment. I have something to tell you.

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