The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 217 0150. Marcus——Leech Queen

A great victory for Matsukawa City!

The material warehouse is completely recovered!

When bursts of good news came to the streets of Linzhou City, Chen Chong and his party were sitting on the returning military vehicle, discussing countermeasures.

To be honest, we can't paralyze all the launch silos in 48 hours. Even protecting the entire Nanjiang River is not enough.

Chen Chong looked at Alice seriously. There is always a kind of personal heroism in the hearts of federal people.

When I encounter a problem, I always think about how to do it myself.

But now zombie birds are all over the sky, let alone 48 hours, even 48 days will be difficult to destroy the missile silos around the world.

Chen! We can't sit still and wait for death. I believe you are not that kind of person, right?

Alice looked directly into Chen Chong's eyes, fearing that the other party would not help her.

Chen Chong smiled: You are overthinking. I am not just sitting there waiting for death. I want to change my approach.

You want to make this matter public? Andy looked at Chen Chong with confusion.

Unexpectedly, he was stared at by the other party's sharp eyes. Andy was panicked when Chen Chong saw him, and quickly shook his head and explained:

No, I didn't use my ability this time. I guessed it.

Chen Chong glanced at the other party angrily and then turned his head: That's right. Compared to Umbrella's global power, we people seem to be alone.

So we should make this news public and let survivors around the world rise up against Umbrella!

Alice said with a worried look: Umbrella's eyes are very wide, not to mention whether anyone will believe us if we make this news public.

Even if we believe it, once we make this secret plan public, we will probably force them to act faster. By that time, the time Umbrella gave us may not be 48 hours.

The atmosphere in the car became dull at this time.

As a strong woman, Alice has been a very decisive person from the day she took over as the security officer of the Hive Base.

If Ada hadn't suggested finding a solution to Chen Chong, she might have embarked on a journey to destroy Umbrella.

Now seeing time being wasted little by little, Alice felt very anxious.

Seeing Alice's expression, Chen Chong took a deep breath: We are not gods and cannot save all mankind. Whether they believe it or not, there is only one chance.

No! Alice shook her head firmly, You might kill everyone. Open the door and I want to get out of the car.

Alice was about to open the car door, but was blocked by Chen Chong:

Stay here obediently. I will reveal the news to the military when we get to Linzhou City.

For a moment, the eyes of Alice and Chen Chong met in the air, and they showed no signs of giving in. Faintly, a faint smell of gunpowder filled the air.

Andy looked at the two of them nervously, his whole body tense, waiting for something.

Ada was still looking out the window without changing her expression, as if it had nothing to do with her.

Lilith, on the other hand, quietly stretched out her little hand, held Alice's hand, and watched between her and Chen Chong with a worried expression.

Feeling the coldness in her palms, Alice calmed down a little.

The little man in front of her was a pervert who could beat Lilith until she was scared. If he really faced him, he might not even be able to get out of this car, let alone destroy any missile silos.

You will regret this!

I never regret it.

What? Are you sure this news is true?

In the barracks, He Hua suddenly stood up.

The news brought by Chen Chong immediately washed away the joy of Songchuan's victory.

Yes. Chief He. I hope you can spread this news to all survivors around the world.

In return, I promised to go to the East Coast and resolve the nuclear warhead crisis there.

Chen Chong also didn't expect that the place where He Hua asked him to help him clear nuclear warheads was the missile silo closest to Linzhou City.

He Hua's eyes moved slightly and he nodded slowly:

With the current communication capabilities in Linzhou City, it is not possible to inform the whole world, but I will report this matter to Jingzhou and ask Jingzhou to make this news public.

But right now, things are important to us on the East Coast. I will try my best to meet your requirements for this operation.

Chen Chong shook his head: No, it's enough for me to go alone.

He Hua wanted to say something more, but was choked by Chen Chong's words.

Ahem, cough, cough. Let me tell you, Mr. Chen, this is not a child's play. You must know that there are nuclear warheads there. If there is an accident,

Before He Hua could finish speaking, Chen Chong smiled lightly:

I won't let accidents happen.

Among the areas controlled by Umbrella, Bactria and the Tsarist Empire were the weakest.

Especially in Daxia, Umbrella's satellite surveillance capabilities are at a passing level. With its branch in Daxia, only the underground shelters on the east coast are under its control. However, although Daxia is safe, many of the surrounding countries are controlled by Umbrella.

On Alice's bracelet, there are nine silo branches in the countries surrounding Nanjiang alone.

These small countries have long been destroyed by the T-virus and turned into zombie paradises.

And the missile silos here must be weapons used by Umbrella to bomb Daxia.

He Hua's decision was straightforward and he set off early to the missile base.

The soldiers who had just withdrawn from the battlefield in Songchuan City immediately turned around.

And asked everyone to take down the missile base within 24 hours.

In addition to handing over the underground base with nuclear warheads to Chen Chong on the east coast, once the military successfully seizes the missile base, it will use the weapons in the missile base to destroy the missile silos around Nanjiang.

Such a plan is not crazy. Looking at the entire Linzhou City senior management, only He Hua dares to make such a decision.

After five hours of countdown, Linzhou City's army finally dispatched and embarked on the road to the missile base.

This time He Hua mobilized almost half of his elite troops, leaving only one battalion of the special operations group to guard Linzhou City.

At the same time, this news concerning the survival of mankind around the world caused a shock in the court after it was introduced to Jingzhou.

Under the operation of powerful satellites, the branch's bases around the world and all areas that can receive telegraphs and radio waves have received the news.

The Tsarist Empire was the first to respond and directly launched a torrential bombing attack on the Umbrella base in Western Europe. Regardless of whether there were Umbrella people anywhere, according to the words of its leader, the artillery shells on Blue Star were definitely More than population.

The Southern M coalition forces that followed closely also launched bombings at another base in Umbrella.

Although these people usually kept quiet, they had actually figured out the location of Umbrella's base a long time ago.

Previously, they wanted to seize these bases and make them their own, but now that it's a matter of life and death, it doesn't matter whether they occupy them or not.

The most unexpected thing is that just when the remaining forces around the world launched a counterattack against Umbrella, the long-lost power department of the M Federation actually reappeared!

And announced that the military has taken control of 60% of the launch silos in the M Federation.

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the spread of news in Jingzhou was like dropping a bomb into a calm sea.

Powers from all over the world began to establish a window for information exchange through Jingzhou's channel.

In the low altitude of the M Federation, the Federation's fighter planes had already exchanged fire with Umbrella.

In the Hive underground base, Alexander angrily smashed the water glass in his hand to the ground.

Broken glass splattered onto the floor. It just rolled under Alicia's wheelchair.

It's you! It's you who betrayed Umbrella!

Alexander turned around suddenly and pointed at Alicia angrily.

The Red Queen's projection stood quietly watching the confrontation between the two top controllers of the company.

Hahaha, you are right! I did leak the plan. Alicia looked at him with a sneer.

Alexander looked back at the Red Queen: You two women, one old and one young, are really interesting, you actually secretly leaked the company's secret plan to outsiders.

I will convene a board meeting immediately and remove you from your position. You will no longer be the chairman of Umbrella.

Alicia was not moved at all:

Although I am the chairman of Umbrella, I am also a human being. You have deceived everyone in the company with your conspiracy, but you cannot deceive me.

I won't give in this time, Alexander, I am no longer the woman at your mercy.

I will let everyone see your true face at the board meeting.

Alexander laughed when he heard this: Oh? It seems that you have mastered something about me, right?

In this case

Alexander's speaking speed suddenly slowed down, and then he winked behind Alicia.

A black figure suddenly appeared and strangled Alicia's neck forcefully.

The Red Queen on the side immediately issued a warning to the visitor:

Defector found! Wesker! Stop your behavior immediately!

turn off an app!

Alexander said without looking back, and the Red Queen's shadow immediately disappeared.

Looking at Alicia who was dying by Weskler, Alexander showed a sinister smile.

How amazing! You and your father are exactly the same. Same scenes, same characters.

Back then, your father, Marcus, objected to continuing to study the T virus and said that the results we had worked so hard to develop would be destroyed.

And Wesker and I also sent him to see God in this way. Dear Alicia, go with peace of mind!

As he said that, Wesker also increased his strength on his hand. Alicia, who was sitting in a wheelchair, struggled less and less until her body stiffened and there was no more movement.

In the huge conference room, Alexander looked at the dead Alicia quietly.

Wesker, you have completed your task very well. Now that Alicia is dead, I will elect you as the new chairman of the company at the board of directors.

Wesker frowned and said, Boss, I don't think it's the right time yet.

Oh? Are you worried about you being wanted by the company? Alexander chuckled, It's okay. I already have the evidence that Alicia betrayed the company. As long as we have this, we can completely deduce what you did. On to her.

Wesker shook his head, with a solemn look on his face: It's not because of this, I doubt Marcus is not dead.

Alexander raised his eyebrows and turned his head in surprise: Why did you say that?

Before I returned to the hive, I went to Benjing Base. When I rushed there, the entire base had been killed.

The most bizarre thing is that the self-destruction system of the base has not been activated.

Afterwards, I entered the central control room to check the monitoring and found that all the content inside had been deleted. Then I saw a picture from the combat helmet recorder of a dead soldier. The face that appeared on that picture was almost exactly the same as the dead Marcus.

Wesker said, taking out a helmet. Without the Red Queen to provide data transmission, Alexander could only wear the helmet to see the contents.

Marcus! It's really him!

Alexander, who was wearing a helmet, suddenly trembled.

The human on the screen whose arms suddenly lengthened and turned into leech-like suckers was Marcus who was killed by him and Wesker together.

He's not dead! How is that possible?

Alexander kept recalling the scene at that time in his mind. From the murder to the disposal of the body, he knew the whole process very well and there would be no problems.

The only problem is Marcus himself.

Could it be that he secretly injected himself with the T virus? But even if he was resurrected, he should have come to find him. Why did he attack the Benjing base?

Alexander looked at Wesker subconsciously.

I got it! He thought of it! Wesker has always been the nominal head of the Beijing base.

In this way, Marcus, who was resurrected from the dead, clearly came to seek revenge. And he had just killed his daughter Alicia.

Alexander felt his scalp numb when he thought of these: Inform the Operations Department to shoot out all the missiles we currently control.

Focus on attacking the M Federation and the Daxia region.

Inform the scientific research department to speed up the research on the fusion of T virus and black body virus. I will see substantial progress within a week!

Chen Chong, who was far away in Daxia, did not know that huge changes had taken place within Umbrella. But just as he knew the plot, Wesker's rebellion was indeed superficial.

However, what has always been difficult for Chen Chong to figure out is that as Wesker's partner, gold agent, and whose side Ada Wang is, he still has no way of knowing.

Even Andy, who has the ability to read minds, didn't read much key information.

Sitting on a rugged military off-road vehicle, Chen Chong, Alice and their group set off at full speed towards their target on the east coast.

Not surprisingly, Ada Wang did not participate in this operation and disappeared without a trace after entering Linzhou City.

But before leaving, Ada gave Chen Chong a communicator to contact her. This communicator is one-way, and he can only call him from Ada's initiative.

Under the control of Lilith's brain waves, the tide of corpses encountered by Chen Chong and his party along the way automatically gave way to the vehicle.

Everyone walked out of the Nanjiang area without any troubles.

But there is no such thing as a smooth journey in the last days. Finally, when they were about to cross the Nanjiang River and enter the east coast, an accident happened.

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