Xie Linlang decided to do this, first because she had no other way to save Qin Jue, and second, because the cold and cold internal energy she sucked couldn't be digested, it happened to be transferred to him.

This transfer method is the same as the snail girl in the Xichuan Hou's mansion, which is why Xie Linlang was so angry when she saw Xichuan Hou **** the snail girl before, because the snail girl was completely artificial.

Those who want to take shortcuts, it is not enough to destroy one of her ethnic groups, and they are still trying every means to harm other innocent women. How can she not hate it? !

...But so many people wanted to give her ideas, so many people wanted to take shortcuts through her innate abnormality, and in the end they either died or went crazy and got nothing.

On the contrary, it was Qin Jue who wanted to help her, but in the end he took a shortcut. Yijiazi's skill... really cheap him.

Xie Linlang smiled bitterly, and finally lowered her head slowly.

At this time Qin Jue's muscles were tight, and the whole person was in a state of extreme restraint, and she lowered her head, sighing in his ear.

"Relax, now—I allow you to have me."

Her words were like a curse to unblock Qin Jue's eyes instantly!

The next second, Xie Linlang exclaimed, and Qin Jue counterattacked!

Xie Linlang was actually very nervous when the ink hair spread, but Qin Jue didn't seem to forget to comfort her. The first thing he did was to kiss her gently on the forehead...

At this time, the sky outside is already bright, and the night in the cave is still very long...

The sun rises and sets, until late at night, the sound in the cave gradually ceases.

Maybe Xichuanhou’s magic poison is the most poisonous magic medicine in the world?

If it weren't for Xie Linlang's special physique, it could not only feed back the internal strength, but also nourish the meridians and **** the poison out a little bit. Otherwise, most people would be poisoned by this poison and they would die by bursting the meridians.

But even so, Xie Linlang couldn't bear it, she didn't know if Qin Jue was tossing her on purpose!

But he looked unconscious, and he didn't look like it, so she couldn't help it, she could only curse Hou Xichuan who was dead and harming others in her heart 108 times!

It wasn't until Qin Jue's meridians were completely filled with internal force, and the whole person passively entered the state of nourishing Qi, Xie Linlang finally escaped.

Then couldn't help... kick Qin Jue!

If it wasn't for my aunt's special body and great physique, would she still want to get out of bed today to the extent of his request?

Oh no, she is not in bed yet, Xie Linlang gets even more angry when she thinks about it!

It's a pity that all of her kicks were soft, with no lethality. On the other hand, Qin Jue's complexion was as usual, with a faint smile at the corner of her mouth, as if she was immersed in a dream.

The infusion of majestic internal force brought him almost a marrow-washing effect, so that his face was like a jade, at this time, his face seemed to be faintly flowing with glory, and the whole person was reborn.

Xie Linlang looked at him and then at herself, he was almost crying!

However, the road she chose must be finished while kneeling. If Qin Jue dares to treat her badly in the future, she will... break his three legs! !

Xie Linlang cleaned herself up, then went to the water to wash.

She had completely relieved her yin-cold internal force, and her whole person was much more relaxed. The pain of separation has disappeared. Although her body is aching, it is not much better than before.

When the two toxic chambers fought before, she cried in pain, but after the two internal forces fought against each other, she was also sweating with pain!

In such a comparison, the soreness is almost negligible.

And this time is a win-win, right? Qin Jue got the skill, she let go of the burden, although it was an accident, but Qin Jue's appearance was there, and she did not lose...

Besides, the increase in Qin Jue's skill will benefit her subsequent actions without any harm. In this way, her wave of influence is far-reaching and significant!

Xie Linlang forced herself to comfort herself while walking towards the cave, but the moment she saw Qin Jue, she still felt so angry! So her waist is about to be broken, but he has detoxified and gained skill. How does this balance her?

Xie Linlang gritted his teeth and decided that after this time of loss, he must make up for it from Qin Jue!

If he really became the emperor, she wouldn't make herself a prime minister, she would be sorry for the sacrifice today!

But again, Qin Jue has no memory of this incident, right? It doesn't seem to be there, but if it does... how can she fool it?

Xie Linlang fell into a deep entanglement.

At dawn the next day, Qin Jue woke up from deep breath, lifted his long eyelashes, and saw a ray of light shone through the cracks in the stone, and he was covered with a coat.

For a moment, he didn't understand why he was here. Just as he was about to think about it, a lot of pictures suddenly flashed through his mind, lingering, bone-erupting, his eyes were getting more and more shocked, and he didn't know that for a while. Dreaming or real!

By the way, Lin Lang!

He sat up suddenly, and saw Xie Linlang curled up beside him, still sleeping.

She was really tired, even if Qin Jue made such a big move, she didn't wake up, still holding herself in distress, frowning a bit wronged, as if she had been bullied by someone.

Seeing her by her side, Qin Jue let out a long sigh of relief! At this time, he realized that his body seemed to be something wrong. It was very light and comfortable. His injury did not hurt at all. His dantian was also full as never before. His internal strength seemed to have skyrocketed a lot overnight. what happened?

This reminded him of his previous memories. He remembered that he blinded Xi Chuanhou's eyes and shot him in the palm of his own hand, so he contracted the poison.

The poison was terrible and the reaction was violent. He couldn't remember what happened afterwards. It seemed that Lin Lang killed Xichuanhou. Then what?

He thought deeply, but what he remembered next were all scarlet fragments, like dreams and illusions, like falling into a sea of ​​clouds.

Is that a dream?

But how can there be such a real experience in the dream? He clearly remembered what happened, although it was not real, it did exist.

But how could this not be a dream?

Lin Lang is a man, but in his dream, she is a woman who is all over the country.

Qin Jue shook his head, feeling that the greatest possibility right now was that he was affected by the poison.

Charm poison invaded his mind and knew what he wanted, that's why he had such an illusion.

But if all this is an illusion, where does his inner strength come from?

In the memory, it was Lin Lang who used a special method to reverse his internal force. If all this were a dream, how could his internal force explain?

But Xiaoxi only said that Lin Lang has the ability to plunder other people's internal strength, but did not say that she could still give...

The more Qin Jue thought about it, the more he couldn't calm down, his gaze finally fell on Xie Linlang.

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