The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 170 0104. Mo Qingning’s identity

Before the three men could get closer, the soldiers in front of the fence were already alert. However, after seeing that the person coming was Mo Qingning, the soldiers looked at the officer in charge of the guard with some embarrassment.

Miss Mo, the camp is currently closed and no one is allowed to enter.

The guard officer mustered up the courage to stop Mo Qingning.

Mo Qingning showed no expression and raised her finger to Lin Anqi beside her:

I won't go in, you let her in.

The officer glanced at Lin Anqi with some embarrassment:

Miss Mo, please don't embarrass me. If I let someone in, I won't be able to bear the blame from above.

I'll tell her again to let her in. Mo Qingning looked directly at the officer. His blue eyes made the officer's lips dry and he couldn't help but take a step back.

Who's out there?

A loud voice came, and the officer turned to look at the person as if he had seen a savior.

Sir Zou, Miss Mo wants to let someone in.

Zou Jian'an strode towards the camp gate. He was slightly confused when he saw Mo Qingning, but when he walked around the barracks and saw Chen Chong and Lin Anqi following him, he smiled.

Oh, Miss Mo, Mr. Chen, Miss Lin, you are here.

The officer standing in front of the fence looked at Chen Chong and Lin Anqi carefully, and carefully searched for the identity of the other party in his mind, but no matter how he thought about it, he had no impression. But he knew that it was definitely not an easy person to make Commander Zou so polite.

Mo Qingning nodded slightly as a greeting.

Chen Chong: Hello, Chief Zou!

Lin Anqi on the side asked anxiously: What happened to you and Uncle Dai? Why didn't you answer my call?

Zou Jianan smiled helplessly: Miss Lin, Commander Dai is still at the headquarters and cannot contact you for the time being.

You also know that we have confidentiality regulations. There is an operation in the city now, so we can't make casual calls.

The change in Zou Jianan's expression was noticed by Chen Chong, and the other party must not have told the truth.

Lin Anqi breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that Uncle Dai was fine.

As long as you're okay, when will Uncle Dai come back?

I'm not sure about this either.

Seeing that Lin Anqi was still asking, Chen Chong gently squeezed the other party's arm. It is definitely not normal for Army soldiers to hang out at the Air Force camp.

Moreover, Zou Jianan's expression was not natural, giving the impression that he was involuntarily.

Three of you, it's true that you can't enter the camp today. Please cooperate.

While talking, an army military vehicle drove from inside to the gate of the camp. The car door opened and a young general, Commander Xing, stepped out.

Under a pair of thick eyebrows, there is a pair of sharp eyes, and the square face gives people a sense of heroism and power.

The moment he got off the car, all the soldiers and officers around him, including Zou Jianan, immediately saluted each other at attention.

Congratulations, Commander!

He Hua nodded to everyone and glanced at Mo Qingning outside.

Mo Qingning had already turned his head away, with his back to the fence as if he didn't want to see He Hua.

Chen Chong glanced at Mo Qingning in slight surprise. Queen Mo, who had always been fearless, had such a moment.

As if he hadn't seen it, He Hua turned to Zou Jianan and smiled:

Major Zou, I'll leave this to you and Staff Officer Sun. Just wait until I inform you of the specific matters.


Zou Jianan's respectful response made Chen Chong even more confused. Isn't this commander surnamed He the Army? When will the Army be able to control the Air Force?

He Hua took a few steps, then turned around and said, Oh, by the way. Major Zou, please give me my regards to Commander Dai. I, He Hua, would like to thank Commander Dai for your full support!

Zou Jian'an felt happy when he heard this. Doesn't what the other party said mean that the supervision over Commander Dai has been relaxed? I can go see the old chief right away.

Yes! I will definitely convey it!

After saying this, He Hua did not get in the car, but strode out of the fence. Several soldiers wanted to move forward and drive away Chen Chong and his party, but He Hua raised his hand to stop them.

He walked gently towards the three of them, and looked at Chen Chong carefully when he passed him. Then he stopped behind Mo Qingning.

He Hua pursed his lips, and the first words he spoke shocked everyone present.

Little sister, are you still angry with me?

Little sister?

Chen Chong's mind was confused. One of the two people's surname was Mo and the other was He. There was no connection between them.

But if you take a closer look, the facial features of these two people are quite similar.

Hmph! Who is your sister? Did you recognize the wrong person?

Mo Qingning's tone was cold, but a hint of anger could be heard.

He Hua retracted his outstretched hand, his originally resolute face showing a bit of bewilderment.

Little sister, no matter how much you hate me and my father, we are a family after all. You

Before He Hua could finish speaking, Mo Qingning stared at him with red eyes: Who is your family? Let me tell you, from the day my mother took me away from Jingzhou, we have no relationship at all. !Chen rushes away from us!

Mo Qingning suddenly grabbed Chen Chong's hand and left in the direction of leaving the city. The force in his hand could crush the barrel of a tank, and someone like Chen Chong, who was rough and thick-skinned, could withstand it.

Hey~ Hey, hey, hey! Be gentle. Be gentle! I'm going to be crushed by you!

Chen Chong bared his teeth and looked at his arm that had been pinched red. He was dragged so hard that he couldn't break free for a while.

If you think about it carefully, it is definitely a great blessing for men in the world that this woman can be a lesbian.

If anyone lives with her, one day if she is unhappy, a slap will make the other person stick to the wall, even if he wants to buckle it off.

Seeing that both of them had left, Lin Anqi on the side stamped her feet anxiously.

Hey, master, where are you going?

You go back first, and we go out to do some errands!

Chen Chong's words suddenly changed when they reached He Hua's ears. A man and a woman went out to do errands?

Damn you! Kidnapped my sister in front of my brother?

He Hua just wanted to get angry, but when he saw the situation, it seemed that his sister was forcing him!

What should I do?

Although the brother and sister have not seen each other for many years, they are still related by blood. If his sister hadn't been in Linzhou City, he wouldn't have voluntarily given up a better future in Jingzhou and transferred here.

Watching the two people leave, He Hua snorted angrily, turned around and got into the military vehicle.

Xiao Wu, go check the information on that boy just now. The more detailed the information, the better!

The adjutant sitting in the passenger seat nodded respectfully: Yes.

That's weird. Qing Ning has never wanted to deal with men, so why would she grab that kid's hand!

The military vehicle drove away from the air force camp carrying He Hua, who was muttering to himself.

Lin Anqi, who was left with a look of grievance and a pout on Lao Gao, stood angrily and stomped the ground with her left foot.

Leave me alone! How can I go back?

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