The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 163 0097. Chen Chong’s decision

Seeing Chen Chong's solemn expression, Gu Qingfang had a bad feeling.

This man has always been confident, and things that can make him dignified are anything but ordinary.

A former factory building is now used as a large conference room.

More than 200 technicians recruited from the slums, plus more than 300 workers under Gu Qingfang, were all crowded together.

Wang Hao, Zhang Zhigang and others stood behind Chen Chong.

Everyone looked at Chen Chong standing on the stage blankly, not knowing what the other person was going to say.

Everyone, please pay attention. Every word I say is closely related to everyone. If you don't want to lose your life in a daze, then keep my words in mind.

Chen Chong's words caused the people below to explode.

They looked at Chen Chong in panic, thinking that the revival meeting was going to attack them.

Quiet! Quiet!

Chu Chengdong impatiently pulled out his pistol, pretending to fire a few shots. As a result, as soon as he took out his gun, more than two hundred people from the slum area squatted down with their heads in their hands.

Chen Chong turned around and glared at Chu Chengdong with a helpless expression. It seems that these people were frightened by the military's suppression, and they held their heads when they saw guns drawn.

Don't be afraid, everyone, it's not the Renaissance that wants to do anything to you. I learned a secret from the military. Umbrella's spies have been mixed into Linzhou City. They want to put viruses in the city and create chaos in the zombies.

Anyone who has watched the news before knows what ‘Umbrella’ represents.

In addition, Chen Chong was picked up by a military plane in the morning, so everyone believed him as soon as he said it.

This is how to do ah?

Let's run away quickly!

Where to run away? There are zombies all around. If you go out, you will die.

Listening to the chaotic and frightened sounds below, Chen Chong frowned, took the pistol from the bewildered Chu Chengdong's hand, and fired twice into the air.

Sure enough, the commotion below immediately stopped, and the group squatted on the ground again.

I don't have time for you to waste. Now I tell you to listen. If you don't want to hear it, take your things and get out of here!

Chen Chong glanced at the people below with wide eyes. Gu Qingfang's workers were relatively good, but the technicians in these slums were a mess.

Seeing that everyone kept their mouths shut, Chen Chong finally spoke:

Recently, everyone's food and drink water must be checked in advance. I don't know where those people will put the virus. So be careful with everything, including everyone's entry and exit must be checked.

As soon as the words came out, Chen Chong felt some problems. I don’t have a virus testing instrument like Umbrella’s, so how can I conduct a meticulous examination?


Suddenly, Chen Chong slapped himself hard on the forehead. This action scared the people below to the point of shaking.

I don’t have Umbrella’s equipment, but I have Black Watch’s virus detection equipment!

That's even more advanced than Umbrella's!

After understanding this, Chen Chong's mood improved:

Secondly, our construction speed must be increased. From now on, we will go all out to build the outer wall. Everyone will be divided into three shifts.

Chen Chong pointed to Gu Qingfang as he spoke: Sister Fang, go and count the brothers who have families among the workers, and bring all those who have families.

The women brought here can form the logistics department and be divided into three shifts to provide food for the workers. The specific operations will be assigned by Zhao Qing and Sister Fang through negotiation. In addition, Zhao Xiaona, you and Wang Lin need to plan the materials for the warehouse. If there is not enough manpower, you can find 10 workers from Sister Fang to join you.


At this time, a middle-aged man raised his hand with an uneasy expression. He is also one of the 200 mechanics.

What's up?

Seeing Chen Chong's sharp eyes, the man swallowed nervously and trembled:

Sir, can I reduce the food supply by half and bring my wife with me?

Hearing the man's words, half of the mechanics looked at Chen Chong. There was a hopeful expression on their faces.

Chen Chong pursed his lips and raised his head to think.

Gu Qingfang joined her own group, and those workers also became members of the revival meeting. There is nothing to say about saving one's own wife. But since these people were recruited temporarily, it would be a bit difficult to handle.

Moreover, the total number of these people's families and wives is nearly a thousand, and it is not known whether these factories are enough to live in.

A casual glance allowed him to see the mother and son hiding behind the crowd. The woman's body was still so thin, but after eating a meal, she obviously gained some strength. Her eyes looking at Chen Chong were full of gratitude.

Oh! Forget it, the worst I can do is work as a coolie a few more times!

Chen Chong squeezed his palms and made a decision:

You can raise a family, but your daily food supply will be reduced from two catties to one and a half catties. Your children and wife will only be provided with one catty per day.

If you want to eat every meal, you must be recognized by the revival and become a member of it.

Chen Chong felt that such conditions were a bit harsh. He remembered that when he was in elementary school, he could only eat four bowls of rice in one meal, not including vegetables. His mother was fine. Those children were growing up, and one pound of food a day was not enough to even fill them half full. .

But in the last days, women can still do the work. Children can only be a burden to consume food.


Thank you, sir!

Thank you, sir!

A burst of joyful cheers broke out from the crowd.

These unkempt poor mechanics cheered happily. This is the first time since the end of the world that I have seen such joy from my heart.

In Chen Chong's mind, it was a relatively harsh condition, but in their eyes, it was simply a gift from God.

Compared to a bowl of porridge with countless grains of rice, it was already a fairy-like day for each person to get a kilogram of grain a day.

Moreover, no one has even given out gruel in recent days.

Looking at the happy smiling faces, Chen Chong suddenly felt that he had found a new goal.

When Yaluohu shot down the plane, Chen Chong thought he had lost his target.

The plane can't cross the ocean, he can't go to the hive, and his wish to kill zombies with the T-virus killer can't be fulfilled.

Without goals, Chen Chong returned to the mentality of a small citizen. Anyway, relying on his own ability, he protected some people and lived a safe life in Linzhou City.

But after devouring Liu Feng and learning about the crisis in Linzhou City, he had another responsibility to protect the city.

Until he rescued a dying mother and son on the road and saw the joy of these mechanics, Chen Chong re-established a goal in his heart.

Linzhou City cannot be destroyed! There are millions of people here, and in the last days, population will be the most precious resource. It is also a weapon against Umbrella.

With a weapon like the Armed Hatchery and enough armed force, even if he didn't go to the hive, he wouldn't be afraid of Umbrella.

Sorry, I came back to do the nucleic acid test today and it was a little late. Updates will resume tomorrow.

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