[Daxia Empire·South Coast·Wanchuan Island]

The huge shipyard was surrounded by several layers of high barbed wire fences. Some willow nails and wooden plugs made of bamboo strips were hung on the barbed wire fence.

A group of young men and women dressed in civilian clothes, each holding a gun and a crossbow, faced the jungle outside.

The weapons in their hands were very scattered. There were short and long guns, mostly police pistols, less than a dozen long-range rifles, and most of them were handmade crossbows.

Behind these people, a dozen trebuchets modified from pickup truck tires and logs were lined up.

Some oil drums with large holes cut into them were pressed against it. Several sturdy men stood nearby holding torches.

From time to time, they looked into the tall tower cabin behind them. Whenever they saw the foreign woman standing in the cab of the tower crane, their faces would show respect from the bottom of their hearts.

Yes, this woman is Alice. It’s been less than a month since I came to the goddess base. This powerful female leader led them to overcome one difficulty after another.

It was she who allowed the women in the base to live a dignified life. It was she who led everyone to capture warehouses one after another, so that everyone no longer had to worry about food.

No one can compare to her power.

Throughout the base, everyone calls her - goddess.

A true goddess.

As long as she is around, everyone will dare to fight against any invading powerful enemy.

Alice held the telescope in her hand and carefully observed the jungle opposite.

Two days ago, an Umbrella force attacked a nearby survivor base overnight.

To be precise, it is a market. On weekdays, there are more than a dozen small bases around there to exchange supplies.

The person who manages the market is a retired soldier. After the end of the world, he relied on his memory of the armory and led a group of young and strong men to conquer the armory and obtain sufficient weapons.

As their forces continued to expand, they mobilized more than 500 people. It is the well-deserved number one force on Wanchuan Island.

It's just that for such a big force, not one of them was left alive overnight. Even several survivor bases near the market were massacred.

Alice once organized people to check it out, and they saw with their own eyes a USS special operations team shooting everyone in the base. Alice shot and killed the team, but she was also exposed to Umbrella's sight. .

Seeing the leaves swaying gently in the jungle in the distance, Alice's expression began to become nervous.

Sister, sister, are we going to fight again?

Alice put down the telescope in her hand, looked at the cute little girl next to her, and her face became gentle.

She reached out her hand and gently touched the little girl's face, then held her in her arms.

Milly, be good. Can you go find your mother later? Some bad guys want to take away Milly's lollipops. My sister wants to drive those bad guys away.

'Milly' is the name Alice gave the little girl. The little girl and her mother did not object to this title, on the contrary, they were very happy.

Sure enough, the little girl in her arms took a big sip of the lollipop in her mouth. The left side of her face was bulging out due to the candy, and she clenched her fists fiercely:

Milly's candy is only for her sister and mother, not bad people.


Looking at the pretty little girl, Alice couldn't help but kiss her little face. Then he put the little girl on his back and climbed down from the tower crane.

As soon as Alice came down, two women and a man trotted over.

Alice handed Milly to the middle-aged woman beside her, and then turned to the three of them.

Liu, you lead all the men and lay mines five hundred meters to the west.

The man whose name was called nodded vigorously, then strode away with his chest puffed out.

Li Lei, you need to move all the elderly and children to the factory to the west. If a battle breaks out, you need to allocate manpower to move them out first. Can you do it?

Report to the goddess! I will definitely complete the mission!

Li Lei saluted Alice with respectful eyes. Although it was not very standard, she had no other way to express her respect for Alice at the moment.

A foreign woman who has nothing to do with them can risk her life for everyone. How can people not be moved by this?

Coupled with the other party's ability to be as strong as a god, it is more of a kind of belief than respect.

In the blink of an eye, two of the three were gone, leaving only Sun Lili with short hair standing there, waiting for Alice's mission with glaring eyes.

Alice glanced at the other person, then turned to look towards the dense forest.

Since the zombie birds appeared in the sky, Umbrella's planes have also stopped.

Under such conditions, the USS team could only attack here through land attack. Since you don't have to worry about the opponent's airborne attack, why not take the initiative and eliminate the opponent before they attack the goddess base.

Alice thought for a while with her beautiful eyes, and finally made a decision.

Sun, I have to go out. I'll leave the frontal defense to you.

Sun Lili was startled and looked at Alice in disbelief: Goddess, you...you want me to lead? I can't do it.

Sun Lili knew how much she weighed. It was okay to complete some small tasks under the goddess, but if she coordinated the overall situation, wouldn't there be a big problem?

Alice gently grabbed the other person's shoulders and looked at the other person with encouraging eyes: No one is born to be a leader. You are now the team leader. I believe that as long as you follow the predetermined plan, you will be able to do it.

I don't know why, but listening to Alice's encouragement, Sun Lili suddenly felt a powerful force pouring out of her heart.

Goddess, I will do my best to complete the tasks you give me!

In a room in the shipyard, Alice slowly opened a cowhide bag. The dazzling array of format weapons inside were quietly displayed under the light.

Alice stretched out her fingers and touched the cold weapons one by one. The fighting spirit in his eyes is getting stronger and stronger.

During my time in Daxia, what I heard most on the radio were cries for help from various places. Yesterday's attack by a flock of zombie birds. If he hadn't killed the birds with a mental barrier, I'm afraid the entire base would have turned into a pile of withered bones.

He originally planned to lead the people in the base through this winter, but with the appearance of that USS team, everything will be broken.

Once she is exposed to Umbrella's sight, what awaits her is an endless pursuit.

If he stays, everyone in this base will be affected. Only leaving is the best protection!

Alice sat quietly at the table and took out the map from under the cowhide bag.

The place marked with an eye-catching red pen is ‘Linzhou City’. During this time, she has also been paying attention to the situation in Linzhou City.

It is not difficult to judge from various intelligences that Linzhou City is a powerful base with complete three-defense capabilities. Even Umbrella couldn't easily crack this hard nut.

It seems that I have to go somewhere as soon as possible. Only when I reach Linzhou City will I not be afraid of Umbrella's pursuit.

Alice said to herself, fastening each piece of equipment on her body with her hands.

The weather in Wanchuan Island is like a child's face, it changes at any time.

The weather, which had been sunny just a moment ago, turned gloomy in an instant.

The guards at the goddess base were observing the depths of the jungle meticulously. No one noticed that their goddess had quietly left.

Wanchuan Island is a large island covering an area of ​​10,000 square kilometers. The forest coverage area on the island occupies 70% of the island's land.

On the coast of the island, five medium-sized assault boats, accompanied by a heavily armed USS team, landed on the island.

As soon as the assault boat docked, four USS members ran out of the dense forest opposite and waved to these people.

They spoke Confederate language and gestured to each other.

The team leader who got off the assault boat walked towards the person who greeted him, escorted by his team members.

Corporal Layton, I am here to help you capture the wanted target under the orders of Chief Ashford. Now please tell me everything you know.

The shorter Leighton nodded respectfully towards the team leader, and then took out an electronic display tablet from his hand: Sir, this is the information we collected. Eleven hours ago, we were ordered to clear out the humans on the island. .But the second team was all killed near the shipyard to the west.

But before he died, our man took a photo of the assailant with a personal tactical terminal and uploaded it to me.

The team leader took the tablet and observed it carefully. The woman on the screen was blond and blue-eyed. Because the other party moved too fast, the captured picture was not very clear.

However, through the other person's facial features, you can still roughly judge the other person's appearance.

Huh? Why does this woman feel so familiar to me?

The team leader raised his head slightly and looked at the sky, and there was always a blurry face overlapping it in his mind.

By the way, sir. We just intercepted the voice clip of Team Rock when he died. He shouted repeatedly about telekinesis and supernatural energy.

The squad leader looked at Layton suddenly, and even through the gas mask he could feel the heat in his eyes.

The squad leader's hands were trembling slightly, and his whole body seemed to become excited in an instant.

It's her! I remembered it! Hahahahaha.

The squad leader laughed proudly, while Layton waited quietly aside, not looking at the nervous commander with doubtful eyes.

Scrull, report to Chief Ashford immediately. Just say that we have discovered Alice, the highest-level dangerous person on Wanchuan Island, and request support from the biochemical team.

Alice! It's Alice!

Upon hearing the news, Layton's eyes suddenly widened. It turns out that the woman who attacked the second team early this morning is the Alice who can defeat the evil god!

Rumor has it that in Raccoon City, Alice fought against the evil god alone, and then fought her way out under heavy siege, successfully evading the bombardment of a nuclear bomb.

During that operation, the USS also dispatched a team. And the team is led by the famous Death God Hank. In the end, only Hank of the entire USS team returned with the G-Virus.

As for what exactly happened, no one knows.

Thinking of this, Leiton couldn't help but tremble. Fortunately, he didn't rush to chase the enemy yesterday, otherwise he might have lost his head now.

At this moment, a big hand suddenly patted Leighton's shoulder: Leyton, support from the headquarters will arrive soon.

Before the biochemical team arrives, I hope you can lead me to find Alice's specific location.

Oh ah?

Layton shuddered and couldn't help but look at the squad leader. His face hidden behind the gas mask was even more beautiful.

What? You don't want to?

The squad leader looked at him coldly, with an irresistible tone in his tone. The four team members standing next to the squad leader have pointed their guns at him.

Oh no. I don't dare. I'll take you there, I'll take you there.

Leiton nodded tremblingly and was about to turn around to lead the way.

There was a faint sound of piercing the air, and five cross-shaped darts penetrated directly through the bulletproof helmet on the head, directly inserted into the eyebrows of the squad leader and the four people around him.

No need to look for it, I'm already here!

A crisp female voice came from the depths of the jungle. The originally sweet female voice sounded like a devil's whisper to Layton's ears.

He opened his mouth in surprise, trying to make a sound, but couldn't.

over there!

A sharp-eyed soldier saw the blond woman walking out of the dense forest. He looked at her in confusion, as if he couldn't believe his eyes.

In that woods, there were more than twenty team members ambush. Even if they kill one by one, the team members inside can report the situation to them through the communicator.

Could it be that this woman can become invisible?

Are you looking for your teammates? I can send you down to reunite with them.

Alice threw the USS soldier she was holding behind her toward the crowd.

At the same time, there was loud gunfire along the coast of the island. More than fifty rifles were fired, and they poured out firepower crazily at Alice.

The bullets shot Alice's thrown body into pieces in an instant. Under such intensive firepower, even the thick building was interrupted.

The moment the body was thrown out, Alice was like a dexterous flying swallow. With a slight exertion of her legs, her whole body instantly jumped ten meters into the air, fearlessly rushing towards the USS team.

Several team members who reacted quickly raised their guns and locked the target again and started shooting.

Suddenly, a transparent barrier appeared in front of Alice, and the bullets fired at her seemed to be suspended, solidifying in mid-air.

At this moment, a USS team member fired an RPG rocket launcher at Alice.


In an instant, a ball of orange flames bloomed in the sky, and the transparent barrier broke in an instant.

Well done!

The USS team members collectively breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this, but before the corners of their mouths could curl up. I saw a transparent ripple in the air shaking violently.

The bullet originally fired at Alice was reflected back intact.

Then under the horrified eyes of a group of people, Alice's figure broke through the flames, passed through the vortex of the explosion, and landed firmly on the ground.

She walked towards the USS team members at a leisurely pace, and the curve of her mouth seemed to be mocking the ignorance of her opponents.

The fair face looked particularly beautiful against the flames, and a pair of blue eyes flashed with dangerous light.

Hey, it's not a gentlemanly thing to do to a lady like that.

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