Chris, get out of the way!

The magazine was empty and the gun was thrown towards the charging monster. The mercenary standing behind Chris had completely collapsed.

They fled all the way while being chased by Umbrella's USS special forces, and rashly entered the town to prepare for repairs.

But who knew that the infected body inside was actually black, and that a big monster with long claws like this was even more powerful than the Licker.

They are not afraid of bullets. The bullets hit each other's skin without even making a hole.

Moreover, the speed of these guys is extremely fast. Every time they find each other, the next second the monster jumps into the fleeing team.

There were originally more than twenty mercenaries who came with them, but now only six of them are left.

The team that originally entered the town consisted of more than 200 people. However, they only encountered two or three monsters and were killed before they fled in panic, leaving no room for resistance.

The monster's abnormal ability made them frightened. If the leader Chris hadn't led the team to resist tenaciously, they might not even be able to get out of the streets.

The moment the monster pounced, Chris, who was shooting, immediately held the gun in his hands and lowered his hands. He formed a semicircle and rolled away.

The fighter's huge claws instantly opened several holes where Chris was standing, and even the angular edges made of marble were cut open by the claws.


A thin civilian had his feet cut off immediately by sharp claws. The spray of blood makes the fighters even crazier.

It abandoned Chris, who was rolling aside, and with three rifles fired at close range, it swallowed half of the civilian's body.

The civilians who were evacuating in an orderly manner were frightened. They ran back desperately, regardless of the direction they ran.

The monster's strength broke their trust in the mercenaries and also broke their psychological defense.

A young couple ran in panic and plunged into the influx of black light zombies. In an instant, heart-rending screams rang out, and the arms of the girl and boy holding hands were torn off by the zombies.

The screaming boy's jaw was bitten off by a black light zombie, and his tongue and windpipe were also swallowed into his mouth.

Don't mess up! Follow me!

A mercenary yelled in vain. Seeing the people fleeing in all directions, he was unable to care. He could only flee backwards with the five or six civilians surrounding him.

After devouring a human in a big mouth, the fighter roared excitedly at the retreating human, and his two thick forelimbs bent slightly, making a pounce.

At this moment, Chris, who had fallen down earlier, jumped up and rode on the fighter's back.

Damn monster, go to hell!

Holding a grenade, he struggled to pull the bracelet open and threw it into the fighter's open mouth.

Chris! Well done!

The surviving mercenaries all screamed in excitement when they saw this scene. In their eyes, Chris is the well-deserved King of Soldiers!

This man can always create miracles in desperate situations!

Before the fighter could make a move, Chris stepped on its back and rolled over.

boom! !

A burst of orange fireworks exploded from the fighter's mouth, and a large amount of black and red blood flew out of the mouth with sharp teeth.

Killed it! Chris you did it!

The corners of Chris' mouth raised slightly, and he looked at the fighter who slowly lay on the ground with lingering fear.

Let's go! Let's get out of here.

Chris waved his hand and was about to leave.


A roar louder than before came from behind, and the roar was clearly mixed with anger.

The pair of cloudy eyes stared at Chris in the crowd, and this time it was really angry.

A fighter's body surface skin has strong defensive capabilities, but the mouth is a relatively weak area.

The grenade just now caused great damage to it, and large parts of the organs in the mouth were torn apart by the explosion. If this grenade were more powerful, it might actually kill it.

The fighter who had fallen down actually stood up again, with thick smoke left from the grenade explosion emitting from his mouth from time to time.

Oh my God! Is there really no way to kill it?

Chris stared at the monster, and he, who had always been confident, also showed a hint of despair.

Its target is me! Get out of here!

Looking at the monster rushing towards him, Chris picked up the gun again, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes.


Let's go! Chris suddenly pushed away his teammate who came forward to pull him away, then held his gun towards the fighter's open mouth, roared and fired with all his strength.

Come on! You bastard raised by Bichi!

Bullets lined up in a line and shot through the roof of the fighter's mouth.

The black hole of the mouth still contained the remains of human flesh and blood, and the fishy smell drew closer and closer to Chris' face.

The mercenaries who were fleeing cried, and so did the civilians behind them. From chance acquaintance to now. This outstanding foreign soldier saved them again and again, and finally gave his life for a group of useless people.


The bearded mercenary roared and retreated with grief in his heart.

Tiger! Look!

The mercenary beside him exclaimed and followed the other person's gaze.

A bolt of black and red lightning flashed across the street, hitting the fighter in mid-air.

The fighter, who was more than two meters tall, flew backwards instantly under the impact of the lightning, crashed through several walls, and rolled into a private house.

Chris, who was preparing to die, was stunned, and the survivors who were evacuating were also stunned.

That lightning is a human! It's a living person!

The man clearly looked to be in his twenties, and his engraved face was half covered by the raised collar.

He stood quietly on a wall, looking at the monster he had knocked away with a pair of sharp eyes. The open corners are windless and automatic.

After a while, a woman as beautiful as an elf slowly floated down next to the man like a floating leaf.

That holy appearance makes one unable to think of any blasphemy.

There are more than ten fighters coming here.

Mo Qingning didn't look at anyone, looking at the weird mountain of flesh in the distance.

Chen Chong nodded slowly and said solemnly: It seems that this virus mother nest has been completely formed, and it can actually produce a large number of level four monsters.

Level 4?

Mo Qingning looked at Chen Chong with strange eyes. The military usually uses specific instruments to test strength. Regarding the levels of evolvers, there is still no clear classification.

But Chen Chong could tell the levels of these monsters without relying on any detection methods. This made Mo Qingning feel even more strange. Could it be because the other party was also a carrier of the black light virus?

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