The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 232 0005. Humans on the shoulders of giants

On the street in the distance, a giant monster more than 20 meters high appeared in the scout's field of vision.

It's so big that no one can even feel the slightest resistance.

The scout's hand holding the rifle couldn't help but tremble. Looking at the huge left arm that was two stories high, he forgot what he was doing for a moment.

Oh my God! What is that?

Soon the blocking position on the slope also saw this monster. The soldiers were frightened by the sudden appearance of the giant monster.

The Tyrant that was four to five meters tall before was considered huge, but now that they saw the monster that was twenty meters tall, they couldn't believe that it was in the real world.

That’s right! This tall monster is none other than Goliath!

The title of miraculous life has placed it at the top of the food chain.

Liu Quan and Duan Feng looked at the monster solemnly, and the hairs on their bodies stood up one by one.

Duan Feng: Liu Quan, let's retreat! The tide of corpses below is okay, but if this monster comes up, I'm afraid we won't even have time to retreat!

Liu Quan clenched his fists with a look of unwillingness on his face.

Originally, he was very excited about the news that Chen Chong had come to support him, but now that he encountered such a big man, even their brother Chong would not be able to do anything.

Alas! Is this the end of the good Qianling Mountain Base?

It's okay, as long as people are alive we can rebuild a better home!

Liu Li took the initiative to hold Liu Quan's big hand and comforted him softly.

Suddenly an evolver exclaimed:

Captain, look, that big guy and those zombies don't seem to be the same group!


As soon as this evolver reminded them, everyone immediately discovered something fishy among the corpses.

The big man walking on the street actually did not dodge and stepped on the corpses around him mercilessly.

The zombies on the street also gathered around it in batches without fear of death, attacking it desperately.

But the scalp is thick and rough, and the attacks of these zombies cannot even break its skin. On the contrary, the zombie tide's losses are increasing.

As soon as the big man stepped down, several zombies were trampled to death. He was literally walking on the corpses of zombies along the way.

Give me the telescope!

After receiving the telescope handed over by the soldier, the monster's full view appeared in detail.

It didn't matter at this glance. When he saw the human sitting on the monster's shoulder, he was completely stunned.

Chong rush.


Duan Feng tilted his head and looked at Liu Quan: Are you crazy? You're still letting your brothers rush in like this?

Brother Chong Chong!!

Where? Where is Brother Chong?

Duan Feng looked around with wide eyes, and Liu Quan handed him the binoculars.

The next second.

Holy crap! Why did Brother Chong get on that monster's shoulder?

Looking at the dense zombies under Goliath, Chen Chong sat leisurely on Goliath's shoulders, his legs beating rhythmically.

These zombies seem to be attacking Goliath, but in fact their target is Chen Chong, who is sitting on Goliath's shoulders.

One after another, the lickers tried to climb up Goliath's body, but before they could reach Goliath's chest, they were grabbed by the huge left arm and crushed to pieces.

Looking at the position halfway up the mountain in the distance, Chen Chong felt quite emotional.

I remember that the last wave of zombies that burned down the town was like this.

It seems that Lao Zheng's life is quite difficult!

Chen Chong smiled lightly and didn't even care about the dark tide of corpses below.

Suddenly, a light blue monster came out from behind a car on the street. Chen Chong took a surprised look and was immediately attracted to the monster.

Oh! She really is a slit girl.

【Picture Book】

[Race: Rift Monster]

[Status: alienation, evolution,]

[Level: 2]

【Life: 200】

【Strength: 11】

[Defense: 9]

[Physical strength: ∞]

[Speed: 5]

[Talent skills: 1. Infection: Carrying a deadly virus, causing genetic mutation of the target through biting and scratching. Ineffective against organisms with higher viral resistance.

2. Corrosive acid: The body is infected by a nuclear explosion and produces high-concentration corrosive acid. It sprays a large area of ​​acid within 5 meters of the front target, ignoring 60% of the target's defense. 】

[Danger level: 1 star]

Chen Chong looked at the monster with great interest. He saw that the monster opened its mouth to an unimaginable degree, and a pool of light blue liquid spurted out from its throat, instantly covering Goliath's lower limbs.

The moment the blue liquid came into contact with Goliath's skin, dense white smoke, accompanied by a strong rancid smell, hit his face.

The originally quiet Goliath suddenly let out a roar. He raised his left arm and vigorously slapped the blue liquid on his body.

In less than five seconds, Goliath's golden and iron-like skin was corroded with small pits.

Such a scene really shocked Chen Chong.

As someone who has personally fought against Goliath, I know best how hard Goliath's skin is.

Even though the level of this monster is not very high, the liquid it spits out is truly terrifying.

Suddenly, a black spot came quickly. Chen Chong's eyes moved, and he turned his back to the black spot and grabbed the black spot. Chen Chong caught a tongue with a fishy smell in his hand, and then pulled hard, and the tongue broke in his hand.

Huh? Why is it purple?

Looking at the long tongue in his hand, Chen Chong was stunned for a moment and turned to look behind him.

On the treetop in the distance, a skinny zombie with only skin and bones was roaring at this side with a bloody mouth.

Half of a long purple tongue could be clearly seen hanging out from the mouth.

Its skin actually has the same color as the trees. If it weren't for Chen Chong's good eyesight, it would be really difficult for ordinary people to find it.

【Picture Book】

[Race: Long-tongued corpse]

[Status: alienation, evolution,]

[Level: 3]

【Life: 700】

【Strength: 17】

[Defense: 9]

[Physical strength: ∞]

[Speed: 14]

[Talent skills: 1. Infection: Carrying a deadly virus, causing genetic mutation of the target through biting and scratching. Ineffective against organisms with higher viral resistance.

2. Long tongue: Launch a surprise attack on the target through the freely retractable long tongue.

3. Hunting: With body color changes like a chameleon, it can hunt in disguise. 】

[Danger level: 2 stars]

Another new infectious agent!

Chen Chong narrowed his eyes and put away half of the tongue in his hand.

At this time, Goliath felt the pain and his temper increased.

Looking at the ants that were constantly gathering around him, he leaned down slightly and raised his huge left arm in front of him.

It's angry! Being injured by some ants really made him feel a little unhappy.


A roar like thunder coming from the sky spread all around in an instant.

Even the soldiers on the distant hillside were startled by the roar.

Everyone looked here in unison, and even Yamashita, who was preparing to attack the zombie wave, turned his head mechanically.

rumble rumble



The huge soles of the feet stepped on the ground alternately, digging deep pits into the smooth streets.

Goliath's legs moved faster and faster, and his left arm like an iron tower knocked the zombies in front of him along the way and sent blood mist flying across the road.

Standing on Goliath's shoulders, Chen Chong felt the domineering offensive of Savage Crash from this angle for the first time.

With blessings of up to several thousand percent, it is simply invincible.

Whether it's a large truck parked on the side of the road or a telephone pole next to the road. No one was spared wherever the giant arm passed.

A large number of zombies were knocked into the air and looked like a rain of flesh from a distance.

The zombies flying into the air smashed downwards, spreading to the zombie tide further away.

By the time Goliath stopped, the tide of corpses on the road had been cleared out of thin air for more than two hundred meters.

Chen Chong made a rough estimate and found that a single brutal collision could directly clear out the tide of nearly 10,000 corpses.

The hatching energy in the system alone has rapidly increased by four thousand points.

Goliath's incredible power shocked the soldiers on the hillside and left them speechless. Some timid recruits were so frightened that their legs became weak and they lay weakly behind the bunker with their eyes wide open.

On the hillside, Zheng Ping and his group of officers held up binoculars and stared closely at the super monster rushing over from a distance.

To be honest, Zheng Ping almost fell backwards when he saw Goliath for the first time.

When he saw the figure standing on Goliath, he was stunned.

Then the man standing on the shoulders of giants is Chen Chong? Did I see it wrong?

The second battalion commander shook his head and swallowed subconsciously: That's right, I saw it too.

The group of officers just kept looking into the distance and chatting.

You think the support Chen Chong mentioned is not just this giant-like monster, right?

It seems so!

Zheng Ping couldn't help but pinch his face with his hands. What happened in front of him made him almost unable to believe that this was reality.

But the pain on his face truly told him that Chen Chong was really here! And he came driving a giant.

The appearance of Goliath quickly broke the battlefield situation between zombies and humans.

Under the control of Chen Chong, one man and one corpse rushed to the foot of the mountain.

The soldiers opened their mouths and looked at Chen Chong, who was standing on the giant's shoulders, with that special look as if they were looking at a god.

Some religious people even walked out from behind the bunker and knelt down to worship Chen Chong.

He was still mumbling something like 'God bless you! ’

According to legend, giants are servants of gods, and those who can control giants are even more apostles of gods.

The appearance of Chen Chong completely verified this statement, and for a while some people who didn't believe in ghosts and gods were no longer calm.

It's the messenger of God! It's God who has come to save us!

Thank you to the gods! Thank you to the gods!

I don't know who raised his head, and for a while, the sound of one after another echoed throughout the mountain.

Come back! Are you all crazy? There are zombies down there!

The commander shouted, trying to persuade everyone. Unexpectedly, the company commander standing aside grabbed him and said with awe:

They are right. For our Qianling Mountain base, Chen Chong is our god! He saved us again!

Listening to the shouts below and looking at the awe-filled faces, Chen Chong suddenly felt that his old face was a little hot.

What the hell is this? Do you look so much like a god?

Looking towards the crowd, Chen Chong saw Liu Quan and Duan Feng standing next to them at a glance.

These two guys originally wanted to come up to greet them, but when the big guy shouted like this, they were immediately at a loss.

Brother Chong has become an envoy of the gods. Didn't the two of them offend the gods by going up there?

Smelling the scent of humans, the Goliath at his feet suddenly became excited.

The huge bald head roared at the soldiers on the hillside, and he raised his feet to go up the mountain.

A thunderous roar awakened the soldiers on the hillside.

Only then did everyone notice that this giant seemed to be a zombie as well.

Everyone prepare to attack!

The commander's shout had an immediate and miraculous effect.

The people who had worshiped earlier hurriedly hid in the bunker, setting up their guns and aiming at Goliath.

One soldier was nervous and pulled the trigger directly, hitting Goliath's chest.

The sound of gunfire triggered a chain effect. For a time, light and heavy machine guns and automatic turrets started shooting at Goliath at the same time.

Don't fight! Don't fight! Brother Chong is still up there!

Liu Quan and Duan Feng opened their mouths to stop them, but it was already too late.

The soldiers struggled to pull the triggers and poured out firepower at Goliath. Only the heavy machine gunner on the east side did not fire.

Brother, fight quickly! That's a zombie!

The young chain shooter urged anxiously.

Unexpectedly, the machine gunner rolled his eyes at him: If I want to beat you, the person standing on the zombie's shoulder is Brother Chong. What can happen with him here?

As soon as he finished speaking, Zheng Ping and his group of officers were seen running down the hill in a hurry, shouting as they ran:

Stop shooting! Stop shooting!

Don't even fight!

The heavy gunfire soon stopped.

Zheng Ping didn't bother to question his men and looked at Chen Chong on the giant's shoulder with a worried expression.

The smoke cleared, and the giant's outline reappeared.

Contrary to what he imagined, the giant who was attacked in turn by various types of guns and cannons was not only not injured, but not even a piece of flesh was lost.

The beating for a long time only left a dark mark on his chest.

Chen Chong? Are you...are you okay?

Seeing Zheng Ping's concerned eyes, Chen Chong jumped off Goliath's body.

Old Zheng, how are you doing lately?



Zheng Ping wanted to take a few steps forward, but it aroused Goliath's reaction.

Upon seeing this, several security masters quickly protected Zheng Ping behind them, and each of them took out their guns and pointed them at Goliath nervously.

Unexpectedly, the smell of the guards aroused Goliath's ferocity even more. His huge left hand, which covered the sky and covered the sky, grabbed everyone, and he was about to catch him.

Chen Chong turned his head suddenly, and a strange light suddenly flashed through his slightly reddish pupils.

The next second, Goliath seemed to have been frightened. He retracted his hand tremblingly, staggered, and knelt on the ground with his head lowered.

Seeing this situation, everyone collectively took a breath.

Any fool can see that this giant zombie, which cannot even be attacked by bullets, has been tamed.

For a moment, Chen Chong's figure became taller than Goliath in everyone's eyes.

Originally, Liu Quan and Duan Feng were a little eager to compete with Chen Chong to see who was stronger, but now they have no courage to compete, and they are just in deep awe!

Brother Chong! It’s still you, Brother Chong!

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