The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 212: Give her back to me

So they looked at each other, and without a word, they killed Qin Jue!

In the night, Qin Jue was **** and hostile!

Damn everyone who gets in the way, they all deserve to die! !

Senhan's thoughts flashed, and his sword was out of the sheath again. He should have been exhausted so far, he should have no strength, but the fact is that his sword is faster than before! More ruthless! Recruit and kill!

Soon, these guards were all killed by him, he didn't rest, he followed in one direction intuitively.

At this time, Hou Xichuan was also preparing to go back to the city of Xichuan.

Because he was worried about others, Xie Linlang was resisted by him.

He was too nervous before and made him overlook a lot of details, but now that he thinks about it carefully, he suddenly feels a little bit in his heart.

Xie Linlang pretends to be a woman, but no one has noticed anything unusual?

Xie Linlang has internal strength that she would never have at her age, where did she come from?

Judging from the fact that she would go mad when she used her internal power, her internal power was obviously plundered by others, just like him.

But Xie Linlang is hardly a woman. The people he sent to investigate said that Xie Linlang had never touched any woman...

Pieces of piles flashed in the heart of Hou Xichuan. As an old fox who had lived for more than sixty years and had been on the battlefield, he was much sharper than ordinary people.

What's more, because he read countless women, he felt that Xie Linlang was a little wrong at the beginning, but she had always been disguised, including now, her face was still disguised.

Hou Xichuan's heart beats suddenly. If his guess is true, then he understands why the king must take him back to Xie Linlang!

In the same way, if his guess is true... Then he wants to get a strong internal force, why bother to ask for the king of Marsh Kingdom? Xie Linlang... doesn't it mean everything? !

Because there are many eyeliners from the Numa country in the city of Nishikawa, Hou Nishikawa wanted to find out, but he really couldn't go back, lest he would be discovered by the people of Numa country.

After thinking about it this way, Xi Chuanhou suddenly asked the people around him to guard him, and he grabbed Xie Linlang, staring into her eyes and asked.

"Who are you?!"

Hearing what Xichuanhou said, Xie Linlang knew that he had guessed it, but at this time, it was the critical moment when Kuva would completely swallow the external poison!

Xie Linlang was too painful to speak, but as long as she survived this quarter of an hour, her strength would be restored!

Seeing Xie Linlang not speaking, Hou Xichuan narrowed his eyes and continued to guess.

"Are you the orphan of the group that has been annihilated? Your power is drawn from others?"

But he quickly denied the idea.

"No...No, even the women of that ethnic group can't have such a strong power. They don't have a dantian. Even if they **** other people's skills, they can only **** a little at a time, and they cannot accumulate...

But there is a secret, Benhou can know now! City Lord Xie——Are you a woman? "

He said, suddenly stretched out his hand, wanting to pick Xie Linlang's clothes!

Xie Linlang was shocked, struggling out of the severe pain, and clasped his hand!

At this time, a sword light pierced from the oblique side, and Hou Xichuan responded in a timely manner, and quickly grabbed Xie Linlang, evading!

After avoiding, he was watching and saw that the secret guards who had been guarding around had fallen silently into a pool of blood.

But Qin Jue was full of blood, the ink was scattered, and a **** breath came upon his face!

"Give him to me, give him back to me!"

After speaking, he was like a ghost, blinking, Nishikawa Hou was startled, and quickly poured all his internal energy into his right hand, to block it with his bare hands!

Originally, he was almost a master of skill, even with bare hands, he could tear a junior like Qin Jue to pieces!

Unexpectedly, a burst of sword light flashed, and only heard a "hiss" sound. He was about to take off Xie Linlang's right hand just now, and he was too late as if it exploded!

The flesh and blood splattered, although it was not directly cut off, it was completely abolished and could never be recovered!

Xichuanhou screamed and let go of Xie Linlang, while Qin Juefei stepped forward to catch her firmly.

Xie Linlang, who was tormented by the poison, did not say a word when facing Xichuanhou, but in Qin Jue's arms, she cried suddenly when she smelled the icy blood on his body.

"Ajue... I feel so painful."

She lay on his shoulder, and said only one sentence, and said nothing.

She can't be weak, she must recover her skills quickly, and she can't let Qin Jue deal with Xichuanhou alone.

Qin Jue's hands suddenly tightened, and her heart seemed to be squeezed hard with her hands, and the pain was so breathless.

He moved Xie Linlang aside very gently, staring into her eyes.

"I will kill him."

But Xie Linlang grabbed his hand and emphasized somewhat uncomfortably.

"He's very strong, don't resist it... just half an hour, just half an hour."

Qin Jue left without saying anything. When he turned around, every step he walked towards Xichuanhou was full of killing intent, and he progressed step by step!

Hou Xichuan was holding his arm in pain, and his stout body like a bear took two steps back. Looking at Qin Jue, he was full of hatred for eating his flesh!

His hands are gone, he must unscrew this person's head and smash it with force to vent his hatred!

Seeing him sucking up the sword on the ground, the whole person was like a hill, with a mighty force, slashing towards him.

Qin Jue did not resist, but stepped to his side, threw a medicine bottle over, and hid himself into the darkness.

Seeing the "hidden weapon" flying in, Hou Nishikawa broke the medicine bottle with a sword apart from anything else. The light yellow powder was sprinkled on him. Even if he held his breath in time, he did not inhale at all, but his **** right hand was nothing. Without protection, he was immediately invaded by poison powder.

Hou Xichuan was shocked, and quickly wanted to force the poison, but when he noticed what the poison was, his expression suddenly became weird.

"...That's how Elder Wen was killed by you?"

He looked fierce and sneered while looking around, alerting to the sudden attack.

"Benhou guess...the old man saw that it was a charm medicine, but he didn't force it in time, because he was immune to many charm medicines, and he certainly didn't put your medicine in his eyes, and waited when he wanted to force it , It’s too late, your magic potion is so powerful that it’s really extraordinary...If it weren’t for medicine, how could you kill Mr. Wen, who has forty years of power?"

As soon as his voice fell, he suddenly turned back and shot a sword!

He has been observing the surroundings, even in the dark night, the strong smell of blood on Qin Jue can't hide.

Qin Jue's straight-in move was blocked, and he was not discouraged. Today, there are very few people who can possess a level of skill. If Xichuanhou was hit by him so easily, he would not survive now.

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