The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 167 0101. The person who breaks the situation

Seeing that the teacup in his hand was about to be crushed, the old man slowly stretched out his hand and held Dai Jianfeng's arm.

The bigger the wind and waves are, the more firmly we have to hold the rudder in our hands. For those of us, power is a sharp sword that can kill the enemy and hurt ourselves. Dai Jianfeng, can you withstand the big waves and sit in this position? , are you still afraid of those moths?

Dai Jianfeng raised his head suddenly, and an aura of abandonment reappeared.

Yes! Mr. Qin is right! I have to fight, and I must fight! If Linzhou City falls into their hands, it will not be far from destruction.

Okay! This is the Dai Jianfeng I know! The old man slapped his thigh and drank all the tea in the cup. Right now, you are a guilty person, at least until the cause of Zhang SL's death is found out. , the rights in your hands are of no use at all.

Please let Mr. Qin make it clear! Dai Jianfeng looked at the old man respectfully.

The old man smiled mysteriously: What is the biggest problem facing Linzhou City now?

Dai Jianfeng replied without hesitation: Food!

Wrong! It's those infected bodies!

Dai Jianfeng looked at the old man's face and wanted to complain, but he didn't dare to speak.

Isn't what the other party said nonsense? Infectious bodies are not only a problem for Linzhou City, but also a problem for the entire Daxia and the entire world.

I know what you are thinking. Do you think I am telling you nonsense, old man?

Dai Jianfeng nodded sheepishly.

Haha. The old man smiled and continued, Without the infected, the food problem is no longer a problem. So the current situation is that whoever dares to solve the problem and who can solve the infected will be the one that people support the most. Man, are you right?

That's right!

So now who do you think is the most supported person? the old man asked.

Dai Jianfeng thought for a while, and then an idea flashed in his mind: It's He Hua! During today's meeting, this person advocated recovering the missile base to fight against the zombie tide heading south from the Central Plains.

That's right, and this eating operation was decided at a meeting before Zhang SL's death. I think those worms will not stop He Hua as long as they are not stupid enough.

As long as He Hua is stopped, it is tantamount to opposing Zhang SL. Whoever jumps out to oppose the current situation will have the motive to kill Zhang SL!

The old man's words became more and more dull, but Dai Jianfeng became more and more excited as he listened.

Mr. Qin, do you want me to actively join He Hua's side and support him fully?

Yes! Haven't the land and sea already controlled your territory now? Then why don't you be a favor and hand over your people to He Hua.

In this way, you, the polished commander, become the person with the least threat. If He Hua succeeds, you will also become a hero of the base. If you fail, you can successfully retreat behind the scenes. As long as you wait for the opportunity, you may not be unable to make a comeback in the future!

Okay! Let's do it!

In the main hall of the revival meeting, Lin Anqi was in a daze holding the communicator in her hand. She has called Dai Jianfeng and Zou Jianan countless times, but no one has answered the phone yet, which makes her feel very uneasy.

During her days at the air force base, these two people took great care of her. Especially Dai Jianfeng, who was a life-and-death acquaintance with his father, he almost raised her as half a daughter.

If it weren't for the current martial law on the streets, which prohibits people from going out, I'm afraid she would have run back to the base to see what happened.

The president is back!


Hearing a commotion outside, Lin Anqi rushed out immediately.

Master, what's going on outside? Is Uncle Dai okay?

Lin Anqi opened her big, watery eyes and looked at Chen Chong expectantly.

Maybe she didn't even know it, but Chen Chong had become an omnipotent god in her heart.

Chen Chong looked around and motioned for key members to enter the room: Let's talk inside the room.

Everyone couldn't wait to sit in their seats, waiting for Chen Chong to reveal his true thoughts to everyone.

The top official of Linzhou City was assassinated.


That's right?

The group of people stared and couldn't believe their ears. In Linzhou City, an ordinary soldier is not something that ordinary people dare to offend.

An organization in a former ghetto is a good example.

Now that the top official has been assassinated, they cannot imagine what the consequences will be.

The soldiers in the city have now closed all entrances to the city, but this time should not be too long. Maybe after tonight, it will be restored tomorrow.

Sister Fang, you and Lao Zhang, please notify the brothers outside and ask them not to worry. Don’t reveal the specific situation yet.

Looking at the tone of the military, we cannot be the first to leak the secret.

Gu Qingfang and Zhang Zhigang nodded seriously, turned around and went out to do errands.

Now that Hou Ting and others are dead, Chen Chong no longer needs to hide his identity.

Master, what happened to my Uncle Dai?

Lin Anqi asked impatiently.

Chen Chong thought for a while: Now that the whole city is under martial law and the murderer is being investigated, I think your Uncle Dai has also been restrained. Don't worry, just go to the camp to find him when the martial law is over.


Lin Anqi agreed obediently, and the tension in her heart eased a bit.

At this moment, chaotic sounds came from outside, and troop carriers filled with soldiers stopped in front of the gate of the revival meeting.

Everyone stay where you are! Routine inspection!

Groups of soldiers jumped out of the cars and rushed into the compound, surrounding the workers who were under construction.

The leading soldier walked to the virus detector in front of the door and looked at it suspiciously.

Upon hearing the sound, Chen Chong took the initiative to lead everyone out.

Are you the leader here?

The officer looked at Chen Chong who was walking slowly and asked.


The leading officer looked at the young man carefully: Those workers in the slums said they were working here, and you asked them to go home to pick up their relatives and come here, and you talked about strict inspections. I want to ask why?


When Chu Chengdong said before that the technician was detained, Chen Chong thought there would be consequences.

The workers in the yard looked at Chen Chong with fear, fearing that the leader had committed some serious crime.

Sir, since you have found this place, you should know the truth, right?

Chen Chong looked directly at the other party with neither humility nor arrogance.

The officer touched his virus detector and walked towards Chen Chong.

Where did you get the news?

Five hours ago, Queen Mo from the female barracks asked me to take a helicopter to Songchuan City to perform a mission. That's all I can say.

The officer's pupils shrank slightly, and his gaze towards Chen Chong became cautious. He knew Queen Mo's name.

And he also heard about the actions in Matsukawa City. Could it be that the mysterious person invited by Queen Mo was the thin young man in front of her?

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