The two-headed licker lay quietly on the wall, with pieces of ice crystals condensed from mist covering its entire body.

The two heads of this monster are not the same. One has a naked brain, while the other is bare, like a snake's head.

The snake-shaped head kept spitting out its long dark red tongue. Each breath emits a light mist of energy.

Chen Chong knew very well that this energy mist was the unique characteristic of the black light virus.

It's broken! It seems that the new hybrid virus has spread widely.

Chen Chong's disguised zombie stood on a residential building and stopped to watch.

Suddenly, on the street not far away, a figure wearing a denim jacket and a blue hood ran towards the other side of the street.

Huh? There are still humans surviving in this city?

Chen Chong subconsciously chased in the direction where the figure left.

But just as he passed under the two-headed licker, the originally calm licker showed a greedy expression and suddenly rushed towards Chen Chong's transformed zombie.

The sudden attack surprised Chen Chong.

The rotten body jumped back with force, and the licker's long tongue pierced into the snow where Chen Chong had just stood.

Immediately, the licker's snake-like head opened and let out a howl like a baby crying.

In this gloomy city, such a strange cry adds a bit of a permeating feeling.

Those black and red turbid eyes were staring at Chen Chong closely, with a completely greedy look on food.

If Chen Chong's arms and legs were not still in a rotten state, he would have doubted whether he had activated the disguise.

Soon, the second attack of the two-headed licker struck again. Two large sharp claws made a sound of breaking through the air and clawed at Chen Chong's upper body.

This time, Chen Chong did not dodge. Instead, the moment the opponent's claws caught in front of him, he suddenly grabbed its forelimbs, swung it, and threw the big guy away.

The licker was knocked down hard. It struggled to get up and turned around slowly, its three-angled eyes full of doubts.

It seemed that he didn't understand how a weak fellow could knock him down.

The brief confrontation also allowed Chen Chong to discover a problem with this monster. It started from the opponent's attack just now.

It seemed that only the snake-shaped head was attacking itself, but the licker's original head did not react at all. It just swayed with the body and occasionally stretched out its long tongue to lick its mouth.

It was as if the fight between the two had nothing to do with it.

One body, two heads. There is such weird behavior.

Could it be!

Chen Zhan suddenly thought of something. After the black light creatures appeared before, they especially liked to prey on T virus infected bodies.

The zombie he transformed into now is a T-virus infected body. Could this be the reason why the snake-shaped head attacked him?

Driven by strong curiosity, Chen Chong activated his disguise ability again.

One second it was a tattered and thin infected body, and the next second it turned into a dark, muscular master.


The moment the Dominator appeared, the snake-shaped head immediately fell silent. On the contrary, the original head of the Licker, which had nothing to do with him just now, began to roar at Chen Chong with bared teeth.

Seeing this scene, Chen Chong was as excited as if he had solved a difficult math problem.

It turns out that this two-headed licker is not of the same mind.

In layman's terms, the monster's secondary infection has not been completely completed.

The T virus in its body and the mixed virus sandwiched in the black light have not yet completed their fusion.

The two different viruses still maintain different habits.

This is both good news and bad news for humanity.

The good news is that secondary-infected zombies will hunt ordinary T-virus infected bodies and also feed on black light organisms. In this way, the internal struggle between zombies will become much more intense.

Take the prefecture-level city in front of you as an example. When Chen Chong sneaked in here, there were nearly 200,000 zombies in the city.

But now, the number of zombies here has been significantly reduced.

The bad news is that the new zombies are more powerful than the previous two types. And humans are still their top food choice.

It's really an interesting thing. In this case, let's take you back and study it for that old doctor.

As he spoke, Chen Chong's body immediately returned to its original state. The moment the claw form was activated, the licker's limbs were completely broken.

Seeing the appearance of humans, the surrounding zombies instantly came to life and ran towards Chen Chong desperately.

Chen Chong was too lazy to deal with these little minions, so he threw the two-headed licker that had been cut into a human stick onto the top of a nearby building, and then immediately chased towards the place where the human had left.

After crossing two neighborhoods in succession, I finally saw the human being wearing a denim jacket in front of a large shopping mall.

The man's back was turned to Chen Chong, his body slightly hugged, and he got into the shabby rolling shutter door of the mall.

If you look carefully, you can see that there are blood stains on the edge of the gap in the rolling shutter door that have not yet been wiped off. Perhaps because the weather is relatively cold, the dark red blood has frozen on the iron rolling shutter.

Chen Chong hesitated for a moment, but decided to follow.

I didn't capture the opponent's face just now, and the picture book ability was not locked.

Thinking that this person can move freely in a city full of zombies, he is definitely capable.

Under the observation of the heat-sensing ability, the person who entered went directly to the second floor of the shopping mall.

Passing through the rolling shutter door, a thick musty smell mixed with a strong rancid smell hit your nose.

Chen Chong frowned and couldn't help but slow down his breathing.

If he hadn't often walked in a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, he might have vomited with his first breath.

There were no lights inside the entire mall, and it was a pitch-black mall with only a little bit of light coming in through the tattered holes in the roller blinds.

It can be seen that when the apocalypse broke out, all the doors and windows of this shopping mall had been closed. It is not impossible that some people can survive in such a large shopping mall.

Chen Chong moved gently toward the stairs. Just when his left foot was about to hang on the first step, a sparse sound suddenly came from above his head.

Chen Chong looked up and saw dense canine heat sources slowly gathering in front of the circular escalator from the second floor.

A pair of scarlet eyes stood out in the dark space.

【Picture Book】

[Race: Z-type Hell Devil Dog]

[Status: Alienation, Evolution]

[Level: 4]

【Life: 500】

【Strength: 28】

[Defense: 17]

[Physical strength: ∞]

【Speed: 28.5】

[Talent skills: 1. Enhanced infection, 2. Swiftness: speed increased by 20%. 3. Tear: Bite the target with sharp teeth, causing wounds that are difficult to heal. 4. Elite bloodline: Has leadership ability and can lead similar creatures below the non-elite level. 5. Recovery: Accelerate the division of virus cells in the body and repair non-fatal wounds】

[Danger level: 3 stars]

Obviously, these hellhounds that can be seen everywhere are also infected by the new virus.

The second infection doubled their strength.

At this time, Chen Chong felt an uneasy feeling in his heart for no reason. This uneasiness does not come from these hellhounds.

Chen Chong stared at the place directly above his head. This was the only place on the second floor where no hellhound was standing.

Soon, there was a slight sound of footsteps. I saw the human wearing a denim jacket, holding a black and red hellhound the size of a calf, slowly walking over.

It was only now that Chen Chong could really see the face of this human being.

It was a pale and smooth head.

Just like a patient with albinism, there is no trace of blood in his body.

Even his pupils are white, except for the pair of inverted pupils with a little scarlet in the center.

The first time he saw this human being, Chen Chong knew that it would be difficult for him to leave here today.

【Picture Book】

[Race: Insect Dominator]

[Status: alienation, evolution, parasitism,]

[Level: 7]

【Life: 10000】

【Power: 80】

[Defense: 64]

[Physical strength: ∞]

[Speed: 40]

[Talent skills: 1. Parasitism: Combine with the host and enhance its four-dimensional attributes while lurking in the host's body. When the host is in danger or dies, the parasitic body can replace the host itself.

2. Insectization: Injecting parasite genes into the infected body to catalyze it into a parasitic state.

3. Summon swarms of insects: As the parent parasite, it can summon nearby infected bodies to protect itself.

4. Violent state: The ability to erupt twice as much as the body's attributes in a short period of time.

5. Domination bonus: The unique blessing ability of domination-level creatures can increase the four-dimensional attributes by 25% by releasing the insect body itself. 】

[Danger level: 9 stars]

This is a parasitic, parasitic human being. In the years after the end of the world, Chen Chong saw for the first time a parasite that had grown to be so terrifying.

The guy in front of me has almost abnormal blessings in terms of four-dimensional attributes and talents.

At this moment, the only thought in Chen Chong's mind was to escape.

The further away from this guy and this city, the better!

Fine beads of sweat slowly flowed down Chen Chong's hair. He tried hard to suppress his inner uneasiness and moved toward the exit of the mall with as small a step as possible.

Suddenly, the zombie dogs on the second floor collectively let out a whimpering groan. The dark red dog heads bulged exaggeratedly.

Just after hearing a kuchi sound, the originally intact dog's head actually split into two pieces. Only the big dog held by the man's hand remained the same.

Woof woof!

The leading big dog barked twice at Chen Chong. In an instant, the hellhounds on the second floor seemed to have received some kind of attack order. They broke down the escalator and rushed towards Chen Chong below.


Without any hesitation, Chen Chong used his fastest speed, turned around and rushed towards the rolling shutter door.

The black and red afterimage violently knocked out a human-shaped gap in the rolling shutter door in front of the dog colony.

The lost dogs chased out along the gap like a dark red torrent.

At the same time, in various corners of the city, layers of thick snow began to float, and large numbers of zombies emerged like field mice.

In the abandoned building, huge ghost-faced vampire bats flew high into the sky from inside.

As if they could sense Chen Chong's escape route, they invariably surrounded Chen Chong from all directions.

The originally peaceful city turned into a pot of boiling soup in an instant

Less than ten kilometers away from the city, several team captains were carefully looking around.

Eh? Listen, is there any movement over there?

A team leader pointed at the city in front and looked at the others in confusion.

Hi~ It seems to be true. I wonder if there is any problem with the president inside. How about we go and take a look?

Liu Quan slapped the guy on the back of the head angrily:

Don't you look at it, who is Brother Chong? If he has something to do, why don't we deliver food when we go?

Ha, it's true. Brother Liu is still transparent.

In the revival meeting, Liu Quan was one of the few people who dared to call Chen Chong Brother Chong. Just by saying Brother Chong Liu Quan's status is higher than others in everyone's eyes.

At this time, the communicator on Liu Quan's body suddenly made a beeping sound. Liu Quan grabbed the communicator and was about to check it.

Suddenly Chen Chong's urgent voice came from inside:

Run! Run away!

Everyone was stunned, and Liu Quan asked doubtfully:

Brother Chong, how are you doing over there?

Leave me alone! Run away! Otherwise no one will be able to leave!

Hearing these words, a chill went straight to the heads of several people.

Without saying a word, Liu Quan pulled up the nearest team leader and stuffed him into the driving position of the military truck:

Quick! Inform everyone and return as quickly as possible!

Brother Liu, get in the car quickly!

The team leader who was stuffed into the driver's seat looked anxiously at Liu Quan standing below.

Liu Quanyi gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: Brother Chong saved my life, I have to go in and help him.

If I stay here, the president will treat us well. Without him, our family would have starved to death in the slums.

The captain's words caused all the brothers who got on the bus to stop.

I'll stay too!

We're not leaving!

Before the team leader could get out of the car, Liu Quan strode over and kicked him back.

Damn it! You're still having fun at this time! I'm a fourth-level evolver, you guys are nothing. Even Brother Chong can't handle it, so what can you do?

If Brother Chong is delayed because of you, I wonder how you will stay in the revival meeting in the future!

The leading men were scolded by Liu Quan and kicked into the car with their hands and feet.

Brother Liu! Me.

The team leader, who was forced into the driver's seat, leaned in front of the car window and wanted to say something, but Liu Quan blocked his words.

Help me give Liu Li a message. If I can't go back, let her find someone else to marry!

Captain! There's something in the sky!

No! It's that kind of big bat! You go away quickly.

Three military trucks turned around and ran as fast as they could. Liu Quan was left holding the rifle in his hand, staring at the city not far away with his mouth wide open in shock.

Black spots, large and small, are densely packed like a big net, scattered over the city. The giant licker, visible to the naked eye, moves between buildings.

Brother Chongchong, did you destroy the zombie's lair?

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