The Crown Prince I’m Raising Has Turned Evil

Chapter 214: It's cheaper for you

Xie Linlang untied his clothes and breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Qin Jue had some small wounds on his body, the only one heaviest was the wound on his left shoulder.

As for the palm of Hou Xichuan, because Qin Jue dodged in time during the middle of the palm, his strength was relieved a lot, so he was mainly poisoned and did not hurt his lungs.

The most serious problem with his whole body is the exhaustion of internal strength and severe damage to his qi vein dantian. I don't know how long it will take to recover from this situation.

Xie Linlang sighed. After cleaning his wounds, she took him ashore. She first found a naturally large cave, then lit a fire, spread some hay on the side, and put her coat on After covering it, Qin Jue was helped to lie down.

Fortunately, Qin Jue had medicine on his body, so she gave him the medicine and simply bandaged it.

Qin Jue, who had been soaked in cold water, was obviously better off, but he was lying there with his eyes closed, motionless, as if he had lost his anger.

This made Xie Linlang feel a little bit painful, saying that he should take good care of him, but in the end, it was inexplicable and made him so embarrassed.

Xie Linlang thought and sighed again. After wrapping his wound, she covered him with a piece of clothing, and then sat next to him to perform the exercises, intending to reconcile the two internal forces.

As time passed, the sweat on Xie Linlang's forehead slowly increased.

At this time, most of the disguise on her face has been washed away by the water, so you can truly see that her face is getting whiter and whiter, but her light-colored lips are getting redder.

No matter how many times she tried, she couldn't reconcile the two internal forces. Instead, as her own strength recovered, the two internal forces actually fought against each other in her body.

No matter how she persecuted them, they couldn't fuse together. If she did this forcibly, Kuva would have signs of backlash.

It seems that when the person made her dantian, he also made it purposefully.

The martial arts he himself practiced is called Chiyang Divine Art, so the most suitable for him is definitely the internal force full of blazing sun.

In order to achieve this goal, he created Kuva, and all the men who threw her to absorb power were men.

And afterwards, she sucked back all the power of that person, which caused her body to be completely qualitative, unable to accept a large amount of cold power.

Xie Linlang tried several times and failed, but she must continue to try. If she can't digest, this power will become another hidden danger in her body. She doesn't want to walk on the road one day and suddenly burst into death.

But at this moment, Qin Jue murmured suddenly.

Xie Linlang opened his eyes and saw that the poisonous poison in his body seemed to be recurring. He frowned and kept calling her name, as if he knew she was right beside him, but... Him!

Xie Linlang reached out a little embarrassed and touched his forehead. In fact, to save him, the best way is to go to Xichuan City. There must be an antidote that can restrain the enchanting poison in Xichuanhou's mansion.

It's a pity that Xichuan Hou's Mansion was almost burned, and she brought Qin Jue back to the doctor at this time, no less than self-investment.

But instead of going to Xichuan City, in this winter, where can she find a doctor who can restrain the poison?

If only Xiaoxi was here...

Xie Linlang missed Xiaoxi very much, and at this time, Qin Jue suddenly grabbed her hand.

This caused Xie Linlang's heart to move, and he wanted to pull it back, but he held it very tightly!


Xie Linlang's forehead was about to sweat again, and in her hesitating space, Qin Jue actually leaned towards her, hugged her, and kept calling her name.

"Lin Lang..."

"Lin Lang..."

"Lin Lang..."

"Lin Lang..."

Xie Linlang's ears were red in the sound of his screams! Who can stand this!

Under the influence of Charm Poison, his voice was extremely light and sultry. Just listening to it made Xie Linlang's heart throb!

She quickly closed her eyes, but after Qin Jue caught her, she sat up slowly.

At this time, the disguise on his face had long been washed away with water, and he saw his black hair and hair, eyes like stars, looking at her eyes as if he was about to swallow her.

At the same time, the corners of his eyes were very red, making the slightly raised eyes look a little strange.

The extreme pure whiteness and the extreme evil charm were reflected on him at the same time, so Xie Linlang accidentally glanced at him, and she immediately closed her eyes in fright!

The Qin Jue in front of him is like the combination of a banal fairy and a demon. That handsome face is clearly not lustful, but extremely seductive, who can stand it! !

Seeing her closing her eyes, Qin Jue, who was obviously irrational, hugged her tightly and called her name over and over again.

He frowned deeply, and grasped her fingers very hard, as if he wanted to tear something apart.

In the extreme pain, he actually wanted to obey instinct and do what he wanted to do, but in the midst of it, a string seemed to hold him tightly, restraining him from letting him do that!

So he can only call her name painfully, depressed, and eagerly.

The voice was like a sea monster, whispering, making people unable to refuse!

In the end, he seemed to endure to the extreme, pinching his fingertips into her shoulders, closing his eyes.

"Lin Lang...I...uncomfortable..."

Xie Linlang was held by him, and she was motionless. Hearing this, she was almost crying!

"You, don't look for me, I feel uncomfortable!"

She is a normal woman! But she must stick to her secrets, what should she do now? What will she do? !

But after a while, Qin Jue oozes tiny drops of blood on the surface of his body. The charm is far more powerful than they thought, but even under such pain, Qin Jue just grabbed her and didn't take a step beyond. !

When Xie Linlang saw it, her expression was shocked! She hurriedly pressed Qin Jue's vitality, and saw that there was a mixed breath in the already damaged vitality!

That breath is very domineering, as if to break the meridians and tear the body! Under the raging aura, one can imagine how painful Qin Jue would be!

But he didn't cry out in pain, just called her name over and over again, as if this would relieve the pain.

This made Xie Linlang sigh deeply, as if being forced onto a cliff, but she had an urge to jump down voluntarily.

She looked at Qin Jue and asked suddenly.

"Qin Jue, are you still conscious now?"

Qin Jue's repressed whispers and an uncontrollable "Lin Lang" answered her.

He must have trusted her, so he called her when it was so uncomfortable, hoping that she would save him.

Xie Linlang took a deep breath, suddenly made a certain decision, turned over and pressed him on the haystack!

Mofa spread out, and Qin Jue's eyes closed tightly at this time, as if trying to control himself.

Xie Linlang pressed him, bit her lower lip in embarrassment, and finally all the entanglement turned into a long sigh...

In the flames, she reached out and touched his face, and said with a low smile.

"It's... it's cheaper for you."

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