The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 181 0115. Goliath! City destroyer!


Comfortable! It's so comfortable! The flesh-and-blood energy swallowed and transformed from the cyst is an extremely pure black light virus.

In an instant, the evolution of Chen Chong's claw form was growing at an unimaginable speed.

[The flesh and blood energy of dominant-level creatures is detected, and the host genes begin to be purified! 】

The sudden system prompt made Chen Chong even more excited. At this moment, he could feel that every cell in his body became lighter.

The pores on the surface of the skin opened, and rich dark red energy mist erupted outwards.

Most of the flesh and blood energy in Chen Chong's body comes from T-virus, G-virus, and these complex viral infections.

Over time, his body was affected by these chaotic forces. As a result, the evolutionary ability is blocked, and the degree of evolution can only be improved through continuous devouring.

Ordinary evolvers can continue to evolve in battle. At this moment, Chen Chong's body is undergoing a 'cleansing'.

As a large amount of pure black light virus poured into the body, the impurities accumulated in the body were sprayed out along with the energy mist.

Just when Chen Chong was feeling comfortable, the huge cyst suddenly began to shake violently.

A roar like a mountain god came from inside the bag.

Then a huge arm suddenly opened the cyst and tore off the entire skin.

Oops! Goliath is out!

【Picture Book】

[Race: Goliath]

[Status: alienation, evolution,]

[Level: 4]

【Life: 10000】

【strength:? 】

【defense:? 】

【physical strength:? 】

【speed:? 】

[Talent skills: 1. Infection: Carrying a deadly virus, causing genetic mutation of the target through biting and scratching. Ineffective against organisms with higher viral resistance.

2. Savage Crash: Use your huge body to launch a powerful charge against the target, with attack speed +20% and strength bonus of 1000%. 】

[Danger level: 9 stars]


The moment he saw Goliath, Chen Chong's heart almost jumped out of his throat. He retracted the meat-devouring chain without hesitation, and fled to the distant building at lightning speed.


Goliath's big foot struck the ground, causing a small earthquake.

It was red all over, and its solid muscles were covered with clusters of black and red bloodshot threads. The tall body reached about 20 meters, as if it were a demon coming out of hell, giving people a crushing and terrifying power.

The most obvious thing about this Goliath is the huge left arm like a tower shield, which is almost as high as the entire height.

The right arm was severely atrophied as if it was stunted. Although it was more than two meters long, it was completely out of proportion to its 20-meter height.

It looks like a humanoid, with a head and limbs, but its behavior is different from other zombies. He walked like a crab, holding his huge left arm in front of him, his whole head tightly blocked behind, and then walked out sideways.

The two struggling fighters were instantly reduced to a pile of rotten flesh by Goliath's big foot.

Even the Lord lying in front of the slope had an arm trampled off by one of Goliath's toes.

The master, who was in pain, screamed, then raised a heavy hammer as big as a grinding plate and subconsciously hit Goliath's toes.

Goliath, who had been drained of a lot of flesh and blood by Chen Chong, was furious. The poor ruler was wiped out by Goliath's big feet before he could figure out the reason.

Many people who were paying attention to Elm Bay Town were frightened out of their minds by the sudden appearance of a giant monster.

“Oh, my God! what’s that?”

Wesker, who was always calm, took off the black sunglasses on his nose, revealing his slightly scarlet eyes.

His eyes were wide open, his face was almost leaning against the camera, and his left hand holding his glasses was trembling slightly.

He couldn't believe that there were such tall monsters in this world. According to Umbrella's research, it is the largest living creature that currently uses parasites as its core to create biochemical weapons.

But compared to the one in front of me, he is almost at the level of a younger brother. If he had some doubts before, they no longer existed at this moment.

This monster is definitely beyond the reach of T-Virus or G-Virus. No Umbrella virus could create such a huge creature.

This is a new virus! New virus!

[Linzhou City]

He Hua, who had just called in satellite surveillance, was frightened by the scene in front of him and stood up from his chair.

The soldier operating the computer almost turned off the device because his hands were shaking.

This... what is this?

An old officer pointed at the picture on the screen with trembling fingers, and even his voice had a vibrato.

He Hua squinted his eyes, feeling equally uneasy.

Yushuwan Town is not far from Linzhou City. If this monster discovers Linzhou City, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Quick! Quick! Inform the Supervisory Committee and immediately lift Commander Dai from prison. If anyone disagrees, throw this video to him!

Now, no matter how much the price is paid, the air force must be dispatched to destroy this thing! Whoever dares to engage in internal fighting at this juncture, don't blame me, He Hua, for being ruthless! !

The shaking of the earth spread from the small town of Elm Bay to outside the town.

Mo Qingning, who was standing on a tall building, looked at the tall figure in the town with a pale face.

Goliath's body has exceeded most of the buildings in the town. Even standing outside the town, you can feel the terrifying power.

Looking at Goliath, Chen Chong's figure appeared in Mo Qingning's mind:

Why doesn't that lunatic come out yet? Come out, come out quickly!

Chen Chong, who was thinking about Mo Qingning sadly, was currently lying on a building secretly observing Goliath.

The bald head looked around, as if looking for something. The surrounding black light infected bodies did not need the command of the virus mother nest at all. They consciously distanced themselves from Goliath, for fear of following in the footsteps of the master.


Goliath roared, whether intentionally or not, and walked towards the building where Chen Chong was hiding.

The long lower limbs took only two steps and already reached the front of the building.

Chen Chong, who was hiding behind the billboard on the roof of the building, couldn't hold back any longer. He didn't dare to bet whether the other party would find out. If Goliath took one step forward, he would be scrapped together with the building.

Chen Chong jumped up and jumped onto a building behind like a gust of wind.

really! As soon as he left, Goliath's huge left arm smashed the roof of the building he was just on into pieces.

so close!

Chen Chong sighed secretly and looked back, only to see Goliath holding his left arm flat in front of him, his whole body aimed at the building where he was, and rushing over.

Chen Chong's eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw this move. He was familiar with this move better than anyone else.

This is Goliath's most terrifying demolition ability - brutal collision!

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