The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 180 0114. Black light virus released

【Picture Book】

[Race: Infected Brood]

[Status: alienation, evolution,]

[Level: 4]

【Life: 150000】

[Power: 0]

[Defense: 100]

[Stamina: 0]

[Speed: 0]

[Talent skills: 1. Spreading infection: source of virus infection! Diffusion of high concentrations of black light virus into the air can continuously create evolved infectious bodies through internal virus transformation.

2. Black light polymerization incubation: can breed Goliath infected bodies! 】

[Danger level: 8 stars]

Brother Leah? How is this possible?

In the murderous prototype, the origins of the virus nest and Goliath are unknown. Chen Chong had never seen a virus mother nest capable of hatching Goliath.

When he saw the information about the brood nest, Chen Chong immediately focused on the huge meat sac hanging in the middle of the brood nest.

The former prison building has been completely covered by a thick carpet of flesh and blood. The huge flesh and blood cyst occupies the main part of the entire prison building. Its height is almost as high as the building, reaching about 20 meters.

Compared with the hanging flesh bag next to it, there is simply a gap between an adult and a baby.

Goliath! This is definitely Goliath!

Chen Chong's heart was beating loudly, and the blood in his body seemed to be frozen, with air-conditioning exuding from the inside out.

what to do? Kill Goliath before he's born?

But now just looking at that huge body made him intimidated. That was Goliath, the so-called destroyer of cities! Even if the building is demolished, it will be demolished. With my small body, if there is an accident, it will really be a dead end.

Chen Chong stood there with an ugly expression on his face, but dozens of Dominators and Fighters were guarding the virus's mother nest halfway up the slope.

These black light infected bodies are all level four, which is also the highest level that the current virus mother nest can produce.

They stood on the hillside like guards.

Seeing Chen Chong's changed master standing there, these guards alertly focused their attention on Chen Chong.

After a brief tangle, Chen Chong made a risky decision.

Goliath must be destroyed!

Once such a thing appears, it will become a powerful enemy of mankind. If he wanders into Linzhou City one day, I'm afraid no one can stop this guy.

Chen Chong strode towards Banpo. Before he could reach the bottom of Banpo, the ruler standing on top let out a low roar at him.

There was an obvious warning in that voice. The roar of the master also attracted the attention of the two combatants.

Now in the entire town, apart from these infected bodies guarding the virus's mother nest, the only one left is the master of Chen Chong's transformation.

Fortunately, Chen Chong was pretending to be a high-level black-light creature like the Master. If he had been replaced by an ordinary black-light zombie, the big guy above would have probably attacked him.


There was a sound of the flesh sac bursting, and a cyst hanging on the virus's nest immediately burst open. What emerged from the cocoon was a black light zombie with a huge scythe arm, and its level had reached level 3.

In less than a moment, bags like this one after another produced a variety of new black light zombies. Perhaps it's because the approach of T-virus infected individuals from outside has put pressure on the mother nest.

At this moment, its explosion speed has obviously accelerated a lot, and the huge sac also squirms a few times from time to time. It seems that it is not far from being born.

Chen Chong was anxious, and regardless of the warnings of the black light guards, he strode up the slope.

Finally, after Chen Chong's big foot stepped into the half slope, the two masters guarding the top started to move at the same time.

Two iron tower-like bodies walked side by side towards Chen Chong, their black mouths still roaring.

Just when the three masters came together, Chen Chong's transformed master suddenly let out a high-pitched roar.

The black light guards surrounding him suddenly looked at Chen Chong blankly, as if they had been cast a restraining spell.

Two fighters actively jumped off the high walls on both sides and ran towards Chen Chong like puppies after hearing their master's orders.

But at this moment, a link to the virus' mother nest appeared in Chen Chong's brain again.

The Brood seemed to be trying to convey some message to him through this bond.

At the same time, the two fighters who originally ran towards Chen Chong suddenly stopped where they were, seemingly struggling in a dilemma.

The masters standing in front of Chen Chong also began to regain their consciousness, and one of them had already raised its giant arm and smashed towards him.


This time Chen Chong roared again, mixed with the roar of his command skills, making the guards confused again.

Now the virus's nest's perception instantly locked onto Chen Chong's transformed infected body. Although it couldn't figure out why a master could compete with it for control of the guard, it was still the mother's nest and the natural leader of the infected body.

Chen Chong's leadership skills did not last long before he was regained control by the Brood.

Seeing that he couldn't control it, Chen Chong simply released his disguise ability, and a pair of sharp claws came out from his body. As he roared, he continued to use his command skills to interfere with the guards, while at the same time, the wind blew under his feet and he flew towards the huge bag that was hatching Goliath.

See you in the picture!

The moment Chen Chong appeared, the Brood Nest sensed extreme danger. It began to desperately fight with Chen Chong for control of the guard.

When gods fight, mortals suffer. The black light guards who were scrambled held their heads in pain and roared.

The fighters standing on the high wall fell off the wall one by one, just like Sun Wukong when he was cursed by Tang Monk.

In just a few seconds, Chen Chong's figure flew over, steadily stepping on the outer wall of the nest, and came to the huge meat sac.

Chen Chong, who raised his sharp claws, was suddenly at a loss. Can such a big thing really be killed by his ground stabbing ability?

No matter! Try it first and then talk!

Chen Chong roared and stabbed the cyst with a pair of sharp claws. The next second, a scene that shocked his jaw appeared.

His sharp claws actually rubbed the skin of the cyst and slid away.

Huh? Didn't it penetrate?

Chen Chong was stunned for a moment, then used all his strength to stab again, but the skin of the cyst slipped open again as if it had been smeared with lubricant.

For a moment, Chen Chong thought of the finishing move. If he couldn't activate the ground thrust, then the best way was to use the finishing move.

But recalling the last time he released his finishing move, a brood nest appeared here. If he released it again, he couldn't guarantee whether something would appear here again.

Swallow activates!

Chen Chong almost didn't go through his brain before he naturally started devouring the cyst.

The skin bag that could not be penetrated by sharp claws was pierced into the bag in an instant under the combined attack of eight flesh chains.

As a large amount of flesh and blood energy was introduced into Chen Chong's body, an unprecedented sense of relief made him tremble all over and hum in comfort.

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