The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 223 0156. Lilith was kidnapped

In the dark sky, the noisy birdsong mixed with the sound of helicopter cannons came from a distance.

On the streets of the city, Alice drove the car forward at a flying speed. Seeing the bright light in the sky in the distance, the people in the car became alert.

Look, there seems to be a formation of aircraft coming towards us over there.

Andy frowned and looked into the distance. The light from the helicopter could be seen clearly even from several kilometers away.

Alice raised her eyes and glanced at the sky: Sit tight, it seems we are going to take a small path.


Before Andy could react, he understood in a second what the 'little road' Alice was referring to was about.

Alice suddenly turned the steering wheel to the left, and the car immediately rushed towards the green belt on the left side of the road.

Hey! Are you serious?

The car stumbled across the green belt. Alice skillfully coordinated the oil and gas separation. The rear wheel of the off-road vehicle was stuck on the green belt. The entire car actually floated parallel for more than ten meters, and then rushed directly towards the dark subway entrance. .

The car stumbled and slid down the uneven stairs. This means that the performance and materials of this off-road vehicle were better. If it had been replaced by an ordinary car, it would have exploded on the spot after experiencing such a 'suffering'.

Andy in the car was extremely nervous due to the violent bumps. He was not worried that he would be injured. When they were in a situation like theirs, even if they fell out of the car, nothing would happen.

But if the car is scrapped due to play, there will be trouble along the way.

Fortunately, Alice's driving skills were strong enough and she finally stabilized after a period of bumps.

As soon as the accelerator was pressed, the off-road vehicle crashed directly into the automatic lifting pole of the subway station. He drove into the same lane as the subway and continued speeding.

However, Lilith, who was chattering like a curious baby along the way, actually fell asleep.

Mud horse! The bumps were so severe that you could actually fall asleep?

Andy was convinced by these two sisters. One dared to drive and the other dared to sleep.

Now we don't have to worry about those people finding us. From here, we can directly bypass the previous road section and go straight to the underground shelter.

Alice said, holding the steering wheel firmly in her hands.

At the same time, Hank, who was sitting on the helicopter, was holding something like a radar display in his hand. The red dot on it was pointed at the right angle, and he was quickly heading towards the helicopter formation.

Attention all units, the target is approaching us. Once the target is found, fire immediately.



Seeing that the little red dot was approaching less than a kilometer away, there was no moving vehicle on the road.

Hank looked down in confusion, but no matter how hard he searched, he still couldn't find it.

Hell, can a car be invisible?

Hank tilted his head and thought, and suddenly he thought of something.

All units, immediately aim at the location of the red dot and activate ground-penetrating bombs to attack!

Boom boom boom.

Twelve ground-penetrating bombs blasted towards the ground in an instant, and the originally flat ground collapsed completely after a round of explosions.

The ground collapsed, revealing sections of the subway station's heavy columns, but Alice, who had just arrived here, hurriedly stepped on the brakes, shifted gears and backed away.

How? How do they know we're here?

Andy looked at the collapsing subway station in surprise.

Alice looked at the sky solemnly, seeming to understand something: You know, Lilith and I were tampered with by those people.

We may also have some kind of locator installed on our bodies.

Lilith, who was awakened by the explosion, rubbed her sleepy eyes and responded in a daze:

Yes, they can always find me no matter where I go.

What now? Andy asked.

Since we can't use a car, why not borrow a plane from the group above? Alice said and looked at Lilith aside.

The latter understood instantly: Don't worry, sister, leave it to me.

Lilith stretched, opened her small mouth fiercely, and then like a dexterous ape, she followed the heavy pillars of the subway station and jumped up to the ground from the collapsed hole in a few clicks.

‘Beep, beep, beep, beep’

‘The target has been locked! ’

Hank turned off the radar prompt in his hand and caught a glimpse of the little girl standing next to the pothole.

Is this the final product?

Hank had a question in his mind, but the power undulator on the helicopter gave him a definite answer.

88.7! The final product appears!

Everyone, stop staring into her eyes and turn on the brainwave jammer on the plane!

Cluster bomb preparation!



Seven planes launched cluster bombs at the same time. This kind of powerful firepower equipment that can flatten a basketball court with a single bomb was dropped 14 times at this moment.

The entire neighborhood was almost instantly enveloped in the explosive heat wave. With such a large-scale blockade, even Wesker, who possesses subsonic speeds, would have difficulty escaping.

The flames of the bombs continued to cover the flammable and explosive items in the neighborhood, and the continuous secondary explosions made the originally hot sea of ​​​​fire even more violent.

The infected bodies wandering around the streets were melted into blood by the intense heat.

Even Alice and Andy, who were hiding underground, felt the suffocating heat above their heads.

This blow is a sure-kill method, giving Lilith almost no chance to use her method.

But Hank, who was looking at the sea of ​​flames, still frowned.

The red dot on the radar is still there, which means the target is not dead.

Sir, are we going to continue the bombing?


Hank stared intently at a green light in the sea of ​​​​fire below.

After a while, the flames around the green light began to slowly extinguish, revealing a fluorescent shield as tall as one person.

And the target they wanted to attack, Lilith, was standing intact under the shield and smiled ghostly at him.

Hehe, it's so exciting! But now it's my turn!


Lilith didn't see any movement, but everyone on the helicopter felt as if their heads had been hit by a heavy hammer, and a dull sound appeared in their skulls.

The pilot of the plane was in pain, held his head in his hands and screamed.

Quick! Turn on the brainwave jammer to the maximum! Hank said while enduring the severe pain, and quickly held the helicopter's lifting rod to maintain balance.

But the two helicopters behind were not so lucky, and they lost control and fell downwards.

Seeing this, Lilith's eyes shone brightly. Seeing that the plane was about to fall, Lilith's little body jumped up high with a swish.

The seemingly thin body took the helicopter in his hands steadily, and then poured out the USS members from the plane like a garbage dump.

These soldiers had no time to turn on the brainwave jammer to the maximum, and the pain in their heads made them just curl up and roll around holding their heads.

Lilith didn't care about the soldiers. Although she caught a helicopter, the propellers were still turning crazily because no one turned off the start button.

In desperation, Lilith had no choice but to ask Alice for help below. Unexpectedly, at this moment, a tall man wearing a one-piece hood and wrapped in a black windbreaker slowly walked over from the sea of ​​fire.

Lilith looked at the man in confusion, she was curious as to why he could stand in the sea of ​​fire without being affected at all.

With a warm smile on his face, the man stepped closer to Lilith.

And Lilith suddenly became alert: Who are you?

Haha. The man didn't answer. He continued to move closer to her and kept whispering: You are very sleepy. You are very sleepy. You are very sleepy.

In Lilith's eyes, the man's pupils suddenly turned strangely green. Then Lilith seemed to be fascinated by the other party, and she slowly dropped the lifted aircraft to the ground.

Then he let the man get closer, closed his eyes and lay in the other person's arms.

Finally, without the brainwave attack, the heads of the group on the plane regained some clarity.

When Hank went to look for Lilith again, he saw a man in black with a one-piece hood holding petite Lilith in his arms and disappeared at the end of the street. (Note: The plot related to the appearance of this character is in VIP volume 0077. Chapter Death Hank.)

It's him!

Hank stared at the direction where the man disappeared, unable to calm down.

The driver, who had just recovered from the pain, looked at Hank gratefully. If Hank hadn't grabbed the elevator pole in time, everyone on the plane would have perished.

Sir, the target is moving north, do we want to pursue it?

No more chasing, let's return!

After finally waiting until the fire above was extinguished, Alice and Andy climbed to the ground.

Looking at the helicopter leaning not far away, Alice strode away, but Lilith was nowhere to be seen.



After not seeing any sign of Lilith for a long time, Alice became anxious.

Andy on the side looked at the helicopter formation disappearing in the sky and said:

Those people left. Could it be that Lilith was taken away by them?

Let's go! Let's chase him immediately.

[Linzhou City·Beigang District·Salvation Society Headquarters]

In Beigang District, where there are many major organizations, there are simply countless small organizations like the Salvation Society.

When the apocalypse is approaching, whether it is a real organization or a fake organization, they will hang up a sign to gather a group of people to stay together for warmth.

Located in the southwest of Beigang District, the place where the church used to be has been purchased by the Salvation Society and has become a place for this organization to spread the grace of the Savior God.

Today, the door of the church was closed, and the originally empty courtyard was filled with young men and women dressed in white.

They all have a button-sized silver eagle wing tattooed on their left chest.

Some passers-by wanted to look inside, but they all stared back with fierce eyes.

At this moment, a meeting was going on inside the church.

Sitting on the main seat was Rui'er, who had previously invited Chen Chong to join the Salvation Society in Elm Bay Town.

At this time, Rui'er was wearing a long black dress and a purple eagle-wing crown on her head.

To her left, there was another man wearing the same clothes as her, who was concentrating with his eyes closed.

The crowd sitting below almost included elites from all walks of life in Linzhou City, including military personnel. You must have seen what happened just now. This city has been targeted by missiles. Now that He Hua's army has gone out, there are only some old stubborns left in the city who are no longer useful.

Now there are enemies outside and a food crisis inside. It is impossible to rely on the military to protect this place.

Everyone! Lord Kate's Throne has issued a decree. As long as we capture this city-state, Kate's Throne will protect us from war and hunger!

The God of Savior will live forever! The throne of Cain will live forever!

A deep fanaticism can be seen on the faces of these elites. The hundreds of people present looked at Ruier excitedly, waiting for the other party to give orders.

At 10 o'clock tonight, there will be a changing of the guard in each defense zone in Linzhou City. Now a large number of evolutionists in the military have been taken away by He Hua, and even the most threatening Andy has left.

You only need to control the large weapons in the defense zone and wait for the assassination plan in the city to be completed. The entire Linzhou City will be under our control.

Rui'er on the stage was talking when she suddenly looked towards a woman wearing a top hat under the stage.

Ada, you're already here, why are you hiding? Why don't you take off your hat and say hello to everyone?

For a moment, everyone in the room looked at the woman sitting in the third row wearing a black top hat.

The woman paused for a moment, then slowly took off her hat, revealing Ada's beautiful cheek.

What a careless thing. I was discovered.

Ada shrugged her shoulders awkwardly towards Rui'er on the stage, without any awareness of being caught.

Hmph! Rui'er snorted coldly and looked at Ada with a half-smile, How about it, our agent sister, are you here to steal information for your master, or do you want to report the things here to the military? ?”

Ada spread her hands: What's the difference?

This is when the man who was standing next to Rui'er and had been concentrating with his eyes closed slowly opened his eyes, looked directly at Ada like a knife, and made a motion of slitting her throat.

I'll give you 1 minute to tell me your last words. You should thank the God of Savior for letting you live for one more minute.

One minute? That should be enough.

As he spoke, two round grenades fell out of Ada's pockets.

Immediately, the fanatical believers around him screamed and fled towards the surrounding area.

Ada took out her grapple gun and fired it at the church roof.


A huge explosion sounded, and two balls of orange fire shot straight up.

Ada's slender body rose rapidly in the flames of the explosion with the help of the hook gun, and then nimbly rolled out of the church window.


Clenching her fists tightly, she chased Ada in the direction of escape in the blink of an eye.

Before he could run out of the church door, a bigger explosion sounded behind him.

Looking back, I saw that the entire church floor was completely overturned, and none of the hundreds of believers present today survived the loud noise.

Raging flames enveloped the ruined church. An extremely angry roar resounded throughout the entire neighborhood:

Ada King! I want you to die without a burial place!

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