The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 240 0013. Kill Goliath! Charge shield activated!

The ruined earth is devastated, and the spiderweb-like ravines are so dark and bottomless.

No one knows what kind of power this can cause such destructive power.

Because everyone who has seen it is already dead.

The believers of the Salvation Church who were at the center of thousands of tentacles were also pierced along with the strange vehicles they were riding in.

When they died, they still had a look of fear and panic on their faces.

The two great apostles Hui Ming and Ye Ge failed to escape from this area in the end.

Four long and thick flesh chains pierced through their bodies, and even Yege's head disappeared.

Chen Chong, who stood in the center, slowly stood up. The excessive accumulation of flesh and blood energy caused huge damage to his arms.

The flesh and blood on both arms decomposed almost the moment the finishing move was released.

Only the white bones of the two empty arms were left, with a few pieces of flesh attached to them.


Chen Chong took a deep breath of air-conditioning and silently mobilized the black light virus in his body, preparing to repair his arms.

But then he discovered that all the energy in his storage organs had been used up, and there was no extra energy to repair his arms.

Chen Chong turned his head to look for the target to devour. At this moment, Goliath, who was nailed to the building, let out a piercing howl and collapsed with the building behind him.

【Picture Book】

[Race: Goliath]

[Status: alienation, evolution, weakness]

[Level: 3]

【Life: 2100】

【Strength: 69】

【Defense: 58】

[Physical strength: ∞]

[Speed: 24]

[Talent skills: 1. Infection: Carrying a deadly virus, causing genetic mutation of the target through biting and scratching. Ineffective against organisms with higher viral resistance.

2. Brutal collision, 3. Charged shield. 】

[Danger level: 6 stars]

It’s truly a miraculous life! Just a level three Goliath has such abnormal vitality.

Chen Chongmou exerted all his strength and accumulated his finishing moves to 100%, but still failed to kill the big man.

However, the opponent is now in a weak state, and his four-dimensional attributes have dropped a lot.

The most important thing is that the joint of the left leg that was frequently attacked by Ye Ge has been broken, which means that the opponent can no longer use the most powerful brutal collision skill.

To Chen Chong, the current Goliath is just a stronger infected body.

I have to recover quickly, otherwise it won't be fun when the second apostle comes back.

Chen Chong looked around and saw two dead believers in black in a car not far away that was overturned by flesh and blood chains.

He strode up to the devotee.

Swallow activates!

Eight thick chains pierced into the bodies of the two believers.

In the blink of an eye, the body of the black-clad believer began to shrink rapidly. Dense granulations began to grow on the white bones of Chen Chong's arms, and the wounds quickly healed.

Chen Chong was devouring his energy, but little did he know that Wilson, the second apostle he was worried about, was hiding in a high-rise building in the distance and secretly observing him.

Seeing Chen Chong's abnormal ability, Wilson's originally white cheeks became even whiter.

The fingers covered with scales rested on the window edge, trembling slightly.

God! Is he a human or a monster? When did such a person appear in the throne of God?

Wilson's eyes flickered slightly, and his mind kept recalling the information he heard from Kate's throne.

But no matter how he looked, he could never think of anyone in the throne who had such an ability.

Is it a newly promoted god? Wilson quickly shook his head and rejected, No! It's impossible. If a newcomer reaches the level of a god, it is impossible to escape the oracle's perception.

At this moment, Wilson was very hesitant. He didn't want to give up Goliath, but he was afraid of Chen Chong's terrifying power.

At this time, Chen Chong finally repaired his arm after devouring Ye Ge's body. Perhaps because the damage caused by the ultimate skill is a bit large, the flesh and blood energy required to repair the wound this time has also increased a lot.

Goliath broke free from the chains of flesh and blood, still lying on the ground howling miserably.

Hearing someone approaching further aroused the monster's ferocity.

The left leg was broken, and the shielded arm was penetrated with multiple holes.

Goliath, who was physically disabled and strong-willed, used his huge arms and right legs to support his body and crawl towards Chen Chong.

Chen Chong smiled, quietly admiring the rare scenery.

It seems that since he controlled a Goliath, he is no longer so afraid of this terrible monster.

Besides, the one he controls is level 4, which is much stronger than this Goliath.

100 meters. 90 meters. 80 meters.

Watching Goliath slowly approaching, a dark red energy mist gradually emitted around Chen Chong's body. The two arms became thicker and thicker wrapped in black and red blood.

Soon a pair of rough heavy hammers gradually revealed their true appearance.

Wilson, who was hiding in the dark, watched Chen Chong's changes in surprise. Even though the two were one kilometer away, he could feel the terrifying power of those dark sledgehammers.

No! I seem to have seen arms like this somewhere.

Wilson frowned and thought hard, and suddenly he remembered that when they entered Wanjiang City, they saw zombies fighting each other on the road.

Among them was a strong infected body with a pair of huge hammers.

For a long time, the main forces of the Salvation Society have been basically located in Western Europe, North America, and other places. The Twelve Gods are all concentrated in these two places.

The senior leaders of the Salvation Society have not done any research at all on this dark infected body that suddenly appeared in Daxia.

Because in the face of the power of the God Throne, any infected body is nothing more than some ants.

After Wilson came to Daxia, he didn't pay much attention when he saw the black infected body at first. But until he saw the 15-meter-tall Goliath, his entire worldview was overturned.

An infected body made of flesh and blood can actually grow into such a powerful creature. I don't know how powerful it is. Even high-rise buildings made of concrete are not its enemies.

Such terrifying destructive power can only be achieved by those at the level of God Throne.

So Wilson did not hesitate to put aside the task of seizing the Black Nest Base, but also wanted to capture the monster and hand it over to Kate's throne.

But now, a human appeared out of thin air and was able to transform into an infected arm. This made Wilson feel that he had cracked some kind of secret.

Chen Chong, who transformed into a heavy hammer on the other side, began to fight Goliath.

Chen Chong has a strength of 57 points, plus a 30% bonus in the hammer form. The strength attribute reached an astonishing 74 points!

The heavy hammer as big as a grinding plate collided with Goliath's giant arm. The seemingly small hammer actually knocked Goliath's giant arm back.

Under the impact of pure force, the backlash suffered by both sides was not small.

There was a burst of sparks flying, and Chen Chong felt as if his arm was hit by a speeding locomotive, and he took a dozen steps back uncontrollably.

Goliath was even more miserable. His injured body once again overflowed with black and red blood. Even the healing wounds reopened.

The massive loss of flesh and blood brought Goliath's already weak self-recovery ability to a halt.

The impact just now also made Goliath reveal his eyes full of wisdom.

Was he beaten just now?

How could such a small human being beat himself up?

Before it could raise its giant arms, Chen Chong jumped up and sat on Goliath's shoulders.

The heavy hammer as big as a grinding plate fell like raindrops on the bald head.

The rumbling knocking sound continued, accompanied by Goliath's wail.

Since Chen Chong was riding on Goliath's back, Goliath, who had already broken his left leg, was unable to turn over immediately. Because the giant arms support the body, they cannot protect the back of the head.

The scene of Wu Song fighting a tiger in ancient times reappears today.

After five or six blows to the bald head, a huge hole opened up on the entire back of the head.

Black and red flesh and blood tissue adhered to the peak of the heavy hammer. Chen Chong continued to knock regardless, until Goliath's screams became weaker and weaker, and his head was shattered into a puddle of fleshy foam.

Phew! It's finally solved!

Chen Chong raised his head and looked at the gray sky and let out a long sigh of relief. His face was covered in blood, and paired with a rough heavy hammer, he looked like an evil ghost crawling out of hell.

This was the first time that he killed a Goliath with his own hands.

Although compared to Brother A in the game, this is not a big deal at all. But looking at the huge corpse that was trampled under his feet, Chen Chong couldn't help but feel proud in his heart.

Devour! launch!

Eight thick chains of flesh and blood penetrated Goliath's body again.

Different from the infected bodies absorbed in the past, as soon as the flesh and blood chain penetrated, an extremely violent and rich flesh and blood energy poured into Chen Chong's body through the flesh and blood chain.


Chen Chong's whole body trembled violently and he couldn't help but scream.

For a moment, he felt that the flesh and blood energy entering his body was like a hot flame, igniting all his internal organs.

Chen Chong's face couldn't help but twist, and black blood streaks broke out from the skin of his cheeks.

At this moment, his face had completely disappeared, and his entire face, including the upper half of his body, was covered in black and red bloodshot threads.

The terrifying look is just like the 'faceless man' in the comics.

Chen Chong's screams continued, and Goliath's body was shrinking rapidly.

When the storage organ could no longer absorb any flesh and blood energy, Chen Chong finally withdrew the flesh and blood chain and stopped devouring it.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the shield form. You have obtained 5 free skill points. The shield form has been turned on. Please check the personal information page.]

As Chen Chong's face slowly recovered, the long-lost beep finally sounded.

[Host: Chen Chong]

[Status: Evolution, prototype (40%)]

[Level: 5 (37%)]

[Health value: 200]

【Strength: 60】

【Defense: 43】

[Stamina: 34.5]

【Speed: 33.1】

【Virus resistance:∞】

[Form: 1. Claw Lv4 (33%) 2. Blade Lv3, 3. Tendrils Lv1, 4. Hammer Lv2 (37%)

5. Charged Shield Lv1 (67%): The arm mutates, condensing its own viruses to form a biochemical shield, which is immune to pistol and cold weapon strikes. 】

[Special abilities: 1. Devouring Lv5, 2. Disguise Lv5, 3. Heat sense Lv3, 4. Command Lv5, 5. Ground stab Lv4, 6. Qigong wave Lv5, 7. Brutal Lv5, 8. Charged attack Lv2, 9 .Hide the tide Lv2, 10. Rush Lv5]

[Virus Hatching: Black Light Fighter King (Weak)]

[Free skill points: 5]

[Armed hatching: not yet in progress (energy number: 415789)]

[Finishing move·Thousands of tentacles]

[Storage organ: flesh and blood energy (100%)]

Unexpectedly, after absorbing Goliath, the rechargeable shield was activated directly, and it was 67% more powerful.

Chen Chong guessed that this should be related to the prototype. Since the last time I released the prototype body, as long as I absorb special genes, I can directly transform.

Take the previous tendril form as an example. Originally it was only 50% activated, but as a result, it was fully activated as soon as the prototype came out.

What surprised Chen Chong even more was that a level three Goliath could actually bring him so much evolution and 5 skill points.

You must know that Chen Chong now cannot obtain more than 10% evolution even if he devours infected bodies of the same level. Unless a new mutated individual appears, the black light virus can swallow up new genetic chains.

Overjoyed, Chen Chong couldn't wait to convert the new charged shield.

The familiar feeling of heat and sharp pain came from his arms again.

For Chen Chong, who has experienced this kind of pain many times, each arm mutation is a test of perseverance.

Chen Chong bit his gums tightly, bent his knees, and couldn't help twisting his body. A large amount of black and red blood shot out from his arms, and then converged on his hands.

The rough heavy hammer was quickly wrapped and melted by the blood threads, and the dense blood threads spread parallelly from the center to the surroundings.

Soon an irregular and rough shield gradually formed. When the blood on the surface of the shield slowly solidified, a black and red shield with cracked teeth was completely formed!

Hahaha, comfortable! So comfortable!

Chen Chong waved the shield like an arm. With such a defensive weapon, you no longer have to worry about being injured by hot weapons.

Wilson from a distance witnessed the whole process of Chen Xiong killing Goliath and then mutating into a shield arm.

At this moment, his mood could no longer be described as shocked. At some point, the scales covering his body had dissipated, and he was huddled behind the window, as if going crazy, repeating two sentences in his mouth.

The ability to imitate! The ability to imitate! He is the evil god! He is the evil god!


A zombie's roar came from behind, along with a smelly breath.

Wilson turned his head suddenly, and a pair of huge claws swung down towards his head.

It’s the King of Fighters!

The monster that he chased and escaped actually turned back again.

Wilson's expression changed, and he subconsciously wanted to raise his arms to activate his powers. At this moment, a spear exuding rich purple energy suddenly pierced the fighter's forehead.

The fighter's claws hovered less than two inches in front of Wilson, and a voice that made Wilson feel familiar and disgusted came from behind the monster.

Wilson, it seems that you have messed up.

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