The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 245 0018. Forced into a desperate situation

On the city road, a black and red afterimage ran wildly along the road.

Along the way, Chen Chong encountered climbing stairs and alleys, and finally got rid of the group of hellhounds following him.

Arriving in a hidden alley, a strange sound came from above.

Looking up, Chen Chong had never felt so shocked.

The sky and buildings are filled with all kinds of zombies. They are like human reconnaissance aircraft, forming a large net in the sky and searching back and forth.

How could this happen? Are all the monsters in this place controlled by that parasite master?

Chen Chong thought about it, wanting to change his route and attack the zombies in the east and west.

Unexpectedly, when he walked back, Chen Chong immediately noticed something was wrong. Several zombies appeared one after another in the previously empty streets.

Zombies were swimming around in scattered groups, seemingly normal.

But as Chen Chong used his heat-sensing ability to circle around, he discovered that zombies had appeared one after another around the alley where he was, forming a loose encirclement.

By observing the gap in the encirclement, Chen Chong was surprised to find that the gap was facing the direction of the mall he had just escaped from.

Chen Chong frowned, his hands instantly transformed into claws, and he touched towards the outskirts of the city.

The zombies surrounding them seemed to have radar installed on themselves. When Chen Chong moved, they also moved.

And there are more zombies on the outside, approaching here very quickly, making the originally loose circle tighter and tighter.

Viewed from a high altitude, thousands of zombies on the ground formed a spectacular flow of corpses, filling the alleys and streets in this area.

Chen Chong glanced back and forth, and immediately climbed up the building along the high wall behind him.

A large number of black blood threads continued to adhere to the surface of the building, and they had climbed to the top of the building in the blink of an eye.

The zombies surrounding him all raised their heads, opened their big mouths full of fangs, and roared lowly at him.

With Chen Chong's psychological quality, he was not afraid of such a scene. Even if he killed all the zombies below, there would be no problem, but he was not prepared to do that.

I can kill a thousand or ten thousand, but I can't kill them all.

Once the terrible parasite master catches up, he will most likely lose his life.

The moment he climbed up the stairs and stood still, a huge shadow suddenly enveloped him.

Chen Chong looked up and saw a three-hook claw with a cold light grabbing hard at the top of his head.

Chen Chong waved his claws upwards to fight hard. The harsh sound of gold and iron was mixed with a large number of sparks. The two sharp teeth of the three-hook claw were cut off in an instant.


A thunderous roar sounded, and more shadows covered Chen Chong's location.

Feeling the strong wind blowing above his head, Chen Chong charged up his feet and rolled forward. Then like a dragonfly touching water, he stayed in the air for 0.1 seconds and used his gliding ability to land on a building twenty meters away.

Turning around, he saw that there were seven giant ghost-faced bats on the roof of the building he was standing on. They didn't control their strength and collided with each other.

Although the scene was funny, Chen Chong was in no mood to laugh at it at this time. Because in front of him, more zombie birds, giant bats, and two-headed lickers were already surrounding him.

They are not as crazy as they should be when they see food. Even when they attack, they just want to force themselves back.

Looking at the ugly faces, Chen Chong also became angry.

Damn! I know, you want to keep me here and become your slave, right? Haha, damn bug!

Rich dark red energy mist condensed around his body. In the blink of an eye, Chen Chong's left hand turned into an irregular charged shield, while his right hand grew a wide blade arm.

Come on! See if you can keep me!

A sword and a shield were held in front of him. At this moment, Chen Chong was like an ancient general, rushing in towards the dense group of zombies in front.

Swarms of zombie birds shrouded Chen Chong's upper body. Although these groups of crows, magpies, and house magpies were small in size, they were numerous in number.

Every time it appears, it's usually a big one.

Chen Chong raised his charged shield and blocked it above his head. The blade on his right hand immediately lit up with a black-red light.

There was a clanging sound above the head, and a large amount of black and red bloodshot eyes condensed on the legs.

Chen Chong exerted force on his feet, jumped up more than ten meters, drew a parabola in the air, and landed on the top of another building.

The originally flat roof was broken into fine spider web cracks by Chen Chong's feet.

As soon as he landed, a two-headed licker waiting on the roof jumped towards him desperately.

The blade arm of his right hand had already finished charging, and the broad blade drew a black-red half-moon arc in the air.

As soon as the powerful blade energy came into contact with the licker's long tongue, it immediately split into two pieces.

The broad blade cuts the two-headed licker in half right along the middle of its two heads.

The dirty blood inside the zombie body splashed on Chen Chong's face, giving him a fierce look.

Just as the charged attack ended, a hunter that looked exactly like the one in the doctor's laboratory jumped towards his head.

Chen Chong shivered and quickly put the charged shield above his head.

The biggest threat of this monster lies in its hunting ability. The target it rides on its neck is often killed or injured.


There was a dull impact, and Chen Chong bowed back slightly, and then used the counterattack force of his shield to slam the hunter away.

Just because the battle paused for a few seconds, more zombies had gathered on top of the building ahead.

Chen Chong turned sideways, stood with his feet vertically on the building, slid down to a window, crushed it with his feet, turned over and jumped into the room.

Then slide along the internal passage from the main body of the building towards the opposite building.

Now the zombies' containment strategy was somewhat inadequate. Chen Chong went up to the roof for a while and entered the room for a while, making it impossible to contain the infected on the ground and unable to intercept the infected in the sky.

Only a small number of Lickers and Hunters were able to follow, but they were quickly thrown away by Chen Chong due to their speed.

Seeing that he was about to reach the edge of the city, Chen Chong kicked open a window again and used his sliding ability to land on a six-story building opposite.

A smelly breath passed by, and Chen Chong raised his sword arm and slashed backwards. The hunter who followed behind him was immediately cut off half of his body, and was hit hard on a car parked downstairs.

Ha, I still want to make a sneak attack.

Looking at the large black torrent behind him heading towards him, Chen Chong's frown finally relaxed.

But before he could completely relax, a strong sense of crisis arose in vain.

Hiss! Not good!

Chen Chong's pupils dilated rapidly before he could turn around. A white shadow clung to his body and punched him.


A powerful force was transmitted from the nerves of the body to the brain. With one punch, Chen Chong's body directly broke through the top of the sixth floor and fell uncontrollably.

It wasn't until it smashed through the four roofs one after another that it was heavily embedded in the floor of the third floor.

[The host's body is damaged and its health is reduced by 20%! 】

A large amount of dust dispersed, and Chen Chong looked up at the human-shaped hole that he had smashed with blood on his face.

A pale and smooth face stood quietly at the top of the hole, staring at him expressionlessly.

All the ribs in the chest were broken in one blow, and the heart was severely compressed by the collapsed skeleton.


too strong!

With just one punch, his charged shield and chest were shattered.

This terrifying humanoid parasite is simply more terrifying than the tall Goliath, and there is almost nothing fancy in front of him.

The black light virus in the storage organ repairs his body rapidly.

The insect master standing on the roof didn't seem to be in a hurry, and looked curiously at Chen Chong's chest that was constantly repairing.

The more desperate the situation, the calmer Chen Chong's brain became.

The gap in four-dimensional attributes made it impossible for Chen Chong to win from the front. But now that he was stopped by the other party, even escaping was a luxury.

What to do! What to do?

The collapsed chest calmed down little by little, and Chen Chong's brain was also spinning rapidly.

He carefully recalled his entire process from tracking to being discovered by the other party.

It seems that the insect master knew that he was following it from the beginning, and it could even be judged that he had deliberately appeared to lure him to that mall.

From beginning to end, he barely showed any clues, and the other party never saw him.

Did the other party discover him through his smell? Perhaps seeing that Chen Chong's wounds had recovered, the Insect Lord squatted slightly on his knees, as if he wanted to jump off.

Suddenly, Chen Chong, who was lying on the ground, suddenly jumped up and disappeared into the gap along the other side of the corridor.

The Insect Master was a little speechless by Chen Chong's move. He hadn't run out for so long, and now he was playing hide and seek?

The insect master sniffed gently with his nose, and after feeling Chen Chong's scent moving towards the west side of the building, it walked slowly to the west side of the building, waiting for Chen Chong to break through the window.

After waiting for more than ten seconds, the other party did not appear. The insect master looked downstairs in confusion. Suddenly, it discovered that the scent that originally belonged to that human being disappeared in an instant.

The insect master's face showed an anxious expression for the first time.

It wanted Chen Chong's body so much that from the moment it discovered the other person's scent, this parasite hidden in the human body became restless.

It can feel the huge energy contained in Chen Chong's body. If it can parasitize in the opponent's body, it can break through the shackles of the current body and enter a higher level.


A strange sound came from the insect master's mouth, and suddenly the infected bodies surrounding the area seemed to be going crazy, rushing towards the building.

A huge hellhound smashed through the wall on the ground floor and led a group of hellhounds behind it into the building.

The dense zombie birds shot straight into it like arrows.

In the blink of an eye, the empty building was filled with tens of thousands of infected bodies. These infected bodies controlled by the insect master have completely become its eyes and ears.

The ears and eyes of these zombies are its ears and eyes, and the zombie's sense of smell is also its sense of smell.

The giant hellhound, with its ragged nose constantly waving, rushed towards the third floor.

The group of hellhounds following behind spread out, detecting every inch of the building like radar.

Cerberus' split heads do not affect their sense of smell at all. I don’t know what organs this thing relies on to identify objects.

The combination of parasites and viruses causes dramatic changes in their organs and tissues.

The head, which was split into two parts, lay on the ground, exploring bit by bit.

Arriving in front of a corridor, Cerberus slowly stopped and walked towards the corridor.

Near the window of the building, a rotting ordinary infected body was looking up at the top of the building, standing there blankly.

Feeling something approaching, the rotting zombie immediately lowered his head and looked here.

The hellhound slowly walked up to the rotting zombie, its two split heads opened and closed, and rubbed the zombie's trousers with its sharp teeth on both sides.

Yes, this zombie is Chen Chong after he activated his disguise.

Just now, he had been using his heat-sensing ability to observe the insect master on the roof. It's just that that guy didn't search around as Chen Chong imagined, but sent a large number of subordinates in.

Seeing the performance of this zombie dog, Chen Chong's heart pounded.

Could it be that my ability to disguise cannot be hidden from these guys?

Chen Chong stared at the other person, as long as this guy showed aggressive behavior, he would have to escape from the building first even if he risked his life.

For a time, one corpse and one dog were in a stalemate with each other.

After sniffing around Chen Chong, the hell dog showed no aggressive behavior, but it did not leave either. It squatted directly opposite Chen Chong.

Huh? What does this mean?

The confusing behavior of the Cerberus made Chen Chong feel a bit stuck for a while.

Chen Chong tried to take a few steps toward the exit, but the Cerberus just looked at it with its split head and turned away as if nothing had happened.

Seeing this, Chen Chong finally breathed a sigh of relief. As expected, his disguise was still perfect.

But not long after I was happy, a second hell dog blocked the door. Immediately afterwards, the giant hellhound also came over. With its calf-sized body, it squeezed through the others blocking the way and walked straight to Chen Chong.

A pair of cloudy pupils looked directly at Chen Chong, not knowing what he was waiting for.

The heartstrings that had just been relaxed tightened again. Suddenly, a big hole opened in the concrete ceiling above my head.

The figure of the insect master appeared in front of Chen Chong again.

In an instant, all the luck in Chen Chong's heart suddenly disappeared. Just when he was about to fight to the death, the insect master's mouth suddenly opened, and an eight-petal mouthpart with eight sharp teeth protruded from his mouth.

Then he saw this guy put his arm into his mouth, took out a parasite like a flower bud, and walked towards Chen Chong.

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