Not to mention the audience present, even Chen Chong himself did not expect that He Hua would recommend it publicly.

In fact, in the election of district chiefs, the military generally does not ask about these matters, let alone interfere.

All the signs today reveal something strange. It seems that this young president of the Renaissance is a representative thrown out by the military.

Gu Qingfang looked at Chen Chong beside her in surprise. This man seemed to bring some unexpected situations every time he returned.

He only went out for two days, not only brought back 5,000 tons of food, but also got close to the top military officials.

This made her feel unrealistic. It was obvious that the first time she met the other party, she was just a refugee who had just arrived. There were only a dozen subordinates in a factory, but in less than half a month, the other party was able to sit down with confidence. Here, we compete with those high-ranking presidents on the same stage.

Feeling the hot gaze of the girl next to him, Chen Chong also felt a little embarrassed.

He deliberately turned his head to one side and glanced at the second floor escalator inadvertently. It didn't matter, but I found an old acquaintance.

Ada King!

No, she should be called Liu Manli at this moment. That long hair, black dress, red high heels. If it weren't for Chen Chong's better eyesight, he might not have been able to recognize him.

Seeing Chen Chong looking over, Ada smiled evilly at him and pointed to the aisle on the second floor.

Chen Chong had long wanted to find out about this woman, and he would go there without her having to tell her.

Sister Fang, I'm going to the toilet.


Gu Qingfang looked away embarrassedly.

In the auditorium, other people were still waiting quietly for the remaining five places. As the winner, he left his seat loudly.

Even if others were dissatisfied with this, they did not dare to say anything in person. Who is He Hua's favorite person?

Arriving at the back of the auditorium, Chen Chong went straight to the second floor.

Liu Manli, the long-haired woman transformed by Ada, was already standing in the aisle quietly waiting for Chen Chong.

I think you must be particularly eager to catch me these days!

Ada blinked her eyes slightly mischievously and spoke proactively.

Chen Chong snorted nonchalantly: Humph, that's right! If you don't show up again, I might really look for you.

Sorry, we miscalculated this time. Oh no, it should be both you and us who miscalculated.

Chen Chong didn't speak, just quietly waiting for the next step.

You must be wondering why the evolved zombie army didn't attack the city yesterday. Ada took a few steps forward and her expression became serious.

I told you before that Wesker and I's plan is to gain control of Linzhou City, and then use the manpower and material resources here to find the products of the Queen's plan.

Chen Chong nodded: Yes, what about the result?

The result is that the 'product of the Queen's Plan' has appeared. Ada's tone suddenly became serious, and it almost killed Wesker.

Chen Chong's pupils shrank, and his heart skipped a beat: Kill Wesker? Are you saying that thing is out of control?

It can be said that it is out of control, but it is not completely out of control. To be precise, the final product was forcibly awakened due to Alice's attack.

Before that, Wesker had not had time to implant the chip that controlled her into the other party's brain. So now the final product is completely under the control of self-awareness.

Chen Chong: According to your consciousness, this thing is like a wild horse running wild and no one can control it?

Ada Wang: You can think so.

Chen Chong: Where is that thing?

Ada shook her head slightly: It's not clear where it is now, but when Wesker discovered it, it was in a place called 'Gu Peach Town'.

Gutao Town!

Could it be that the strong dangerous aura that I sensed that night was emitted by the final product!

Goddess Project, Alice! Wesker!

These characters, who had no trace at all, actually appeared in the same place at the same time. And it was still in Gutao Town, which he knew well.

Is this an arrangement of fate?

Confusing thoughts kept surging in Chen Chong's mind, and he gradually calmed down.

What are you going to do now?

Ada pondered for a moment and then looked at Chen Chong: Now we should talk about what we should do. My cooperation with Wesker is limited to finding the final product. Now that this thing appears, my cooperation with him is over.

Then why did you come to me to explain this again? Chen Chong looked at the other party playfully.

Cooperate, cooperate with you. Ada Wang showed a confident smile, I guess you will never sit back and watch the final product be controlled by others, you want to destroy it.

Seeing Ada's determined look, Chen Chong did not refute again. He really thought so:

Is there any way you can find its location, and do you know what its weaknesses are?

Ada seemed to be prepared. She slowly took out a blue micro-locator, a small red dot, which was flashing forward.

Chen Chong: This is it?

Ada Wang: This is the signal that captured Alice. She escaped in North America and came to Bactria. Later, because Umbrella's satellite monitoring capabilities in Bacteria were weak, she disappeared for a long time.

However, Umbrella's USS team recently discovered her traces again, and the satellites in the sky have locked onto her.

Ada's words reminded Chen Chong of a scene in Resident Evil 3. While Alice was killing zombies, she was locked by a satellite in the universe and then controlled. Later, it was Alice who forced herself out of control and escaped from surveillance.

In this way, Alice has not yet encountered Dr. Alexander in North America, and has not yet released control of the satellite.

Ada: According to my speculation, Alice is likely to be with the final product.

Chen Chong: Why?

Ada pointed to the bracelet on her wrist, which was a remote control for controlling intelligent creatures:

The final product has the brainwave ability of intelligent creatures in its body. I carefully observed it. Recently, when Alice was near the cities of XD and WT, the biochemical weapons inside had an echo reaction.

Knowing that Chen Chong didn't understand, Ada continued to explain: 'Echo' is when two intelligent creatures are close to each other, they will use brain waves to detect each other. This situation is the same as when humans meet and greet each other.

It's just that intelligent creatures don't need to meet each other, as long as they are close to a range of 20 kilometers, they can do it.


Chen Chong hit his right palm with his left fist and made a sound: Very good! Where is Alice now?

Ada observed it carefully and then said firmly:

In the town we left before.

[Barracks Area·Meeting Room]

Dai Jianfeng and He Hua sat at a table again.

Commander Dai, the plan to go to the missile base this time has been decided, and there are good things like virus detectors in the city, so we don't have to worry about virus detection anymore. Now everything is ready and all we need is the east wind!

I invite Commander Dai over today. I have one more thing to ask of you.

Oh? What is it?

He Hua hesitated for a few seconds, and then took out a document bag with a blue starfish emblem printed on it from the drawer.

Dai Jianfeng was obviously stunned. He knew very well what this pattern symbolized. Only top-secret documents would be sealed in this kind of document bag.

Moreover, such a document will not go through any electronic equipment. It is completely handwritten by the publisher. This is the only one copy and will be burned after reading it.

No matter how powerful other people's high-tech means are, they cannot obtain information from them.

Looking at the document bag, Dai Jianfeng swallowed nervously. How many years! Even someone like him was only seen four times, and every time something big happened.

Commander He, what is this?

He Hua looked around to make sure no one was nearby, then he approached Dai Jianfeng's ear and whispered softly: This document arrived from Jingzhou to Linzhou City the afternoon before yesterday. The one who came to escort the document was Jingzhou Wei Zhi Lin Shaoning in .

Ah? Lin Shaoning!

Dai Jianfeng looked at He Hua in disbelief. This news was simply difficult for him to accept. Lin Shaoning was none other than Lin Anqi's second brother.

Ever since the bad news of Lin Shuai's death came, the situation in Jingzhou has become more delicate.

People said that the Three Families were about to turn into two Families. Dai Jianfeng didn't believe it at the time, but now Lin Shaoning's appearance has made it clear.

A descendant of a big family was actually sent out to deliver a message. Dai Jianfeng didn't dare to think about what would happen in the future.

Seeing that Dai Jianfeng was a little out of control, He Hua patted his back gently:

Commander Dai, please be patient. No matter what, we have to read the contents. I will lead the team to set off tomorrow. Commander Dai must carry out the tasks in this document!

Sorry! I just lost my composure. Commander He is right, we should open the documents first.

He Hua gently opened the document bag and took out four A4 sheets of paper. The first two chapters also include two photos.

One was taken from a high-altitude angle. The picture shows a flesh-and-blood building that is the same as the virus mother nest in the small town of Elm Bay.

However, He Hua knew that this was not Yushu Bay, but a city located between Jingzhou and Linzhou City.

In front of the virus mother nest, the black infected bodies had different shapes and were densely packed in front of the mother nest.

From the corner of the picture, you can see that these black zombies are fighting against ordinary infections.

Dai Jianfeng and He Hua looked at each other in understanding, and then opened the second page.

The above content is very long. The general meaning is that the Jingzhou satellite discovered the virus mother nest in GR City. This mother nest can produce black zombies, and these black zombies are fighting against the zombie tide heading south from the Central Plains.

Now Jingzhou proposes to jointly send troops with Linzhou City, with GR City as the central battlefield, and use missile bombing to eliminate the main force of the corpse tide in the Central Plains once and for all.

After reading this document, Dai Jianfeng and He Hua didn't know whether to cry or laugh. They had previously been wary of the zombie tide heading south from the Central Plains, but they were actually blocked by the inexplicable appearance of the virus mother nest.

Now the zombie army has no time to go south to invade Linzhou City, which gives them a good opportunity to attack Songchuan City and obtain supplies.

But in this way, Linzhou City will face a black light creature that is more powerful than the T virus infected body in a while!

He Hua resisted speaking and continued to flip through the third page.

The third page is also a picture, which is a city located on the east coast of Daxia.

This city has now been captured by a Umbrella team. According to the information on page four, that city has the largest underground shelter in Bactria, and there are several nuclear warheads in it.

Jingzhou is worried that directly launching the missile will detonate the nuclear bomb inside, so it hopes that Linzhou, which is not far away, can send personnel to retake the shelter.

Faced with the arduous tasks, Dai Jianfeng and He Hua were speechless for a while.

Now each base is not responsible for its own affairs. Linzhou City itself is facing many problems now, so how can it send troops for expedition.

Commander Dai, what do you think?

Faced with such a major matter, Dai Jianfeng was speechless: In my personal opinion, bombing GR must wait until the missile base is captured. And the task of seizing shelters is not suitable for dispatching large forces at all. If you want to go, you can only Maybe send a small force to infiltrate.

He Hua nodded in agreement: I think so too, but let's not talk about the missile base. Regarding sending a team to infiltrate, who should be the captain?

Dai Jianfeng pondered for a few seconds: What do you think, Commander He, of Maple Leaf?

He Hua thought for a while, then shook his head: No, although this kid is good in strength, his personality is too impatient. I'm worried that he won't be able to do a task like infiltration.

What about Shadow Tiger?

Hey Yinghu, you're not mine! I'm afraid it won't be easy to explain to Ouyang.

Dai Jianfeng suddenly smiled and said: I do know a suitable person, but I'm afraid that Commander He won't let him go.

Who is it? As long as it's appropriate, I won't be vague.

Your sister, Mo Qingning.

As expected, He Hua became embarrassed when she mentioned Mo Qingning.

Dai Jianfeng seemed to have expected this scene, and laughed loudly: Haha, Commander He, don't be embarrassed. I was just joking. But did Commander He forget the most suitable person?

The most suitable person? You mean?

That's right! It's Chen Chong.

He Hua's eyes lit up, but he became worried: Yes, Chen Chong is definitely suitable, but I'm afraid he won't be willing to accept this task. After all, he is not from the military, and his identity as a special operations group instructor is just a cover. That’s all.”

Dai Jianfeng shook his head: Since everyone knows it is a cover, then we must use this cover to draw him into our team. In fact, isn't Commander He already doing this?

I think that since Chen Chong is participating in the district mayor's election, it means that he is eager to gain power and get a power that he can use as he wishes.

We can completely satisfy him on this point, and even clear the obstacles for him to get what he wants.

He Hua squeezed in excitement, but quickly calmed down: Yes! It is indeed a good thing to get this person, but no one can figure out what he is thinking in his heart. It can be seen that he He is not a simple person, if he cannot control himself

Why do you always want to control? In this end of the world, perhaps an equal and friendly cooperative relationship can win the heart of a strong person!

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