The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 227 0160. The End of the Era (End)

In the fifth area, Alice is facing two super soldiers. The two sides were at war with each other at the slightest disagreement.

The holographic combat helmets of No. 1 and No. 2 have begun to scan Alice's various combat values. The two of them stood in an inverted figure in tacit understanding, preparing to launch counterattacks as soon as possible.

Okay, very good! Alice looked at the two big guys expressionlessly, What exactly does your master want to do? Doesn't he know that this person is very dangerous?

In the end, Alice didn't choose to take action.

Number 1 shook his head: We don't know what the master is going to do. As for Alexander's danger, it remains to be assessed.

I am absolutely loyal to my master! God can witness my heart!

Alexander quickly expressed his stance.

Alice stared at the other person coldly, not hiding the murderous intent in her eyes.

He's telling the truth. At this moment, Andy walked in from behind and said suddenly.

Alice looked at Andy in confusion, and suddenly understood something the next second.

It seems that Chen Chong has controlled him in some way. I think he is definitely loyal.

Andy said and smiled at Alexander.

But Alexander trembled suddenly, and his eyes when looking at Andy became timid.

Alice, have you found Lilith?

After hearing Andy's question, Alice remembered that she had just been interrupted by Alexander's appearance.

No. 1, have you seen Lilith?

Number 1 shook his head: I didn't see her, Lilith is not here.


Alice shook her fist hard.

The thing he was most worried about happened. Lilith should not have been left behind because of his soft heart.

There's no telling what Umbrella will do if she gets Lilith.

Ashford, where did you kidnap Lilith?

At this time, Andy walked up to a limp man and asked.

Ashford, who was in low spirits, looked at this man who had never seen him before in confusion, but could still call out his name.

Seeing that Ashford didn't speak, Andy asked another question: Answer me, where did you take the so-called final product?

The final product? Ashford was stunned for a moment, I don't know where he is! Could it be that Hank succeeded?

No disguise in front of Andy can escape his mind-reading ability, but this time what Ashford said is true, and he, the commander, really doesn't know.

Hank? Are you talking about the Death God Hank who sneaked into Raccoon City and took away the G-Virus?

Alice frowned and slowly approached Ashford.

Seeing the biochemical queen approaching, Ashford swallowed nervously: It's him.

Is he the one who attacked us just now?

Yes, it is.

Upon hearing this, Alice's eyes flashed with light: You are his commander, and he listens to you the most. Contact him immediately and ask him to return here with the final product.

Ashford hesitated for a moment: Okay, I'll contact you right away.

The communicator rang for about thirty seconds, and finally someone on the other end answered.

Hey! Hank, return to the underground shelter immediately with the final product.

At this time, another voice came from the other end of the communicator:

Oh! Chief Ashford, we did not capture the final product. She was kidnapped by a man wearing a black cloak.

What? Are you sure you didn't lie to me? Where's Hank? Why didn't he come to call me?

I'm sorry, sir. Captain Hank jumped out of the plane ten minutes ago and turned off all the positioning devices on his body. We don't know why.


Ashford threw the communicator to the ground angrily. He originally had some illusions and hoped that Hank could rescue him, but who knew that this guy would actually escape halfway at the critical moment.

However, before he could vent, Zou Jianan and several soldiers stood upright in front of him, looking down at Ahifut who was slumped on the ground.

On behalf of the DX Linzhou military, I officially take over the underground shelter! Yashford, you are under arrest!

[TY City]

A small aircraft in the sky rushed from a distance, and a huge mushroom cloud not far away had not completely dispersed.

The city with a population of millions was reduced to ruins by the impact of nuclear bombs. Only some scattered high-rise buildings remained on the edge of the city.

Under this devastating blow, the infected bodies in the city have disappeared.

A large amount of soot and dust floated in the air, condensing into an extremely large haze storm.

Seen from a distance, this strange scene looks like a still scene painted on an oil painting.

The already hazy night sky seemed to become darker.

Beep, beep, beep! Alarm! The airflow ahead is turbulent!

Alarm! Alarm!

Chen Chong silently turned off the siren on the aircraft and flew towards the national highway exit marked by the aircraft radar.

As it got closer and closer to TY City, the body of the aircraft began to tremble violently.

The aircraft piloting experience gained from devouring USS soldiers did not allow him to perfectly cope with this kind of scene.

Finally, when the aircraft was two kilometers away from the haze storm, one of the nozzles of the small aircraft intermittent flameout occurred.

At this moment, a burst of fire burst into the sky in the northwest corner of the city, and the broken earth rumbled.

A second explosion occurred at the LNG storage station in the northwest corner.

A powerful air wave spread in all directions, and the aircraft that was hit immediately lost control.

Chen Chong violently smashed open the top cover of the plane. His whole figure was like a gecko, adsorbed on the surface of the falling plane. Then he jumped forward, and a dark red energy mist erupted from his body towards the national highway exit not far away. Gliding away quickly.

As the field of vision gradually broadened, the 11-kilometer long steel torrent parked on the national highway gradually became clear.

Armored vehicles and tanks were overturned on the road. The corpses of soldiers fell to the ground and burned fiercely.


Chen Chong's body fell from a high altitude and created a half-meter deep pit on the ground.

He held the communicator in his hand and kept dialing. Walking on the road littered with dead bodies, he carefully searched for traces of He Hua.

Finally, after walking forward for a while, he heard the faint sound of the communicator.

Looking in the direction of the sound source, a soldier with only one left arm was lying quietly on the ground.

His eyes were closed tightly, and there seemed to be a little unwillingness on his pale face.

I remember the last time we met, the other person was still a loud and tough man, but now he has turned into a corpse with an almost unrecognizable face.

No! No! The heat source is still there, he's not dead yet!

Chen Chong strode towards He Hua and activated his illustration ability at the same time.

【Picture Book】

[Race: Human]

[Status: Weak]

[Level: 0]

[Life: (0.1 (2%))]

[Power: 0.7]

[Defense: 0.4]

[Stamina: 0]

【Speed: 0.2】

【Virus Resistance: 3】

[Talent skills: 1. Military fighting skills, 2. Accurate shooting]

[Danger level: 0 stars]

Ever since Chen Chong obtained the system, he had never seen such a weak being like Data.

Looking at He Hua who was on the verge of death, the hesitation on Chen Chong's face gradually became firmer.

He strode up to He Hua, bit his finger, opened the other person's mouth, and dripped more than a dozen drops of blood.

Soon, He Hua's calm chest began to rise and fall, black and red blood began to swim around his wounds, and fine granulation slowly grew out, repairing the missing limbs.

Seeing this, Chen Chong simply added a few more drops.


After absorbing a few drops of blood, He Hua's recovery ability accelerated a bit, but it was far behind compared to Chen Chong.

He Hua, whose eyes were closed, suddenly opened them.

Looking at Chen Chong's face and feeling the healing of his body, He Hua was so surprised that he could hardly speak.

What's wrong with me?

Chen Chong smiled slightly and picked up He Hua's hat that fell on the ground and handed it over:

Congratulations, you have become a member of the Evolvers.

Only those who are in war and face death all the time can understand how long a night is.

That night, countless places were hit by nuclear warheads.

Umbrella was like a robber who was driven to the end of his rope. In one night, he fired all the missiles they could control around the world.

At the same time, the remaining government of the M Federation, which resurfaced, was also under a full-scale attack by Umbrella. Under such a fierce attack, the M Federation had to send a joint request to Daxia, and the negotiators, headed by agent Leon, had already prepared a trip to Daxia.

Umbrella's madness has dealt a huge blow to the existing human survivor groups, but it has also caused all surviving forces to unite and fight back against the evil forces!

[Linzhou City]

When the first light of dawn appeared, something shocked the whole city and spread rapidly.

The army that went out in force yesterday was attacked by Umbrella's nuclear bomb, and all personnel including the commander were killed.

As soon as the news of He Hua's death came out, it almost shocked the entire Linzhou City.

Even the assassination of Zhang Zhongxian was not as big a shock as this time.

A hero who led troops to capture Songchuan and provided winter supplies and food for the whole city actually died at this time.

This is not only a loss for the military, but also a loss for the entire Linzhou City.

Early in the morning, a large number of people spontaneously gathered on the streets to mourn He Hua's sacrifice.

Even the usually lifeless slums and industrial and mining areas were crowded with mourners.

People didn't have mourning clothes, so they tied white strips of cloth on their heads and arms. If they didn't have photos, they wrote He Hua's name on cardboard.

This scene stunned the major forces in the city, and also dumbfounded the people who were already numb to this apocalypse.

It turns out that the world is still grateful! It turns out that there is still faith in this world!

Mo Qingning, who had been awake all night, finally shed tears when she listened to the noise coming from outside.

Her sixth sense came true again, and she also lost the only person in the world who could be regarded as a relative.


There was a soft knock on the door behind him, and a smart little guy with twin ponytails ran in.

Sister Mo, sister Mo, there is someone outside looking for you and sister Fang Ting.

Miao Keke, who was wearing a light blue fleece, had a red face and was shaking Fang Ting, who was lying on the bed, sleeping like a dead pig.

Mo Qingning secretly wiped away her tears, frowned at Miao Keke and said, Keke, don't touch your sister Fang Ting. She just fell asleep. Tell the people outside that we have something to do and we'll talk about it in the afternoon.

Miao Keke stopped moving his hands and said seriously with a small face:

Sister Mo, it's Chief Hu who came in person. He said that all officers must attend today's meeting, and no one is allowed to be an exception.

It's him?

The ‘Chief Hu’ Miao Keke mentioned was Zhang Zhongxian’s adjutant, Hu Jiucheng.

After Zhang Zhongxian's death, he became the head of the organizational department.

Now that Hu Jiucheng is visiting in person, there must be something important.

After thinking about it, it is definitely related to the death of my brother.

Mo Qingning straightened her clothes and looked at Fang Ting, who was still sleeping soundly: Keke, let your sister Fang Ting have a good sleep. I will go to the meeting for her.

Oh, okay. Sister Mo, can I go with you?

Looking at Miao Keke's expectant eyes, Mo Qingning smiled slightly and touched her head:

Okay, sister will take you with me.

[Linzhou City·First Combat Command]

This is the second time that all the big guys in the city have gathered here since the last time they sent troops to Songchuan.

The main seat in front of the conference table is empty. On the left are several senior officials including Ren Guodong, Ouyang Cheng, and Dai Jianfeng. On the right are a group of people headed by Hu Jiucheng, Adjutant Wu, and Zou Jian'an.

When everyone saw Mo Qingning walking into the conference room with a little girl, all the officers were a little unhappy.

In the past, no one dared to say anything with He Hua's face, but now no one is used to the former 'Queen Mo' anymore.

Miss Mo, today is an important meeting that affects the entire Linzhou City. Isn't it too childish for you to bring a little girl in?

Ouyang Cheng narrowed his eyes and looked at Mo Qingning coldly.

Mo Qingning looked directly at Ouyang Cheng: Fang Ting had something to do and couldn't come, so I specially asked this little sister to attend on her behalf. Why is Chief Ouyang not willing?

When the officers looked at the stalemate between the two, Ouyang Cheng's expression changed and he smiled: Since it is assigned by Battalion Commander Fang, there is no problem. Miss Mo, please take a seat!

Okay, now that everyone is here, let's start today's meeting. As we all know, Commander He Hua was unfortunately killed. As the backbone of Linzhou City, Commander He Hua's sacrifice made us heartbroken.

We should remember this more firmly on Umbrella's head than a bloody account!

Hu Jiucheng changed his voice and glanced at Ouyang Cheng inadvertently: Because of this battle, our military strength in Linzhou City was greatly damaged.

Since Zhang SL was killed, everyone here has been pursuing his own agenda. How can we avenge Commander He? How to protect the survivors in this city?

A country cannot be without a king for a day, and an army cannot be without a commander for a day. So I invite you all here today to elect a new commander for the future of Linzhou City!

As soon as these words came out, everyone below was talking a lot.

The big bosses from all parties looked at each other, with some kind of information vaguely revealed in their eyes.

At this moment, the door to the conference room suddenly opened, and a face that shocked everyone appeared in the conference room.

Everyone, why didn't anyone notify me about such an important meeting?

Volume 2·End

Chen Chong's team has basically been formed, and all characters from Resident Evil have also appeared.

Various forces have also appeared, and Linzhou City is about to usher in a new pattern. It is an opportunity for He Hua and an opportunity for Chen Chong.

The second volume comes to an end here.

The third volume, Total War, is also the last volume of this book, so the real all-out war begins here.

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