The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 196 0130. Information about the goddess plan

In a dilapidated mud house outside the small town of Elm Bay, a few rays of sunlight shone in through the gaps in the windows closed by wooden boards.

Chen Chong stood on the ground, quietly watching Ada and Chris sleeping.

It's not because Chen Chong has this special hobby, it's because the symptoms of these two people are a bit weird.

Chris was lying on the bed and his body was shaking, and the black blood vessels on his body swelled from time to time.

Ada, on the other hand, was as quiet as a sleeping beauty. If the illustration hadn't shown that she was infected, she would have been no different from a normal person sleeping.

Judging from the virus resistance of the two people, if they inhale a small amount of T virus, there will be absolutely no problem for the two of them with their resistance exceeding that of ordinary people.

But it's different now. What they (she) have inhaled is the black light virus, which is more ferocious than the T-virus. He didn't believe Ada would be completely unaffected.

Maybe it’s because the virus strikes at different times?

Chen Chong crossed his arms and kept tapping the middle finger of his right hand on his arm. Until now, he still couldn't figure out why he cared so much about these two people.

If Chris is saved because he is a righteous party, then what is the reason for Ada Wang?

Looking at that cold beauty-like face, Chen Chong fell into a trance.

Maybe it's because she is also from Daxia? Also has yellow skin and black hair?


Chen Chong looked at the sky outside the window and sighed softly.

Perhaps after the outbreak of the virus, there is no such thing as right or wrong in this world. Because the scene of fighting each other for a piece of bread can be seen everywhere in the corners of the slums.

Calls for help can be heard on the radio all the time. Survivor bases outside the control of the military attack each other almost every day to compete for winter resources.

Who can tell the difference between right and wrong for these people? They just have a common goal of 'survival'.

Ada stole Linzhou City's satellite password, but secretly replaced the T-virus that had entered the city.

According to Umbrella's plan, she could have destroyed the entire Linzhou City silently, but she chose to find Mo Qingning to discuss cooperation.

You can say she is not a good person, but you cannot say she is a bad person. Take himself as an example. Now he is on the side of mankind, but if he loses control one day, he will become a huge threat to mankind.

Chen Chong was troubled in his heart and walked out of the bedroom unconsciously. The moment he turned around, the originally sleeping Ada Wang opened one eye.

It turned out that she had never been asleep, and it was all an act.

Seeing Chen Chong walk out, Ada observed the layout of the room with her eyes, and was already planning an escape route for herself in her mind.

At this moment, Chris, who was lying next to him, was shaking more and more violently.


His body suddenly bent like a jumping shrimp, and a mouthful of black blood sprayed out from his mouth.

There was a sound of footsteps, and Ada quickly closed her eyes and continued to pretend to sleep.

Chen Chong strode into the bedroom, frowning slightly as he looked at the black blood on the ground.

Something is wrong! The black light virus has eaten away at his body. If this continues, Chris will definitely turn into a zombie.

Chen Chong looked at Chris, who was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, with complicated eyes.

He couldn't bear to watch this outstanding warrior fall like this.

Suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed through my mind. My body has infinite resistance to viruses. Maybe the blood in my body is the best antidote!

With the attitude of treating a dead horse as a living horse, Chen Chong bit his index finger without saying anything.

Okay, stop pretending. Help me hold him up.

Chen Chong glanced at Ada Wang lying next to him with the corner of his eyes. Sure enough, the woman opened her eyes immediately, with a trace of embarrassment about having her conspiracy exposed on her face, and helped Chris up.

How did you find out?

Chen Chong did not look at the other person, but pinched Chris' chin open and squeezed a few drops of blood from his fingertips into Chris' mouth.

In just a few seconds, the black light virus restored the bite to its original shape. Sometimes it is troublesome to have too strong repair ability.

Seeing that the wound was healing, Chen Chong did not continue to bite it and feed the blood. Life and death have their own destiny, and they have no obligation to save others.

Next time you pretend to be unconscious, pay attention to controlling your breathing rate. Chen Chong said while laying Chris down.

Aida pursed her lips and changed the topic: Can your blood save him?

Chen Chong shook his head: Not sure, this is my first time trying it too.

I don't know why, but staying in the same room with this mysterious man made Ada Wang feel less nervous. The two of them were like old friends who had known each other for many years, letting go of each other's guard.

You seem to be familiar with this virus? I saw some infected people in this town with the same blade arms as you.

Chen Chong slowly raised his head and met Ada's direct gaze.

Why are you hiding my information? If you report it to Umbrella's senior management, I think your master will reward you heavily.

Faced with Chen Chong's rhetorical question, Ada Wang smiled.

Reward? What kind of reward do you think is a reward in this world? Money?

food? Or rights?

Ada's words stunned Chen Chong for a moment.

Indeed, it is not difficult to obtain these things as the other party.

Aren't you, Umbrella, planning to build an 'ark'? Maybe you are also planning to sneak into a dormant chamber buried underground, waiting for rebirth.

Ada looked at Chen Chong with the eyes of a monster and shook her head gently:

I have been an agent for so many years, and even the illegitimate son of a certain president cannot escape my pursuit. But only you, I can't find a shred of information.

I'm very surprised. Even I, an insider at Umbrella, don't know what you said. How do you know?

Ada seemed to be asking and answering her own questions, and continued without waiting for Chen Chong's response:

Actually, Wesker and I are not superiors and subordinates. To be precise, we are partners. Our most important goal so far is to control the core product of the Goddess Project.

Goddess Plan?

It’s the plan again! Chen Chong has heard these four words more than once. Chen Chong had an intuition that the thing that attracted Wesker and Ada Wang's attention was definitely not an ordinary plan.

The product of this plan should have some connection with Daxia, otherwise a high-level agent like Ada Wang who comes and goes without a trace would not spend such a long time just staying in a place like Linzhou City. .

Why are you telling me this? Chen Chong looked at the other person with a joking look, trying to see some flaws in the other person's face.

Unexpectedly, Ada Wang did not avoid it, but looked at Chen Chong seriously: Didn't you ask me why I didn't report your existence?

When I was sent to Wanjiang City to investigate the situation of Jill's disappearance, I discovered your presence in the surveillance video.

To be honest, your transformation ability and blade arm really shocked me.

My first thought at that time was to report you and then list you as the most dangerous person for arrest.

At this point, Ada Wang looked directly into Chen Chong's eyes, You know, your ability to transform is absolutely intolerable to humans. As long as you want, you can kill anyone directly and become The appearance of the other party obtains supreme rights.”

Chen Chong noticed that Ada's body was tense when she said these words. It seems that she also knows that once this secret is revealed, there is a great possibility that she will be obliterated.

However, Chen Chong did not take action but said calmly: It seems that you are very confident in convincing me. Go ahead, I can guarantee that I will never take action before you finish speaking.

Ada Wang's face turned slightly pale, and the light in her eyes was a little firm:

Your ability scares me, but it also makes me see hope. Maybe you don't believe that Umbrella didn't want to destroy all humans before releasing the virus.

To be precise, there are two factions on the Umbrella board of directors. One faction supports Dr. Marcus's daughter Alicia, and the other supports Alexander.

The two factions had a fierce dispute at a meeting about the release of the T virus. Alicia's father Marcus was silenced by Wesker and Alexander because he refused to continue developing the T virus.

But because of Alicia's cowardice, she signed a top-secret Goddess Project under Alexander's various pressures.

Its surface content is to plan the future development of Umbrella Company, but the development content of this plan is to serve the production of biological and chemical weapons.

Because Umbrella's subordinate departments work independently, the headquarters cannot fully know what these departments study every year.

By the time Alicia discovered the signs of the emergence of biological weapons, she had been deprived of power and could no longer stop it. Until the virus broke out completely, the entire board of directors was completely controlled by Alexander.

My cooperation with Wesker also began at this time. When I was sent to Daxia, we already had some information on the Goddess Project.

According to the above information, more than 90% of the Goddess Project has been completed. If the product of that plan appears, no human being on this earth will be able to escape its clutches.

The first time I meet you, I just want to capture or kill you, and by studying your abilities, I can transform you into a weapon that can fight against the goddess's products.

But now it seems that your strength is growing at an alarming rate. I think even if you are made into a weapon, you will not be stronger than you are now.

Now that these black infected bodies have appeared out of thin air, I think the only person who can solve this mystery is you.

Listening to Ada Wang's narration, Chen Chong fell into thinking. I have seen what the other party said in the Resident Evil movie.

Indeed, as the other party said, Alicia, Alice's subject, does not agree with the destruction of mankind. But it was precisely because Ada was right that Chen Chong felt strange.

According to the plot in the movie, the situation about Umbrella's board of directors can only be known by personally participating in the killing of Wesker.

Now these words are a bit weird coming out of Ada Wang's mouth. How did she know this information?

Could it be that these two people are really cooperating and taking advantage of each other?

Chen Chong was surprised, but his expression was as usual: You seem to be very afraid of the product of the goddess' plan. Can you tell me what a powerful method it is?

Ada Wang hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded and said: In this situation, I'm not afraid that you will know.

I think since you entered the underground base in Wanjiang City, you should have fought against the 'Lord of Destruction' imprisoned there.

Chen Chong nodded nonchalantly.

The product of the Goddess Project is composed of 12 biological weapons with the same strength as the King of Destruction.

12? Chen Chong's heart trembled when he heard this.

With his current strength, it was not difficult to kill a King of Destruction, but if 12 such monsters were put together, he really couldn't imagine what the consequences would be.

That's right! According to the calculations in the data, the final product after fusion can reach hundreds of energy fluctuations. Even the steel city wall of Linzhou City will turn into powder in one blow.

The high concentration of fusion virus in its body will give it almost immortal vitality. Such biological weapons should not appear in this world. Ada Wang said seriously.

one hundred!

Chen Chong was really shocked by this number. He didn't expect Umbrella to be able to do this:

Is it also for this plan that you and Wesker colluded to capture Linzhou City?

Yes. As far as we know, the products of the Goddess Project have been secretly transported to Daxia, preparing to complete the final integration with the King of Destruction.

But because of your intrusion, the King of Destruction was killed, and the most critical heart was also lost. Wesker and I judged that the products of the Goddess Project should be near Nanjiang Province, so we need to control Linzhou City and use the human resources here to carry out the search.

At this point, Ada Wang looked at Chen Chong seriously, I suspected that you swallowed the heart before, but later I rejected this idea.


Because a human being fused with the heart of the King of Destruction will not be so normal.

Hearing this, Chen Chong breathed a huge sigh of relief. He didn't expect that he accidentally ruined the implementation of the goddess' plan.

Now that the most critical heart has become a part of the virus's mother nest, I don't think those Umbrella guys will find out.

Seeing the joy on Chen Chong's face, Ada Wang reminded:

Destroying the king's heart is important, but it is not necessary.

What do you mean? Chen Chong stared at the other party again.

Destroying the king's heart will allow the final product to grow continuously, but the product itself is powerful. Even without the heart, it still has terrifying power.

Chen Chong's heart suddenly pounded. He couldn't tell whether what the other party said was true or false, unless he devoured the other party now.

Feeling the dangerous aura emanating from Chen Chong's eyes, Ada Wang's heart skipped a beat.

Did you make a mistake in your bet?

Doesn't this man care about the life and death of human beings? Still want to kill yourself?

Thinking of this, Ada Wang weakly lowered her head and gave up resistance. She knew that the other party wanted to kill her, and there was no chance of her surviving.

Just as Ada was waiting for death to come, Chris, who was originally unconscious, moved

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