The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 239 0012. The half-human form of the second apostle

Eh? Mr. Chen Chong, we meet again.

Chen Chong wanted to pretend that he didn't know her, but Ruier's words made him unable to hide it.

Ha, what a coincidence!

The blond man looked at the two of them doubtfully: Huimian, do you know this gentleman?

Yes, Mr. Chen Chong is the master I wanted to invite to join the Salvation Society. Unfortunately, Mr. Chen Chong rejected him.

Rui'er looked at Chen Chong with resentful eyes, which made Chen Chong suddenly feel that it was difficult to get off the tiger.

What a monster!

Chen Chong silently complained about Rui'er in his heart, but still kept a smile on his face.

Miss Rui'er is joking. Anyone who rushes to join an unknown organization may not agree easily.

The blond man's eyes moved, and when he looked at Chen Chong, his eyes became a little brighter:

It turns out to be Mr. Chen Chong. Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Wilson. Nice to meet you.

In Wilson's view, Chen Chong is definitely a hidden god. If you can't win over, you must make friends.

Oh! Nice to meet you.

While the two sides were talking, the besieged Goliath actually let go of his shield and stepped towards Ye Ge who was closest to it.

No! It's out of trouble!

Wilson's pupils shrank and he quickly made a gesture of raising his hands towards Goliath.

Wilson's arms were seen emitting a faint golden halo, and the next second Goliath seemed to be blind, standing back on the spot and howling around.

[Perception barrier: Using air as a medium, special virus cells in the body are used to infect targets, causing targets within a range of 200 meters to lose their five senses. 】

The moment Wilson used his ability, Chen Chong's illustrated book immediately captured his skill.

It turns out that Wilson's ability is a special virus that confuses perception, but these viruses are simply not enough for the black light virus.

Chen Chong just stood quietly on the roof and watched. He knew very well that if Wilson only had this little means, this Goliath would soon be out of trouble.

Ordinary viruses can only be assimilated by black light. After a while, when Goliath absorbs Wilson's special virus, it will be the end of these people.

At this moment, Wilson also clearly felt that something was wrong. As long as ordinary zombies were hit by his own abilities, they would never escape.

But now this big guy is very weird, and Wilson can clearly feel that the other person is gradually returning to normal.

Quick! Attack its joints. Ye Ge, you and Hui Ming attack together.

The man named Ye Ge glanced at Chen Chong not far away.

Then a strong purple aura condensed into a wide air blade in his hand, and he jumped towards Goliath's left leg joint.

This air blade was also very strange. When it struck Goliath's joints, it did not cause any damage. But after the air blade penetrated its entire left leg, a thin blade gap cracked from inside the skin.

Huh? Interesting.

Chen Chong squinted his eyes and stared at this man's methods. This air blade can actually cause damage from within. If this continues, by the time Goliath is completely out of trouble, he may really be destroyed.

no! I have to help this Goliath. I’m going to order the rechargeable shield today!

With a thought, Chen Chong gently stretched his hand behind his back, and a black fleshy sac the size of an egg appeared in his hand.

While the three men were fighting Goliath, he gently threw the meat bag downstairs.

Although Wilson had been secretly paying attention to Chen Chong, most of his energy had been attracted by Goliath, and he did not notice Chen Chong's subtle movements at all.


Goliath was in pain and roared loudly. It stepped towards the place where Yege had just stood regardless. Suddenly a black air wave enveloped its head.

Goliath stretched out his hand to scatter the black energy, but the black energy seemed to be playing hide-and-seek with it, constantly circling around its big head.

Within a few seconds after Goliath was attracted by the black energy, Yege's air blade struck the same wound again.

As the wound expanded again, a large amount of black and red blood poured out of the wound.

The severe pain made Goliath stagger, almost losing his balance and falling to the ground.

Okay! Let's fight like this! Ye Ge continues to attack and chop off its left leg. We don't have much time!

Wilson shouted excitedly, and at this moment, a huge black shadow enveloped his body from behind.


Rui'er shouted, gave up attacking Goliath, turned around and ran towards Wilson.

Wilson turned around and saw a monster with thick forelimbs and a pair of huge claws rushing toward him from high altitude.

Oh! Shet!

Wilson's eyes widened and he rolled down the car in panic.

In a matter of seconds, the monster's huge claws cut the vehicle into two pieces like a steel knife cutting tofu.

The black-robed believer sitting in the driving position was cut into a human stick by sharp claws on the spot.

Seeing such a bloody scene, the superior second apostle actually started retching in disgust.

[Incubation Product: Black Light Fighter King Lv5]

[Health value: 5000]

【Strength: 50】

[Defense: 28]

[Stamina: 34]

【Speed: 32】

[Special abilities: 1. King’s bloodline: has the ability to deter low-level mutated creatures, reducing the target’s attributes by 30%

2. Fighter's three consecutive attacks: perform three consecutive attacks in a short period of time, causing extremely high damage to the target's defense.

3. Black light regeneration: The powerful black light virus can repair injured flesh and blood tissue in a short time.

4. Dodge: Hard skin can withstand most physical damage. (Exclusive to king-level fighters)

5. Loyalty: All incubation products obey the instructions of the host. (If the level is 2 levels higher than the host, it will not be controlled.)]

That's right, the meat bag Chen Chong threw just now was the King Fighter that had been stored in the hatchery for a long time.

From the current perspective, although it is not very strong. It can be used to deal with Rui'er and Ye Ge who are only level 2, but it is enough.

Special evolvers like Rui'er and Yege cannot be measured by level. They can explode with powerful standing power anytime and anywhere, and even their four-dimensional attributes are changing all the time.

However, according to Chen Chong's judgment on the first apostle's data, level five fighters are definitely not weaker than these two.


The fighter missed the target and once again grabbed Wilson, who was lying on the ground in a state of embarrassment and vomiting.

The huge claws shone with a dark light and clawed at Wilson's head. At this time, a black mist quickly condensed into a shield above Wilson's head.


There was a dull crashing sound, and the shield composed of black energy was instantly blown away. However, the sharp claws of the King Fighter were also successfully blocked.

In just a short moment, Wilson also regained his consciousness and looked at the fighter who was attacking him again. Wilson hurriedly made the same lifting action as before.

A faint halo emerged, and the fighter's movements immediately became stagnant.

Two thick forelimbs were propped on the ground, and a collapsed nose was sniffing around vigorously, as if the two humans around him didn't exist.


Wilson let out a long sigh of relief and stepped aside with Ruier's help.

Ye Ge on the side was still entangled with Goliath, and the purple air blade continued to expand the wounds on the joints of the opponent's legs.

Seeing that Goliath's left leg was about to be cut off, Chen Zhan, who was standing on the roof, suddenly moved his eyes.

He gave the command to the confused king fighter in his mind.

Huimian, don't worry about me, get rid of this monster first!

Wilson said sinisterly, hating this monster that suddenly attacked him to the core.

It was this guy who let the majesty he had established in front of his believers fall to pieces. Seeing himself in such a mess, those believers would definitely laugh at him secretly.

Rui'er nodded and was about to take action when, unexpectedly, the monster whose senses were eliminated by Wilson actually attacked the two of them with a clear target.

How can it be?

Wilson screamed and fell backwards again.

A large amount of black mist condensed into the shape of a fist in front of Rui'er and collided with the fighter.

The next second, something unbelievable happened to her. This strong monster suddenly stopped its body. The moment the big fist made of black energy hit it, its legs slightly bent, and it nimbly jumped to the ground. Avoiding Ruier in mid-air, he headed towards Wilson in the rear.

This scene also dumbfounded the believers riding in the strange car.

When did the infected know how to dodge and how to choose food?

Wilson's eyes widened, looking at the monster figure in his pupils that kept enlarging, and he let out a weird roar.


The magnetic field within a radius of 500 meters suddenly became distorted, and a buzzing sound struck everyone's ear periodrum.

Wilson's blond hair turned white at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his delicate skin began to be covered with fish scales.

Chen Chong looked at Wilson's changes in surprise, and the solemn look on his face became more and more serious.

[Race: Human]

[Status: Evolution, Divine Holding]

[Level: 6]

[Health value: 1000]

【Strength: 63】

[Defense: 44]

[Stamina: 38]

[Speed: 36]

【Virus Resistance: 200】

[Special abilities: 1. Unknown, 2 Weakness Insight, 3 Perception Obstacles,

4. Beast body: At the cost of consuming life, you gain the blessing of beast rage and turn on the half-human form.


[Danger level: 7 stars]

That is to say, at the same time that Wilson changed, the data in the illustrated book actually changed drastically.

The opponent instantly transformed from a three-nothing product into an evolver that surpassed the level of a level 6 king.

It's just that this animal transformation ability is the same as Liu Quan's, both at the expense of life.

The greater the change in such an ability, the more life is consumed.

No wonder Wilson never dared to use this ability until he was cornered by the King Fighter.


A strong roar echoed between one person and one corpse.

Wilson's scale-wrapped fist suddenly broke one of the king's combatant's sharp claws.

At this moment, the victory or defeat of both sides is already obvious. Wilson in his half-human form has completely crushed the King Fighter.

As the saying goes, 'One's own children take care of themselves.' Chen Chong was not willing to leave the thug he had worked so hard to hatch here.

Wilson, wrapped in scales, roared like he was venting his anger and approached the fighter step by step.

Seeing the scaly iron fist strike down again, the King Fighter unexpectedly turned around, rubbed oil on his soles and ran away immediately.

How could Wilson, who had paid a huge price to transform, just let the other party leave like this? He yelled some federal language that was hard to hear and chased the fighter at extremely fast speeds.

The King Fighter, with a speed of 32 points, is no slower than Wilson in terms of starting speed.

In a few breaths, one person and one corpse disappeared among the buildings in the distance.

Rui'er, who was standing there, knew that he could not catch up, so he immediately ordered his followers in black to drive the remaining two strange vehicles and join the battle ring besieging Goliath.

At this time, Chen Chong, who had been watching from the sidelines, finally moved.

Thick black and red blood threads snaked around the surface of Chen Chong's body, and giant pythons made of blood threads quickly gathered from the chest to his arms.

The two arms swelled up as if they were blown up balloons, and black-red spikes from Shura's purgatory grew out from around his body.

A large amount of dark red mist was like a bursting flood, instantly surrounding the building where Chen Chong was located.


No! I can still do it! Keep going!

Chen Chong gritted his teeth tightly, and the veins on his face were about to burst.

The violent force inside his body almost stretched his arms to the point of exploding.

The release of thousands of tentacles requires 70% of the flesh and blood energy in the body, but this time Chen Chong did not stop, but continued to accumulate flesh and blood energy.

The remaining flesh and blood energy stored in the organs is rapidly decreasing.

The energy accumulation of finishing moves has also reached a new peak!

【80\u00100%! 】

【warn! warn! The current state of the host is extremely unstable, and the genetic sequence is collapsing! 】

Yeah! Roar!

An inhuman roar came out, and everyone who was fighting Goliath turned their heads and stared in horror at the monster covered with black thorns!

Wilson, who was chasing the King Fighter, suddenly stopped and turned to look behind him.

A destructive energy was forming, and the aura of power was felt from Chen Chong.

The Divine Throne has taken action!

Chen Chong, with his body covered with spikes, was like a black meteor, leaping from the top of the building into the sky a hundred meters high, and then quickly crashed down towards the Goliath battle circle.

Run! Run!

Rui'er, who sensed the danger, immediately warned Ye Ge. The next second, a black meteor hit accurately in front of Goliath.

The moment he landed, Chen Chong roared and hit the ground heavily with both hands.

The energy accumulated in the body poured into the ground as if it had found a flood outlet.

The land with a radius of 100 meters instantly cracked into a deep pit half a meter wide. Chains of flesh and blood were denser than before, and thicker and longer chains of flesh and blood poured out uncontrollably.

The tall Goliath was nailed to the buildings on both sides of the street by several thick flesh chains that penetrated his body. Even the black and shiny rechargeable shield had two holes broken through.

Large pieces of ruins flew into the air, mixed with dense dark red mist, covering an area of ​​several hundred meters in radius.

From a distance, the earth was cut into a spider web shape, with only one person standing intact in the center of the web.

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