The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 233 0006. Decision to stay or leave

The news of Chen Chong's return was like a bomb dropped into the Qianling Mountain base.

In the infirmary, Su Wei was busy giving medicine to the wounded. Her haggard face made her eyes a little swollen.

Since the day before yesterday, the wounded in the infirmary have been like an assembly line. One person has just been treated on the front foot, and another one comes from behind.

Xiaowei, bed No. 2, the shrapnel has scratched the artery. Get the tourniquet quickly.


Su Wei speeded up her hands, wrapped the patient in front of her, turned around and took out a tourniquet from the instrument tray, and was about to leave.

Suddenly, a young officer leaned on the door frame with one hand and showed Su Wei a handsome smile.

Xiaowei, why don't you listen to me? You've been working for two days, go and have a rest.

Su Wei looked at the other party expressionlessly and said coldly: Get out of the way! Don't disturb my work.

Xiaowei, why are you so stubborn? Can you treat such wounded people in the infirmary?

This nurse is not more than you, but not less than you. Why are you working so hard?

Professor Su will be worried if you do this.

The man still stood in front of the door frame with a straight face.

At this time, a doctor's call came from outside.

Xiaowei! Are you okay? Hurry up!

Su Wei slammed the other person's arm away, took the tourniquet and hurried towards bed No. 2.

Ah, it hurts!

It's okay! Take a deep breath! Take a deep breath! I can save you, it's okay!


On the hospital bed, a soldier groaned in pain, and blood spurted out from a wound on his upper arm.

Sister Sun, here's the bleeding tape.

The doctor took the tourniquet from her hand without looking back: Help me hold him down.

Su Wei hurried to the patient's side and pressed the patient's wound with difficulty.

When the man who followed him saw this scene, he took two steps back with a look of disgust. He was afraid that the wounded man's blood would spurt on him.

Soon, the doctor quickly used tourniquets and medicine to stop the bleeding of the wounded.

With the current medical conditions in the base, it was only possible to simply stop the bleeding. It was impossible to lie on the hospital bed to recuperate.

After the wound was treated, the wounded man was helped away by his two companions. Dr. Sun looked at the faces of Su Wei and the man, and left wisely.

Is Dr. Sun busy? the man said politely with a playful smile.

Yeah, you guys talk.

As soon as Dr. Sun leaves, Su Wei will also leave.

The man stretched out his hand to block her again, and this time Su Wei became angry.

Du Shijie! I've told you many times that I will never be with you. I really don't like you!

Du Shijie glanced at Su Wei meaningfully, then narrowed his eyes and slowly approached:

Xiaowei, you should know very well that in the entire base, I, Du Shijie, am no worse than you in terms of status and identity.

In terms of position, my father is older than Chief Zheng.

If it hadn't been for that man named Chen Chong, my father would have been the top officer of the base now. Where would Zheng Ping be?

Now the tide of corpses at the bottom of the mountain is about to come up, and the superiors have decided to move to Heji Mountain on the opposite side.

Let me make it clear, once the transfer is carried out, the position of base commander will have to be re-elected.

Du Shijie sneered and continued: Now more than half of the people support my father being the commander of the base. By then, it is still unknown whether Zheng Ping can continue to serve as the commander?

So, do you want to reconsider it now?

Haha, Du Shijie. You should save these words for other girls! Even if I, Su Wei, never get married in this life, I will never marry you.

Listening to Su Wei's words, Du Shijie's face gradually became gloomy.

At this moment, a seriously injured man who was being carried on a stretcher, enduring the severe pain of his broken legs, shouted excitedly to the wounded on both sides of the aisle.

Brothers! We are saved! Our base is saved! God of War Chen Chong is back!

God of War? Chen Chong?

Is what you said true?

The wounded who were lying on the bed sat up desperately after hearing these words.

Even some seriously injured patients turned their heads and looked eagerly at the wounded soldier who announced the good news.

It's true! The God of War led a giant all the way to the foot of the mountain! He's back! I saw it with my own eyes!

The two soldiers carrying the stretcher also happily testified.


Haha! The God of War is back!

For a moment, the entire infirmary seemed to be celebrating the New Year. The originally lifeless ward suddenly came to life, and even the wailing sounds were much quieter.

Hearing the word 'Chen Chong', Su Wei's whole body seemed to be electrocuted, and she froze in place.

Then, regardless of Du Shijie's murderous look in front of him, he rushed out of the ward and ran to the stretcher.

Is what you just said true? Did you see him come back with your own eyes?

Su Wei's chest rose and fell rapidly, staring at the wounded eagerly.

Being stared at by such a beautiful beauty for the first time, the young wounded man blushed and nodded:

I saw it. The God of War is standing on the shoulders of giants. We can all see it clearly.

For a moment, Su Wei felt that her heart was about to jump out of her throat.

She never thought that she would have the chance to see that man again. Even Chen Chong's cheeks began to blur in his dream.

Suddenly Su Wei seemed to think of something. She hurriedly walked around the corridor and came to the lounge, standing in front of the mirror and observing her appearance carefully.

After working day and night for two days, I obviously had dark circles under my eyes.

It's so ugly! No! I can't see him like this.

Su Wei said that she was about to leave, but Du Shijie walked into the lounge and locked the door from the inside.

Xiaowei, where are you going?

Du Shijie! What are you doing in here? Get out! Su Wei took a step back alertly and took out a black pistol from the closet.

Du Shijie's pupils shrank, and his face became a little colder.

Huh? Did you use a gun? Haha, come on! Come and hit me! If you beat me to death, you and your Uncle Su will both have to die for me.

Du Shijie walked towards Su Wei step by step. Seeing the panic on Su Wei's face, Du Shijie laughed confidently.

Hahaha, don't be impulsive. It's not good for girls to play with guns.


A crisp gunshot sounded, and Du Shijie looked at the brass eggshell that fell to the ground in disbelief.

Then he felt a sharp pain in his calf, and a scream came out of his mouth.


Su Wei's hands trembled slightly as she put away the pistol. From the day the apocalypse broke out, the weak Su Wei was already dead.


door opens

Dr. Sun, who rushed over after receiving the news, saw Su Wei holding a pistol, and then looked at Du Shijie lying on the ground wailing, and instantly understood everything.

Sister Sun, I have something to deal with. Can I ask you for a leave?

Dr. Sun trembled suddenly: Uh-huh, yes! It's absolutely yes.

Thank you, Sister Sun.

Behind the defensive line of the bunker on the slope, the soldiers leisurely smoked newly issued cigarettes. Commenting on the tide of corpses at the foot of the mountain.

Eh? How long do you think those zombies down there can last?

I'll bet you a cigarette, half an hour at most. No matter how many zombies there are, they can't beat the giant's collision! Look, it's like a bulldozer, pushing away a large area, and you can't even see a complete corpse.

Yeah, this giant zombie is too strong! If it's with those zombies, why don't we just die?

Tch! No matter how awesome it is, doesn't it have to be subdued by our brother Chong? Didn't you see just now, when brother Chong opened his eyes, how scared that guy was.

Shit! You can call me brother Chong? That's a divine messenger! A soldier corrected dissatisfied.

On the hillside, Zheng Ping took Chen Chong to the temporary tent.

After exchanging a few words of greetings, Chen Chong directly proposed his intention to come this time.

Okay, since everyone is curious, let me talk about my development in Linzhou City during this period.

In fact, the situation in Linzhou City is similar to here now, but the zombie threat there will not be there for a short time.

I'm here this time. Firstly, I want to help you out. Secondly, I want to ask if you are willing to follow me to Linzhou City.

Zheng Ping and others looked at each other, and the second battalion commander was the first to speak: I don't know what the situation was like when you went to Linzhou City as you mentioned.

Should he return to the Linzhou Military Region and obey the orders from above? Or should we continue to maintain the existing system?

Unknowingly, the second battalion commander's address to Chen Chong changed from 'little brother' and 'brother Chen Chong' to 'you'.

Chen Chong's strong return deeply shocked everyone present.

Especially the special operations captain, who is also an evolver, felt particularly profound.

When he met Chen Chong before, he could still vaguely feel the bottom line of the opponent's strength, but now he was completely unable to judge.

Oh, that's it. To be honest, I am now the district chief of Linzhou City New District. Since there were not many people in the new district in the past, the housing conditions there are relatively loose, which is enough for the survivors in the entire Qianling Mountain Base. live.

As for the military, you can choose to return to the military district, or you can choose to stay in the new district.

Isn't it? I heard that military control has been implemented in Linzhou City for a long time. And the level of military control there is stricter than here. Basically everything is decided by the military. The third battalion commander Du Biao apologized towards Chen Chong smiled and said, It's not Lao Du, but I question your strength. Even if you are the district chief, you probably don't have this right, right?

Chen Chong smiled slightly: My district chief is a little different from other district chiefs. I have the final say on everything in the new district. If you are willing to go to the city, you can go in and have a look. You will know then.

Ah? Then doesn't your new district become a city within a city and become independent?

The special operations captain looked at Chen Chong in surprise, as if it was hard to believe it.

Linzhou's military is not something they can compare to. They have a big business and they often use tanks and artillery. The fighter planes and warships are all good.

Before the end of the world, it was still a giant in Daxia.

How could the Linzhou military, which has always been strong, allow the development of personal power internally?

Before anyone could express their stance, Liu Quan, Duan Feng and others on the side immediately raised their hands.

I'm willing to go with Brother Chong!

I want to leave too! I've been living in the mountains all day long, and I almost don't know what the city is like anymore. If I continue like this, I'll be almost like a savage.

Duan Feng's words made the senior executives present feel the same.

Since the attack on Gutao Town, the place where everyone lives has become a damp and cold cave.

The arrival of nuclear winter has made the cave even more humid. Many people became sick.

After the dark clouds covered the sky, everyone couldn't even see the sun, and there was no place to dry the quilt.

In addition, Qianling Mountain is too close to the nuclear explosion zone, so the mutated infected bodies found it here first. Even if Chen Chong didn't mention it, everyone still had the idea of ​​transferring.

There was a brief silence in the tent, and then a group of senior officials began to discuss in whispers.

At this time, Zheng Ping looked at Chen Chong solemnly: Isn't it a little early to mention the transfer now? After all, the tide of corpses at the foot of the mountain has not been solved yet. In addition, if we want to transfer, we can't just have the final say. We must also ask everyone's opinions. mean.

I'm going to hold a referendum. If you want to transfer, you can leave. If you don't want to leave, you can stay. Do you think?

No problem. Chen Chong responded immediately, I am not forcing anyone to buy or sell. Everything is voluntary. It is up to everyone to decide whether to stay or go.

As for the tide of corpses outside, you don’t have to worry, it should be over before evening tonight.

This time Chen Chong brought more than just a Goliath, a large number of masters and fighters were already on their way.

Just to avoid causing panic, Chen Chong rushed over first to take a stand.

After all, these more than 100,000 incubation energy cannot be wasted.

After hearing Chen Chong's assurance, no one thought it was an exaggeration. After all, the power of that giant zombie is so amazing that no one would doubt that it could wipe out the entire zombie wave within an hour.

After the meeting, everyone left knowingly, leaving only Zheng Ping and Chen Chong.

Unexpectedly, after only a few months of separation, Chen Chong became the district chief in Linzhou City.

But think about it, it's strange that someone as powerful as the other party can't mix well.

Chen Chong, tell me, what is the situation in Linzhou City? There are millions of people there, and they are surrounded by populous cities. I don't believe that there is the ability to feed everyone.

And I absolutely do not believe that the military can tolerate you establishing a private army.

You know, Battalion Commander Huang and I also came from the Linzhou Military Region. I know very well what kind of person Zhang SL is. He will never allow uncontrolled forces to exist.

Chen Chong paused and sighed softly: Alas! The survivors in the city are indeed having a hard time, but the military regained Songchuan City and used the supplies there to ease the situation in the city.

As for the military, Zhang SL has been dead for more than two months. The team led by He Hua was also attacked by a nuclear bomb. Now Linzhou's military has lost nearly one-third of its strength.

Huh? Zhang sl him.

Zheng Ping was so shocked by the news that he could not speak for a long time.

Finally, he took a deep breath and slowly let it out.

I just want to ask you one question. If we go to Linzhou City with you, can you guarantee that the survivors in the base will not be worse off than they are now?

Chen Chong looked at Zheng Ping seriously: Before coming here, I promised everyone in the new district that we would capture three cities within a month.

What? Want to capture three cities? You.

Halfway through Zheng Ping's words, he suddenly thought of the huge zombie at the foot of the mountain. The soldier just reported to him that the giant zombie brought by Chen Chong had bulldozed the tide of corpses at the foot of the mountain.

With such a powerful fighting force, is it so difficult to clean up a city?

Okay! I agree to the transfer!

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