The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 174 0108. Chen Chong’s physical problems

The masters of both sides launched a collision at the same time the first time they met. Ordinary infected bodies caught in the middle are in bad luck.

When the Dominators collide, they don't care whether they are friends or foes. They only have eyes for their opponents.

The power of the collision swept away the black light zombies in the central area in an instant, and more than a dozen masters took turns to use heavy hammers as big as grinding plates and collided together.

In an instant, dust flew up on the streets of the small town, and a thunderous crash sounded. The entire road where the two sides collided collapsed and collapsed.

The drainage pipe buried in the ground broke instantly, and streams of sewage flowed out of the ground.

The powers of these masters are very different, and neither of them gained any benefit after the collision. The heavy hammers of the five dominators at the front were actually hit so hard that a gap opened in them.

The most serious one, the entire colliding arm was broken at the heel.

If the leader on Chen Chong's side is not good, then the one on the other side is even worse. The masters commanded by the virus nest did not form an effective formation. Although they were superior in number, most of the masters crashed into the backs of their companions.

Under the fierce attack from both sides, the three-headed master running at the front was actually killed!

Seeing such a violent scene, Chen Chong only felt that his mouth was interfering.

The collision was momentarily satisfying, and the collision ended in the crematorium.

The injured masters howled in unison, and the ups and downs of the roar were even more confusing than bargaining at the vegetable market.


Chen Chong did not stop because the Overlord was injured. He commanded the injured Overlord to continue charging forward, leading the '100 Corpse Squad' to wrap the bodies of the three dead Overlords among them.

Such a delicious meal is not free of charge.

Soon, the entire town's black light zombies had surrounded them. Chen Chong did not dare to hesitate and immediately started to devour the corpses at his feet.

Two of the three-headed masters who were killed were level three and one was level four. While devouring flesh and blood, Chen Chong discovered a major feature of his devouring ability.

The strength of the devouring ability is not limited to the high level of skill level, it is also obviously related to the evolution level.

When he first devoured the Level 3 Dominator in Songchuan City, it took him 10 seconds to devour the whole body, but now in less than 7 seconds, the truck-like body of flesh and blood had already melted. For a pool of dark blood.

The three-headed master's stomach brought 12% evolution to Chen Chong. In other words, these are all black light creatures. If they were replaced by T virus infected bodies, they might not even reach half of the evolution level.

It was getting harder and harder to improve his level, but Chen Chong didn't feel uncomfortable in his heart. As the level increased again and again, he could feel the violent aura in his heart getting heavier and heavier.

He always wants to kill things that can be easily killed in the most brutal way.

Just like the fighter who attacked him at the beginning, his head was blown off by his punch. The sight of blood and brains flying everywhere made him feel inexplicably comfortable.

The last Dominator was devoured, and Chen Chong's corpse squad was already dead. Seeing the ferocious faces rushing towards him, Chen Chong did not dodge, let alone escape.

An evil smile hung on his face, and a faint black energy slowly emerged from his body.

Looking carefully, Chen Chong's pupils started to turn slightly red at this moment, and the strange light gradually became stronger, vaguely threatening to occupy his entire eyeball.

Chen Chong, this way!

A sweet sound like the chirping of a lark sounded from the left side. Chen Chong's face froze, and the scarlet color in his eyes faded in an instant.

Looking at the tide of corpses in front of him, Chen Chong shuddered suddenly and came back to his senses from the strange artistic conception just now.

The person who came was none other than Mo Qingning, who had returned. She took out a silver pistol and shot and wounded a fighter who rushed towards Chen Chong.

He waved to Chen Chong anxiously.

After reacting, Chen Chong quickly retracted his heavy hammer form, his feet wrapped with bloodshot threads, and jumped out of the circle of zombies.

The two of them were incredibly fast, and within a few breaths they were able to throw away the fighter following them.

After checking that no zombies were following, the two stopped on a hill outside Elm Bay Town.

Thank you for saving me. How are those people doing?

Chen Chong asked questions one after another, but he was actually thinking about what happened just now. Just now, I felt extremely excited when I looked at those black light creatures, as if those things were not zombies, but delicious delicacies.

And there was always a voice in his head urging him to keep devouring. I remember the last time this happened was when I met the King of Destruction.

That kind of thought that he just wanted to devour without caring about it almost made him fall into it. If Mo Qingning hadn't shouted in time, he might have gone berserk again.

Mo Qingning took a deep look at Chen Chong beside him. Weren't the golden and stone-like arms of the opponent just now the arms he called the 'master'?

I remember when I first met Chen Chong, he didn't seem to have this ability. But why did it suddenly appear this time?

Mo Qingning found more and more that the man in front of her seemed to be more mysterious, and when she called him just now, she felt a frightening aura spreading from Chen Chong's body.

To be honest, at this level, there are very few things that can scare her.

But the aura on Chen Chong's body was different. Just one look at it made people feel fear in their hearts. If there really is hell in this world, I'm afraid that aura comes from here.

Well, they have escaped from the town. I asked them to wait in the woods next to the provincial road.

Oh! Okay. Thank you for saving me. Chen Chong responded subconsciously.

You have already said this once. Mo Qingning looked at the other person's eyes seriously.

Feeling the other party's gaze, Chen Chong came back to his senses and laughed dryly:

Ha, that's right! I forgot about it just now.

Are you worried?

Mo Qingning asked directly. The corner of Chen Chong's mouth twitched and his eyes dodged.

Ang, I'm just thinking about how to kill that virus nest.

Mo Qingning knew that the other party was not telling the truth, but she did not continue to ask, but said tentatively:

I made an observation before rescuing you. The zombies in this town seem to be in the same situation as those in Songchuan City. Are there also intelligent biochemical weapons commanding them here?

Hiss~ After Mo Qingning said this, Chen Chong suddenly thought of a trump card in his hand.

Intelligent biochemical weapon - WH-10 Rotilia's body

Previously in the wooden house, Ada Wang handed over the control of 10 biological weapons into her own hands. Isn't it time for them to show their talents in dealing with the virus nest?

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