The former town of Elm Bay was completely destroyed in this chaotic battle.

A group of zombies with black light stood behind the big Goliath and stared blankly at Chen Chong in the distance.

When Chen Chong realized that he had been captured by Lilith's mental attack, he gave up using conventional means to escape.

Because although Black Light has strong abilities, it does not have mental abilities of its own.

To be precise, it is just like the prototypes in the torture prototype. They themselves are emotionless creatures and will not be restricted by mental attacks.

But Chen Chong hadn't evolved to that point yet, so when he was about to lose himself, he made a bold idea.

That is to let go of the evil thoughts that have been suppressed in his heart, and let the evil thoughts that want to purify the whole world with black light fight against Lilith's spiritual world.

As a result, something unexpected happened to Chen Chong. The growth of evil thoughts actually caused the prototype's numerical value to skyrocket.

After successfully breaking through Lilith's mental attack, even his four-dimensional attributes skyrocketed. What surprised him most was that he could directly use many forms of black light ability, and could also use the black light virus to control the surroundings. of black light creatures.

The exhilarating feeling of overwhelming combat power made Chen Chong feel an unprecedented feeling.

This feeling soon turned into greed during the battle, making him desperately want to absorb the ability of the prototype body into his body forever.

Fortunately, Andy's timely appearance allowed Chen Chong's rationality to prevail. If you allow the greed in your heart to amplify, you may really become an emotionless demon.

However, releasing the prototype body this time is not without gains, but with great gains.

[Host: Chen Chong]

[Status: Evolution, prototype (26%)]

[Level: 4 (70%)]

[Health value: 189]

【Strength: 50.7】

【Defense: 37.4】

[Stamina: 31]

【Speed: 26.1】

【Virus resistance:∞】

[Form: 1. Claw Lv4, 2. Blade Lv3, 3. Tendrils Lv1, 4. Hammer Lv2]

[Special abilities: 1. Devouring Lv5, 2. Disguise Lv5, 3. Heat sense Lv2, 4. Command Lv5, 5. Ground stab Lv2, 6. Qigong wave Lv5, 7. Brutal Lv2, 8. Charged attack Lv2, 9 .Hide the Tide Lv2, 10. Rush Lv2]

[Virus Hatching: Black Light Fighter King (↓)]

[Armed hatching: not yet carried out (energy number: 11741)]

[Finishing move·Thousands of tentacles]

[Storage organs: flesh and blood energy (27%)]

In addition to the increase in evolution and four-dimensional attributes, even various existing forms and skills have been upgraded by one level. Including the 'tendril' form that has been without progress has also been unlocked.

And he also felt that he had a hidden skill, which was 'assimilation'.

This is a skill unique to the prototypes, although Chen Chong cannot actively release it now. However, Goliath and the black light zombies in the town, who were previously controlled by Chen Chong with the black light virus, have completely become Chen Chong's younger brothers.

As long as Chen Chong has a thought, he can command these zombie thugs to do anything.

Looking at Goliath who looked like a big fool, Chen Chong felt a little regretful.

If I had known this would happen, why would I blind my little brother in the first place?

How many ordinary zombies can a fully-fledged Goliath be worth?

Seeing that Chen Chong had returned to his original state, Ada slowly walked over with Alice and Lilith.

Lilith has been hiding behind Alice, looking at Chen Chong with evasive eyes, for fear that the other party will suddenly attack her.

Ada: Just now?

Chen Chong smiled and looked at Lilith: I'm sorry, this girl's ability is very powerful. I just had to do it as a last resort.

Chen Chong's words confirmed Lilith's strange ability, and also showed from the side that he had the ability to deal with Lilith.

Lilith hid behind Alice, her little head poking half out of the other person's shoulder. Like a kitten that has done something wrong, it is both scared and curious.

In her heart, she only respects strong people, and Chen Chong's strength has completely shocked her.

Mr. Chen Chong, if you don't want Lilith to appear, I can take her away. But I won't let you kill her.

Alice firmly protected Lilith. Through her communication with Ada just now, she knew the reason why Chen Chong wanted to kill Lilith.

Moreover, the confrontation between him and Umbrella just now further proved that Chen Chong and himself were not enemies, but comrades who could unite.

Chen Chong's calm eyes swept over the faces of Alice and Lilith. In fact, things have developed to this point.

He could no longer eradicate Lilith confidently and in the name of caring for mankind. Compared with her, it seemed that he was the devil who could destroy mankind and the world.

Looking at Lilith's timid eyes, Chen Chong smiled with relief:

Forget it! Don't kill! Everyone in this world has two sides. If you don't want to experience a disaster that will destroy the world one day, then first eliminate Umbrella, the culprit.

Chen Chong stretched out the back of his hand towards Alice, and Andy standing next to him was the first to respond:

If that's the case, count me in.

Chen Chong looked at Alice, his blue pupils flowing with water:

I'm joining.

I'll join too! Lilith shouted excitedly. When she saw Chen Chong looking at her, she quickly shrank her neck and asked cautiously, Is it okay?

Ha ha ha ha.

Lilith's weak and helpless expression successfully made everyone laugh. But Ada never reached out to anyone.

Everyone present also knows that Ada has always had her own goals and will not be fettered by anyone.

This is one of the reasons why she is mysterious.

After experiencing this turning point, everything seems to be changing for the better.

Chen Chong's strength increased, the black light zombies in Elm Bay Town were controlled, the zombie tide heading south from the Central Plains was suppressed, and the threat of the final product was also controlled.

Alice, Chris, Jill, Andy, Mo Qingning, all the masters joined together.

On the Umbrella side, the underground bases of Ada, Wesker, and Rebellion branches on various continents have been damaged to varying degrees.

The goddess's plan to eliminate humans was ruined. Due to the blockade of zombie birds, resource transportation in various places has become a problem. The ability to control various underground bases has also begun to become weak.

In contrast, this large group that controls global conspiracies seems to have begun to decline.

At this critical moment, Umbrella's leaders, led by Alexander, held their first decisive meeting since recovery.

[Raccoon City·Hive Base]

The underground conference room with dim lights was filled with board members with different hair colors.

Unlike the way the committee meets, these people are not virtually projected, but actually gathered face to face.

At the two vertices of the long oval conference table, one is Alicia in a wheelchair, and the other is Alexander.

The two of them jointly control the entire Umbrella group's assets and belong to the company's absolute control.

Mr. Alexander, why do you want to wake us up early? Has the clearing plan been completed ahead of schedule?

The brown-haired man sitting first on Alexander's left asked.

Alexander glanced at Alicia opposite him meaningfully, and then summoned the Red Queen over with a wave of his hand.

Sorry everyone, our cleanup plan has not been completed. On the contrary, the current situation is very bad and has been out of our control.

Red Queen, please explain it to everyone.

Yes, sir.

These board members have all experienced great storms. When they heard the news, they did not show any excessive reaction. Instead, they all looked at the Red Queen projection in the center of the conference table.

The Red Queen stretched out her little hand and pointed it towards the void.

A huge transparent display screen appeared in the middle. There were pictures and detailed explanations on it, including the recent situation of bases on various continents and the progress of human elimination plans in various regions. What was ultimately wanted was detailed information about the emergence of the black body virus.

Judging from the completion of the mission, the third area located in Western Europe has completed the clearing plan. According to satellite data, humans here have completely fallen.

The second region of Eastern Europe still has a population of 11.23 million. Leave aside the fourth area that is now unreachable. The situation is worse now in the first South American region.

The coalition forces here have eliminated nearly a million zombies, and one of our underground bases in South America has also been destroyed.

Experts from the coalition forces also stole our data and are now developing T-virus inhibitors in large quantities.

Almost everyone in the coalition army could get one.

Listening to the Red Queen's report, a female board member interrupted:

Our data are all controlled by the Red Queen. Even if the base is breached, the self-destruction program will be activated immediately and the data will be transferred.

Why do data leaks occur now?

This female member’s question is also a point of confusion for most people present.


At this time, Alicia, who was sitting in the main seat, sneered and stared at Alexander opposite:

Why the data was leaked, I think Mr. Alexander has a say.

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Alexander.

The latter just smiled faintly, and then stood up from his seat: There is a traitor within us, and this traitor is Wesker, the rotating chairman of the committee.

It was he who prevented the base's self-destruction device from being shut down, and also deliberately delayed the Red Queen's programming to retrieve the data.


How could Wesker?

Everyone knows Wesker's identity. He is not only a student of the late Chairman Marcus, but also a loyal subordinate of Alexander.

Such a high-level person who holds company secrets actually rebelled?

This news made the originally calm board members panic.

Mr. Alexander, where is Wesker now? Why didn't you issue an order to eliminate him?

The tall male member stood up emotionally.

Alexander raised his hands and made a downward gesture: Everyone, don't worry. The purpose of waking everyone up this time is to discuss the follow-up plan.

Now I have a solution to the current dilemma.

What is it?

Everyone asked in unison.

Total War!

Alexander slowly said four words, and then with a wave of his hand, the content on the screen turned into missile silos.

We currently control 70% of the world's missile silos, of which 28% are still operational and controllable.

We can unleash these missiles to bombard existing humans. When humanity is cleared, we can release the T-Virus nemesis to complete the global reshuffle.

No! I don't agree!

Before Alexander could finish speaking, Alicia interrupted him angrily.

She pointed at Alexander tremblingly:

It was you who said at the beginning that in order to avoid the impact of human world war on the earth's environment, you studied the cleansing plan in the Bible and used the T virus to complete the reshuffle of the world.

But now, you actually want to use missiles to destroy mankind. Aren't you afraid that war weapons will cause damage to the environment?

Alexander pursed his lips and walked to Alicia's side disapprovingly:

You are wrong! There is a saying in Daxia that 'he who knows the current affairs is a hero'. Now that the mysterious black body virus has appeared, we have to suspect that there is another force in this world interfering with our plans.

If we don't complete the reshuffle as soon as possible and wait until the infected bodies of the black body virus spread all over the world, our T virus nemesis will not be able to play any role.

At that time, we will be forced to hide in this dark underground forever, without ever seeing the light of day again. We may even be discovered by infected bodies of the black body virus and eat our flesh and blood in one bite.

After saying this, Alexander showed a painful expression and slowly returned to his position:

ladies and gentlemen!

For the final reshuffle, I think we can be more decisive and avoid unnecessary trouble.

Are you willing to let others dictate our destiny?

Alexander's final remarks successfully triggered reactions from many board members.

Judging from the data given by the Red Queen, the black-body virus's ability to spread and mutate is terrifying. The most terrible thing is that the black-body virus can also produce exclamation bodies on its own.

At this rate, the entire Daxia and even the world will become a paradise for black body virus infections.

Alexander's method is indeed the most effective and safe at the moment.

I agree to start a total war!

I agree!


Seeing the hands raised high, Alexander looked at Alicia opposite with a mocking smile.

Alicia's thin body couldn't help trembling, as if her old bones were about to fall apart.

She glared at Alexander angrily, angry at him and at her own cowardice.

She was deceived by Alexander again and again, and fell into Alexander's trap again and again.

Even though she has now seen through the other party's conspiracy, she still has no way to stop the other party's conspiracy.

He could only watch as the other party plunged the entire Umbrella into the endless abyss.

Looking at the Red Queen standing aside and watching her, Alicia suddenly thought of a figure in her mind.


Alice, perhaps only her clone in this world can prevent the extinction of mankind!

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