The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 229 0002. Zhao Qing’s secret

[Linzhou City·New District Office Building]

Chen Chong's inauguration ceremony had just ended and he came to his office.

Also coming with him were Dai Jianfeng and He Hua.

How about it? Are there any problems that haven't been solved yet?

As soon as he entered the door, He Hua got straight to the point.

Chen Chong motioned to the two commanders to take their seats. The three of them sat on the sofa and poured a pot of tea.

There is no problem with the arrangements for forming an armed force now. It will depend on how many people come to participate. But I would like to ask, why should I be asked to form an armed force?

Chen Chong looked at He Hua with a puzzled expression.

He Hua and Dai Jianfeng looked at each other, and the former said:

“The last time we were attacked by a nuclear bomb, we lost more than half of our troops and two-thirds of our various armored vehicles were scrapped.

If I recruit troops myself, it will inevitably cause dissatisfaction with Ouyang Cheng and Ren Guodong.

After all, if one of us recruits troops without restraint, then the other two's sources of troops will be cut off.

Moreover, our current weapon resources are too few, and the cost of training a new soldier is much higher than before the end of the world.

To be honest, the weapons and ammunition in Linzhou City are now more tense than before. Now even the sale of old guns to foraging parties has stopped.

Having said this, He Hua showed an apologetic look to Chen Chong: There is one more thing, I want to say sorry. I just asked Commander Dai about the formation of armed forces in the new district. Our military cannot provide you with weapons and equipment. .

On the one hand, there is really no such thing. Secondly, the armed forces in the new area are not under the control of the military, so the military cannot provide equipment.

Seeing Chen Chong's thoughtful look, Dai Jianfeng on the side also spoke:

This matter is indeed embarrassing for you, but don't worry yet. Although we can't give you weapons, we can send people to find nearby weapons warehouses. Believe me, finding weapons with the strength of the military will definitely not be a problem.

When Dai Jianfeng said this, something suddenly came to Chen Chong's mind.

I remember that when I went out to buy food alone before, I found a weapons depot in a cave outside a small town.

It had been such a long time since this happened, and I would have almost forgotten it if Dai Jianfeng hadn't spoken.

I remember that there must be at least one battalion's worth of equipment in there. I didn't dare to bring it into the city because of the control before, but now I have an honest reason, so what are I afraid of?

Chen Chong's eyes lit up when he thought of this: Okay, you two don't have to worry about forming an armed force, I have my own way.

By the way, yesterday I heard about the new mutated infectious agent discovered by the military around the nuclear blast zone?

Dai Jianfeng glanced at Chen Chong in surprise, seeming to have some doubts about Chen Chong's assurance, but when he saw He Hua's trusting look, he said nothing more.

Since He Hua was rescued by Chen Chong last time, He Hua's trust in Chen Chong seems to have reached an unimaginable level. Dai Jianfeng had always thought that He Hua was deliberately pretending to be like this in order to express gratitude to the other party, but later he discovered that He Hua seemed to really trust Chen Chong and did not shy away from the latter even on some absolutely confidential matters. This is not a mistake a mature leader should make.

When they mentioned the mutated infected body, the faces of the two commanders became solemn.

Yes, in TY City, we found a light blue infectious agent. As he said that, He Hua opened the computer on Chen Chong's desk, then took out a black USB flash drive from his pocket and inserted it. in.

In the picture, an infected body is emitting a light blue light and has an extremely exaggerated mouth, staggering forward.

From the video taken by the drone, it can be clearly seen that there is a light blue liquid flowing in the mouth of the slit infected body.

Soon the screen changed and a second monster appeared.

This is an infected body without its left arm. Its body is larger than that of the Black Light Master, and it is the same size as a super soldier. Its right arm is as thick as Goliath's.

But its head is pitifully small, only the size of a monkey's head. There is only one eye on the entire face in the middle of the brow, and a large mouth full of sharp teeth horizontally below it.

Looking at the disgusting abscesses all over his body and the ferocious face, Chen Chong couldn't help but shiver.

These two monsters, no matter how you look at them, look like they came out of a horror movie, the ‘Slit Girl’ and the ‘One-Eyed Demon’.

Zombies can at least be touched and seen, but ghosts are a bit mysterious.

It's a pity that the illustrated book ability can only view living objects, and there is no way to extract information from the video.

These two are the pictures captured by our drone. We don't know how these things mutated. Now the military is preparing to form a detection team to capture some monsters mutated by nuclear explosions for research. .

Andy proposed to me that you serve as the operations captain.

Chen Chong smiled bitterly and knew that he couldn't escape.

However, I am also more interested in facing new types of monsters.

When are you going to take action?

It will take about a week at the fastest! Our drones are still tracking and photographing these monsters, trying to collect as much information about them as possible to improve the safety of the exploration team.

Okay, I agree to participate, but I have to bring the hunter team with me.

No problem! He Hua agreed readily.

In front of the gate of the revival meeting, two tall super soldiers stood loyally.

When people passing by saw these two soldiers, they all looked in awe. Now, the deeds of No. 1 and No. 2 have spread throughout the new district.

Everyone knows that there are two members of the hunter team who are tall and have amazing abilities.

I don’t know how many powerful forces have offered olive branches to the two of them, openly or covertly, and some even offered a high price of two hundred tons of grain per year to win over them.

Even the military's special operations team sent out recruitment requests to the two of them more than once, but No. 1 and No. 2 were unmoved at all. They would rather guard the gates of the Renaissance Society than be bosses elsewhere.

Such an outrageous choice also baffled everyone.

However, with Chen Chong being elected as the new district mayor, everyone's views suddenly changed. From incomprehension in the past, I have become curious and envious of revival meetings.

This unknown little force suddenly became the most popular one in the new district.

Some small forces came one after another hoping to get the protection of the Renaissance Association, and some even wanted to join the Renaissance Association.

Big forces such as labor unions and federations frequently come to express their goodwill.

Even ordinary members of revival meetings now hold their heads high when they go out. Those skilled workers who joined from the slums before told everyone how wise they were back then.

People in revival meetings have never worried about food. As for work, they also follow the eight hours before the end of the world.

Moreover, at the most dangerous time in Linzhou City, Chen Chong took over their children, wives, and children, and also provided food for these relatives for free.

Now these people who defected from the slums have become Chen Chong's most loyal supporters.

They all regard the Renaissance as their home, and everyone works willingly.

Under such circumstances, the labor force that will emerge from the Renaissance can only be described as amazing.

In just two months, Fuxinghui and Gu Qingfang's brick factory completed all construction tasks.

And during this period, Zhang Zhigang continued to buy the surrounding land with the materials in his hands.

Now the revival meeting is connected with the brick factory. The total area has been expanded 20 times to 100,000 square meters. Not to mention accommodating thousands of people, it is enough to station an army.

Xiao Chu, have you finished collecting your information? Our president is still waiting to use it?

In Nuo Da's office, Zhao Qing, who was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, was quickly entering forms on the computer. Since being arranged by Chen Chong to manage the finances, this former Umbrella executive has been busy every day as if he had been given a shot of blood.

Okay, okay! Chu Chengdong, who looked fat, walked in with a stack of documents in his hand.

The former cell leader in prison is now a market manager.

Not to mention, there is nothing that Chu Chengdong can't do that is difficult to do in the eyes of others.

No matter he is a ruffian or a scoundrel, in the hands of Chu Chengdong, he behaves like a sheep. The order in the market is better than before the end of the world.

Zhao Qing took the form and scanned it, and immediately frowned:

This can't work! How come I only redeemed 500 kilograms of food stamps in one day?

Upon hearing this, Chu Chengdong suddenly burst into tears: I'm talking about Mr. Zhao! You have to hear the truth!

It’s not that I don’t want to change it for them, it’s that not many people believe in our food stamps!

You are in finance, think about it, although the new Fuxing currency has depreciated greatly, it is still a serious currency.

No matter how worthless it is, it is something recognized by everyone in Linzhou City. But what about our food stamps? It works in the new district, and even in the new district not many dare to directly exchange grain for a piece of paper.

Zhao Qing paused and nodded slightly: What you said is indeed a problem, but people think of solutions. You, the market manager, can't be in vain. Since everyone doesn't believe in the credibility of food stamps, then let's Help them establish credibility!”

Based on their relationship during this period of time, Chu Chengdong knew that this business executive had another idea as soon as he heard this.

Hehe, Mr. Zhao, I know you must have something, right? Chu Chengdong had a sly smile on his face, poured tea for Zhao Qing diligently, and even pinched his shoulders thoughtfully.

Seeing Chu Chengdong's appearance, Zhao Qing was very pleased: Okay, then I will give you some pointers. Do you know why the federal banknotes can become universally accepted before the end of the world?

Chu Chengdong tilted his big head: I am rich!

Yes, this is an inevitable factor. But the most important thing is another point, which is to be linked to what everyone urgently needs.

For example, oil must be purchased by all countries in the world. And gold, does everyone in the world know that gold is valuable?

Chu Chengdong's eyes lit up: You mean to link food stamps with important things? Then the most important things now are food and fuel for the winter!

Yes! Zhao Qing sighed: A nuclear explosion has made the already cold winter even colder. I heard that a large number of frozen corpses can be found in the slums every day. Even several others Zones also appear.

In fact, the president told me the day before yesterday to ask our food-seeking team to collect more fuel, coal and so on. But now there is less and less fuel in the city, especially diesel that can drive heavy trucks.

This is true. The military has stopped any form of diesel trading in the market a few days ago. Now even some of the military's armored vehicles cannot be used. Chu Chengdong lowered his head and lit a cigarette in depression. .

Okay, let's not mention this anymore. We still need to solve the problem of food stamps. With our current capabilities, we can't really link food stamps with food. However, I believe you have also heard about the president's decision. It’s a small goal.”

I heard that we can capture three cities in one month. I was shocked when I first heard about it. I thought those bastards were talking nonsense. Do you think our president can do it?

Zhao Qing glared at Chu Chengdong: What? Are you questioning the ability of our president?

Chu Chengdong hurriedly shook his head: No, no, no! Master Zhao, please don't misunderstand me. Even if I question myself for giving birth to a child without an asshole, I can't question the president!

Zhao Qing rolled his eyes at the other party: In fact, the real purpose of winning three cities in one month is to control enough resources to promote food stamps.

The president is further ahead than we thought. As long as we can successfully capture three cities, not only will the president's reputation reach a new height, but even food stamps will be accepted by everyone. Maybe not only The new district will use food stamps, and even the entire Linzhou City will use them.

Chu Chengdong also became excited after hearing this: If it's really like what you said, then won't our Renaissance Association be able to reach the sky in one step?

Zhao Qing smiled slightly: It's a little early to say this, but now you have to be more careful. If no one redeems the food stamps, we will tie the food stamps with scarce supplies.

From now on, anyone who buys various cans and fuel from our revival meeting in the market must first exchange them for food stamps. You should know how to do the rest, right?

Haha! Master Zhao is Master Zhao! I understand! Don't worry, I, Chu Chengdong, could die from exhaustion in the market without even complaining!

Looking at Chu Chengdong's leaving figure, Zhao Qing showed a proud smile on his face. From a villain who was despised by others and turned his back on his master to survive, he is now a respected Mr. Zhao who manages finances.

Everything now, including his own life, is inseparable from Chen Chong's help. He was glad that he had chosen to follow Chen Chong to Linzhou City instead of living in a snail's nest on Qianling Mountain, eating and waiting to die.

Now that he has become an important member of the Fuxing Association, he knows very well that his relationship with Chen Chong is one of mutual prosperity and mutual loss.

Thinking of this, Zhao Qing silently took off the blue watch that he always kept on his wrist when taking a shower. As the watch's hands turned strangely upside down, a small golden magnetic card appeared in front of him.

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