The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 215 0148. Super Soldier No. 1!

In the dirty underground water channel, a man whose body was entangled with black tentacles stumbled forward.


This man who had narrowly escaped death many times was no longer as elegant as before and had become as destitute as a beggar.

The rotten smell in the underground water channel made it hard for him to breathe, but he still walked forward slowly.

Drops of smelly sewage dripped from above and splashed on Thevenin's hair.

Finally, after walking a dark road. A glimmer of light appeared in the passage ahead.

Thevenin walked hard and finally got close to the little bits of light.

You came.

A burly man in the shadow opened his green eyes and stared at Thevenin quietly.

The dim light made it impossible to see this man's face clearly, and his inhumanly strong body would make people feel timid when they saw it.

Thevenin stopped and bowed slightly to this man:

Dear Mr. Apostle, please give my regards to Kate. The failure of this operation is all due to Wesker who suddenly came out. If he hadn't interfered, the final product would definitely be ours.

A sneer came from the mouth of the sturdy man, and his pair of beast-like green pupils exuded a faint light.

Haha. Do you really think so? I can tell you clearly that I dislike you very much because you are a cunning person.

If given the chance, I would kill you with my own hands and swallow your flesh and blood piece by piece.

However, Lord God still thinks that you are of some use, so I will give you a chance now. With your remaining strength, sneak into Linzhou City and help the Dark Apostle complete its mission at the appropriate time.

Thevenin gritted his teeth and twisted the muscles on his face. After a long time, he smiled again and nodded respectfully to the man:

It is my honor to serve Lord God!

[Matsukawa City]

Before approaching the city, the rumbling sound of cannons had already reached the ears of Chen Chong and his party.

Lilith followed Alice curiously, sniffing gently with her small and exquisite nose.

Suddenly, she faced the city and pointed to a building in the south: Sister, there are infected bodies with extremely high T-virus content there.

Everyone looked back at Lilith, especially Chen Chong, with eyes full of curiosity.

Can you sense the infected body?

Yes. Lilith nodded obediently.

Yes, she can accurately detect infectious agents with high T-virus content. We have avoided many special infectious agents along the way.

Alice also added explanation beside her.

No wonder Ada said something about 'echo'. It seems that this girl can really communicate with biochemical weapons.

But it is true that according to Ada, this little girl is a super weapon developed by combining the advantages of Umbrella's various biochemical weapons. It is not surprising that she has such abilities.

Moreover, the zombies encountered along the way did not attack the girl, and seemed to regard her as the same kind.

Chen Chong did not hide his abilities, his legs were tangled with blood, and several of them jumped onto a building.

Seeing such a strange ability, Alice and others couldn't hide their amazement.

Looking around, in the urban area of ​​Songchuan, a large number of tracked combat vehicles and tanks have poured into the streets, fighting against the tide of corpses in the city.

Without the command of intelligent biological weapons, these zombies are like headless flies, being slaughtered layer by layer by the powerful firepower of the military.

In this operation, there were many evolved soldiers among the military soldiers, and their identities could be seen from their strong skills.

The evolved zombies were named and killed one after another under the fire controlled by them.

Chen Chong also knew the captains headed by them. These people are He Hua's special operations group.

It seems that the military is anxious.

He Hua is a person who can't sit still. With the virus detector provided by Chen Chong, the army no longer has the restriction of isolation period.

He Hua immediately sent troops to attack Songchuan City.

The winter supplies in the city have always been a thorn in his side. Now that the zombie tide heading south from the Central Plains has been curbed, it is a good opportunity to regain the city.

Watching the raging battle in the city, Chen Chong suddenly remembered his incubation ability.

I don't know what the super soldiers exchanged for from the Black Light Weaponry are.

[Black light weapon arsenal: 1. Black Watch equipment (full set for individual soldiers) - 1/1000 hatching energy

2. Virus detector (monitoring range radius 100 meters) - 1/1000 incubation energy

Technology exchange

3. Super soldier (Genetek 1st generation product) - 1/3000 hatching energy

4. Super soldier (Gentech 2nd generation product) - 1/5000 hatching energy

5. Gentech Nano Molecular Technology (suitable for chip manufacturing) - 1/10000 incubation energy

6.Hunter Mecha (Gentek 1st generation product) - 1/50000

7. Silver Killer Armor (Jantek 2nd generation product) - 1/100000

8. (150,000 hatching energy can be unlocked)

Chen Chong has never paid much attention to the use of the black light arsenal. On the contrary, these high-tech products have been left useless.

But now he has thought clearly that he cannot rely on himself alone. Umbrella can make biological weapons, and he can build a team of super soldiers.

With a movement of thought, a blue human-shaped light curtain gradually solidified from the void. In less than five seconds, a super soldier who was more than 2 meters tall and wrapped in Black Watch individual equipment appeared in front of Chen Chong.

【Super Soldier 2】

[Status: Renovation]

[Level: 4]

[Health value: 200]

【Strength: 32】

[Defense: 30]

[Stamina: 27]

【Speed: 19】

【Virus Resistance: 30】

[Special abilities: 1. Military fighting skills, 2. Charged strike, 3. Sprint]

After spending 5,000 points of incubation energy, this second-generation super soldier stood in front of Chen Chong alive.

Master! Soldier No. 1 is reporting to you!

Huh? Can you actually take the initiative to speak?

Chen Chong looked at this super soldier who was no different from a human being in surprise. He was shocked that the opponent could break through the fourth level. What made him even more surprised was that the items exchanged in the weapons arsenal could actually speak.

Hiss~ Do you have your own thoughts?

Chen Chong asked, scratching his head.

Yes, Master, except that he has no emotions and cannot feel pain, he is just like a normal human being in other aspects.

Holy shit! Doesn’t that mean we still have to take care of the food?

How much does such a big man need to eat in one meal?

At the critical moment, the true nature of Chen Chong, the black-hearted boss, was revealed again.

The soldiers were also summoned, and Chen simply rushed over to test the opponent's power.

No. 1, did you see that licker lying on the billboard?

The super soldier immediately turned his head, and the holographic combat technology on his helmet immediately locked onto the target and analyzed the opponent's specific data.

I saw the master!

Can killing it be done?

Chen Chong had already determined the level and four-dimensional attributes of this licker through the illustrated book.

This monster is also level four, faster than the super soldier in terms of speed, but slightly inferior in terms of strength.

No problem, I promise to complete the mission!

Chen Chong opened his mouth to remind him that this was the roof of the building. Unexpectedly, the impatient Soldier No. 1 actually fell down suddenly.

Crooked! Wait a minute.

It's not like the super soldier has the ability to absorb. He can't fall to death even if he jumps like this.

Damn it, it's not like he's a fool.

Chen Chong sprinted to the edge of the building, preparing to save the life.

Unexpectedly, a scene that surprised him appeared.

I saw Soldier No. 1 directly inserting one of his big hands into the metal sewer pipe of the building.

Under the influence of his weight and the gravity of high-speed falling, his arm was like a sickle, cutting a hole in the metal pipe, and the sparks caused by the collision between the arm and the metal pipe continued to fly.

At that time, Chen Chong was stunned. He had seen various ways to go downstairs, but he had never seen such a hard-core way of going downstairs.

At a height of about ten meters above the ground, No. 1 pulled out his arm and jumped straight down.

The two-meter-high body, which was nearly three meters high, hit the ground, immediately creating a half-meter deep hole in the cement road below.

After landing, No. 1 immediately ran towards the billboard in the distance as if nothing had happened.

From time to time along the way, zombie dogs ran out and pounced on No. 1. The seemingly bulky No. 1 seemed to have back eyes. Before the zombie dog could pounce on him, he was caught with his backhand, like crushing an egg. Same, crushing the zombie dog's head with one blow.

Huh? You're quite flexible!

Chen Chong pursed his lips, smiling happily like a wealthy landlord who had picked up a gold ingot.

The licker lying on the billboard is still quietly observing the army in the distance. As the level gets higher and higher, this beast knows how to avoid danger and avoid danger.

The tanks and armored vehicles below were harvesting their own kind piece by piece, which made it understand that human beings are not easy to mess with.

It hid quietly behind the billboard, hoping to wait until the armored vehicle passed by to attack the soldiers following behind.

Little did they know, the mantis was catching the cicada and the oriole was following behind, No. 1 had already locked its position and was running towards it.

Licker, who was observing the armored vehicle, suddenly moved his head slightly. It has no eyes, but has an extremely keen sense of hearing.

As the slight sound of running got closer, the Licker's ferocious head turned sharply.

In the scarlet world presented by heat, a tall human figure appeared within its sight.

The east is not bright and the west is bright. Before the iron knot of human beings can leave, there are human beings running over to deliver food.

A long scarlet tongue protrudes from the licker's mouth. Its limbs were extended outwards, and its entire body lay on the ground, making a gesture like a wild animal pouncing on its prey.

Seeing the human being getting closer and closer, the licker's long scarlet tongue shot out from his mouth and wrapped around No. 1's neck in an instant.

As long as ordinary humans are caught, they will lose their resistance, and then in an instant they will be pulled to the mouth of the licker to taste it.

But this time, it ran into trouble.

The licker violently tried to lift the human below to the second floor. Unexpectedly, the human's feet seemed to have roots, and no matter how hard it tried, it could not lift him an inch.

In desperation, the licker realized that the other person was difficult to deal with and wanted to withdraw his tongue.

Unexpectedly, No. 1 would not miss this opportunity and directly reached out and grabbed the other party's tongue.

Zhi Zhi Zhi

For a moment, the licker became anxious. It raised its head desperately, tried to pull its limbs back, and made a sound like a baby crying from its mouth.


No. 1 pulled the long tongue with both hands, the muscles of both arms bulged in an instant, and then spun in a circle.

The licker lying behind the billboard felt his feet lift off the ground and his body flew uncontrollably in the air.

The sudden situation was immediately discovered by the military.

The leader of the special operations team, who was responsible for opening the way ahead, grabbed the binoculars and looked at this place vigilantly.

Huh? Who is that?

Adjutant Wu, who was sitting in the armored vehicle, also spotted the burly human being who was two meters tall.

When he saw the giant licker being carried around in his hand, the muscles in Adjutant Wu's face twitched.

Whose subordinate is this? How could there be such mighty soldiers?

The giant licker he was carrying weighed at least a ton.

This tall and tall man actually used zombies for fun?

Soon Adjutant Wu noticed the equipment on this soldier. Just looking at it from a distance, he could see that this equipment was so sophisticated that even Jingzhou's elite special forces could not compare with it.

It's not Umbrella's uniform, nor is it from another country, so where does this person come from?

For a while, Adjutant Wu became very interested in this tall soldier who suddenly appeared.

At this time, the voice of the special operations team leader came from the combat communication channel:

Reporting to the commander, an unknown person has been spotted ahead, requesting further instructions.

Adjutant Wu thought for a moment: Get closer and send someone to contact him to see which force he belongs to.


Here, after No. 1 swung the licker a few times, he firmly grabbed its tongue and threw it to the ground.

From the analysis data of the holographic combat assistance system, No. 1 knew that this monster was faster than himself and could climb walls flexibly.

So he pulled the licker's tongue tightly while quickly approaching him.

The licker sensed the danger and didn't care about his tongue. Two huge claws suddenly grabbed No. 1's face.

The body of No. 1 stopped in vain, and the left hand holding the long tongue released. Just as Licker's claws hit the front door, No. 1's seemingly bulky body jumped back like a spiritual magpie, just avoiding the attack area of ​​the claws.

Then, before the inertia of the licker's claws ended, No. 1 quickly grabbed one of the licker's arms with both hands and used a standard over-the-shoulder throw, slamming the licker's huge body onto its back.

Just when Chen Chong thought that No. 1 was going to continue to use fighting skills to attack the licker, he saw two thick black tubes suddenly exposed under the arms of No. 1's combat uniform, aiming at the licker who had not yet turned over. .

The next second, two blue firelights flashed, followed by a sound that sounded like a machine gun firing. The Licker's brain and entire skull were smashed to pieces.

At this moment, Chen Chong was dumbfounded. Adjutant Wu and his party, who were coming to contact No. 1, were also dumbfounded.

Mobile firepower platform! A humanoid fighting machine!

Is this the strength of the second generation super soldier?

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