Under the influence of alcohol, Xi Chuanhou quickly left the matter behind, and after Xie Linlang went out, facing the cold wind, he took a deep breath!

At this time, her eyes were slightly stained with a dark red color, and her killing intent could hardly be suppressed!

The stone she used to make a hidden weapon has now turned into powder and slipped out of her fingers.

It took her a long time to calm down the evil thoughts of massacre... Xichuanhou must die! However, there are so many people around him that it is difficult to start, but there seems to be only one person next to Vice Admiral He...

Xie Linlang thought, smiled again and walked to the guest room. On the way, she took a pot of wine from a maid and put it in her hand.

During the period, in the banquet hall and on the corridor, there were laughing men and women everywhere, and no one noticed her.

Soon, the guest room arrived.

At this time, He Shao was flirting with a woman. Xie Linlang heard the sound through the door panel and walked in with the wine without knocking.

After she entered, He Shao originally wanted to reprimand, because he didn't call a drink.

But he passed by and was taken aback. Although the woman in front of him was plain, but her temperament was very unique. He Shao squinted his eyes and waved at her with a smile.

"come here."

When Xie Linlang heard the words, she glanced at him with a pair of Yingying beautiful eyes, that is, this one made He Shao aroused, and he felt as if his soul was aroused.

Seeing Xie Linlang put the tray on the table, she groaned a little unhappy.

"Since the general already has a sister, what did he tell the Nujia to do? The Nujia doesn't like to be with others."

When she said that, the woman in He Shao's arms was stunned for a moment. Obviously, she didn't expect Xie Linlang to be so ignorant of the rules, she obviously came first!

In the end, He Shao just happened to like this, so he ignored the woman in his arms and asked her to get out.

The woman was unhappy, and when she passed Xie Linlang, she gave her a vicious look!

Xie Linlang didn't see it, and smiled at He Shao again when she saw her go out.

She laughed, even her normal appearance gave He Shao a sense of surprise. He suddenly patted the bed next to him and ordered.

"Can't come?"

Xie Linlang raised her eyebrows slightly, her eyes gleaming, and she was fascinating.

"The general, don't be so anxious. The night is still long. Tonight, the slave house...will definitely give the general an unforgettable night."

At this time, although Qin Jue was alone in the house, he was not idle. In addition to Xichuanhou, there are two masters hidden in the dark. If they want to leave, it is best to get away smoothly. If not, three to two. , They are not dominant.

And in order to prevent them from secretly planning, the four people he brought with him were all detained elsewhere. Without helpers and foreign aid, in the unlikely event, the only thing that could be used was poison.

It's just that in addition to the effect of the poison, the use of poison also depends on the strength of the person who uses the poison. If he and the opponent are too far apart in strength, his poison may not hit the opponent at all.

Unless... it's a poison they won't guard against...

Qin Jue thought a lot, and suddenly thought of something.

He stood up, and as soon as he opened the door, the guards outside the door surrounded him on alert. Not only that, there were people guarding the windows and roof, not giving him any chance to escape.

Qin Jue said with a cold face, looking at the guard, and said in a deep voice, "My city lord said that he would like to participate in the wedding banquet set up by Lord Hou, but he is not in good health and needs a little medicine to cheer up, do you have any?"

Qin Jue said that, after these people froze for a while, they laughed wretchedly.

"So it's like this... nothing else, but there are so many medicines in the house! Just tell me, what kind of effect is needed?"

Qin Jue frowned slightly when he heard the words, and thought for a while before he said, "I don't know medicine, what do you have in your collection, take a copy of each so that Lord City Lord can choose by himself."

This is the first time that Xie Linlang expressed her willingness to participate in the kind of happy banquet. It seems that she made up her mind and wanted to show good signs, so these guards did not dare to neglect, and went hurriedly. After a while, they hugged a bunch. The medicine bottle came over.

Qin Jue accepted all the medicine blankly, and then closed the door. After he closed the door, the guards laughed outside.

"I also hope that Lord City Lord will not be greedy for too much, these medicines are all strong medicine! A lot of greedy will cause trouble! Hahahaha!"

After listening, Qin Jue snorted, he put all the medicine bottles on the table, then took a piece of perfume from the incense burner on one side, and took out some bottles from his luggage and placed them on the table. .

For some reason, he is a little restless tonight, and I don't know if Linlang is going well?

Xie Linlang squatted on the bed, looked at He Shao who was **** in front of him, and said with a smile.

"No more honest, my hairpin, but I'm going to where I shouldn't be..."

Xie Linlang said, smirking the jade hairpin all the way down, then stopped in He Shao's horrified eyes, and the gagged mouth kept making whining sounds.

At this time, his thigh had been pricked by two deep blood holes by the hairpin, and he was bleeding continuously, but Xie Linlang asked gently as if he hadn't seen it.

"Are you willing to have a good conversation?"

He Shao nodded desperately, cold sweat on his forehead!

"Are you still calling for help?"

He Shao shook his head quickly, the blood hole on his leg was left behind by wanting to call "Help" before! The woman in front of me is not like a woman at all!

She must be a female assassin trained by some force since she was a child, otherwise, how could she be so clean and tidy when she started?

Xie Linlang smiled, took out the cloth from his mouth, and asked each word.

"Apart from you, what other high-level officers of the Western Garrison have taken refuge in Marsh Country?"

He Shao's lips turned white, and he looked at her and said with a trembling, "Also, there are two other lieutenants...and, Liu Junshi and them..."

Xie Linlang nodded, "I heard that you haven't got the tiger charm yet, where is the tiger charm?"

He Shao gritted his teeth and said in pain, "We were taken away by the general... The general found out our intentions, and thought and wanted to sue, so we didn't stop doing it... As a result, he ran away, and he carried a tiger charm. Run, ran to Xichuan Forest!"

Xie Linlang frowned. Xichuan Forest is a virgin forest. It is basically impossible for a person to survive for a long time in it. It seems that this general is very dangerous.

"You tie me here, besides trying to coerce Qin Jue into obedient, are you still fighting Xiangcheng's idea?

You want to transfer me from Xiangcheng because you are afraid that my being there will hinder you? "

Xie Linlang just asked this question, and suddenly, there were footsteps rushing over!

It turned out that it was the woman before. After she left He Shao, the more she thought about it, the more angry she went, and she told the steward.

But the manager felt that the situation was not right, so he brought someone over!

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