In the bright room illuminated by white lights, Dr. Alexander, a blond-haired man, was carefully observing the black and red cells in the culture vessel with a microscope.

This black-red cell was placed in the same vessel as normal human cells. The two cells sometimes fuse and sometimes separate.

When they fuse, the cells of the human body will have a strong ability to divide and mutate. However, after they are separated, it seems like nothing happened. Normally, people can't find any problems.

It's amazing! Unbelievable!

Alexander was observing with shock, when suddenly there was a clear knocking sound on the door behind him.

Please come in!

The not-so-thick door was opened from the outside, and Chen Chong, who had just returned to the revival meeting, strode in.

Doctor, have you discovered anything?

Alexander walked up to Chen Chong excitedly: Master, I have a few questions that I would like to ask for confirmation.

You ask.

Are you able to control any part of your body at will? Or to put it another way, can you easily control the black light virus in your body?

Chen Chong said truthfully without hiding anything: Yes, I can indeed do it. I can hide the black light virus in my body without fighting. As long as I need it, the virus can transform my body as soon as possible.

It's true! Alexander squeezed his hands excitedly, In the past few days, after comparing various black light infected bodies, black light evolvers, and your cells, I found that your cells are more pure and mutated than other black light organisms. The sex is also stronger. If I guess correctly, the black light virus in your body may be the mother strain of the virus!

Hearing Alexander's words, Chen Chong's heart beat faster.

As expected of an expert in virus biology, Chen Chong had never told Alexander about his physical condition. He could make an accurate diagnosis just by relying on the simple laboratory provided by the Fuxing Society. Maybe his physical problems could really help him Solved.

What else did you find?

Chen Chong asked the other party with a little expectation.

Unexpectedly, Alexander shook his head: Master wants to study something as precise and tiny as viruses, but it is really difficult to do so with the instruments in this laboratory. So far, there is not even a high-precision electron microscope. I really There is no way!

After bringing Alexander to the revival meeting, Chen Chong specially approved a large room as his laboratory.

After that, some medical instruments from the hospital were brought back one after another to build such a laboratory.

Speaking of which, it was really difficult for Alexander.

Chen Chong pursed his lips and said seriously: What instruments do you need, make a list for me. I will get it for you as soon as possible.

Thank you, Master! Alexander said gratefully, then thought of something else, Master, some instruments are really hard to find. I guess they may not even be available in the whole of Daxia.

Chen Chong smiled lightly: I know this, but I do know an Umbrella laboratory. I also discovered the G virus there. I think the equipment there should have what you want, right?

Huh? G-Virus? If that is really the place where G-Virus is studied, then there must be something I need!

Alexander was excited, found paper and pen, and quickly wrote what he needed.

Soon a list was made.

As soon as Chen Chong took over the list, Zhao Qing called.

The other party mysteriously said that he had something important to give to him.

When they arrived at the conference hall, Zhao Qing was already waiting at the door.

President, you are here!

Well, what's wrong? What do you want to give me, so mysterious?

Zhao Qing looked around and closed the door of the conference room.

If Chen Chong hadn't been a man, I would have suspected that this guy was going to do something inappropriate for children.

Finally seeing Chen Chong's weird look, Zhao Qing quickly took out a thumb-sized magnetic card from his pocket.

This is?

Zhao Qing swallowed and looked at Chen Chong with a guilty conscience: President, there is something I want to confess to you.

Chen Chong looked like a black man with a question mark on his face. Didn't he want to give something just now? Why are you confessing now?

Say something quickly!

Uh, okay! Actually, I lied to you at the beginning.


Looking at Chen Chong's calm expression, Zhao Qing breathed a sigh of relief: When you and I first entered the underground laboratory, didn't you ask me how I knew the situation in the laboratory?

Chen Chong nodded: Yes, I remember this. What's wrong?

I told you at the time that I knew a researcher there and got the information from his mouth. In fact, I had another point that I didn't tell you.

Regarding the construction plan of the underground laboratory, I actually knew it for a long time. Umbrella informed me when it decided to build an underground laboratory.

At first it was said that it was for research on cancer, AIDS, and a series of intractable diseases, but later I discovered that they were storing materials in the underground warehouse more and more frequently, often behind the back of me, the executive director.

So I secretly bribed the staff who were responsible for guarding the warehouse at the time, and then I discovered that the warehouse not only sold household appliances and medical products, but also a large number of arms.

When I heard the news, I was a little scared, because in Daxia, you will be jailed for possessing weapons privately. So I kept a cautious eye, pretending not to know on the surface, and then secretly asked the staff member to make a backup of the control terminal of the weapons storage warehouse.

Hearing this, Chen Chong understood: So the magnetic card in your hand is the control terminal that opens the warehouse?

Yes, with this control terminal here, I can crack the warehouse's password no matter how I change it.

Zhao Qing said with confidence.

In fact, for Chen Chong, these weapons can only be regarded as the icing on the cake, not to mention that there is an arsenal outside waiting for him to open.

Just relying on his black light exchange ability, he can produce a batch of black watch suits that are more sophisticated than Umbrella's equipment in minutes.

However, because this kind of equipment is too eye-catching, and because his hatching energy is not very rich now, Chen Chong plans to equip the elites of the team first.

Use Blackwatch gear as a reward for your opponent's subordinates to win over people.

But what interests Chen Chong is why Zhao Qing didn't take it earlier or later, but he took action at this time.

Why didn't you take this out earlier?

Zhao Qing seemed to know that there would be such a question: To be honest with you, I still had selfish motives when I came to Linzhou City with you.

I just thought that if your big tree fell down, maybe you could hug someone else's lap with the arms in your hand.

Oh? You are really cunning. Chen Chong was not angry but asked with a smile, Then why did you take the initiative to say it now?

Zhao Qing suddenly straightened his back and said extremely seriously: Since you became the district chief, our group has been branded with you.

Moreover, you saved my life and allowed me to return to my old career and use my remaining energy. Even if I die in this life, I will follow you!

Chen Chong put away his smile, walked slowly to Zhao Qing, and put a hand on his shoulder:

Don't worry, as long as I'm here, no one will dare to touch you.

Sometimes things just happen by coincidence. Chen Chong was just about to return to the underground warehouse of Wanjiang City to look for instruments, but when he turned around, Zhao Qing gave him an arsenal.

This strengthened Chen Chong's determination to return to Wanjiang City.

Speaking of which, after coming out of Gutao Town, I haven't contacted Zheng Ping and the others for a long time, and I don't know if they can survive this cold nuclear winter.

Thinking of this, Chen Chong suddenly had a bold idea: Since he is planning to develop in Linzhou City and now controls a new district, why not bring Zheng Ping and the others with him?

Now he needs a lot of weapons and manpower. With the help of serious soldiers like Zheng Ping, the efficiency will be much higher!

This idea has appeared, and Chen Chong can no longer tolerate it.

He went directly back to his office and dialed the satellite phone that contacted Zheng Ping.

However, there was no answer on the other end of the phone.

[Wanjiang City·Qianling Mountain Base]

A large number of Molotov cocktails were continuously thrown down the mountain. The fierce fire burned the turf at the foot of the mountain into white ground.

In the distance, a black tide of zombies was pouring towards the base of Qianling Mountain. Gutao Town at the foot of the mountain had already been filled with zombies.

The defenders on the hillside kept scanning the zombies with machine guns.

From time to time, the commanding voice came, and the gunner responsible for sniping the monster immediately fired bullets at the target.

There's a venom monster behind the white pickup truck! Kill it!


A thick bullet was shot from the barrel of the sniper's gun, and a light blue monster with a big mouth was directly shot in the head.

As the monster's head exploded, the light blue liquid splashed onto the body of the white pickup truck, causing a severe corrosive effect.

The pickup truck's body seemed to have been cooked by boiling water, with a large amount of white gas coming out. This state lasted for five minutes. When the light blue liquid was completely consumed, half of the entire car shell was corroded!

Seeing such astonishing destructive power, the commander in the distance couldn't help but frown.

Attention everyone, as soon as the venom monster appears, shoot it immediately. You can let ten zombies go, but you can't let one venom monster get close to the position!

The Venom Monster mentioned by the commander was exactly the Slit Girl that He Hua showed Chen Chong before.

At this moment, the cracked girl has become the most terrifying monster in the Qianling Mountain base.

This monster is not very powerful, but the light blue venom it sprays from its mouth is absolutely deadly.

As long as any object is stained with a drop, it will be corroded quickly like sulfuric acid, and this venom also carries a fatal infection virus. Even if the creatures sprayed are not killed by corrosion, they will become zombies due to infection. The soldiers at Qianling Mountain Base suffered from this kind of monster. At first, they wanted to rely on the city wall of Gutao Town as a defense.

But as soon as this monster appeared, it sprayed a pool of venom towards the city wall. The soldiers sprayed by the venom screamed and the weapons in their hands were corroded into a pool of blood on the spot. Some soldiers splashed by the venom, In less than five seconds, he transformed into a zombie and turned around to attack his teammates.

The appearance of the venom monster caused the entire defense line to collapse instantly. The defenders were also stunned.

In order to avoid being attacked by the venom monster, Zheng Ping, after discussing with a kind of chief, had no choice but to leave Gutao Town and set up a defense line on the mountainside with relatively high terrain.

Now that there is an ammunition emergency, Qianling Mountain Base has to follow Chen Chong's previous approach and seal the access to the mountain with fire.

But now that winter is coming, there is no way to find dead and flammable plants. The only choice is to use Molotov cocktails and trees on the mountain as fuel to continue to heat the fire.

In the command tent located on the top of the hillside, a soldier was seriously reporting the situation to Zheng Ping and his party.

Reporting to you, sirs! The source of the corpse tide has been basically determined. The parasitic corpses piled up in Gutao Town attracted those monsters, and based on our observation, among the monsters mutated by the nuclear explosion, it is very likely that they will evolve. Developed a super sense of smell.”

Damn it! I just know it!

The third battalion commander, Du Biao, clenched his fist fiercely, Have you found out who dropped the nuclear bomb on TY City? It's been two months, why is there no news?

The soldier shook his head: There is no way to tell yet, we don't have satellites to call, and we don't even know where the nuclear bomb was launched from.

However, judging from the observations at the nuclear explosion site, Linzhou City's team was severely hit.

Speaking of Linzhou City, Zheng Ping was a little enlightened. Under the increasingly harsh conditions of the outside world, he had wanted to take everyone to Linzhou City many times.

But when I think about the millions of people in Linzhou City who still don’t have enough to eat, wouldn’t I be waiting to starve with tens of thousands of people there?

When you get to other people's territory, you have to listen to other people's management and lose your autonomy. It may not even be as good as the current situation.

Okay! Don't say these are useless. The most important thing now is to study how to solve the current zombie crisis.

Preliminary estimates indicate that there are 800,000 corpses at the foot of the mountain, not counting those who came from TY City and bypassed Wanjiang City.

Now we are seriously short of ammunition. Even if one zombie has one bullet, there is no guarantee that it will be enough.

Zheng Ping's words made Du Biao shut his mouth.

The special operations captain on the side suddenly said: I have an idea. If we can't hold on, we might as well give up Qianling Mountain and move to Heji Mountain on the opposite side.

We've recently hollowed out eight caves there, which should be enough to accommodate everyone.

What should we do if the zombies go up the mountain? Zheng Ping asked.

A ruthless look flashed in the eyes of the special operations captain: As the saying goes, 'If you can't stand it, you can't destroy it.' If you really can't stand it, then set fire to the mountain and burn all the zombies to death on Qianling Mountain!

The group of people in the conference room all pondered this solution, which was not a solution. When the enemy was strong and we were weak, all persistence became so ridiculous.

Suddenly, a hurried figure broke into the tent, and all the officers were about to get mad.

A red-faced Wang He was seen holding a satellite phone in his hand, panting and saying to Zheng Ping:

Brother Chong Chong's phone number.

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