Chen Chong grinned and had the urge to slap himself. I usually didn't pay attention, but I blurted out the monster's level just now. It would be strange if it didn't arouse suspicion.

Uh, yes. I identify these monsters based on their size and subtle body features.

Mo Qingning took a deep look at Chen Chong and asked thoughtfully:

Features? Why can't I see them? I feel like these monsters all look alike.

Meeting such a serious player, Chen Chong was a little speechless: Ahem. You don't understand this. I'll tell you in detail later.


Chen Chong's words were vague, and Mo Qingning naturally attributed the cause to the carriers of the black light virus.

Seeing the survivors below who were still staring blankly at them, Mo Qingning's eyes were filled with coldness.

These civilians didn't see anything unusual, but the equipment on these mercenaries all belonged to Umbrella, and the leader was a foreign man.

This made her contact the convoy that was destroyed.

What are you going to do with these people?

Chen Chong withdrew his gaze and looked at everyone. When his eyes moved to Chris's face, his eyes lit up.

It's him!

If I read it correctly, this person should be Claire’s brother, Chris.

You know, Chris is a top-notch master in Resident Evil. Thinking of the fighter who was knocked away by one of his blows.

Judging from the picture book, the fighter had already lost 60% of its health before being attacked by him.

You must know that this is a third-level peak fighter. It is already a miracle that the guys in these people's hands can achieve this level.

Hey! Do you understand Daxia Wen? Now take these people out of here quickly.

Chen Chong stood on the wall and waved to Chris.

Chris, who came back to his senses, nodded sharply and said in jerky Daxia dialect:

Crab mud, are there any human settlements near here?

Chen Chong was about to respond when he heard a roar and the fighter who had been knocked away suddenly rushed towards him.

Chris's face changed drastically, and he subconsciously raised his gun to shoot.

However, Chen Chong moved faster. As soon as the fighter's head stretched out, Chen Chong punched the Tianling Gai. In an instant, the fighter's skull shattered and the brain tissue contaminated by black light flew everywhere.

Depend on!

Several mercenaries behind him couldn't help but open their mouths. Previously, it was because things happened too fast, and everyone flew out before they could see the monster clearly.

Now they could see clearly that the monster that couldn't even be blown up by a grenade in its mouth had its head blown off with just one punch.

Could this man's fist be more powerful than a grenade?

Chris, who was closest to Chen Chong, was shocked beyond description. From the M Commonwealth to the East Coast and back here. Along the way, we have seen more than a dozen settlements, large and small, and countless evolved people.

But this was the first time he had seen such a fierce man like the man in front of him.

Take them out of here!

Chen Chong suddenly shouted to Mo Qingning beside him. An uneasy feeling rose from the bottom of his heart, and this uneasy feeling became stronger and stronger.

Just now, he felt an invisible bond connecting him to the virus's mother nest in the distance. He could feel that the black light creatures in the entire town were running towards him.

Mo Qingning asked in confusion: What happened?

It's too late, you go!

Chen Chong roared and pushed Mo Qingning away. In an instant, the whole earth shook violently.

Just under the wall where the two men were standing, thick tentacles emerged from the ground. The surrounding buildings were swept away horizontally by the tentacles in an instant, and they were cleaned up.

The trembling of the earth continued, and more than one hydra sprang out from the ground. Mo Qingning suppressed the panic in her heart, picked up Chris' neck, and ran out with the survivor.

Looking back, she saw dozens of fighters rushing towards Chen Chong. The roaring sound was as terrifying as thunder.



The thick dark red mist enveloped Chen Chong's limbs, and the black and red blood streaks continued to surge, and then gathered in his arms to form a pair of huge heavy hammers.

Chen Chong shouted and waved his hammers in a circle, sending the surrounding fighters flying one after another.

Before his body landed, dozens of thick tentacles wrapped around his body in mid-air. The way they were tied up reminded me of a movie from a certain country.

The tentacles of the Hydra straightened Chen Chong's arms, tied them tightly, and sent them towards the huge gap above his head.

Chen Chong gritted his teeth, exerted force on his limbs, and the tentacles wrapped around his body were torn off by him.


Chen Chong, who escaped from the tentacles, let out an inhuman roar at the charging black light creature. In an instant, the fighters, masters, and some black light zombies who rushed nearby stood there and looked at Chen Chong respectfully.

This is an upgraded leadership skill. The first time he used it, Chen Chong had hundreds of more ties in his mind.

Among these black light creatures are 21 level 4 fighters, 11 level 4 masters, and 44 level 3 black light creatures. The rest are just first- and second-level ordinary creatures.

Under the command of Chen Chong, these zombies surrounded the city and set up a wall of flesh around them, roaring threateningly at the same kind that rushed towards them.

For a moment, these monsters sent by the virus mother nest were confused. They were ordered to attack Chen Chong, but they were not told to attack the same kind.

For a moment, the two sides were clearly facing each other, but Chen Chong, who was surrounded in the middle, showed a satisfied smile.

The command skill is really useful. It can actually take over the command of the brood! The masters stand in a row in the middle, and the fighters stand on both sides. Fight in!

With a thought from Chen Chong, the black light creatures controlled by the leader actually began to organize themselves into formation.

With five fourth-level masters as the vanguard, the zombie team on both wings of fighters instantly charged towards the incoming black light creatures.

In an instant, the five masters collided at the same time, and their truck-like bodies shattered the zombie wave in the center of the road with the force of autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves.

A large number of ordinary black light zombies were knocked into the air, with their limbs stumped and blood splattered everywhere. Hundreds of zombies surrounding him died in an instant.

Even so, the black light creature behind still did not attack the master controlled by Chen Chong. In their minds, the same kind will not kill the same kind.

But the Black Light individual's incomprehensible counterattack does not mean that the Brood does not understand.

The black light creatures suddenly killed each other, which caused the virus nest in the distance to notice abnormalities. An invisible force of thought spread into the tide of corpses.

Not long after, the masters hidden behind the zombie tide finally appeared!

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