The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 207: Make chaos and escape

He Shao immediately became excited when he heard the movement!

Seeing that he wanted to call for help, Xie Linlang broke his neck without saying a word.

This should be the second time she killed someone by herself while she was awake, so after killing someone, her fingertips inevitably trembled twice, and then resolutely searched for the token from He Shao, jumped the window and ran away.

The moment she broke the window and left, people from outside also rushed in. Seeing that General He had actually died on the bed, she was shocked and called someone to arrest the assassin!

For a time, the entire mansion was full of gong alarm sounds, resounding through the night.

As soon as Qin Jue heard this voice, he knew that Linlang had an accident. He glanced at the maid who had been transformed into Linlang by him, hurriedly opened the door, and said to the guards who were on guard.

"No! The medicine you gave is too strong. My city lord can't stand the medicine and is in a coma. Come take a look!"

The guards believed that they were true, and rushed in. As soon as they entered, they smelled an extremely strong charm, which surprised them, and the head of the guard opened his mouth and said.

"Didn't you say that you can't use more? How much do you use?!"

And he was sure in his heart, it seemed that the city lord and his subordinates really had a leg, otherwise after the medicine was taken, there was no woman in the house, why did he use it in a hurry?

While the guard muttered to himself, he sent two people to call the doctor, while leaving two people to continue to guard the door, while he took one person and walked towards "Xie Linlang" on the bed step by step.

People in the house are more or less resistant to Meixiang, so they didn't care about the fragrance in the air.

But suddenly, the guard headed suddenly thought, why was Qin Jue not affected?

At this moment, a muffled hum came from behind him. He turned his head abruptly and saw that his brother suddenly fell to the ground. He didn't have the time to react and was knocked out by Qin Jue.

The enchanting fragrance in the air mixed in with a little medicine, making people unresponsive, but Qin Jue solved the two people silently.

He quickly changed his clothes with the head of the guard, changed his face to look like him, and hurried out.

It was strange that the two guards at the door saw him alone.

"Boss Zhao, is the city lord okay?" They were all ordered to watch and guard, if something happened to Xie Linlang, they would definitely not be able to eat.

After Qin Jue closed the door tightly, he said very seriously.

"Where is the surname Xie because he took too much medicine? He is suffering from smallpox! This matter is of great importance. I must go and tell Lord Hou immediately. You are watching here. Don't let anyone in!"

As soon as Qin Jue said that it was smallpox, the two guards were shocked. They moved a little away from the door, thinking that they had just walked in, each of them felt itchy.

Qin Jue said a few words and hurried away with a calm face.

Because it was night, his hastily disguised appearance was not seen as flaws, and because he would change his voice, neither of the two guards found that anyone had been dropped.

The master hiding in the dark looked more at this, but because the head of the guard was good at martial arts and martial arts was pretty good, he didn't feel abnormal when he saw Qin Jue's body style is very light.

On the contrary, he was more worried about the main hall, where the gongs and drums were sounding, obviously something happened, and there was clearly his old friend guarding him, and he didn't know how the assassins got in.

After Qin Jue got away, he changed his appearance again, changing himself into an ordinary guard.

Because of the limited time, his disguise has many flaws, but fortunately, the mansion is a mess, and it is night, so no one noticed.

The woman who gave a small report before insisted that the assassin was a woman, tall and tall, and then changed her face into Xiaotao's appearance.

When Xichuan Hou heard this, he hurriedly took people to the backyard to find someone, so that a group of women screamed again and again.

At this time, someone told the steward that Xiao Tao was lucky enough to serve City Master Xie Linlang Xie Linlang and came to the main courtyard when she came out of her for dinner.

This made the steward smell something... He reported to Xichuan Hou and took the people to the guest house.

Qin Jue looked at the direction he was leaving, knowing that they would soon be found by the steward, and in order to seize this gap, he quickly dived into the main hall!

At this time, all the guests in the main hall were walking around anxiously.

They were also unwilling to enjoy themselves, and they were all detained here waiting for news and could not go out.

Some of them were wealthy businessmen who colluded with Xichuanhou, some were generals who participated in the plan, and some were people from the Numa country who had hidden their identities from the outside. It can be said that Xichuanhoufu was the stronghold of their secret collusion over the years!

Seeing that Lord Hou took someone out and stirred up the backyard without catching the female assassin, everyone on the scene was worried, for fear that the assassin ran away and things were revealed in advance.

It seems that the Hou Mansion is not safe anymore. You must be very careful when you come here in the future.

Just as they secretly guessed, a slightly fat middle-aged man suddenly clutched his chest, stared at him, and fell to his death!

After he died, one after another people had seizures, and his lips quickly turned purple, which was suspected of being poisoned!

Someone reacted and ran out in horror, "No, run! This incense is poisonous!"

The original charm fragrance added a fascinating scent at some point, and those who were close were all hit, and the faces of the others changed greatly, and they screamed and ran out!

As soon as they ran like this, the guards who had guarded them couldn't stand guard at once.

After all, most of them appeared here as collaborators, not Xichuanhou's subordinates.

At the moment Xichuan Marquis Mansion is so dangerous, wherever they can stay, they shouted to leave, and they couldn't stop them!

Seeing that the goal was achieved, Qin Jue released the subordinates he had brought in the chaos. These subordinates may not be strong in martial arts, but the light skills were very powerful. After receiving the orders from Qin Jue, they quickly dived in four different directions. .

On the other side, the manager of the Hou Palace had discovered that Qin Jue and Xie Linlang had fled, and were hurriedly going to report to Hou Xichuan!

He suspected that all this tonight was the ghost of Xie Linlang and the others!

At the same time, all the guests were jammed at the entrance of the Hou Mansion, clamoring to go out!

Stopping them was an old man in white linen. The sword in his hand had been stained with blood, and he looked selfless.

Just listen to his hoarse voice.

"Everyone, without the instruction of Lord Hou, are not allowed to leave the Hou Mansion for half a step! Whoever violates the order, die!"

Seeing that the old man said that he would kill, the guests who came here were a little angry!

They are not lambs to be slaughtered. They are also accompanied by guards!

The confrontation between the two sides is ignited.

But Xichuan Hou, who was looking for a spy in the backyard, heard the manager of the Hou Mansion, and rudely threw away the woman in his hand, squinting and sneered.

"It turns out that they are making a ghost! That woman, Xie Linlang pretending to be?"

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