No one knew what was going on outside that night. Just when Linzhou City was attacked by a dense flock of zombie birds, survivor bases throughout Daxia and even the entire Asian continent came under similar attacks.

Some bases close to bird habitats were wiped out overnight. Some strong ones were able to resist with the help of weapons and equipment, while the survivor bases of some civil organizations were ruthlessly eaten away. Even the humans hiding in the house were eaten to death by zombie birds.

Hundreds of survivor bases of various sizes disappeared, and the storm came and went quickly, as if someone was manipulating it.

However, Chen Chong, who was lurking in the town of Elm Bay, began his first contest with Goliath.

Mo Qingning didn't leave after all. In order to deal with Chen Chong, she just took a detour and hid behind a building to observe secretly.

Chen Chong, whose arms had transformed into blades, deftly stepped on the boulders, dodging Goliath's attacks again and again.

The rugged streets prevented Goliath from using his brutal charge as he wished, and the bulky body was not very flexible, which gave Chen Chong many opportunities to attack.

The black-red blade flashed from time to time. Chen Chong did not avoid it all the time. Instead, he turned back and slashed at Goliath's left leg and wrist joint from time to time.

The blade's attack bonus is combined with Chen Chong's own strength. The energy fluctuation at this moment has reached a terrifying fifty points.

But even such power could not break Goliath's skin. Chen rushed back to avoid Goliath's big foot, jumped again, raised the blade and slashed at the extremely thick leg joint.


A strange sound sounded, and the blade of the blade was quickly bounced away. But this time Goliath's left leg tilted significantly.

His left foot was injured by a bomb dropped by a fighter jet before, so Chen Chong also focused on hitting the opponent's sore spot.

Goliath had just adapted to the pain in his left foot, and now he was being attacked frequently, making this tyrannosaurus-like monster go crazy.

This time it gave up the pursuit, and instead jumped up with all its strength, like a sumo wrestler, and smashed towards the ground where Chen Chong was.

Seeing Goliath's move, Mo Qingning, who was hiding behind the building, couldn't help shouting!


Chen Chong had just slashed Goliath and was trying to escape, but unexpectedly a huge black shadow appeared above his head.

Looking at the strange reflection with its limbs spread out and its arms one long and one short, cold sweat broke out on Chen Chong's back. The rapid movement skill was activated instantly, and the whole person drew a black and red afterimage and rushed desperately towards the outside of the reflection.


Goliath's body hit the ground hard, and the whole earth shook violently. As soon as Chen Chong ran away from Goliath's attack, the iron tower-like left arm came down on his head.

Chen Chong kicked his feet and rolled out to the left in a panic.

Goliath's blow missed, and he let out an angry roar with his bare head on the ground.

Since his birth, this overlord of black light creatures has experienced various tortures.

First, his flesh and blood were absorbed by Chen Chong, and then he was bombed by fighter planes. Both fighter planes and Chen Chong are slippery loaches.

I can't hit him, I can't chase him.

If Goliath could speak, he would have greeted Chen Chong's eighteen generations of relatives by now.

However, Chen Chong, one of the targets, had no self-awareness. When he heard Mo Qingning's shout just now, he knew that the other party had not left and was still watching him.

After being fucked like this by Goliath just now, his embarrassed appearance must have been seen.

Although Mo Qingning likes a woman, I, the president of the Revival Association, cannot lose face in front of this woman.

Chen Chong, who was so angry that he turned over and jumped up, actually ran towards Goliath who was still struggling to get up.

Just as Goliath used his left arm to support himself and get up, the next second a black shadow flew towards the top of its head.

The figure gradually dilated in Goliath's pupils, until he felt his head sink, and a human being sat on the back of its neck impartially.

Seeing Chen Chong's crazy behavior, Mo Qingning was stunned. She covered her mouth with one hand and tried not to make any sound, her heart pounding in her chest.

Crazy! He is really crazy!

In all his life, Mo Qingning has never seen anyone crazier than the man in front of him. When other people saw the monster that was following them, he actually dared to ride on their heads. Was it because he was too slow to die?


At this time, a helicopter with flashing red and green lights flew towards where Goliath was. Maple Leaf and the others had already scanned the entire town, but still could not find any trace of Mo Qingning.

I had no choice but to bite the bullet and go to the area where this giant monster was to search.

The helicopter flew very high, and they had all seen the scene where Goliath smashed the fighter jet with a huge rock.

If it gets knocked down by this monster, everything will be doomed.

Shadow Tiger looked at the huge figure in the distance, his face turned slightly pale: Should we not go there? I think if Queen Mo is here, she won't be stupid enough to trouble such a monster, right?

Maple Leaf paused and didn't speak. The four-man team had the highest general in terms of military rank and strength, so Maple Leaf was implicitly headed by him.

At this time, the sharp-eyed Jing Liang noticed something unusual: Look, everyone, there is something wrong with that big monster. Why is it hitting the air?

Huh? Yes! That guy seems to be hitting himself in the head!

When Jing Liang said this, Yinghu also noticed.

However, the sky was a little dark, and everyone could only see a rough outline from such a distance.

Maple Leaf said to the helicopter pilot: Aim the light over there.

The driver's expression changed: This

It's okay, just listen to me, you won't die.

Hearing Maple Leaf's unkind tone, the pilot had no choice but to aim the helicopter's lights at Goliath's outline.

Holy crap! There's someone!

The moment the light came on, everyone immediately understood why Goliath had convulsions.

On top of the world-destroying demon-like monster, there was a human being frantically attacking the monster's eyes.

As the human with the blade arm continued to attack, the huge monster howled repeatedly and waved its arms as big as a leaf fan wildly, but it could not catch the human.

Oh my God! Is he really human?

Maple Leaf stared blankly at the figure and couldn't help but sigh.

He couldn't imagine that anyone in this world would dare to challenge such a monster. The monster that looked like a demon in their eyes looked so cumbersome in that man's hands.

Not to mention fighting back, he couldn't even touch it.

At this moment, Maple Leaf had a ridiculous idea in his mind:

Perhaps that man can actually take down this monster.

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