The manager replied, "Nine to all, because his subordinate is very tall and it is not easy to pretend to be a woman."

After hearing this, Hou Xichuan raised his thick eyebrows.

"Pretending to be a woman?" A strong interest suddenly appeared in his eyes, but it was not the time to delve into it. He heard that the guests were making trouble. He was worried that Xie Linlang and Qin Jue would get out of the chaos, so he hurried to the Hou Mansion. Rushed to the main entrance.

There was indeed noisy at the main entrance.

Suddenly, I heard a muffled sound! The main hall that originally hosted them suddenly collapsed!

A rumbling sound came, making the guests gathered at the door panic to the extreme! If they are still in the hall, will they be crushed alive?

Thinking about it this way, the voice of their resistance is even louder!

"Get out of here! We are going out!"

"It's too dangerous here, let us go!"

As a result, they hadn't even shouted a word, and there was a fire from a different place in the mansion. With the help of the wind, the flame grew when it saw the wind! Dense smoke rose into the sky accompanied by sparks. Obviously, this Xichuan House has been completely infiltrated by the enemy!

In a panic, someone shouted!

"General He is dead, we will die as long as we stay! Hurry up, let's rush out!"

His words got everyone's response, and he didn't want to tear his face with the old man in white, but now he can't take care of that much!

Everyone sent their own guards to break the door. No matter how powerful the old man in white clothes was, there was only one person. His two fists were hard to beat with four hands. After a while, the door of the Hou Mansion was opened by them!

The guards wanted to stop them, but there were too few people to stop them. At this time, most of the guards were either in charge or fighting the fire in the house and hunting for the assassins.

So soon, a group of people swarmed out and ran out of the embattled Hou Mansion!

The movement they ran out was so loud that the people around them all looked at it.

In the middle of the night, the originally quiet street suddenly became noisy, and Qin Jue mixed in among the crowd, looking for Xie Linlang's figure.

He believed that the beam of the main hall must be broken by Xie Linlang, except for her, it is difficult for others to have this strength!

When he was looking for it, a hand suddenly stretched out among the crowd, pulling him to run out!

Qin Jue turned his head and saw a shameless little servant, who smiled at him, his eyes gleaming in the light of the fire!

Qin Jue was so determined, the two left the Hou Mansion.

When Hou Xichuan arrived, everything was too late! The old man in white was injured and was lifted up by another old man in gray clothes.

At this time, the entire Hou Mansion was completely messed up by Xie Linlang and Qin Jue!

Amidst the rush of footsteps fighting the fire and the panic screams of the women, Hou Xichuan suddenly shouted with a calm face, and the voice spread throughout the Hou Mansion!

In the sudden burst of shouts from him, all the panicked people in the palace stopped, shivering a little.

Seeing that they had finally calmed down, Hou Xichuan shouted with a cold face.

"Xu Fu!"

"The villain is here!" The manager hurried forward, wiping the sweat from his forehead with fear.

"The order is passed down and the whole city is sealed off. Anyone who dares to take in people of unknown origin will be put to death once discovered!"


"Zhao Wenliang!"

"Subordinates are here!"

"Assemble all the guards from house to house search! Be sure to pull out Xie Linlang and his subordinates!"


As for the fire in the mansion, only those servants and women can be saved.

The fire was small, and it really made Xie Linlang run away, that was the big deal!

In particular, she killed He Shao and took He Shao's token. If she was allowed to leave Xichuan City, it would definitely cause an unpredictable blow to their plan!

Thinking like this, Hou Xichuan said with a gloomy face to the old man in gray.

"Old Crane is injured and rests in the house. Old Wen, I would like to ask you to go with Benhou personally. No matter it is Xie Linlang or the people he brought, you can't let it go!

But everyone else can kill, but Xie Linlang must catch him alive. The king is very interested in him and ordered him to be captured alive!

And the hidden weapons that the king gave you must be collected, Xie Linlang said that a madman can kill thousands of people! So absolutely can't let him have a chance to be crazy! As soon as you see him, you have to start immediately, understand? "


Elder Wen responded, his body disappeared like a ghost, Xichuanhou followed closely, and followed the guard to hunt Xie Linlang.

On the other side, Qin Jue led Xie Linlang into a team.

That team is a team of people who ran out of the Xichuan Houfu.

The situation is so tense tonight, they are also afraid that they will be assassinated, so they gathered in twos and threes, wanting to go out of the city together.

Because it is a mixed team, it is difficult to find the two extra people, Xie Linlang lowered her voice and said to Qin Jue.

"When you get out of the city, you and me will be divided into two groups, so it's easier to get out of here."

In fact, what Xie Linlang thought was that as long as they dared to come out of the city, she would not be afraid anymore. The big deal would be to kill them and let them taste the fear of being dominated by death!

But Qin Jue is easy to be killed by her by her side, so it is better to leave separately.

When Qin Jue heard Xie Linlang's meaning, he was sure that the other party would be chasing after him, so he couldn't help asking.

"What did you take He Shao?"

Xie Linlang smiled, stretched out his hand and shook it in front of him, so that he could see that there was a golden token hidden in her sleeve.

At the same time she whispered.

"The chief general of the western garrison is changed every three years, and the deputy general is changed every five years. Therefore, the garrison all deny orders!

Among them, the tiger charm that controls 50,000 elite soldiers is in the hands of the main general, and the dispatch order for the remaining 30,000 soldiers and horses is divided into three, controlled by three lieutenants.

To complete the deployment of 80,000 troops in the west, you must get a tiger charm and three tokens, which is why He Shao must find the main general.

But with this token alone, 10,000 people can be dispatched!

There are 10,000 people who can drive, and we can do more! "

Xie Linlang paused at this point, remembering that Qin Jue didn't know about the general, and told him what she had heard.

For example, the main general did not rebel, but all the lieutenants were rebelled.

The main general discovered the conspiracy and wanted to inform the news, but the deputy generals jointly suppressed it.

The Lord General has now escaped to the Xichuan Forest, life and death are unknown, and he, and the tiger charm in his hand have become the key factors!

Whether it is for Xie Linlang or the enemy, whoever gets it first will seize the opportunity!

This is why she would rather take risks and go out dressed as women.

In Xichuanhoufu, everyone is very relieved of the security here, so they relax their vigilance.

He Shao came in secret again and would not bring too many people. In other words, tonight is the time when he has the lowest guard.

In other words, this will be the easiest opportunity for her to get the token, how can she let it go?

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