The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 191 0125. Mind reading ability

Chen Chong, who was riding on Goliath's shoulders, no longer cared about the helicopters in the sky.

Goliath, who was blinded in one eye, kept howling. The fishy smell wafting from its mouth and the huge sound wave made Chen Chong miserable.

On the one hand, he has to dodge the physical attacks of his left arm, and on the other hand, he has to resist the attacks of bad breath and sound waves.

Suddenly a gust of wind swept by, and Chen Chong's feet were wrapped with blood, adsorbed on Goliath's smooth right shoulder, and he leaned down to avoid the attack on his left arm.

The blow missed again, and Goliath shook his upper body regardless, trying to throw this flea-like guy down.

Taking advantage of the gap between Goliath's shaking, Chen Chong's eyes flashed, and the blade condensed a charged blow, accurately hitting Goliath's other eye.


A howling sound that was beyond the past was instantly recalled.

The remaining glass on both sides of the street was shattered once.

The four people sitting on the helicopter were also shocked and covered their ears.

Thunder-like howls reached the clouds. Chen Chong, who was lying on Goliath's shoulder, had blood coming from his mouth and nose. His head fell straight off Goliath's body as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer.

A white figure rushed towards the place where Chen Chong fell like an arrow.

Regardless of the fear in his heart, Mo Qingning picked up the dazed Chen Chong from the frantic Goliath.

Queen Mo!

Queen Mo!

The four people on the helicopter exclaimed at the same time. They did not expect that Queen Mo was actually here and dared to run to the monster!

Queen Mo, who was dressed in white, stood out under the dark night sky. She hugged Chen Chong's body and struggled to escape into the distance.

Seeing this situation, the four of them looked at each other in tacit understanding, with surprise and doubt in their eyes.

Almost everyone in Linzhou City knows the reputation of Queen Mo.

Everyone knows that Queen Mo is a lesbian, and the person she likes is Fang Ting from the female barracks.

An ordinary man would not let her hold him, even if he said a few more words.

Who is the man who dares to challenge the devil alone and allows Queen Mo to risk her life to save her?

The sky was covered with a touch of fish belly white. In front of the city wall of Linzhou City, teams of soldiers held iron tongs and threw the zombie bird corpses scattered on the ground into their pockets.

The gunfire last night lasted for a long time, and an unknown number of zombie birds were killed. Looking down from the city wall, the corpses of the zombie birds seemed to have dyed the earth, and the black bird feathers looked frightening.

Have you calculated the statistics? How many casualties were last night?

He Hua, who had not slept all night, walked out wearing a big cotton coat.

Report to Commander! 47 people from the Simen City Defense Team were killed and 141 were injured. There are currently no civilian casualties.

In the battlefield where humans fight infected bodies, injury means death. Without an antidote to suppress the T-virus, all you can do is wait to become a zombie.

He Hua nodded slightly, no matter what, they survived last night. According to satellite monitoring data reports, survivor bases across the country were attacked by zombie birds last night.

The losses suffered by Linzhou City are already minimal.

Take good care of the injured brothers, eat whatever they want, and try your best to fulfill any wishes. Their relatives must also be taken good care of, and the hearts of the brothers must not be chilled.


Seeing Adjutant Wu leave, He Hua breathed a sigh of relief. God bless her, and her sister Mo Qingning is back safely. No matter whether the other party recognizes her as her brother or not, the family ties that are thicker than water are unbreakable.

Chen Chong, the revival meeting. It seems that I need to get to know him well.

Xingyi League·General Conference

In the large office, Su Long, dressed in a Tang suit, was sitting on the sofa, listening to Jing Liang's report.

Generally speaking, no one likes the old-fashioned Tang suit in Su Long's young age group. But Su Long is so different.

Hahaha, so my brother Chen Chong is quite capable? Su Long took a big sip of tea with a wonderful expression on his face.

Queen Mo's strength is third in the city, and behind her is He Hua, who is now at the top of her game. No wonder he was so confident before.

With He Hua as a strong support, the position of district mayor of this new district really has a chance of winning!

Su Long touched his chin, his eyes rolling. Recalling the time when I met Chen Chong before, he subdued A Liang with just a few moves.

At that time, he still thought that he could secretly win over the other party and bring him under his command to serve the Xingyi League.

Unexpectedly, they had strong support already.

Suddenly, Su Long looked at Jing Liang with a serious expression: A Liang, what does that monster that destroys the world and destroy the earth look like? Is it really as powerful as you say? It can't even be killed by a missile?

The military has not announced anything about the monster yet. So Su Long didn't know the specific situation.

Back to Young Leader, this is what I saw with my own eyes, and it is definitely not false. The monster is twenty meters tall, and destroying a building is no easier than drinking water. Two fighter formations attacked twice in a row, and the monster is still alive and kicking. It can't be killed at all.

Hiss~ Su Long narrowed his eyes slightly, his heart fluctuating. For top-level forces like them, who have great families and businesses, the most important thing is to be prepared for danger in times of peace and to avoid the powerful.

If there really is such a terrifying monster, even Linzhou City will not be safe.

Jing Liang, who was sitting on the side, seemed to understand the young leader’s thoughts:

Young leader, don't worry too much. In my opinion, that monster is not unkillable.

How do you say this? Su Long looked over with some expectation.

Yesterday's missile bombing was not completely ineffective. The monster also suffered a lot of damage. And your brother Chen Chong is very brave. He actually dared to ride on the monster's head and stab its eyes. blind.

Oh? Is there such a thing? Su Long's eyes flashed again.

That's right! And when he came back last night, he also said that he had finished repairing it today and would bring some guys to kill the monster. It seems that he is very confident.

When Jing Liang said these words, he expressed his admiration from the bottom of his heart. He couldn't compare with Chen Chong in terms of courage alone.

Interesting! Really interesting! Ah Liang, in your opinion, who is more powerful between Andy, who is known as the number one in Linzhou, and Chen Chong?

The reason why Su Long asked this was because he knew that Jing Liang and Andy had fought against each other before. It's just that Andy was not the only one who fought against him, but also two other masters from the Xingyi League.

Jing Liang frowned slightly and thought briefly:

I'm afraid I can't explain the young leader's doubts. The reason why Andy can sit on the throne of Linzhou's number one is not just because of his strength. The most terrifying thing is his unpredictable ability.

Last time, three of us surrounded him alone, and we were able to suppress him when we first attacked. However, the gap between the two sides became larger as time went on, and every move we made was predicted by him.

As long as the same skill is used on him once, he will not be hit a second time.

If I'm not wrong, that Andy may have the ability to read minds!

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