Seeing Qin Jue's light work and weird, Xichuanhou did not give him a chance to dodge, the sword brought the wind, and rushed!

The sword in Qin Jue's hand was quickly smashed into the gap. Seeing that Xi Chuanhou was completely unaffected by the poison, he turned his palm over and took out the copper tube.

But Xichuanhou's offensive was too fierce, he did not have the opportunity to activate the hidden weapon, but Xichuanhou saw that Qin Jue was injured and dared to fight with himself, attacking and sneered.

"Isn't it weird why such a strong charm is also ineffective against Benhou?"

"What is a charm? Since you want to taste it, Benhou will let you know what is a charm!"

As he said, he suddenly lost his sword, turned his left hand into a palm, and hit Qin Jue fiercely!

At the moment of lightning and flint, Qin Jue saw the crimson color of his palm, while dodges, while seizing this opportunity, he unscrewed the copper tube that he had prepared long ago!

When Xichuan Hou heard the voice, his expression changed! But now he can no longer return to the offensive, and can only continue to fight Qin Jue!

Because he was too fast, Qin Jue couldn't avoid it, hitting his palm, at the same time, a thousand poisonous needles shot out! Even if Xichuanhou's skill is strong, he can only avoid half of it at such a short distance, and all the rest will be hit!

Qin Jue was knocked into the air by a palm and hit a tree trunk, and Xichuanhou was not much better. After he planned to use the copper cylinder, he took the medicine in advance, because he was very cautious because he was afraid of being injured by mistake. People, no matter how strong they are, never careless.

Unexpectedly, part of those thousand needles pierced his eyes, making him blind on the spot! This kind of injury is an antidote that cannot be prevented!

Hou Xichuan covered his eyes with his left hand, and screams of horror rang throughout the woods!

Qin Jue's state is also very bad. Although he dodged in time and didn't fully bear the palm, the poison in the palm of Hou Xichuan instantly invaded him!

The poison was hot and swift, making his whole body seem to be ignited by fire, and he could no longer fight.

But Xichuanhou is still there, he was not affected by the poison, and he went crazy after being blind!

He used his sense of smell and hearing to perceive Qin Jue's position crazily. Just when he found Qin Jue, and when he flashed over and wanted to kill him with a palm, Qin Jue wanted to hide, but it was too late.

Just when he thought he would die, Nishikawa Hou's swift blow seemed to have been pressed by the pause button and stopped moving.

Behind him, Xie Linlang held her aching heart with one hand, and pierced Xichuanhou's vest from her back with one hand!

An invisible wind rushed back from Xichuanhou, and the surrounding trees seemed to be alive, instantly violent!

An invisible air current swept the fallen leaves and surrounded them. He was in the eyes of the wind, his eyes bleed, and Hou Xichuan, who kept holding the action high, made a "Uh, uh" sound in his throat!

At that moment, he seemed to think of the women who had been sucked dry by him, and of himself, who was only middle-aged and gray-haired.

Then he met the king of the marsh country and found a chance to regenerate. In just over ten years, he had the skill that no one else could have for a lifetime!

If he is more cautious and slowly accumulates, sooner or later he will get a lifespan that others would never even think of.

If he knew Xie Linlang's speciality earlier and turned her into his own tool, he would be only one step away from Invincible under Heaven.

in case……

With deep unwillingness and regret, Xichuanhou's body quickly shrivelled, and finally became completely unrecognizable, like a corpse, and finally fell to the ground.

This kind of sucking power is much stronger than he **** those women, and it's much more domineering.

Originally Xie Linlang didn't intend to absorb his gong, not only because doing so would make her more uncontrollable, but also because she hated it from the bottom of her heart.

But at that moment, her strength hadn't recovered yet, and Qin Jue was very dangerous again. She couldn't think much about it at the moment of her death, she just did it by instinct.

Looking at the extremely terrifying corpse of Xi Chuanhou, Xie Linlang raised her head and smiled at Qin Jue with red eyes.

"Now you know how dangerous it is to pass on your skills? Many times, you can't treat me as a human being because I am inhuman."

She was a little self-deprecating about her words, but it made Qin Jue very heartbroken. He wanted to comfort her, but after a moment of consciousness, he knew nothing.

Xie Linlang hugged Qin Jue, preparing to use the same method to **** all the poison in his body.

Her Kuva poison can swallow even the previous poison, let alone a charm poison.

But she needs to have internal strength in the other party's body to induce her to take drugs. In short, she needs to use the other party's internal strength to entrap the poison gas, and then **** it all over, just like taking drugs to Die Fei before.

Unexpectedly, Qin Jue's dantian was actually empty, and his energy veins were broken a lot. The degree of exhaustion was even worse than when she drained her internal energy a year ago!

He was really trying his best to fight for her just now, killing Wen Lao from the gate of the city. Until now, his internal strength has dried up to nothing, and he can walk here, all supported by will.

In other words, he had already spared his life for her.

Xie Linlang was stunned. No one in his memory seemed to be so desperate for her, so at all costs, so reckless...

Her throat choked uncomfortably, but Qin Jue's state at this time did not allow her to hesitate. Since she can't take drugs, she can only take him to the waterside and cool him down first.

At this time, thanks to the strength of Xichuanhou, even if Xie Linlang's original strength had not fully recovered, it was still very easy to leave with Qin Jue.

But in the process of using internal force, Xie Linlang frowned slightly, because she discovered that Xichuanhou's internal force seemed to be visibly restrained by her own internal force.

Any power that enters her body will be "purified" by her, but perhaps because Nishikawa Hou’s internal power comes from a woman, this power is cold and cold, and it overcomes the originally extremely yang internal power in her body, and her own power is restored. The more, the more obvious this feeling of restraint.

Xie Linlang frowned, planning to wait for her internal strength to work and digest it well, but before that, she had to deal with Qin Jue's injury.

Soon, they came to the river in the forest. At this time, Qin Jue seemed to have been hit by Kuva poison, his body was extremely hot, and his brows were very tight, obviously very painful!

Xie Linlang had no choice but to take him step by step into the water. The water in winter was extremely cold. Even Xie Linlang trembled slightly when entering the water, but Qin Jue's eyebrows suddenly loosened a lot. It's not as uncomfortable as before.

Xie Linlang breathed a sigh of relief, and then helped him deal with the wound. At this time, the horizon was bright, and the light of dawn fell on Qin Jue, illuminating his jade-like face and lips that were a little bit red.

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