The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 210 0144. Actions of all parties

[Daxia·East Coast]

Once one of the largest refuges in Great Xia, it has now fallen into the hands of Umbrella.

In a room full of light, a brown-haired man quietly observed the data graph in front of him.

This is the material reserve of the entire underground shelter. If used properly, it can maintain the reserves of the entire USS team for fifty years.

This is really a right decision! Look at the things here, they are better off than those committee members hiding underground.


There was a burst of steam from the door behind him, and a USS soldier wearing a gas mask and wrapped in equipment walked in.

Sir Ashford, I'm back.

The man turned his head in slight surprise and looked at the soldier in front of him with a hint of joy: Hank? He deserves the title of 'Death'.

After your messages were interrupted, I thought something had happened to you too. How about it? Have you gained anything from coming back this time?

Hank: I brought back a black infected body, which has now been handed over to the Scientific Research Department. And the committee is over there.

Very good! Don't worry about the committee for now. Ashford immediately interrupted Hank, Now as long as the scientific research department can detect the results, our mission this time has been completed.

Hank just looked at Chief Ashford quietly. He was a little puzzled, but he didn't express it.

The person who originally assigned this task was committee chairman Wesker, but now Ashford said he didn't need to worry about the committee. So which part is the problem?

Seeing that Hank was still standing there, Ashford asked: Is there anything else? If nothing happens, go back and rest. I will make arrangements for you to enjoy yourself.

Hank didn't speak or leave. Just stood there motionless and looked at him.

Ashford was a little confused when Hank looked at him. He slowly touched the pistol at his waist and began to move away from him.

Just when Ashford was tense all over, Hank nodded gently:

Thank you, Chief Ashford.


As Hank left, Ashford breathed a sigh of relief. He stared at Hank's back, feeling something strange in his heart.

Hank has always been taciturn in the past, but he is an excellent soldier who resolutely follows orders.

But this time when he came back, Hank seemed to have a sense of danger. This feeling made Ashford feel particularly uncomfortable, even a little scared.

Sometimes he wanted to take off the mask on the other person's face to see if it was the real Hank.

Hank left and returned to his residence quietly as before. He walked into the bathroom, put some water in it, and then took off his clothes one by one.

The moment the mask was taken off, a knife-carved cheek was revealed. Hank carefully observed every inch of skin on his body. His muscles seemed to be stronger than before. In addition, his arms felt strange to the touch.

It feels like there is an iron plate under the skin. Just cut the skin and you can see the substance hidden underneath.

Hank raised his hand and pulled out a dagger from the clothes hanger, pointed it at his arm, and then stabbed it without hesitation. The moment the blade came into contact with his skin, he clearly heard a crisp impact.

In the end, the blade penetrated in, and as a stream of bright red blood flowed out, Hank stared at the wound in confusion.

It's red! I haven't mutated yet!

Hank gently pulled out the sharp knife, and the left side of his face twitched slightly because of the pain.

However, the blood that slowly flowed out in the next second began to coagulate at a speed visible to the naked eye. In less than ten seconds, the blood stopped flowing out, and the open wound was slowly healing.

No, I'm still mutated!

Hank no longer controlled himself, a stream of black and red blood surged out, and then slowly condensed into a black gold-like shield.

Hank didn't dare tell anyone what happened to him. He knew that according to Umbrella's urine, if he said it today, he would be tied to the anatomy operating table tomorrow.

Those scientific madmen don't care what your position is, nor how much credit you have made for this company.

After silently retracting the shield, Hank, lying in the bathtub, began to think about what Ashford had just said.

As an ordinary USS member, he has no way of accessing information among the company's top brass. But judging by his feelings alone, Ashford seemed to be bypassing Wesker and the Council.

What is he going to do? And why?

Hank's mind kept thinking about all the things that happened when they came to Daxia.

First, they bombed small bases one after another, and then began to attack the large bases controlled by the Daxia military until they captured this underground shelter.

All this seems to be under Ashford's control, including the nuclear warheads stored in this underground shelter.

From the unknown telegram about the 'Goddess Project' to the hooded man he met during the mission that night, these messages were all guiding him to do something.

While Hank was lying in the bathtub, thinking over and over again, Ashford was standing in front of a screen, repeatedly watching the black light zombie brought back by Hank.

How's it going? Have the test results come out?

The woman in a white coat standing aside nodded: Now it can be confirmed that this is a new type of virus. According to the virus samples we decomposed, its splitting speed and mutation ability are higher than the company's existing ones. Any kind of virus.”

Ashford frowned in surprise: Can't even the G virus compare to it?

The woman replied: Yes, there is still a big gap between the two.

Ashford took a deep breath and seemed to be hesitating. After a while, he finally made up his mind and said, Transmit the experimental data here directly to the board of directors. Remember not to let the Red Queen obtain data backup.

The woman looked at Ashford in confusion: Sir, why is this?

Ashford solemnly said: I suspect that the current chairman of the committee, Wesker, has rebelled. Before the big shots on the board of directors wake up, Wesker has the right to use all the company's resources. Once the data is backed up by the Red Queen, it is equivalent to informing Got Wesker.

[Daxia·Wanjiang City·Wuchao Base]

Red Queen, I need all satellite permissions of Umbrella in Daxia, as well as all relevant information on the Goddess Project.

Wesker sat quietly on the swivel chair, and the red projection of the little girl standing next to him was the Red Queen.

Satellite permissions can be granted, but data permissions for the Goddess Project cannot be provided.

Wesker ignored the Red Queen's words and continued: Open the data reserve and unlock all the information about the Goddess Project.

Now the Red Queen's projection suddenly became serious: Warning, Chairman Wesker, forcing you to view permission information will be regarded as a violation by the company.

Do as I say.

Wesker said calmly, and the Red Queen could only obey.

The data reserve has been fully opened, and the top secret information of the Goddess Project can be uploaded.

On the screen in front of him, the numbers on a progress loading bar began to rise rapidly.

Until it reaches 100%, a set of picture information is presented in detail.

The final product? Haha, you will be mine soon!

[Elm Bay Town]

Sister, where are we going?

Lilith held Alice's hand tightly, her little face full of curiosity.

Alice raised her hand to wipe the dirt on her face, and showed a gentle smile: We are going to Linzhou City, which is a big city with many, many people.

Lilith tilted her head and asked seriously: Is there anyone as powerful as my sister there?

Alice glanced at the other party slightly worriedly, then shook her head: I don't know.

In fact, through these two days of getting along, Alice also got to know a little bit about the character of her 'sister'.

The reason why the other party took the initiative to get close to me that day was actually because of my relatively strong mental power, which allowed me to withstand the other party's brainwave attack without falling.

Although Lilith looks harmless on the outside, she is actually a girl who is passionate about powerful power. She will show kindness to powerful people, but she will never take the initiative to say a word when meeting ordinary people.

On several occasions, he even showed murderous intentions toward humans.

This makes Alice very conflicted. With such a dangerous girl by her side, if she is brought into the populous Linzhou City, will the other party explode all the human heads in one go like that night.

Sister, what are you thinking about?

Lilith, who is integrated with an intelligent biochemical weapon, is very sensitive to human emotional issues.

Alice thought for a while and decided to talk to the other party: Lilith, I have a question that I hope you can answer.

Sister, tell me, Lilith will never reject her. Lilith's big eyes instantly turned into crescents.

Do you hate ordinary humans?

No? I just think they are a little weak. Weak humans will only become more and more miserable living in this world. I just want to help them end this life early.

Seeing Lilith's serious expression, Alice felt like her head was spinning.

Can you, a little girl, not be so violent?

Uh Alice tried to organize her words to correct the girl's dangerous thoughts, Lilith, you can't think like this. If you kill all the weak humans, then there will be no humans left in the world, don't you? Are you willing to live alone?

Lilith pursed her lips and thought hard: No, I will not kill you, sister. I just want you to accompany me!

It’s over! This is a black-hearted girl, it’s true!

Alice grabbed a strand of her hair tangledly. If the other person's thoughts never changed, what would she do? Should she be killed?

Sister, be careful behind you!

Lilith exclaimed, bringing Alice back to reality.

I saw a fighter with thick forelimbs and huge claws rushing towards Alice.

Alice was stunned for a moment, and her flexible body avoided it slightly. Unexpectedly, the monster's claws actually swung in the air and grabbed Alice's cheek.

In desperation, Alice lowered her waist suddenly. A pair of slender arms caught the two joints on the monster's left arm. Using the momentum of her body rolling backwards, she pulled the fighter forward.


The fighter missed the target and was knocked upside down. However, before it could get up, Alice let out a sweet scream and struck it with a knee, hitting it firmly on the head.


Feeling the pain coming from her knees, Alice's expression changed drastically.

The infected body that was hit hard by his own knee was not affected at all. Instead, it stretched out its claws and grabbed Alice.

This was the first time she encountered this strange infected body. Without knowing its specific strength, Alice did not dare to hesitate at all. She immediately pulled away and flipped back, avoiding the fighter's attack.

Just when she was about to test again, a figure flashed in front of her, and Lilith was seen standing in front of the fighter with an excited look on her face, her small white hands tightly clenched into fists:

Wow! This is so powerful! I want to fight it!


A fighter doesn't know how to show mercy to a girl, so when it saw the petite girl in front of it, it rushed towards Lilith without hesitation.

The huge body flew into the air, and a black shadow completely blocked Lilith below.

The black claws were like deadly scimitars, cutting towards the girl's pink flesh.


Before the fighter landed, Lilith's figure flashed quickly, her petite body jumped up, and she took the initiative to raise her fist and hit the fighter's sharp claws.


There was a sound of bones breaking, and three of the fighter's sharp claws were actually broken by Lilith's small fist.


Alice couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise, just how terrifying strength and defense did Lilith have to be so willful?

The idea of ​​killing Lilith was instantly thrown out of her mind.


The fighter whose claws were broken let out a painful howl, but its roar aroused Lilith's dissatisfaction. The next second, a more intense sonic attack exploded in its head.


Alice looked at the brawler holding his head and roaring in surprise. Lilith's sonic ability could be precisely controlled to target an individual individually.

But this time, Lilith also showed a surprised expression. In her perception, the black infected body in front of her could actually resist her own sonic attack without hitting her head.

Huh? There's something wrong with this infected body.

Lilith's surprised voice made Alice realize the weirdness in it. Suddenly, the whole ground trembled slightly like an earthquake. Lilith no longer used sound waves, and her whole body was like a bullet that was discharged from the barrel, blowing the fighter's body out almost instantly.

Black and red plasma spattered everywhere. Looking at the corpse with its head exploded, Alice felt dazed for a moment.

Sister, there is something wrong with this infected body. I feel that it is not the type we have encountered before.

Lilith stepped on the fighter's body, touching the skin as hard as iron plate with her toes from time to time.

As a result, Alice beside her did not respond to her words. Instead, she pointed at Goliath walking in the distance and whispered in a trembling voice:

God! What is that?

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