The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 228 0001. Inauguration Ceremony

January 1, 2005 is the end of the old civilization era and the beginning of a new era.

The huge impact of nuclear explosions around the world has begun to appear, and a true nuclear winter has arrived.

In the Honglong Hall of Linzhou City New District, guests gathered around the auditorium to celebrate the birth of the first democratically elected ‘district chief’ of the new district.

Chen Chong defeated all his competitors without any suspense and became the first district chief.

The military, civil servants, and major organizations all sent congratulatory gifts to witness the youngest district chief in history.

Tsk, tsk, our district chief is so young. It is said that he is just 23 years old today.

Oh my God, I had just finished college when I was 23 years old, and I still didn't have a job.

Hey! Comparing people with each other is irritating. Our Commander He is only in his thirties and has become the leader of a party. The world is dominated by young people these days.

The host tried the microphone in his hand, and after confirming that there was no problem with the sound, he pressed his hand to everyone:

Everyone, our 'District Chief's Inauguration Ceremony' is about to begin. Please sit quietly and wait for the arrival of the leaders.

Huh? There are leaders coming?

No, don't both the military and the civil service send representatives?

Amidst the whispers among everyone, the door of the auditorium slowly opened.

Ah! Am I right? That's Major Zou!

I'm going! Andy, the number one master in Linzhou, is here too. Look at the foreign girl next to him. Isn't she the captain of the 'Hunter Team'?

Wow! Hunter team? Is that a powerful organization that specializes in killing high-level infected bodies?

The 'Hunter Team' that several people are talking about is the team composed of Alice, Warren Ting, Chris, Number One, and Number Two.

After only being established for more than a month, the ghost-faced bloodthirsty bats near Linzhou City were almost wiped out. Relying on Alice's telepathic attacks, even the number of zombie birds nearby was drastically reduced.

Coupled with the extremely harsh climate after the nuclear explosion, some weak zombie birds are no longer able to adapt to the current environment.

The convoy searching for food left the city again, bringing hope of survival to the survivors in Linzhou City.

Therefore, the name of the 'Hunter Team' gradually became known in Linzhou City. Everyone knew that there was a blonde foreign beauty who led four masters and made great contributions to everyone's survival.

After a large number of military officers appeared, two real heavyweight guests arrived.

Oh my God! It's Commander Dai! That's not the one who's with Commander Dai.

He Shuai!

He Shuai is here!

He Hua smiled and calmly waved to everyone. A group of people in the auditorium excitedly wanted to come over to say hello, but were stopped by the entourage around him.

Now the adjutant beside He Hua has been replaced by a tall and thin man. The former adjutant Wu was executed in public half a month ago.

That meeting, after He Hua appeared, turned into a complete liquidation operation.

In fact, Andy had already hidden in the conference room before everyone arrived.

With his abnormal mind-reading ability, Andy quickly discovered Adjutant Wu's plan to collude with the Salvation Society to attack He Hua's headquarters and seize power.

Adjutant Wu and his cronies, as well as all the remnants of the Salvation Society, were all arrested and brought to justice.

Unfortunately, because the church was bombed, the two Salvationist apostles who stayed in the city were unable to determine their whereabouts. The other party got the news first and ran away overnight.

Ouyang Cheng and Ren Guodong knew that they could not compare with He Hua's reputation in the city, so they took the initiative to give up their talents.

With Dai Jianfeng's strong recommendation, He Hua became the recognized supreme commander of Linzhou City.

Okay! Okay! Everyone, be quiet! Let's invite Commander He and Commander Dai to come on stage to say a few words!

The host bowed down with a respectful face and handed the microphone in his hand to the two bosses.

Dai Jianfeng smiled and took the microphone and handed it to He Hua. The two of them pushed and pushed, but in the end He Hua couldn't resist and had to take the microphone to the podium.

Everyone, first of all, let me state that Commander Dai and I are not here on behalf of the military. We are here in our personal capacity.

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the auditorium.

In my own name!

Although the official position of a district chief is not small, Linzhou City is now controlled by the military. Even the district chief cannot catch the eye of the military.

But both commanders He Hua and Dai Jianfeng came to attend, so people had to speculate on their relationship with Chen Chong.

To tell you the truth, I, He Hua, am able to stand here and speak to you today, thanks to the rescue of District Chief Chen. It was District Chief Chen who risked his life to enter the nuclear explosion zone and brought me out.

So today I, He Hua, am here to express my position that from now on, everything in the new district will be completely handled by District Mayor Chen, including the troops stationed in the new district, which will also be under the jurisdiction of District Mayor Chen.


Is this going to delegate power?

Did I hear that right? Even the troops are under the jurisdiction of the district chief?

He Hua's words shocked everyone present. Such delegation of power was tantamount to recognizing the independent existence of a 'city within a city' in Linzhou City.

A district chief in name only can leap over the dragon gate and become the boss of the dominant party.

Such a situation is unheard of before the end of the world, let alone after the end of the world.

Finally someone couldn't help but ask:

He Shuai, with all due respect, aren't you afraid of the objections of the other district chiefs if you do this?

He Hua smiled calmly: Don't be impatient, just listen to what I have to say.

Since I have completely handed over the management of the new district to District Chief Chen, the minor issues such as supplies, defense, etc. in the new district must also be solved by District Chief Chen himself.

If the district chiefs of other districts have this ability, they can apply to me.

Then, how does He Shuai know that District Chief Chen has this ability? Someone asked again at this time.

Haha, because I know him, I have seen what he is capable of. He Hua stood upright and looked at everyone:

Now everyone can enter and exit the city gate freely without being quarantined, and can do things efficiently. This relies on the 'virus detector' installed at the city gate. And this instrument was invented by District Chief Chen.

Wow! It was actually invented by District Chief Chen!

It's really unbelievable!

He Hua continued regardless of the exclamation below: The reason why the military was able to capture Songchuan City was thanks to District Chief Chen sneaking in alone and eliminating the mutated monsters that could command the infected army.

Before the food crisis in the city was resolved, your District Chief Chen used his own rations to silently distribute them to refugees in slums and industrial and mining areas. I made a rough calculation and found that in one month, he distributed two thousand dollars for free. Tons of food!

If he is said to be incapable and unqualified, who else is qualified?

There was silence in the auditorium for a while. I don't know who stood up, and warm applause instantly resounded throughout the auditorium.

Feeling that the preparation was almost complete, He Hua turned to look at the entrance passage backstage, and smiled at Chen Chong who was waiting at the door:

“Now, let’s invite our new district mayor, Mr. Chen Chong, to deliver his inaugural speech!”


Under warm applause, Chen Chong, wearing a blue suit, strode to the stage.

He Hua took the initiative to give up the podium, and he and Dai Jianfeng sat down to watch.

Looking at the familiar faces in the audience, Chen Chong slowly adjusted his emotions.

“First of all, I would like to thank everyone for coming to attend my inauguration ceremony, especially thank you to Commander He and Commander Dai for coming despite their busy schedules.

I'm not very good at talking, especially not very good at using official accents.

So today I will get straight to the point.

In front of everyone, Chen Chong crumpled the speech prepared for him by the planners into a ball.

Just when everyone thought Chen Chong was going to use vernacular to impress everyone, an unexpected speech shocked everyone present.

First of all, I want to announce something. Starting from today, I will establish an armed force in the new district! The recruitment of armed personnel is open to the entire new district, and this armed force is completely led by the new district!

Including the host, everyone's eyes widened and they looked repeatedly between Chen Chong and He Hua.

Is this district chief not sick? Do you even dare to talk about forming an armed force?

And you said it in front of the top leader of Linzhou City, aren't you obviously throwing stones under people's noses?

But what is unbelievable is that He Hua and Dai Jianfeng didn't react at all, as if they had discussed it in advance.

“The second thing is that starting from today, the new district will provide food stamps with different denominations as the currency, and the food stamps can be directly exchanged for the corresponding food.

The last thing is talent recruitment. The new district is looking for talents from all walks of life, and the most important thing is to recruit people in the chemical industry and energy. Recruitment continues to be effective. As long as you have the ability in this area, you can come to the new district office to register.

Everyone listened in confusion to the three things announced by Chen Chong. Except for the last one, any one of them would be a crime requiring beheading until the first two things were obtained.

Even people from the military would not dare to openly form personal armed forces and openly destroy the market.

Okay, that's all. I don't like to make big claims for others. Whether I can manage the new district well must be proven by actual actions.

However, I will set a small goal here today. Within a month, I will lead the armed forces of the new district to capture three prefecture-level cities. If I cannot do this, I will voluntarily resign.

Capture three cities in one month Chen Chong's small goal is compared to Versailles, a real estate tycoon before the end of the world.

This so-called small target speech also spread throughout Linzhou City in an instant.

Wow! Did you hear that? Capture three cities in one month?

That's what he said.

Is this district chief crazy?

It looks like it! How easy is it to get a city? Even the military doesn't dare to take advantage of it.

In front of the door of the female barracks, several female soldiers were muttering among themselves.

Seeing Fang Ting walking in the distance, the group hurriedly returned to their seats and stood upright.

Hello, battalion commander!

Well, is Miss Mo inside?

Yes, Miss Mo hasn't gone out.

Oh? Fang Ting scratched her head in confusion and strode in.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Mo Qingning in a snow-white coat.

Qing Ning, why didn't you go to Chen Chong's inauguration ceremony? Everyone had dispersed over there!

Mo Qingning frowned: I heard that he also went, and I don't want to see him.

Huh? You're still pretending here! Fang Ting approached in a strange manner, I don't know who it was, but took advantage of me to attend the election meeting for me while I was sleeping, and even voted for He Hua.

Mo Qingning's face turned slightly red when he was told: Didn't I vote casually? I didn't forgive him anyway.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, woman. Fang Ting wrinkled her little nose and looked disgusted.

You asked for a beating!

Mo Qingning was also amused by her appearance. The two delicate girls were laughing and playing together, and the scene turned orange for a while.


Report! Camp Commander Fang! There is a foreign girl named Alice outside, calling for Miss Mo.

Alice? Isn't she the captain of that hunter team?

Mo Qingning and Fang Ting stopped fighting and looked at each other with confusion.

Qing Ning, do you know her?

Mo Qingning shook her head: I don't know her, but I saw her following Chen Chong before. Why did she come to me?

Then, do you want to see her?

Let's meet.

Soon, Alice came to the reception room under the leadership of the female soldier.

Maybe it's because women's intuition is more accurate. As soon as the two met, they ignored Fang Ting in the middle.

The blue and black pupils faced each other, and Alice felt a strong cold breath approaching her.

At the same time, Mo Qingning also noticed the invisible power emanating from the other party.

Uh you guys

Hello, Miss Mo, my name is Alice.

Alice took the initiative to reach out to Mo Qingning.

Hello, why did you come to see me?

Mo Qingning just shook his hand politely and then immediately let go.

We need your abilities.

My ability?

Alice nodded: Yes, Chen Chong said that you have the ability to accurately find the weaknesses of infected bodies, so I came here specifically to ask you to help us.

Hearing this, Mo Qingning was obviously unhappy: Did Chen Chong ask you to come? Why didn't he come in person?

Alice was stunned for a moment, she was fine just now, why was she suddenly unhappy:

He is currently busy taking over the affairs of the new district. So.

So you don't have time to come to me, right? Mo Qingning interrupted Alice directly, You tell him that if he wants my help, he has to come to me in person, otherwise there will be no need to discuss anything.

Watching Alice leave, Fang Ting looked at Mo Qingning in confusion: Hey! Qingning, I noticed something is wrong with you today!

Do you have any objections to Chen Chong?

Mo Qingning took a deep breath and said coldly: Chen Chong controlled him.

Who? Are you saying that Chen Chong controlled He Hua? Fang Ting's eyes widened.

Mo Qingning nodded lightly: Yes! Chen Chong told me personally. Chen Chong saved his life by giving him a drink of his own blood, but this kind of blood has sequelae. Anyone who is stained with his blood will They will all be controlled by him.

Oh my god! So that's why you asked him to come to you?

I want to find out whether the current He Hua is still He Hua.

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