[Daxia·East Coast]

After crossing the Zhongjiang Bridge, the off-road vehicle that Chen Chong and his party were riding in officially entered the east coast boundary.

Unlike Nanjiang, the east coast is located in a high latitude area. Because of the temperature difference brought by the maritime monsoon, the winter here is extremely wet and cold.

As soon as you enter the east coast area, you can see that the plants on both sides of the road have become extremely lush.

There has been no human activity for a long time, and the weeds here have grown to the height of a person, and the asphalt road has also been covered up by some weird plants.

Huh? Didn't you say that the T virus can kill plants and dry up rivers? Why are the vegetation here so lush?

Chen Chong looked outside curiously, and Alice was equally puzzled.

At this time, Andy, who had been silent along the way, spoke up: The reason is very simple, because a cash crop called 'agave' is commonly grown on the east coast.

This plant is not only used for viewing, but more importantly, it has the effects of detoxifying, removing pus, killing insects, and stopping bleeding.

However, through our previous research, this plant can effectively absorb the harmful substances in the T-virus and convert them into natural fertilizers.

That's why the plants here are so lush.

I see. Then why doesn't Linzhou City transplant agave? If such a good thing is used to fertilize the land, wouldn't it be possible to grow crops?

Chen Chong said doubtfully.

Andy shook his head: If it could be transplanted, it would have been transplanted long ago. The environment where agave grows is quite special, and our place is not suitable for growth at all.

Chen Chong sighed with some disappointment and looked thoughtfully at the dense grass on both sides of the road.

Suddenly, Chen Chong noticed that the grass on the left side of the road was swinging a bit, as if there was something in it.

Alice, who was driving, also discovered this situation, but she had seen enough zombies and wild beasts along the way.

As long as something happens, let Lilith, the natural zombie leader, handle it.

Lilith, it's your turn.

Oh. Lilith agreed obediently, then closed her eyes and prepared to use her brain waves to control nearby zombies.

No need, those in the grass are not zombies.

Chen Chong raised his hand to stop Lilith, his eyes flashing slightly with a light red light.

With the blessing of level 2 thermal sensing ability, Chen Chong's visible range of vision has reached 100m.

There are nine human-shaped heat sources in the grass.

A person stumbled ahead, and the heat source on this person's body was obviously weakened.

The eight heat sources behind him are particularly strong, and judging from the coordination of their body movements, the opponent is definitely not a stupid zombie.

Sure enough, as Chen said, the grass was floating more and more.

Just as the car passed the floating place, a woman covered in blood climbed out of the grass. With a frightened expression, she faced the military off-road vehicle where Chen Chong and others were, waving her hands desperately.

Help, help me.

Alice, who was in charge of driving the vehicle, applied the brakes to stop it.

Without asking for permission from anyone else, he got out of the car and walked towards the woman.

Unexpectedly, the dying woman suddenly burst into rage when she saw Alice approaching her.

Two stick-like arms locked Alice's waist forcefully.

The next second, the eight people chasing from behind also walked out.

They were all wearing shiny black shabby cotton-padded clothes, holding several dog-leg knives and spears whittled from wooden sticks, standing in a row.

The leading man had yellow teeth and his face was covered with green plant juice. The moment he saw Alice, his eyes lit up and he swallowed subconsciously.

Seeing the man appear, the woman holding Alice frantically repeated:

Please don't eat me! Eat her! She has more meat than me! Let me go!


A chill suddenly rose from the soles of Alice's feet to the top of her head. The woman's words were like sparks, igniting the anger in Alice's heart. She did not pay attention to the woman holding her waist, but stared coldly at her face. The man approached her with a lewd smile.

“Hehehehe, God has been really good to me and actually allowed me to meet a foreign girl.

Look at Shuiling's skin and face, she looks like a fairy.

The man didn't know whether Alice could understand his language. As he spoke, he approached Alice's body, then stretched out his dirty arm and touched Alice's face.


Suddenly, a crisp sound of bone cracking rang in everyone's ears.

Before the man's pain nerves could even react, he saw his arm turned back in the opposite direction in a weird posture.


The man finally screamed. Seeing this, the remaining seven people grabbed their weapons almost at the same time and started hitting Alice.

But they had no idea what kind of woman they were fighting.

In an instant, the weapons of the seven people did not even touch the corner of Alice's clothes, and Alice bent her arms back in the same way.

The woman holding Alice's waist was so frightened by Alice's methods that she couldn't even speak.

She wanted to let go of her arms, but because the attack just now used up all her strength, and now the joints of her hands were too tight, she didn't even have the strength to let go.

The moment Alice's eyes met, the woman was so frightened that she almost fainted.

She knew exactly what she had done, and if the other party was so powerful, he would never let her go.

So she closed her eyes and cried in pain: Please, kill me, don't eat me! Please, I don't want to be eaten, woo woo woo.

Suddenly a cold and delicate hand separated her hands: Tell me, are these people eating people?

The girl opened her eyes tremblingly, saw Alice's beautiful blue pupils, and stammered:

Yes, yes. They are eating people. They have already eaten my brother and my mother.

Alice gritted her silver teeth and stood up slowly, waiting for her to turn around and look at the seven people.

Chen Chong was seen standing in front of those people, and eight flesh and blood chains suddenly emerged from his body.

Their arms were broken for a moment, and the eight people who were wailing were all dumbfounded. Before the frightened expressions on their faces could be fully revealed, chains of flesh and blood pierced the chests of the eight people one by one like a roll call.

Ah! Monster monster!


Waves of screams comparable to the sound of dolphins came from the mouths of these people.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be hard to believe that such a sharp sound was actually made by a man.

Chen Chong lifted the eight people above his head. With slightly red eyes and black and red flesh and blood chains, he looked like a ghost from hell.

Haha, don't you like to eat people? Today I will let you witness with your own eyes how your own flesh and blood disappears bit by bit.


Ghost! Devil!

No! Let me go! Let me go! Ah!!


As the devouring started, the flesh and blood of the eight men peeled off and disappeared from their bodies at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The heart-rending screams kept echoing on this silent road.

The originally weak woman fainted on the spot when she saw this scene. Even Alice, who had seen her once before, was so frightened by this scene that her face turned pale.

At this moment, Alice didn't hate these people so much. On the contrary, she felt pity for them.

Such a tragic death, even falling into a group of corpses would be nothing more than that.

And Lilith, who was secretly observing in the car, was even more frightened. If Umbrella hadn't used its cannon to break Chen Chong's chain when they were in the town of Elm Bay, she would have fought with him. These people are sucked dry all the same!

grateful! Umbrella!

Thank you eight generations of ancestors!

The only one who could calmly watch Chen Chong devour these people was Andy.

He had dissected countless corpses during his daily experiments, and this scene was still considered a little KISS.

However, he still felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. After all, this was no different from cannibalism.

Even zombies can't eat cleaner than this.

Soon, the bodies of the eight people disappeared. Only a pool of blood and a few tattered clothes remained on the ground.

After doing this, Chen Chong seemed to have nothing to do. He turned to look at Alice, who was still in a daze, and pointed at her watch: Time is precious, don't waste it on this scumbag.

Alice shivered unexpectedly, and subconsciously looked back at the woman. When she felt for the other person's pulse, she found that the woman had no pulse.

I was actually scared to death

When Chen Chong got back into the car, he clearly felt that Andy beside him was a little uncomfortable. Lilith, who was sitting in the front row, turned her head away. However, this little girl who always liked strong people could not help but look in the rearview mirror. He took a few sneak glances inside.

The car started off again, and nine hours had passed on the wristband.

The sky is getting dark

The road to the underground base on the east coast is getting harder and harder to navigate. Fortunately, with Lilith's help, they can break into the big city occupied by zombies at will.

After passing through two big cities, we will reach the area controlled by Umbrella. I suggest that before entering the next city, we'd better get off the car and move forward on foot.

As Alice said this, she glanced at Chen Chong in the rearview mirror, intentionally or unintentionally.

No problem. Running 50 kilometers on foot at everyone's speed shouldn't be difficult, right?

Andy looked at Alice slightly with satisfaction. The four people present except himself and Alice were relatively weak.

As for the two monsters Chen Chong and Lilith, they are no longer within the scope of consideration.

no problem.

Alice raised her chin confidently, and suddenly several bright light groups quickly climbed up from the distant sky.

Look! What is that?

Alice pointed to the sky and exclaimed.

No! It's a missile! Umbrella has released the missiles in the underground shelter!

Andy was a missile soldier before and was most familiar with light groups in the sky.

What I have been worrying about finally happened!

After Umbrella learned that the news had been leaked, she still fired the missiles in her hands around the world.

In less than two minutes, there were more and more light clusters in the sky. They dragged their long tail flames across the dark night sky and flew towards the hinterland of Daxia.

The zombie birds perched in every corner made strange calls and flew towards the sky.

Yaluohu, who could fly to an altitude of 10,000 meters, soared straight into the sky and flew towards the light group. It's just that the speed of the missile is not something it can capture. Before they can fly into the air, the light group formed by the missile has already left them far behind.

The originally clear night sky was obscured by dense flocks of birds.

Countless people saw this weird scene at this moment.

A large number of missiles flew eastward, and the first to bear the brunt was the Wanshan Military Region on the east coast. The three survivor base groups established by the military were immediately attacked by a hail of missiles.

At this moment, in the general headquarters of Linzhou City, three commanders, Ouyang Cheng, Dai Jianfeng, and Ren Guodong, gathered in the command center.

The red warning light kept flashing, and on the radar display, dozens of missiles were attacking Linzhou City.

Report! Sir, Wanshan has been severely damaged. The first wave of attacks will reach Linzhou City in 10 minutes.


Ren Guodong slapped the table hard:

Where's He Hua? Didn't he say he could take care of that underground base? Why is it still attacking us there?

Okay, don't complain at this time. Judging from the situation in Wanshan, these missiles should not have nuclear warheads inside.

Otherwise, there would be no need for so many missiles.

Ouyang Cheng glanced at Ren Guodong and stood between the two of them, If it's a conventional missile, we can't intercept it.

Lao Dai, Lao Ren, it’s time to expose your family background. If we keep hiding it, Linzhou City will be doomed.

Dai Jianfeng: Before coming here, I have deployed all the amphibious combat vehicles in the east of the city, and the air combat troops are on standby at any time.

The two looked at Ren Guodong, who gritted his teeth and looked impatient: My gunboats have been concentrated on the east bank of the Zhongjiang River and will be in place in five minutes.

Okay! Ouyang Cheng slapped the table and pointed at the Linzhou city defense map and said, The laser cannons on the city wall are already in place, including the city's anti-aircraft guns and short-range ground-to-air interceptor missiles.

There is no problem for the three of us to practice intercepting the first wave of missiles, but if the other party releases a nuclear bomb, then we have no confidence in intercepting it.

Therefore, the top priority is that we must contact He Hua now to find out who was sent to carry out the secret mission of seizing the underground base.

I know this. The person who carried out this mission is Chen Chong.

It was Dai Jianfeng who asked Chen Chong to complete the task.

Chen Chong?

Ouyang Cheng and Ren Guodong looked at Dai Jianfeng with puzzled faces.

Who is he? He Hua's special battle group has never seen such a person before.

Ouyang Cheng spoke frankly about his knowledge of the special operations group, and Ren Guodong on the side also gave him a meaningful look.

Dai Jianfeng sighed lightly and looked deeply into the east with worried eyes:

He is no one's subordinate, but whether we can survive this crisis this time depends entirely on him!

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