The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 168 0102. Mo Qingning’s visit

The officer's expression was a little hesitant. Although the female barracks belonged to the same faction as them, he did not dare to go there to ask Queen Mo for confirmation.

Not to mention him, not even his immediate boss dared to go to the other party.

What do you call this gentleman?

The officer's tone became polite. Although he didn't dare to ask for confirmation, he also didn't dare to leave so hastily. The information coming out of the mechanic's mouth is of great importance.

Releasing the virus in the city is such a major event that no one dares to be careless in the slightest.

If he does it well, this is an excellent opportunity for promotion; if he doesn't do it well, he will be blamed for losing his head.

I am Chen Chong, president of the Renaissance Association.

Chen Chong was still calm and his eyes were clear.

Oh, President Chen, I am Liu Xiaojie, captain of the city defense team. I still hope that President Chen will cooperate with me on some matters.

The officer said, waving his hand to his men, signaling them to put away their guns at the workers.

It's an honor. Chen Chong nodded to express his cooperation.

Liu Xiaojie said solemnly: I don't know whether the virus release is true or false. Chairman Chen should know how important such a thing is to the entire Linzhou City. I also hope that Chairman Chen can tell the truth without hiding his words. inform.

Captain Liu, I don't know much about this matter. What I know is that the spies who infiltrated Umbrella's base have carried the enhanced T-virus and are preparing to release it in the city in the near future.

The commander must have also seen it. The machine at the door was prepared just in case of unexpected events. If I knew where the spies were, I wouldn't have to be so nervous.

Machine? Liu Xiaojie focused his attention on the black machine at the door again.

When he first came in, he thought this machine was strange. Now when Chen Chong said it, he finally couldn't help but ask, What is this machine used for?

The corners of Chen Chong's mouth raised slightly, feeling secretly happy in his heart. Liu Xiaojie came at the right time. Before, he was worried that no one would promote this machine to him.

Captain Liu, this is a virus detector. As long as the T virus appears within a hundred meters, it will sound an alarm. However, this has not been tested yet, and we don't know whether it is accurate or not.

Liu Xiaojie looked at the instrument in front of him suspiciously, with a lot of disbelief in his heart.

Including the surrounding soldiers, they all looked at Chen Chong with disdain.

As for virus detection, authoritative experts in Linzhou have already begun research.

After all, no one wants to be quarantined for so long every time they come back from an outing.

Especially for the military, a large number of troops went out to fight and were quarantined collectively when they came back. It is very inconvenient in this post-apocalyptic environment where efficiency and security are pursued.

Haha, President Chen just trusts an instrument that has not been tested?

Liu Xiaojie, it would be impossible not to directly ridicule the other party. Just changed to a more tactful tone.

Chen Chong shook his head pretending to be regretful: Alas! Isn't it because the exit from the city is blocked and there is no way to go out to verify it. If I have a chance, I really want to give it a try.

Liu Xiaojie smiled and did not continue the questioning. Regardless of whether the virus release was true or not, he had to report it as soon as possible. As for how to verify the authenticity of the matter, he could only rely on the higher-ups to contact Queen Mo.

Okay, in that case I won't bother you. The streets are under martial law recently and President Chen won't let the brothers below go out for the time being. Of course, we will release those detained as soon as possible.

Thank you for your hard work, Captain Liu!

this is necessary!

The two sides were polite, and the soldiers in the yard disappeared like a tide.

Before leaving, Liu Xiaojie couldn't help but look back at this strange instrument, then got into a military vehicle and left quickly.

The day passed by in a blink of an eye, but instead of relaxing, the martial law on the streets became even stricter.

A large number of soldiers and city management personnel broke into residents' homes and conducted careful searches. Even the rotten slums in the slums were not spared.

This surprise investigation came without warning, so that some hidden criminal dens were uncovered one by one.

The most shocking thing is that a small workshop that uses human flesh to make cans was found in the slums.

As soon as the news came out, people in Linzhou City were shocked and angry.

I have always heard of zombies eating people, but I have never heard of people eating people.

Under the military's investigation, people discovered that people were missing and dying inexplicably every day in Linzhou City.

Most of the corpses were supplied to this small workshop.

The operator of the small workshop was a small organization ranked low in the slums, and more than fifty members, including the organizer, were arrested.

Everyone thought that this large-scale search and martial law were just to combat crime. For a time, the survivors' resistance gradually disappeared, and instead they actively began to cooperate with the military's work.

President, there is a beautiful girl outside the door looking for you.

Let her in.

Seeing those beautiful elven eyes appearing in front of the door, Chen Chong stretched lazily.

It seems you are not surprised?

The person who came was none other than Mo Qingning. After taking the antidote given by Ada Wang, Queen Mo had regained her strength at this moment.

Yes, the only one who can walk around the city freely in this situation is you, the Queen.

Mo Qingning glared at Chen Chong, but closed the door tightly.

The higher-ups asked me for questioning yesterday. Was it you who leaked the news about someone releasing the virus?

Chen Chong nodded.

Mo Qingning looked at him doubtfully: You clearly know that the virus is in your hands, why do you still say that?

Do you believe Ada Wong?

Chen Chong's rhetorical question made Mo Qingning fall into thinking.

To be honest, she didn't know for sure. That Ada Wang was from Umbrella, but what she did was hard to understand.

The other party could have killed her when she was in Matsukawa City, but she didn't. Instead, she brought her back and gave her the antidote to restore her abilities.

If this was an illusion created by the other party, why did she tell Umbrella's plan in such detail. He also handed over control of the T virus reagents and biochemical weapons to Chen Chong.

She couldn't figure it out all night long, so she came to see Chen Chong early in the morning.

I don't know, but I want to hear why you let her go without interfering with her plans?

Mo Qingning blinked her beautiful eyes and looked at Chen Chong seriously.



Yes, I chose to believe her, didn't you also not expose her? Chen Chong looked at the other party with a slight smile on his lips.

Mo Qingning was a little panicked when Chen Chong saw her: I just wanted to see you let her go, so I didn't say anything.

Haha, how could a woman as assertive as you listen to me if she didn't do it voluntarily? Don't worry, believe her once. Sometimes the enemy may not be the real enemy.

Now Linzhou City really needs a strong external force to push them into a rope!

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