On the steel walls, red alarm devices kept flashing lights.

This is the largest underground refuge base secretly built by Daxia. It has complete air defense, nuclear defense, and danger prevention devices.

The entire No. 5 area is the most closed missile storage and launch area in the underground base.

Chen Chong strode down the corridor, and the piercing sirens kept blaring.

The ventilation duct placed on the roof spurted out streams of white water vapor.

For a person who had only served as a college soldier for two years, such a secret-level weapon was completely beyond his imagination.

Where's the switch to turn off the transmitter?

Chen Chong carefully observed every inch of space in this area, and finally his eyes rested on the thick missile launcher.

Below the launcher is the pit where the missiles are stored. However, the weapons in the pit have been removed long ago, leaving only the round-head missile on the launcher.

As time passed by, Chen Chong searched around and found no switch button at all.

Looking at the anxious Chen Chong on the screen, Ashford, who was hiding in the dark, smiled sinisterly at the screen:

Hehehehehe, the other party actually sent such an idiot over here. Do you think that someone set the switch in the launch area?

Haha, look for it, look for it slowly.

Ashford tugged on his collar proudly, turned around and turned off the main power switch of the entire base. As a result, except for the launcher that is still operating, there will be no place in the entire base that can operate.

After doing all this, he picked up a small black box and strode towards the secret passage left by him to leave.

But as soon as he opened the door, a two-meter-tall super soldier wearing a sealed battle suit stood in front of him.

Ashford was so frightened that he hurriedly tried to close the door, but the super soldier grabbed his neck and lifted him up.

No! Why are you here? Aren't you locked up in Area 3 by me?

After reacting, Ashford screamed in horror. Just a moment ago, he saw the big man who broke into Area 3 and destroyed the power distribution room, and was trapped in front of the gate.

But in the blink of an eye, how could the other party appear here again?

Where's the switch for the missile launcher?

The super soldier asked Ashford in an emotionless voice.

Looking at the sealed helmet emitting blue light, Ashford finally came to his senses.

Don't kill me. As long as you promise not to kill me, I will turn off the launch button immediately!

Most people in high positions are afraid of death, let alone people like Ashford.

The super soldier neither agreed nor vetoed, just released him and placed him gently on the ground.

Facing such ruthless soldiers, Ashford suppressed the fear in his heart and walked back towards the console step by step.


As the red button was pressed, the alarm in the entire base was instantly lifted.

Can you let me go now? Ashford hesitated and looked at the super soldier. Unexpectedly, the other party turned the main power switch of the base back on, and then held him in his hand again:

Follow me to my master!


The warning light in Area 5 went out, and Chen Chong finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, when he came in, he was careful and exchanged two super soldiers. One was responsible for attracting the main firepower, while the other was secretly looking for the location of the commander-in-chief of the base.

It seems that No. 2 has succeeded.

Chen Chong breathed a long sigh of relief, sat down on the ground, and waited for the arrival of No. 2. At this time, Alexander, an old fellow, stood furtively at the entrance of the passage, sticking his head out and looking towards Chen Chong.

You actually dare to follow me?

Alexander started up and ran over in three steps at a time:

Sir, I just understood you. You didn't kill me and told me my identity. You must think I'm still valuable, so I decided to leave Umbrella and be loyal to you from today on!

Chen Chong looked at this cunning guy with interest. Although he was a clone of Umbrella Chairman Alexander, his IQ was not compromised at all.

Indeed, if it weren't for the other party's high level of science and technology, Chen Chong would never have kept such a guy.

From the day he discovered that his body was easily out of control, Chen Chong was always looking for an authoritative expert on viruses to solve his body's problems.

From Qin Zhongkang to Zhang Hui, these people failed to take advantage of him in the end, but Alexander could give it a try.

After returning to Linzhou City last time, Chen Chong discovered a strange problem. I remember that time in the town of Elm Bay, Chris almost became an infected person because he absorbed an excessive amount of black light virus.

The critical moment was when Chen Chong added a few drops of his own blood to allow the opponent to complete the evolution.

But the second time he met Chris at the revival meeting, Chen Chong found that there seemed to be an invisible bond between himself and Chris.

To be precise, Chen Chong can sense the black light virus flowing in the opponent's body, and can use this sensing ability to control the opponent's every move.

This kind of strange control ability will not be displayed on ordinary days. It will only show up unless Chen Chong actively initiates control.

Now, dealing with old foxes like Alexander can be regarded as a means of control.

You want to follow me?

Alexander nodded quickly and said firmly: Yes, I hope you can let me follow you.

Chen Chong raised the corners of his mouth and took out a small metal kettle from the USS uniform he was wearing. Then, under Alexander's gaze, he made a cut on his skin and dripped a few drops of blood into it.

You can follow me if you want, just drink this water.

Alexander didn't know what the other party meant by doing this, but he still took the kettle and drank it in one gulp.

Why don't you ask me why I let you drink it?

Alexander's decisive behavior surprised Chen Chong.

In the experimental subjects I have studied, some virus cells will control other individuals through the mother body. You don't trust me, so you want to control me in this way.

Alexander said it calmly, which aroused Chen Chong's curiosity even more.

Since you know this, how dare you drink it?

Alexander suddenly raised his head and looked over with pleading eyes:

I only have one wish now. I want to find out who my true identity is? As long as this wish is fulfilled, I will be willing to be controlled.

Oh? It's not difficult to know this. I can tell you, but I want to hear what you will do after you know it?

Alexander's eyes lit up and he said in a sinister tone: I want to kill him! As long as I kill him, I will be the subject.

Speaking of this, Alexander became excited again:

You know? No one in this world will look down on a clone, just like those Alices who were subjected to my surgery for experiments.

No matter how awesome and powerful she is, I still look down on her, because they are just fakes, garbage that can be mass-produced with just one cultured cell!

I don't want to be trash! I don't want to be like that garbage!

Alexander became more and more excited as he spoke, and the expression on his face became ferocious.

Chen Chong looked at the other party quietly, and after a long time he said faintly: Actually, your identity is one of the two chairman of Umbrella, Alexander Roland Isaac. As for the other one, you are the one who wants to capture him. Alice, who was captured, is actually a clone, and her original name is Alicia.


Chen Chong's words were like a depth bomb, exploding in Alexander's heart.

He was not too surprised about his own body, because the person who could place a clone like himself in a high position was definitely not an ordinary person.

But what I didn't expect was that Alice was also a clone.

Are you sure you didn't lie to me?

Chen Chong smiled slightly: Do you think it is necessary for me to lie to someone who has been controlled?

Alexander lowered his head silently, his face uncertain.

At this time, there was a sound of heavy footsteps in the corridor. It was No. 2 walking over with Ashford.

Master, the highest officer here has been brought here.

Ashford raised his head tremblingly, sweating coldly as he looked at the gas mask on Chen Chong's face.

It turned out that the cyborg he used as a thug was actually the owner of this big soldier.

Remove the nuclear warhead installed on the launcher, and I won't kill you.

As Chen Chong spoke, he took off the gas mask on his face.

Ashford wiped a cold sweat and hesitated: Actually, there are no nuclear warheads here at all. The thing on the launcher is just a training bomb.

What? You're playing with me, right?

Chen Chong pretended to hit the opponent's head.

Ashford had seen how powerful Chen Chong's fists were. He was so frightened that he held his head in his hands and hurriedly begged for mercy:

No, I'm not kidding. What I said is true! We didn't find nuclear warheads when we occupied this place. If there had been any, we would have launched them in the first round, and we wouldn't have waited until now!

Ashford's words made Chen Chong wake up.

yes! Umbrella's group of people are not good men and women. Since they want to destroy all surviving bases, they will definitely release nuclear warheads without everyone being prepared.

Wouldn't it be equivalent to dropping a round of conventional missiles first and then a nuclear warhead to remind others?

Thinking of this, Chen Chong suddenly felt that this matter was a bit strange. The first thing he thought of was that he had been tricked by He Hua.

But looking back, He Hua seemed to have no need to do this. He even went to the missile base in person, promised so many benefits, and wasted so much energy to play with himself. Wasn't it because he was full?

No! There is definitely something wrong here.

Chen Chong turned around and lifted up Ashford, who was like mud: Tell me, did you find anything unusual when you first entered the underground shelter?

There is nothing abnormal. When I brought people to check here, I just found that the nuclear warhead was missing.

At this time, Alexander, who was silent on the side, suddenly spoke: Master, I have some clues here.

Um? Owner?

Ignoring Ashford's surprised gaze, Alexander looked at Chen Chong with a serious face: I remember when I was receiving the fourth area as an experimental area, I found a vulnerability in the log file in the laboratory.

The document records the opening time of Gate No. 4. It shows that the latest opening date is November 12th. However, in the log time of the operation of the base headquarters, the opening date of the fourth and fifth areas was half a year ago.

You're saying that in the six months before you occupied this place, the defenders of the underground shelter never opened the fourth and fifth areas, right?

Yes. Alexander nodded, These are the two most stringent areas of the underground shelter. Normally, the defenders only need to stay in the first three areas to complete the control and daily maintenance here.

I suspect that someone opened this place on November 12 and then secretly transferred the nuclear warhead. In order to cover up this fact, they deleted the opened records, but neglected the record log of the fourth area.

November 12th?

Chen Chong muttered this number silently, and his heart suddenly contracted.

Isn’t November 12 the day that Zhang Zhongxian was assassinated?

This event was so important that Chen Chong could still remember it. At first he thought it was Umbrella who did it, but later Ada Wang denied this fact.

Zhang Zhongxian was killed, and the nuclear warhead was secretly transported out. It’s hard not to relate to that.

Now it seems that Ada's words are true. If Umbrella did it, they don't have to transfer the nuclear warhead. If they want to use the nuclear warhead to destroy Linzhou City, wouldn't it be more straightforward to launch it directly?

At this moment, Chen Chong's brain CPU felt like it was about to burn out. One was in Linzhou City and the other was on the east coast. The two seemingly unrelated things happened by such a coincidence.

Chen Chong intuitively felt that there must be something wrong here, but he couldn't figure out whether the whole incident was aimed at Linzhou City? Or are you targeting a certain person?

But right now, he still has one important thing to do, which is to inform He Hua of the news here.

Immediately, Chen Chong took out his communicator and dialed the number that could directly contact He Hua.

Toot. Toot. Toot.

There was a busy tone on the communicator, but no one answered it. Chen Chong tried dialing several times but got no response.

He Hua couldn't be contacted, so he had no choice but to contact Dai Jianfeng.

This time Dai Jianfeng picked up quickly.

Hey! Mr. Chen, how are you doing over there?

As soon as he dialed the other end, Dai Jianfeng's urgent voice came out.

Sir Dai, I have entered the underground base, but there are no nuclear warheads in it.

Huh? How could this happen? Mr. Chen, are you mistaken? You can't make such a joke randomly.

Dai Jianfeng, who was on the other end of the phone, couldn't help but increase his tone. He had seen Jingzhou's top-secret documents with his own eyes. How could such information be wrong?

Sir Dai, what I said is true. If you don't believe me, you can ask someone to come over and check. I can guarantee the safety of the person coming.

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