Not to mention Mo Qingning, an insider of the military, even Chen Chong knew the current internal situation of the military.

The three parties, sea, land and air, each support their own troops and preserve their strength. They are afraid that one party will dominate and refuse to cooperate with all their efforts.

Now that the supreme commander has been assassinated, without this key figure who serves as a bond, the conflicts among the three parties in Linzhou can no longer be reconciled.

The reason why Chen Chong chose to believe Ada Wang was because he was sure that they would never destroy this place before seizing control of the city.

If they had decided to destroy it from the beginning, the other party would not have had to work so hard to sneak into Linzhou City to manage their own power.

Moreover, the internal armed forces in Linzhou City are now scattered, and it is just with the help of Umbrella's external force to bring them together.

Chen Chong didn't believe that when the zombies came to the city, they would continue to fight.

Even if the leader still wants to fight, the people below will always have sense.

Mo Qingning wasn't stupid either. She heard the intention behind Chen Chong's words as soon as he said it.

Yeah! Maybe you did the right thing.

Now that the city's worries were resolved, Chen Chong thought of those black light creatures of unknown origin again.

Queen Mo, there is something I need your help with.

Oh, why do you want to beg me?

After understanding the matter, Mo Qingning returned to his old habits.

Chen Chong rolled his eyes at the other party: You are such an unreasonable woman. I went to Songchuan City with you to complete the mission, and I also rescued you from Ada Wang. Is this how you treat your benefactor?

Tch, haven't you heard the truth? Don't reason with women!

Mo Qingning raised her little nose proudly. She didn't know why, but seeing Chen Chong's deflated look made her very happy.

Okay, okay, I beg you. Is there any way you can get me out of the city?

Chen Chong himself could sneak out of the city, but he was afraid of what might happen. Who wants to be sneaky when they can go out in the open?

What are you doing out of town?

I'm going to find out where those black light creatures came from.

Hearing this, Mo Qingning also became serious, and moved his head slightly closer to Chen Chong's face:

The female barracks has received news about this matter. The black light creature you mentioned comes from the small town of Yushu Bay over Songchuan City.

I heard that the town had been taken over by black light creatures, and that the buildings there seemed to be wrapped in a fleshy sac.

After listening to Mo Qingning's words, Chen Chong's expression immediately changed.

Brood! It’s definitely the mother nest of the virus!

Among the murderous prototypes, there are two monsters with the most mysterious origins.

One is Goliath, known as the 'City Destroyer'. It is huge, with the largest one reaching a height of dozens of meters. Comparable to the monsters in Ultraman.

The other is the virus mother nest known as the ‘Explosive Artifact’. Where there is a mother nest, there is often a large number of infected bodies.

What's wrong? Do you know something?

Mo Qingning looked at Chen Chong, but unexpectedly, he grabbed his wrist: Tell me, do you have anything you can do? I'm going out now.

That thing must not be kept! If it is not eradicated as soon as possible, the entire Linzhou City will be doomed!

Chen Chong knew very well how powerful a brood nest was. Even tens of millions of T-virus evolved zombies cannot compare with a mother nest.

A Level 4 Dominator can turn a tide of millions of zombies upside down. If there were hundreds of such monsters that were not afraid of bullets, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Chen Chong's gaffe made Mo Qingning realize the crisis.

Okay, I'll take you out. But if someone asks, you have to say you are my brother.

no problem.

At the critical moment, Chen Chong had no control over his younger brother or older brother.

However, he didn't notice the trace of pride on the corner of Mo Qingning's mouth. This woman was clearly still taking advantage of her.


The door was suddenly opened by Mo Qingning, who was leaning on the door to eavesdrop. Lin Anqi became unsteady and fell into the room.



In a panic, Lin Anqi felt herself grabbing a cold arm.

A cool breath rushed into her nose, and Lin Anqi raised her head mechanically.

When she saw Mo Qingning's enchanting smile, her whole body went crazy.

Yes, fried hair is not an exaggeration. But it really blew my mind. The hairs seemed to be charged with static electricity and became fluffy.

Ah! Master, save me! Master, save me!

Lin Anqi jumped up from Mo Qingning's arms and immediately ran towards Chen Chong behind her.

Looking at his silly apprentice, Chen Chong was speechless for a while.

He said you were eavesdropping, so he eavesdropped without taking any precautions.

Okay, as far as your eavesdropping skills are concerned, you should do less of this in the future.

Chen Chong straightened Lin Anqi's hair and was about to go out.

Master, can you take me with you? I want to see Uncle Dai.

Looking at this pitiful face, Chen Chong had no choice but to look at Mo Qingning.

Mo Qingning smiled evilly at Lin Anqi who was hiding behind Chen Chong:

Okay, my beautiful sister's business is my business. Don't hide from my sister in the future.

Lin Anqi shivered and got goosebumps all over her body. When she thought that the other person was a lesbian, she felt extremely panicked.

His hands gripped the clothes behind Chen Chong's back tighter and tighter.

Under the leadership of Mo Qingning, the three of them walked towards the air force camp with great dignity. When the soldiers saw Queen Mo, they neither saluted nor questioned her.

In their pupils, Chen Chong saw a faint fear. I don’t know what this woman did before.

Watching the three people leave, the soldiers guarding the intersection breathed a collective sigh of relief.

Huh~ It's finally over. Huh? Who do you think the two people following Queen Mo are? Except Fang Ting from the female barracks, I have never seen Queen Mo walking with anyone else.

A soldier was talking in a low voice, and the squad leader looked gossipingly at the three people leaving.

Hey! Have you forgotten? Isn't that woman the popular movie star Lin Anqi? I think it's probably Queen Mo who has fallen in love with Lin Anqi again.

Oh? Miss Lin is the granddaughter of Lin Shuai! No! That's not right! The soldier shook his head, Miss Lin seemed to have been involved in that man's arm just now. Tsk, tsk, tsk~ I don't know who the man is? Actually, I can travel with Queen Mo and Miss Lin.

The soldier said with unfinished meaning, his eyes full of envy.

Oh~ don't think about it. We don't have that blessing. Even if these two beauties come out, you and I can't catch each other.

The air force camp at this moment has already been controlled by He Hua's men, and the navy has already evacuated. Seeing the soldiers wearing army uniforms walking back and forth inside, the three of them were stunned.

If it weren't for the fighter jets parked inside, everyone would have thought they were at an army barracks.

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